// flight.cxx -- a general interface to the various flight models // // Written by Curtis Olson, started May 1997. // // Copyright (C) 1997 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <plib/sg.h> #include <simgear/constants.h> #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx> #include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/model/placement.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/material/mat.hxx> #include <simgear/timing/timestamp.hxx> #include <Scenery/scenery.hxx> #include <Main/globals.hxx> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <FDM/groundcache.hxx> #include "flight.hxx" // base_fdm_state is the internal state that is updated in integer // multiples of "dt". This leads to "jitter" with respect to the real // world time, so we introduce cur_fdm_state which is extrapolated by // the difference between sim time and real world time FGInterface *cur_fdm_state = 0; FGInterface base_fdm_state; inline void init_vec(FG_VECTOR_3 vec) { vec[0] = 0.0; vec[1] = 0.0; vec[2] = 0.0; } // Constructor FGInterface::FGInterface() : remainder(0) { _setup(); } FGInterface::FGInterface( double dt ) : remainder(0) { _setup(); } // Destructor FGInterface::~FGInterface() { // unbind(); // FIXME: should be called explicitly } int FGInterface::_calc_multiloop (double dt) { int hz = fgGetInt("/sim/model-hz"); int speedup = fgGetInt("/sim/speed-up"); dt += remainder; remainder = 0; double ml = dt * hz; // Avoid roundoff problems by adding the roundoff itself. // ... ok, two times the roundoff to have enough room. int multiloop = int(floor(ml * (1.0 + 2.0*DBL_EPSILON))); remainder = (ml - multiloop) / hz; return (multiloop * speedup); } /** * Set default values for the state of the FDM. * * This method is invoked by the constructors. */ void FGInterface::_setup () { inited = false; bound = false; init_vec( d_pilot_rp_body_v ); init_vec( d_cg_rp_body_v ); init_vec( f_body_total_v ); init_vec( f_local_total_v ); init_vec( f_aero_v ); init_vec( f_engine_v ); init_vec( f_gear_v ); init_vec( m_total_rp_v ); init_vec( m_total_cg_v ); init_vec( m_aero_v ); init_vec( m_engine_v ); init_vec( m_gear_v ); init_vec( v_dot_local_v ); init_vec( v_dot_body_v ); init_vec( a_cg_body_v ); init_vec( a_pilot_body_v ); init_vec( n_cg_body_v ); init_vec( n_pilot_body_v ); init_vec( omega_dot_body_v ); init_vec( v_local_v ); init_vec( v_local_rel_ground_v ); init_vec( v_local_airmass_v ); init_vec( v_local_rel_airmass_v ); init_vec( v_local_gust_v ); init_vec( v_wind_body_v ); init_vec( omega_body_v ); init_vec( omega_local_v ); init_vec( omega_total_v ); init_vec( euler_rates_v ); init_vec( geocentric_rates_v ); init_vec( geocentric_position_v ); init_vec( geodetic_position_v ); init_vec( euler_angles_v ); init_vec( d_cg_rwy_local_v ); init_vec( d_cg_rwy_rwy_v ); init_vec( d_pilot_rwy_local_v ); init_vec( d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v ); init_vec( t_local_to_body_m[0] ); init_vec( t_local_to_body_m[1] ); init_vec( t_local_to_body_m[2] ); mass=i_xx=i_yy=i_zz=i_xz=0; nlf=0; v_rel_wind=v_true_kts=v_rel_ground=v_inertial=0; v_ground_speed=v_equiv=v_equiv_kts=0; v_calibrated=v_calibrated_kts=0; gravity=0; centrifugal_relief=0; alpha=beta=alpha_dot=beta_dot=0; cos_alpha=sin_alpha=cos_beta=sin_beta=0; cos_phi=sin_phi=cos_theta=sin_theta=cos_psi=sin_psi=0; gamma_vert_rad=gamma_horiz_rad=0; sigma=density=v_sound=mach_number=0; static_pressure=total_pressure=impact_pressure=0; dynamic_pressure=0; static_temperature=total_temperature=0; sea_level_radius=earth_position_angle=0; runway_altitude=runway_latitude=runway_longitude=0; runway_heading=0; radius_to_rwy=0; climb_rate=0; sin_lat_geocentric=cos_lat_geocentric=0; sin_latitude=cos_latitude=0; sin_longitude=cos_longitude=0; altitude_agl=0; } void FGInterface::init () {} /** * Initialize the state of the FDM. * * Subclasses of FGInterface may do their own, additional initialization, * but there is some that is common to all. Normally, they should call * this before they begin their own init to make sure the basic structures * are set up properly. */ void FGInterface::common_init () { SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "Start common FDM init" ); set_inited( true ); // stamp(); // set_remainder( 0 ); // Set initial position SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "...initializing position..." ); double lon = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg") * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double lat = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg") * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double alt_ft = fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/altitude-ft"); double