#ifndef _MSC_VER // MSVC really needs a definition for wchar_t #define _WCHAR_T_DEFINED 1 // Glut needs this, or else it tries to // redefine it #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include <simgear/compiler.h> #include SG_GLUT_H #include <plib/pu.h> #include "fg_props.hxx" #include "fg_os.hxx" // // fg_os callback registration APIs // (These are not glut-specific) // static fgIdleHandler IdleHandler = 0; static fgDrawHandler DrawHandler = 0; static fgWindowResizeHandler WindowResizeHandler = 0; static fgKeyHandler KeyHandler = 0; static fgMouseClickHandler MouseClickHandler = 0; static fgMouseMotionHandler MouseMotionHandler = 0; void fgRegisterIdleHandler(fgIdleHandler func) { IdleHandler = func; } void fgRegisterDrawHandler(fgDrawHandler func) { DrawHandler = func; } void fgRegisterWindowResizeHandler(fgWindowResizeHandler func) { WindowResizeHandler = func; } void fgRegisterKeyHandler(fgKeyHandler func) { KeyHandler = func; } void fgRegisterMouseClickHandler(fgMouseClickHandler func) { MouseClickHandler = func; } void fgRegisterMouseMotionHandler(fgMouseMotionHandler func) { MouseMotionHandler = func; } // // Native glut callbacks. // These translate the glut event model into fg*Handler callbacks // static int GlutModifiers = 0; static void callKeyHandler(int k, int mods, int x, int y) { int puiup = mods & KEYMOD_RELEASED ? PU_UP : PU_DOWN; if(puKeyboard(k, puiup)) return; if(KeyHandler) (*KeyHandler)(k, mods, x, y); } static void GLUTmotion (int x, int y) { if(MouseMotionHandler) (*MouseMotionHandler)(x, y); } static void GLUTmouse (int button, int updown, int x, int y) { GlutModifiers = glutGetModifiers(); if(MouseClickHandler) (*MouseClickHandler)(button, updown, x, y); } static void GLUTspecialkeyup(int k, int x, int y) { GlutModifiers = glutGetModifiers(); callKeyHandler(256 + k, fgGetKeyModifiers() | KEYMOD_RELEASED, x, y); } static void GLUTspecialkey(int k, int x, int y) { GlutModifiers = glutGetModifiers(); callKeyHandler(256 + k, fgGetKeyModifiers(), x, y); } static void GLUTkeyup(unsigned char k, int x, int y) { GlutModifiers = glutGetModifiers(); callKeyHandler(k, fgGetKeyModifiers() | KEYMOD_RELEASED, x, y); } static void GLUTkey(unsigned char k, int x, int y) { GlutModifiers = glutGetModifiers(); callKeyHandler(k, fgGetKeyModifiers(), x, y); } static void GLUTidle() { if(IdleHandler) (*IdleHandler)(); } static void GLUTdraw() { if(DrawHandler) (*DrawHandler)(); glutSwapBuffers(); } static void GLUTreshape(int w, int h) { if(WindowResizeHandler) (*WindowResizeHandler)(w, h); } // // fg_os API definition // void fgOSInit(int* argc, char** argv) { glutInit(argc, argv); } void fgOSFullScreen() { glutFullScreen(); } void fgOSMainLoop() { glutMainLoop(); } void fgOSExit(int code) { exit(code); } static int CurrentCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_POINTER; int fgGetMouseCursor() { return CurrentCursor; } void fgSetMouseCursor(int cursor) { CurrentCursor = cursor; if (cursor == MOUSE_CURSOR_NONE) cursor = GLUT_CURSOR_NONE; else if(cursor == MOUSE_CURSOR_POINTER) cursor = GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT; else if(cursor == MOUSE_CURSOR_WAIT) cursor = GLUT_CURSOR_WAIT; else if(cursor == MOUSE_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR) cursor = GLUT_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR; else if(cursor == MOUSE_CURSOR_LEFTRIGHT) cursor = GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_RIGHT; // Otherwise, pass it through unchanged... glutSetCursor(cursor); } void fgWarpMouse(int x, int y) { glutWarpPointer(x, y); } int fgGetKeyModifiers() { int result = 0; if(GlutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT) result |= KEYMOD_SHIFT; if(GlutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL) result |= KEYMOD_CTRL; if(GlutModifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT) result |= KEYMOD_ALT; return result; } void fgRequestRedraw() { glutPostRedisplay(); } void fgOSOpenWindow(int w, int h, int bpp, bool alpha, bool stencil, bool fullscreen) { int mode = GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE; if(alpha) mode |= GLUT_ALPHA; if(stencil && bpp > 16) mode |= GLUT_STENCIL; glutInitDisplayMode(mode); glutInitWindowSize(w, h); if(!fgGetBool("/sim/startup/game-mode")) { glutCreateWindow("FlightGear"); } else { char game_mode_str[20]; SGPropertyNode *p = fgGetNode("/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz", false); if (p) { int hz = p->getIntValue(); snprintf(game_mode_str, 20, "%dx%d:%d@%d", w, h, bpp, hz); } else { snprintf(game_mode_str, 20, "%dx%d:%d", w, h, bpp); } glutGameModeString( game_mode_str ); glutEnterGameMode(); } // Register these here. Calling them before the window is open // crashes. glutMotionFunc(GLUTmotion); glutPassiveMotionFunc(GLUTmotion); glutMouseFunc(GLUTmouse); glutSpecialUpFunc(GLUTspecialkeyup); glutSpecialFunc(GLUTspecialkey); glutKeyboardUpFunc(GLUTkeyup); glutKeyboardFunc(GLUTkey); glutIdleFunc(GLUTidle); glutDisplayFunc(GLUTdraw); glutReshapeFunc(GLUTreshape); }