// puList.cxx - implementation of a scrolling list box. #include "puList.hxx" /** * Static function: handle slider movements. */ static void handle_slider (puObject * slider) { puListBox * box = (puListBox *)slider->getUserData(); int total = box->getNumItems(); int visible = box->getNumVisible(); // negative numbers are OK -- setTopItem() clamps anyway int index = int((total - visible) * (1.0 - slider->getFloatValue())); box->setTopItem(index); } /** * Static function: handle list entry clicks. */ static void handle_list_entry (puObject * listbox) { puListBox * box = (puListBox *)listbox->getUserData(); box->invokeCallback(); } /** * Static function: handle arrow clicks. */ static void handle_arrow (puObject * arrow) { puSlider * slider = (puSlider *)arrow->getUserData(); puListBox * list_box = (puListBox *)slider->getUserData(); int step; switch (((puArrowButton *)arrow)->getArrowType()) { case PUARROW_DOWN: step = 1; break; case PUARROW_UP: step = -1; break; default: step = 0; break; } int total = list_box->getNumItems(); int visible = list_box->getNumVisible(); int index = list_box->getTopItem(); list_box->setTopItem(index + step); // read back to get setTopItem()'s clamping index = list_box->getTopItem(); // negative numbers can't happen, as the buttons aren't visible then slider->setValue(1.0f - float(index)/(total-visible)); } puList::puList (int x, int y, int w, int h, int sl_width) : puGroup(x, y), _sw(sl_width) { type |= PUCLASS_LIST; init(w, h, 1); } puList::puList (int x, int y, int w, int h, char ** contents, int sl_width) : puGroup(x, y), _sw(sl_width) { type |= PUCLASS_LIST; init(w, h, 1); newList(contents); } puList::~puList () { } void puList::newList (char ** contents) { _list_box->newList(contents); _contents = contents; // new size calculation to consider slider visibility setSize(_width, _height); } char * puList::getListStringValue () { int i = _list_box->getIntegerValue(); return i < 0 ? 0 : _contents[i]; } int puList::getListIntegerValue() { return _list_box->getIntegerValue(); } void puList::init (int w, int h, short transparent) { if ( transparent ) _frame = NULL ; else _frame = new puFrame(0, 0, w, h); _list_box = new puListBox(0, 0, w-_sw, h); _list_box->setStyle(-PUSTYLE_SMALL_SHADED); _list_box->setUserData(this); _list_box->setCallback(handle_list_entry); _list_box->setValue(0); _slider = new puSlider(w-_sw, _sw, h-2*_sw, true, _sw); _slider->setValue(1.0f); _slider->setUserData(_list_box); _slider->setCallback(handle_slider); _slider->setCBMode(PUSLIDER_ALWAYS); _down_arrow = new puArrowButton(w-_sw, 0, w, _sw, PUARROW_DOWN) ; _down_arrow->setUserData(_slider); _down_arrow->setCallback(handle_arrow); _up_arrow = new puArrowButton(w-_sw, h-_sw, w, h, PUARROW_UP); _up_arrow->setUserData(_slider); _up_arrow->setCallback(handle_arrow); setSize(w, h); close(); } void puList::setColourScheme (float r, float g, float b, float a) { puObject::setColourScheme(r, g, b, a); _list_box->setColourScheme(r, g, b, a); } void puList::setColour (int which, float r, float g, float b, float a) { puObject::setColour(which, r, g, b, a); _list_box->setColour(which, r, g, b, a); } void puList::setTopItem( int top ) { int visible = _list_box->getNumVisible(); int num = _list_box->getNumItems(); if ( top < 0 || num <= visible ) top = 0 ; else if ( num > 0 && top > num-visible ) top = num-visible; _list_box->setTopItem(top) ; } void puList::setSize (int w, int h) { _width = w; _height = h; puObject::setSize(w, h); if (_frame) _frame->setSize(w, h); int total = _list_box->getNumItems(); int visible = _list_box->getNumVisible(); if (total > visible) { if (!_slider->isVisible()) { _slider->setValue(1.0f); _slider->reveal(); _up_arrow->reveal(); _down_arrow->reveal(); } _list_box->setSize(w-_sw, h); _slider->setPosition(w-_sw, _sw); _slider->setSize(_sw, h-2*_sw); _slider->setSliderFraction(float(visible) / total); _down_arrow->setPosition(w-_sw, 0); _up_arrow->setPosition(w-_sw, h-_sw); } else { if (_slider->isVisible()) { _slider->hide(); _up_arrow->hide(); _down_arrow->hide(); } _list_box->setSize(w, h); } } // end of puList.cxx