alt_m = alt_ft * SG_FEET_TO_METER; set_Longitude( lon ); set_Latitude( lat ); SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "Checking for lon = " << lon*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << "deg, lat = " << lat*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << "deg, alt = " << alt_ft << "ft"); double ground_elev_m = get_groundlevel_m(lat, lon, alt_m); double ground_elev_ft = ground_elev_m * SG_METER_TO_FEET; _set_Runway_altitude ( ground_elev_ft ); if ( fgGetBool("/sim/presets/onground") || alt_ft < ground_elev_ft ) { fgSetDouble("/position/altitude-ft", ground_elev_ft + 0.1); set_Altitude( ground_elev_ft + 0.1); } else { set_Altitude( alt_ft ); } // Set ground elevation SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "...initializing ground elevation to " << ground_elev_ft << "ft..." ); // Set sea-level radius SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "...initializing sea-level radius..." ); SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " lat = " << fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg") << " alt = " << get_Altitude() ); double sea_level_radius_meters; double lat_geoc; sgGeodToGeoc( fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg") * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, get_Altitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER, &sea_level_radius_meters, &lat_geoc ); _set_Sea_level_radius( sea_level_radius_meters * SG_METER_TO_FEET ); // Set initial velocities SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "...initializing velocities..." ); if ( !fgHasNode("/sim/presets/speed-set") ) { set_V_calibrated_kts(0.0); } else { const string speedset = fgGetString("/sim/presets/speed-set"); if ( speedset == "knots" || speedset == "KNOTS" ) { set_V_calibrated_kts( fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/airspeed-kt") ); } else if ( speedset == "mach" || speedset == "MACH" ) { set_Mach_number( fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/mach") ); } else if ( speedset == "UVW" || speedset == "uvw" ) { set_Velocities_Wind_Body( fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/uBody-fps"), fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/vBody-fps"), fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/wBody-fps") ); } else if ( speedset == "NED" || speedset == "ned" ) { set_Velocities_Local( fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-north-fps"), fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-east-fps"), fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-down-fps") ); } else { SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "Unrecognized value for /sim/presets/speed-set: " << speedset); set_V_calibrated_kts( 0.0 ); } } // Set initial Euler angles SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "...initializing Euler angles..." ); set_Euler_Angles( fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/roll-deg") * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/pitch-deg") * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, fgGetDouble("/sim/presets/heading-deg") * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ); SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "End common FDM init" ); } /** * Bind getters and setters to properties. * * The bind() method will be invoked after init(). Note that unlike * the usual implementations of FGSubsystem::bind(), this method does * not automatically pick up existing values for the properties at * bind time; instead, all values are set explicitly in the init() * method. */ void FGInterface::bind () { bound = true; // Time management (read-only) // fgTie("/fdm/time/delta_t", this, // &FGInterface::get_delta_t); // read-only // fgTie("/fdm/time/elapsed", this, // &FGInterface::get_elapsed); // read-only // fgTie("/fdm/time/remainder", this, // &FGInterface::get_remainder); // read-only // fgTie("/fdm/time/multi_loop", this, // &FGInterface::get_multi_loop); // read-only // Aircraft position fgTie("/position/latitude-deg", this, &FGInterface::get_Latitude_deg, &FGInterface::set_Latitude_deg, false); fgSetArchivable("/position/latitude-deg"); fgTie("/position/longitude-deg", this, &FGInterface::get_Longitude_deg, &FGInterface::set_Longitude_deg, false); fgSetArchivable("/position/longitude-deg"); fgTie("/position/altitude-ft", this, &FGInterface::get_Altitude, &FGInterface::set_Altitude, false); fgSetArchivable("/position/altitude-ft"); fgTie("/position/altitude-agl-ft", this, &FGInterface::get_Altitude_AGL); // read-only fgSetArchivable("/position/ground-elev-ft"); fgTie("/position/ground-elev-ft", this, &FGInterface::get_Runway_altitude); // read-only