#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# Melchior FRANZ  < mfranz # aon : at >  Public Domain
# Older nVidia cards like the GF4 MX440 don't like UV faces
# where all cooridnates are equal, and thus don't have an area.
# This leads to grey spots that are constantly going on and off.
# The script fixes UV faces with 3 and 4 references by assigning
# a one (half)pixel sized area, and moves coordinates into the
# texture area if necessary.
use strict;
use POSIX qw(floor);

my $SELF = $0;
$SELF =~ s,.*\/,,;

my $VERBOSE = 0;
my $NOOP = 0;
my $TEXPATH = ".";

my $help = <<EOF;
	$SELF [-v] [-n] [-t <path>] <infile.ac >outfile.ac

	-h          this help
	-v          verbose output (also shows line numbers if used twice: -v -v)
	-n          dry run
	-t <path>   texture directory (default $TEXPATH)

	#           BAD    (face with identical UV coords; will be fixed)
	?           CHECK  (only two UV coordinates or more than 4; could be a problem)
	.           OK     (wrong coordinates, but no texture assigned; ignore)

my $PIXW = 0;
my $PIXH = 0;

sub fatal($) {
	die shift;

sub report($) {
	print STDERR shift;
	print STDERR "[$.] " if $VERBOSE > 1;

sub parse_args() {
	while (@ARGV) {
		my $arg = shift @ARGV;
		if ($arg eq '-h' or $arg eq '--help') {
			print STDERR $help;
			exit 0;

		} elsif ($arg eq '-v' or $arg eq '--verbose') {

		} elsif ($arg eq '-n' or $arg eq '--dry-run') {
			$NOOP = 1;

		} elsif ($arg eq '-t') {
			$arg = shift @ARGV;
			defined $arg or fatal('-t option without <text> argument');
			$TEXPATH = $arg;

sub sgisize($) {
	my $name = shift;
	my $i;
	-f $name or fatal("cannot find texture '$name'");
	-s $name > 512 or fatal("'$name' cannot be an SGI image (too small)");
	open(IMG, "<$name") || fatal("cannot open file '$name': $!");
	read(IMG, $i, 2);
	unpack("n", $i) == 474 or fatal("'$name' cannot be an SGI image (wrong magic number)");

	my ($x, $y);
	seek(IMG, 6, 0);
	read(IMG, $x, 2);
	read(IMG, $y, 2);
	close IMG or fatal("cannot close file '$name': $!");
	return (unpack("n", $x), unpack("n", $y));

# main()

print STDERR "\033[35mTEXTURE PATH: $TEXPATH\033[m" if $VERBOSE;

while (<>) {
	if (/^OBJECT /) {
		undef $TEXTURE;

	} elsif (/^name\s+(.*)/) {
		$OBJECTNAME =~ /"(.*)"/ and $OBJECTNAME = $1;
		print STDERR "\033[35;1m\nNAME: $OBJECTNAME\033[m " if $VERBOSE;

	} elsif (/^texture\s+(.*)/) {
		$TEXTURE = $1;
		$TEXTURE =~ /"(.*)"/ and $TEXTURE = $1;
		my ($WIDTH, $HEIGHT) = sgisize($TEXPATH . '/' . $TEXTURE);
		print STDERR "\033[33;1m\nTEXTURE: $TEXTURE  ($WIDTH x $HEIGHT)\033[m " if $VERBOSE;
		$PIXW = 1.0 / $WIDTH;
		$PIXH = 1.0 / $HEIGHT;

	} elsif (/^SURF /) {
		print $_ unless $NOOP;

		my $mat = <>;
		$mat =~ /^mat / or fatal("line $.: mat entry missing");
		print $mat unless $NOOP;

		my $refs = <>;
		$refs =~ /^refs\s+(\d+)/ or fatal("line $.: refs entry missing");
		print $refs unless $NOOP;
		my $n = $1;

		if ($n < 3 or $n > 4) {
			report("?") if $VERBOSE;
			unless ($NOOP) {
				print scalar(<>) foreach (0 .. $n);

		my (@ref0, @ref1, @ref2, @ref3);
		@ref0 = split /\s+/, <>;
		@ref1 = split /\s+/, <>;
		@ref2 = split /\s+/, <>;
		@ref3 = split /\s+/, <> if $n == 4;

		goto writeuv if $ref0[1] != $ref1[1] or $ref0[2] != $ref1[2] or $ref1[1] != $ref2[1] or $ref1[2] != $ref2[2];
		goto writeuv if $1 == 4 and ($ref2[1] != $ref3[1] or $ref2[2] != $ref3[2]);

		if (defined $TEXTURE) {
			report("#") if $VERBOSE;

			my ($x, $y) = @ref0[1, 2];

			$x = -0.5 if $x < -0.5;
			$x = 0.5 - $PIXW if $x > 0.5 - $PIXW;
			$y = -0.5 if $y < -0.5;
			$y = 0.5 - $PIXH if $y > 0.5 - $PIXH;

			$x -= $x - POSIX::floor($x / $PIXW) * $PIXW;
			$y -= $y - POSIX::floor($y / $PIXH) * $PIXH;

			$ref0[1] = $x, $ref0[2] = $y;
			$ref1[1] = $x + $PIXW;
			$ref2[1] = $x + $PIXW, $ref2[2] = $y + $PIXH;
			$ref3[2] = $y + $PIXH if $n == 4;

		} else {
			report(".") if $VERBOSE;

		unless ($NOOP) {
			print join " ", @ref0;
			print "\n";
			print join " ", @ref1;
			print "\n";
			print join " ", @ref2;
			print "\n";
			if ($n == 4) {
				print join " ", @ref3;
				print "\n";
	print unless $NOOP;

print STDERR "\n" if $VERBOSE;
exit 0;