// terrasync.cxx -- "JIT" scenery fetcher // // Written by Curtis Olson, started November 2002. // // Copyright (C) 2002 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H #include #endif #include // atoi() atof() abs() system() #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::cout; using std::endl; static string server = "scenery.flightgear.org"; static string source_module = "Scenery"; static string source_base = server + (string)"::" + source_module; static string dest_base = "/dest/scenery/dir"; // display usage static void usage( const string& prog ) { cout << "Usage: " << prog << " -p [ -s ] -d " << endl; } // parse message static void parse_message( const string &msg, int *lat, int *lon ) { double dlat, dlon; string text = msg; // find GGA string and advance to start of lat string::size_type pos = text.find( "$GPGGA" ); string tmp = text.substr( pos + 7 ); pos = text.find( "," ); tmp = tmp.substr( pos + 1 ); // cout << "-> " << tmp << endl; // find lat then advance to start of hemisphere pos = tmp.find( "," ); string lats = tmp.substr( 0, pos ); dlat = atof( lats.c_str() ) / 100.0; tmp = tmp.substr( pos + 1 ); // find N/S hemisphere and advance to start of lon if ( tmp.substr( 0, 1 ) == "S" ) { dlat = -dlat; } pos = tmp.find( "," ); tmp = tmp.substr( pos + 1 ); // find lon pos = tmp.find( "," ); string lons = tmp.substr( 0, pos ); dlon = atof( lons.c_str() ) / 100.0; tmp = tmp.substr( pos + 1 ); // find E/W hemisphere and advance to start of lon if ( tmp.substr( 0, 1 ) == "W" ) { dlon = -dlon; } if ( dlat < 0 ) { *lat = (int)dlat - 1; } else { *lat = (int)dlat; } if ( dlon < 0 ) { *lon = (int)dlon - 1; } else { *lon = (int)dlon; } } // sync area static void sync_area( int lat, int lon ) { char NS, EW; int baselat, baselon; if ( lat < 0 ) { int base = (int)(lat / 10); if ( lat == base * 10 ) { baselat = base * 10; } else { baselat = (base - 1) * 10; } NS = 's'; } else { baselat = (int)(lat / 10) * 10; NS = 'n'; } if ( lon < 0 ) { int base = (int)(lon / 10); if ( lon == base * 10 ) { baselon = base * 10; } else { baselon = (base - 1) * 10; } EW = 'w'; } else { baselon = (int)(lon / 10) * 10; EW = 'e'; } char command[512]; char container_dir[512]; char dir[512]; // Sync Terrain snprintf( container_dir, 512, "%s/Terrain/%c%03d%c%02d", dest_base.c_str(), EW, abs(baselon), NS, abs(baselat) ); snprintf( command, 512, "mkdir -p %s", container_dir ); cout << command << endl; system( command ); snprintf( dir, 512, "Terrain/%c%03d%c%02d/%c%03d%c%02d", EW, abs(baselon), NS, abs(baselat), EW, abs(lon), NS, abs(lat) ); snprintf( command, 512, "rsync --verbose --archive --delete --perms --owner --group %s/%s/ %s/%s", source_base.c_str(), dir, dest_base.c_str(), dir ); cout << command << endl; system( command ); // Sync Objects snprintf( container_dir, 512, "%s/Objects/%c%03d%c%02d", dest_base.c_str(), EW, abs(baselon), NS, abs(baselat) ); snprintf( command, 512, "mkdir -p %s", container_dir ); cout << command << endl; system( command ); snprintf( dir, 512, "Objects/%c%03d%c%02d/%c%03d%c%02d", EW, abs(baselon), NS, abs(baselat), EW, abs(lon), NS, abs(lat) ); snprintf( command, 512, "rsync --verbose --archive --delete --perms --owner --group %s/%s/ %s/%s", source_base.c_str(), dir, dest_base.c_str(), dir ); cout << command << endl; system( command ); } // sync areas static void sync_areas( int lat, int lon, int lat_dir, int lon_dir ) { // do current 1x1 degree area first sync_area( lat, lon ); if ( lat_dir == 0 && lon_dir == 0 ) { // now do surrounding 8 1x1 degree areas. for ( int i = lat - 1; i <= lat + 1; ++i ) { for ( int j = lon - 1; j <= lon + 1; ++j ) { if ( i != lat || j != lon ) { sync_area( i, j ); } } } } else { if ( lat_dir != 0 ) { sync_area( lat + lat_dir, lon ); sync_area( lat + lat_dir, lon - 1 ); sync_area( lat + lat_dir, lon + 1 ); } if ( lon_dir != 0 ) { sync_area( lat, lon + lon_dir ); sync_area( lat - 1, lon + lon_dir ); sync_area( lat + 1, lon + lon_dir ); } } } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int port = 5501; char host[256] = ""; // accept messages from anyone // parse arguments int i = 1; while ( i < argc ) { if ( (string)argv[i] == "-p" ) { ++i; port = atoi( argv[i] ); } else if ( (string)argv[i] == "-s" ) { ++i; source_base = argv[i]; } else if ( (string)argv[i] == "-d" ) { ++i; dest_base = argv[i]; } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit(-1); } ++i; } // Must call this before any other net stuff netInit( &argc,argv ); netSocket s; if ( ! s.open( false ) ) { // open a UDP socket printf("error opening socket\n"); return -1; } s.setBlocking( false ); if ( s.bind( host, port ) == -1 ) { printf("error binding to port %d\n", port); return -1; } char msg[256]; int maxlen = 256; int len; int lat, lon; int last_lat = -9999; int last_lon = -9999; bool recv_msg = false; while ( true ) { recv_msg = false; while ( (len = s.recv(msg, maxlen, 0)) >= 0 ) { msg[len] = '\0'; recv_msg = true; parse_message( msg, &lat, &lon ); cout << "pos = " << lat << "," << lon << endl; } if ( recv_msg ) { if ( lat != last_lat || lon != last_lon ) { int lat_dir, lon_dir, dist; if ( last_lat == -9999 || last_lon == -9999 ) { lat_dir = lon_dir = 0; } else { dist = lat - last_lat; if ( dist != 0 ) { lat_dir = dist / abs(dist); } else { lat_dir = 0; } dist = lon - last_lon; if ( dist != 0 ) { lon_dir = dist / abs(dist); } else { lon_dir = 0; } } cout << "lat = " << lat << " lon = " << lon << endl; cout << "lat_dir = " << lat_dir << " " << " lon_dir = " << lon_dir << endl; sync_areas( lat, lon, lat_dir, lon_dir ); } last_lat = lat; last_lon = lon; } ulSleep( 1 ); } return 0; }