fgSetArchivable("/position/ground-elev-m"); fgTie("/position/ground-elev-m", this, &FGInterface::get_Runway_altitude_m); // read-only fgTie("/environment/ground-elevation-m", this, &FGInterface::get_Runway_altitude_m); // read-only fgSetArchivable("/position/sea-level-radius-ft"); fgTie("/position/sea-level-radius-ft", this, &FGInterface::get_Sea_level_radius); // read-only // Orientation fgTie("/orientation/roll-deg", this, &FGInterface::get_Phi_deg, &FGInterface::set_Phi_deg); fgSetArchivable("/orientation/roll-deg"); fgTie("/orientation/pitch-deg", this, &FGInterface::get_Theta_deg, &FGInterface::set_Theta_deg); fgSetArchivable("/orientation/pitch-deg"); fgTie("/orientation/heading-deg", this, &FGInterface::get_Psi_deg, &FGInterface::set_Psi_deg); fgSetArchivable("/orientation/heading-deg"); // Body-axis "euler rates" (rotation speed, but in a funny // representation). fgTie("/orientation/roll-rate-degps", this, &FGInterface::get_Phi_dot_degps); fgTie("/orientation/pitch-rate-degps", this, &FGInterface::get_Theta_dot_degps); fgTie("/orientation/yaw-rate-degps", this, &FGInterface::get_Psi_dot_degps); // Calibrated airspeed fgTie("/velocities/airspeed-kt", this, &FGInterface::get_V_calibrated_kts, &FGInterface::set_V_calibrated_kts, false); // Mach number fgTie("/velocities/mach", this, &FGInterface::get_Mach_number, &FGInterface::set_Mach_number, false); // Local velocities // fgTie("/velocities/speed-north-fps", this, // &FGInterface::get_V_north, // &FGInterface::set_V_north); // fgSetArchivable("/velocities/speed-north-fps"); // fgTie("/velocities/speed-east-fps", this, // &FGInterface::get_V_east, // &FGInterface::set_V_east); // fgSetArchivable("/velocities/speed-east-fps"); // fgTie("/velocities/speed-down-fps", this, // &FGInterface::get_V_down, // &FGInterface::set_V_down); // fgSetArchivable("/velocities/speed-down-fps"); // FIXME: Temporarily read-only, until the // incompatibilities between JSBSim and // LaRCSim are fixed (LaRCSim adds the // earth's rotation to the east velocity). fgTie("/velocities/speed-north-fps", this, &FGInterface::get_V_north); fgTie("/velocities/speed-east-fps", this, &FGInterface::get_V_east); fgTie("/velocities/speed-down-fps", this, &FGInterface::get_V_down); // Relative wind // FIXME: temporarily archivable, until // the NED problem is fixed. fgTie("/velocities/uBody-fps", this, &FGInterface::get_uBody, &FGInterface::set_uBody, false); fgSetArchivable("/velocities/uBody-fps"); fgTie("/velocities/vBody-fps", this, &FGInterface::get_vBody, &FGInterface::set_vBody, false); fgSetArchivable("/velocities/vBody-fps"); fgTie("/velocities/wBody-fps", this, &FGInterface::get_wBody, &FGInterface::set_wBody, false); fgSetArchivable("/velocities/wBody-fps"); // Climb and slip (read-only) fgTie("/velocities/vertical-speed-fps", this, &FGInterface::get_Climb_Rate, &FGInterface::set_Climb_Rate ); fgTie("/velocities/glideslope", this, &FGInterface::get_Gamma_vert_rad, &FGInterface::set_Gamma_vert_rad ); fgTie("/orientation/side-slip-rad", this, &FGInterface::get_Beta); // read-only fgTie("/orientation/side-slip-deg", this, &FGInterface::get_Beta_deg); // read-only fgTie("/orientation/alpha-deg", this, &FGInterface::get_Alpha_deg); // read-only fgTie("/accelerations/nlf", this, &FGInterface::get_Nlf); // read-only // NED accelerations fgTie("/accelerations/ned/north-accel-fps_sec", this, &FGInterface::get_V_dot_north); fgTie("/accelerations/ned/east-accel-fps_sec", this, &FGInterface::get_V_dot_east); fgTie("/accelerations/ned/down-accel-fps_sec", this, &FGInterface::get_V_dot_down); // Pilot accelerations fgTie("/accelerations/pilot/x-accel-fps_sec", this, &FGInterface::get_A_X_pilot); fgTie("/accelerations/pilot/y-accel-fps_sec", this, &FGInterface::get_A_Y_pilot); fgTie("/accelerations/pilot/z-accel-fps_sec", this, &FGInterface::get_A_Z_pilot); } /** * Unbind any properties bound to this FDM. * * This method allows the FDM to release properties so that a new * FDM can bind them instead. */ void FGInterface::unbind () { bound = false; // fgUntie("/fdm/time/delta_t"); // fgUntie("/fdm/time/elapsed"); // fgUntie("/fdm/time/remainder"); // fgUntie("/fdm/time/multi_loop"); fgUntie("/position/latitude-deg"); fgUntie("/position/longitude-deg"); fgUntie("/position/altitude-ft"); fgUntie("/position/altitude-agl-ft"); fgUntie("/position/ground-elev-ft"); fgUntie("/position/ground-elev-m"); fgUntie("/environment/ground-elevation-m"); fgUntie("/position/sea-level-radius-ft"); fgUntie("/orientation/roll-deg"); fgUntie("/orientation/pitch-deg"); fgUntie("/orientation/heading-deg"); fgUntie("/orientation/roll-rate-degps"); fgUntie("/orientation/pitch-rate-degps"); fgUntie("/orientation/yaw-rate-degps"); fgUntie("/orientation/side-slip-rad"); fgUntie("/orientation/side-slip-deg"); fgUntie("/orientation/alpha-deg"); fgUntie("/velocities/airspeed-kt"); fgUntie("/velocities/mach"); fgUntie("/velocities/speed-north-fps"); fgUntie("/velocities/speed-east-fps"); fgUntie("/velocities/speed-down-fps"); fgUntie("/velocities/uBody-fps"); fgUntie("/velocities/vBody-fps"); fgUntie("/velocities/wBody-fps"); fgUntie("/velocities/vertical-speed-fps"); fgUntie("/velocities/glideslope"); fgUntie("/accelerations/nlf"); fgUntie("/accelerations/pilot/x-accel-fps_sec"); fgUntie("/accelerations/pilot/y-accel-fps_sec"); fgUntie("/accelerations/pilot/z-accel-fps_sec"); fgUntie("/accelerations/ned/north-accel-fps_sec"); fgUntie("/accelerations/ned/east-accel-fps_sec"); fgUntie("/accelerations/ned/down-accel-fps_sec"); } /** * Update the state of the FDM (i.e. run the equations of motion). */ void FGInterface::update (double dt) { SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "dummy update() ... SHOULDN'T BE CALLED!"); } void FGInterface::_updateGeodeticPosition( double lat, double lon, double alt ) { double lat_geoc, sl_radius; // cout << "starting sea level rad = " << get_Sea_level_radius() << endl; sgGeodToGeoc( lat, alt * SG_FEET_TO_METER, &sl_radius, &lat_geoc ); SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_DEBUG, "lon = " << lon << " lat_geod = " << lat << " lat_geoc = " << lat_geoc << " alt = " << alt << " sl_radius = " << sl_radius * SG_METER_TO_FEET << " Equator = " << SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_FT ); _set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, lon, sl_radius * SG_METER_TO_FEET + alt ); _set_Geodetic_Position( lat, lon, alt ); _set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius * SG_METER_TO_FEET ); _update_ground_elev_at_pos(); _set_sin_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc ); _set_cos_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc ); _set_sin_cos_longitude( lon ); _set_sin_cos_latitude( lat ); } void FGInterface::_updateGeocentricPosition( double lat_geoc, double lon, double alt ) { double lat_geod, tmp_alt, sl_radius1, sl_radius2, tmp_lat_geoc; // cout << "starting sea level rad = " << get_Sea_level_radius() << endl; sgGeocToGeod( lat_geoc, ( get_Sea_level_radius() + alt ) * SG_FEET_TO_METER, &lat_geod, &tmp_alt, &sl_radius1 ); sgGeodToGeoc( lat_geod, alt * SG_FEET_TO_METER, &sl_radius2, &tmp_lat_geoc ); SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_DEBUG, "lon = " << lon << " lat_geod = " << lat_geod << " lat_geoc = " << lat_geoc << " alt = " << alt << " tmp_alt = " << tmp_alt * SG_METER_TO_FEET << " sl_radius1 = " << sl_radius1 * SG_METER_TO_FEET << " sl_radius2 = " << sl_radius2 * SG_METER_TO_FEET << " Equator = " << SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_FT ); _set_Geocentric_Position( lat_geoc, lon, sl_radius2 * SG_METER_TO_FEET + alt ); _set_Geodetic_Position( lat_geod, lon, alt ); _set_Sea_level_radius( sl_radius2 * SG_METER_TO_FEET ); _update_ground_elev_at_pos(); _set_sin_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc ); _set_cos_lat_geocentric( lat_geoc ); _set_sin_cos_longitude( lon ); _set_sin_cos_latitude( lat_geod ); } void FGInterface::_update_ground_elev_at_pos( void ) { double lat = get_Latitude(); double lon = get_Longitude(); double alt_m = get_Altitude()*SG_FEET_TO_METER; double groundlevel_m = get_groundlevel_m(lat, lon, alt_m); _set_Runway_altitude( groundlevel_m * SG_METER_TO_FEET ); } // Extrapolate fdm based on time_offset (in usec) void FGInterface::extrapolate( int time_offset ) { double dt = time_offset / 1000000.0; // -dw- metrowerks complains about ambiguous access, not critical // to keep this ;) #ifndef __MWERKS__ SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, "extrapolating FDM by dt = " << dt); #endif double lat = geodetic_position_v[0] + geocentric_rates_v[0] * dt; double lat_geoc = geocentric_position_v[0] + geocentric_rates_v[0] * dt; double lon = geodetic_position_v[1] + geocentric_rates_v[1] * dt; double lon_geoc = geocentric_position_v[1] + geocentric_rates_v[1] * dt; double alt = geodetic_position_v[2] + geocentric_rates_v[2] * dt; double radius = geocentric_position_v[2] + geocentric_rates_v[2] * dt; geodetic_position_v[0] = lat; geocentric_position_v[0] = lat_geoc; geodetic_position_v[1] = lon; geocentric_position_v[1] = lon_geoc; geodetic_position_v[2] = alt; geocentric_position_v[2] = radius; } // Positions void FGInterface::set_Latitude(double lat) { geodetic_position_v[0] = lat; } void FGInterface::set_Longitude(double lon) { geodetic_position_v[1] = lon; } void FGInterface::set_Altitude(double alt) { geodetic_position_v[2] = alt; } void FGInterface::set_AltitudeAGL(double altagl) { altitude_agl=altagl; } // Velocities void FGInterface::set_V_calibrated_kts(double vc) { v_calibrated_kts = vc; } void FGInterface::set_Mach_number(double mach) { mach_number = mach; } void FGInterface::set_Velocities_Local( double north, double east, double down ){ v_local_v[0] = north; v_local_v[1] = east; v_local_v[2] = down; } void FGInterface::set_Velocities_Wind_Body( double u, double v, double w){ v_wind_body_v[0] = u; v_wind_body_v[1] = v; v_wind_body_v[2] = w; } // Euler angles void FGInterface::set_Euler_Angles( double phi, double theta, double psi ) { euler_angles_v[0] = phi; euler_angles_v[1] = theta; euler_angles_v[2] = psi; } // Flight Path void FGInterface::set_Climb_Rate( double roc) { climb_rate = roc; } void FGInterface::set_Gamma_vert_rad( double gamma) { gamma_vert_rad = gamma; } void FGInterface::set_Static_pressure(double p) { static_pressure = p; } void FGInterface::set_Static_temperature(double T) { static_temperature = T; } void FGInterface::set_Density(double rho) { density = rho; } void FGInterface::set_Velocities_Local_Airmass (double wnorth, double weast, double wdown ) { v_local_airmass_v[0] = wnorth; v_local_airmass_v[1] = weast; v_local_airmass_v[2] = wdown; } void FGInterface::_busdump(void) { SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"d_pilot_rp_body_v[3]: " << d_pilot_rp_body_v[0] << ", " << d_pilot_rp_body_v[1] << ", " << d_pilot_rp_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"d_cg_rp_body_v[3]: " << d_cg_rp_body_v[0] << ", " << d_cg_rp_body_v[1] << ", " << d_cg_rp_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"f_body_total_v[3]: " << f_body_total_v[0] << ", " << f_body_total_v[1] << ", " << f_body_total_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"f_local_total_v[3]: " << f_local_total_v[0] << ", " << f_local_total_v[1] << ", " << f_local_total_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"f_aero_v[3]: " << f_aero_v[0] << ", " << f_aero_v[1] << ", " << f_aero_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"f_engine_v[3]: " << f_engine_v[0] << ", " << f_engine_v[1] << ", " << f_engine_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"f_gear_v[3]: " << f_gear_v[0] << ", " << f_gear_v[1] << ", " << f_gear_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"m_total_rp_v[3]: " << m_total_rp_v[0] << ", " << m_total_rp_v[1] << ", " << m_total_rp_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"m_total_cg_v[3]: " << m_total_cg_v[0] << ", " << m_total_cg_v[1] << ", " << m_total_cg_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"m_aero_v[3]: " << m_aero_v[0] << ", " << m_aero_v[1] << ", " << m_aero_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"m_engine_v[3]: " << m_engine_v[0] << ", " << m_engine_v[1] << ", " << m_engine_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"m_gear_v[3]: " << m_gear_v[0] << ", " << m_gear_v[1] << ", " << m_gear_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_dot_local_v[3]: " << v_dot_local_v[0] << ", " << v_dot_local_v[1] << ", " << v_dot_local_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_dot_body_v[3]: " << v_dot_body_v[0] << ", " << v_dot_body_v[1] << ", " << v_dot_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"a_cg_body_v[3]: " << a_cg_body_v[0] << ", " << a_cg_body_v[1] << ", " << a_cg_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"a_pilot_body_v[3]: " << a_pilot_body_v[0] << ", " << a_pilot_body_v[1] << ", " << a_pilot_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"n_cg_body_v[3]: " << n_cg_body_v[0] << ", " << n_cg_body_v[1] << ", " << n_cg_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"n_pilot_body_v[3]: " << n_pilot_body_v[0] << ", " << n_pilot_body_v[1] << ", " << n_pilot_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"omega_dot_body_v[3]: " << omega_dot_body_v[0] << ", " << omega_dot_body_v[1] << ", " << omega_dot_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_local_v[3]: " << v_local_v[0] << ", " << v_local_v[1] << ", " << v_local_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_local_rel_ground_v[3]: " << v_local_rel_ground_v[0] << ", " << v_local_rel_ground_v[1] << ", " << v_local_rel_ground_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_local_airmass_v[3]: " << v_local_airmass_v[0] << ", " << v_local_airmass_v[1] << ", " << v_local_airmass_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_local_rel_airmass_v[3]: " << v_local_rel_airmass_v[0] << ", " << v_local_rel_airmass_v[1] << ", " << v_local_rel_airmass_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_local_gust_v[3]: " << v_local_gust_v[0] << ", " << v_local_gust_v[1] << ", " << v_local_gust_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_wind_body_v[3]: " << v_wind_body_v[0] << ", " << v_wind_body_v[1] << ", " << v_wind_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"omega_body_v[3]: " << omega_body_v[0] << ", " << omega_body_v[1] << ", " << omega_body_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"omega_local_v[3]: " << omega_local_v[0] << ", " << omega_local_v[1] << ", " << omega_local_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"omega_total_v[3]: " << omega_total_v[0] << ", " << omega_total_v[1] << ", " << omega_total_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"euler_rates_v[3]: " << euler_rates_v[0] << ", " << euler_rates_v[1] << ", " << euler_rates_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"geocentric_rates_v[3]: " << geocentric_rates_v[0] << ", " << geocentric_rates_v[1] << ", " << geocentric_rates_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"geocentric_position_v[3]: " << geocentric_position_v[0] << ", " << geocentric_position_v[1] << ", " << geocentric_position_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"geodetic_position_v[3]: " << geodetic_position_v[0] << ", " << geodetic_position_v[1] << ", " << geodetic_position_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"euler_angles_v[3]: " << euler_angles_v[0] << ", " << euler_angles_v[1] << ", " << euler_angles_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"d_cg_rwy_local_v[3]: " << d_cg_rwy_local_v[0] << ", " << d_cg_rwy_local_v[1] << ", " << d_cg_rwy_local_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[3]: " << d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[0] << ", " << d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[1] << ", " << d_cg_rwy_rwy_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"d_pilot_rwy_local_v[3]: " << d_pilot_rwy_local_v[0] << ", " << d_pilot_rwy_local_v[1] << ", " << d_pilot_rwy_local_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[3]: " << d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[0] << ", " << d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[1] << ", " << d_pilot_rwy_rwy_v[2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"t_local_to_body_m[0][3]: " << t_local_to_body_m[0][0] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[0][1] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[0][2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"t_local_to_body_m[1][3]: " << t_local_to_body_m[1][0] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[1][1] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[1][2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"t_local_to_body_m[2][3]: " << t_local_to_body_m[2][0] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[2][1] << ", " << t_local_to_body_m[2][2]); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"mass: " << mass ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"i_xx: " << i_xx ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"i_yy: " << i_yy ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"i_zz: " << i_zz ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"i_xz: " << i_xz ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"nlf: " << nlf ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_rel_wind: " << v_rel_wind ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_true_kts: " << v_true_kts ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_rel_ground: " << v_rel_ground ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_inertial: " << v_inertial ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_ground_speed: " << v_ground_speed ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_equiv: " << v_equiv ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_equiv_kts: " << v_equiv_kts ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_calibrated: " << v_calibrated ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_calibrated_kts: " << v_calibrated_kts ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"gravity: " << gravity ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"centrifugal_relief: " << centrifugal_relief ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"alpha: " << alpha ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"beta: " << beta ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"alpha_dot: " << alpha_dot ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"beta_dot: " << beta_dot ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"cos_alpha: " << cos_alpha ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sin_alpha: " << sin_alpha ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"cos_beta: " << cos_beta ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sin_beta: " << sin_beta ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"cos_phi: " << cos_phi ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sin_phi: " << sin_phi ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"cos_theta: " << cos_theta ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sin_theta: " << sin_theta ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"cos_psi: " << cos_psi ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sin_psi: " << sin_psi ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"gamma_vert_rad: " << gamma_vert_rad ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"gamma_horiz_rad: " << gamma_horiz_rad ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sigma: " << sigma ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"density: " << density ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"v_sound: " << v_sound ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"mach_number: " << mach_number ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"static_pressure: " << static_pressure ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"total_pressure: " << total_pressure ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"impact_pressure: " << impact_pressure ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"dynamic_pressure: " << dynamic_pressure ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"static_temperature: " << static_temperature ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"total_temperature: " << total_temperature ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sea_level_radius: " << sea_level_radius ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"earth_position_angle: " << earth_position_angle ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"runway_altitude: " << runway_altitude ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"runway_latitude: " << runway_latitude ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"runway_longitude: " << runway_longitude ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"runway_heading: " << runway_heading ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"radius_to_rwy: " << radius_to_rwy ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"climb_rate: " << climb_rate ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sin_lat_geocentric: " << sin_lat_geocentric ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"cos_lat_geocentric: " << cos_lat_geocentric ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sin_longitude: " << sin_longitude ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"cos_longitude: " << cos_longitude ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"sin_latitude: " << sin_latitude ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"cos_latitude: " << cos_latitude ); SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"altitude_agl: " << altitude_agl ); } bool FGInterface::prepare_ground_cache_m(double ref_time, const double pt[3], double rad) { return ground_cache.prepare_ground_cache(ref_time, pt, rad); } bool FGInterface::prepare_ground_cache_ft(double ref_time, const double pt[3], double rad) { // Convert units and do the real work. sgdVec3 pt_ft; sgdScaleVec3( pt_ft, pt, SG_FEET_TO_METER ); return ground_cache.prepare_ground_cache(ref_time, pt_ft, rad*SG_FEET_TO_METER); } bool FGInterface::is_valid_m(double *ref_time, double pt[3], double *rad) { return ground_cache.is_valid(ref_time, pt, rad); } bool FGInterface::is_valid_ft(double *ref_time, double pt[3], double *rad) { // Convert units and do the real work. bool found_ground = ground_cache.is_valid(ref_time, pt, rad); sgdScaleVec3(pt, SG_METER_TO_FEET); *rad *= SG_METER_TO_FEET; return found_ground; } double FGInterface::get_cat_m(double t, const double pt[3], double end[2][3], double vel[2][3]) { return ground_cache.get_cat(t, pt, end, vel); } double FGInterface::get_cat_ft(double t, const double pt[3], double end[2][3], double vel[2][3]) { // Convert units and do the real work. sgdVec3 pt_m; sgdScaleVec3( pt_m, pt, SG_FEET_TO_METER ); double dist = ground_cache.get_cat(t, pt_m, end, vel); for (int k=0; k<2; ++k) { sgdScaleVec3( end[k], SG_METER_TO_FEET ); sgdScaleVec3( vel[k], SG_METER_TO_FEET ); } return dist*SG_METER_TO_FEET; } // Legacy interface just kept because of JSBSim bool FGInterface::get_agl_m(double t, const double pt[3], double contact[3], double normal[3], double vel[3], int *type, double *loadCapacity, double *frictionFactor, double *agl) { const SGMaterial* material; bool ret = ground_cache.get_agl(t, pt, 2.0, contact, normal, vel, type, &material, agl); if (material) { *loadCapacity = material->get_load_resistence(); *frictionFactor = material->get_friction_factor(); } else { *loadCapacity = DBL_MAX; *frictionFactor = 1.0; } return ret; } // Legacy interface just kept because of JSBSim bool FGInterface::get_agl_ft(double t, const double pt[3], double contact[3], double normal[3], double vel[3], int *type, double *loadCapacity, double *frictionFactor, double *agl) { // Convert units and do the real work. sgdVec3 pt_m; sgdScaleVec3( pt_m, pt, SG_FEET_TO_METER ); const SGMaterial* material; bool ret = ground_cache.get_agl(t, pt_m, 2.0, contact, normal, vel, type, &material, agl); // Convert units back ... sgdScaleVec3( contact, SG_METER_TO_FEET ); sgdScaleVec3( vel, SG_METER_TO_FEET ); *agl *= SG_METER_TO_FEET; // return material properties if available if (material) { // FIXME: convert units?? now pascal to lbf/ft^2 *loadCapacity = 0.020885434*material->get_load_resistence(); *frictionFactor = material->get_friction_factor(); } else { *loadCapacity = DBL_MAX; *frictionFactor = 1.0; } return ret; } bool FGInterface::get_agl_m(double t, const double pt[3], double max_altoff, double contact[3], double normal[3], double vel[3], int *type, const SGMaterial** material, double *agl) { return ground_cache.get_agl(t, pt, max_altoff, contact, normal, vel, type, material, agl); } bool FGInterface::get_agl_ft(double t, const double pt[3], double max_altoff, double contact[3], double normal[3], double vel[3], int *type, const SGMaterial** material, double *agl) { // Convert units and do the real work. sgdVec3 pt_m; sgdScaleVec3( pt_m, pt, SG_FEET_TO_METER ); bool ret = ground_cache.get_agl(t, pt_m, SG_FEET_TO_METER * max_altoff, contact, normal, vel, type, material, agl); // Convert units back ... sgdScaleVec3( contact, SG_METER_TO_FEET ); sgdScaleVec3( vel, SG_METER_TO_FEET ); *agl *= SG_METER_TO_FEET; return ret; } double FGInterface::get_groundlevel_m(double lat, double lon, double alt) { sgdVec3 pos, cpos; // Compute the cartesian position of the given lat/lon/alt. sgGeodToCart(lat, lon, alt, pos); // FIXME: how to handle t - ref_time differences ??? double ref_time, radius; // Prepare the ground cache for that position. if (!is_valid_m(&ref_time, cpos, &radius)) { bool ok = prepare_ground_cache_m(ref_time, pos, 10); /// This is most likely the case when the given altitude is /// too low, try with a new altitude of 10000m, that should be /// sufficient to find a ground level below everywhere on our planet if (!ok) { sgGeodToCart(lat, lon, 10000, pos); /// If there is still no ground, return sea level radius if (!prepare_ground_cache_m(ref_time, pos, 10)) return 0; } } else if (radius*radius <= sgdDistanceSquaredVec3(pos, cpos)) { /// We reuse the old radius value, but only if it is at least 10 Meters .. if (!(10 < radius)) // Well this strange compare is nan safe radius = 10; bool ok = prepare_ground_cache_m(ref_time, pos, radius); /// This is most likely the case when the given altitude is /// too low, try with a new altitude of 10000m, that should be /// sufficient to find a ground level below everywhere on our planet if (!ok) { sgGeodToCart(lat, lon, 10000, pos); /// If there is still no ground, return sea level radius if (!prepare_ground_cache_m(ref_time, pos, radius)) return 0; } } double contact[3], normal[3], vel[3], agl; int type; // Ignore the return value here, since it just tells us if // the returns stem from the groundcache or from the coarse // computations below the groundcache. The contact point is still something // valid, the normals and the other returns just contain some defaults. get_agl_m(ref_time, pos, 2.0, contact, normal, vel, &type, 0, &agl); Point3D geodPos = sgCartToGeod(Point3D(contact[0], contact[1], contact[2])); return geodPos.elev(); } bool FGInterface::caught_wire_m(double t, const double pt[4][3]) { return ground_cache.caught_wire(t, pt); } bool FGInterface::caught_wire_ft(double t, const double pt[4][3]) { // Convert units and do the real work. double pt_m[4][3]; for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) sgdScaleVec3(pt_m[i], pt[i], SG_FEET_TO_METER); return ground_cache.caught_wire(t, pt_m); } bool FGInterface::get_wire_ends_m(double t, double end[2][3], double vel[2][3]) { return ground_cache.get_wire_ends(t, end, vel); } bool FGInterface::get_wire_ends_ft(double t, double end[2][3], double vel[2][3]) { // Convert units and do the real work. bool ret = ground_cache.get_wire_ends(t, end, vel); for (int k=0; k<2; ++k) { sgdScaleVec3( end[k], SG_METER_TO_FEET ); sgdScaleVec3( vel[k], SG_METER_TO_FEET ); } return ret; } void FGInterface::release_wire(void) { ground_cache.release_wire(); } void fgToggleFDMdataLogging(void) { cur_fdm_state->ToggleDataLogging(); }