/***********************************************************/ /* FGD_COM.C by Oliver Delise */ /* Contact info: */ /* e-mail: delise@mail-isis.de */ /* www: http://www.online-club.de/~olk/progs/mmx-emu/ */ /* ftp: http://www.online-club.de/~olk/progs/flightgear */ /* */ /* Version 0.1-alpha */ /* The author of this program offers no waranty at all */ /* about the correct execution of this software material. */ /* Furthermore, the author can NOT be held responsible for */ /* any physical or moral damage caused by the use of this */ /* software. */ /* */ /* This is a standalone Tool to communicate with any */ /* FlightGear-Deamon. */ /* This is Open Source Software with many parts */ /* shamelessly stolen from others... */ /* */ /* -> This program will use a TCP port listening on a */ /* remote or local host inside the range you give to it.*/ /* I offer no warranty over the accuracy though :) */ /* There are 3 verbose modes: No info, service info, and*/ /* full info. No info is good of you only want the list */ /* of the ports, no more info. The best mode is Full */ /* info, as you get error information,etc. The main */ /* output is STDOUT, and ALL the errors go to STDERR. */ /* */ /* History: v0.1pre-alpha: May 25 1999 -> First release */ /* v0.1-alpha Nov 08 1999 */ /***********************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Netstuff */ int sock = -1; int my_sock; struct sockaddr_in address; struct sockaddr_in my_address; int result; extern char *sys_errlist[]; extern int errno; int current_port = 0; u_short base_port = 0; u_short end_port = 1024; int verbose = 0; struct hostent *host_info, *f_host_info; struct servent *service_info; struct utsname myname; /* Program-stuff */ int i; int fgd_len_msg = 1; size_t anz; char *buff; char *src_host, *fgd_host, fgfs_host; char *usage = "Usage:\n fgd_com [FGD host] [start port] [end port] [-v or -vv] [Commando] [FGFS host]\n"; void fgd_init(void){ bzero((char *)&address, sizeof(address)); address.sin_family = AF_INET; /* determinating the source/sending host */ if (uname(&myname) == 0) src_host = myname.nodename; printf("I'm running on HOST : %s\n", src_host); /* resolving the destination host, here fgd's host */ if (verbose == 2) printf("Resolving: %s ->", fgd_host); if (host_info = gethostbyname( fgd_host)) { bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length); if (verbose == 2) printf(" resolved\n"); } else if ((address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( fgd_host)) == INADDR_NONE) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not get %s host entry !\n", fgd_host); printf(" NOT resolved !!!\n"); exit(1); } else if (verbose == 2) printf(" address valid\n"); if ((base_port > end_port) || ((short)base_port < 0)) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad port range : start=%d end=%d !\n"); exit(1); } else if (verbose == 2) { printf("Port range: %d to %d\n",base_port,end_port); } } void fgd_send_com( char *FGD_com, char *FGFS_host) { current_port = base_port; printf("Sending : %s\n", FGD_com); while (current_port <= end_port) { /* fprintf(stderr,"Trying port: %d\n",current_port); */ sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error assigning master socket: %s\n",sys_errlist[errno]); exit(-1); } address.sin_port = htons(current_port); printf("address.sin_port : %d\n",htons(address.sin_port)); f_host_info = gethostbyname(src_host); //printf ("src_host : %s", ntohs(f_host_info->h_addr)); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address)) == 0) { // write( sock, FGD_com, 1); fgd_len_msg = (int) sizeof(f_host_info->h_addr); /* send length of sender-ip */ write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1); /* send sender-ip */ write( sock, f_host_info->h_addr, fgd_len_msg); /* send commando */ write( sock, FGD_com, 1); /* send length of dummy-string, for the moment with _WHO_ to execute commando here: his length of ip */ f_host_info = gethostbyname(FGFS_host); fgd_len_msg = (int) sizeof(f_host_info->h_addr); write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1); /* send dummy-string, for the moment with _WHO_ to execute commando here: his ip */ write( sock, f_host_info->h_addr, fgd_len_msg); printf(" Message : %s\n", FGD_com); switch (verbose) { case 0: printf("%d\n",current_port); break; case 1: service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp"); if (!service_info) { printf("%d -> service name unknown\n",current_port); } else { printf("%d -> %s\n",current_port,service_info->s_name); } break; case 2: service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp"); if (!service_info) { printf("Port %d found. Service name unknown\n",current_port); } else { printf("Port %d found. Service name: %s\n",current_port,service_info->s_name); } break; } } else if (errno == 113) { fprintf(stderr,"No route to host !\n"); exit(1); } /* fprintf(stderr,"Error %d connecting socket %d to port %d: %s\n", errno,sock,current_port,sys_errlist[errno]); */ close(sock); current_port++; } if (verbose == 2) printf("fgd_com terminated.\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 6) { fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(1); } printf("argc %d argv[5] %s\n",argc,argv[5]); switch (argc) { case 7: printf("fgd commando : %s\n",argv[5]); base_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[2]); end_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[3]); fgd_host = argv[1]; verbose = 2; break; case 5: if (!strcmp(argv[4],"-v")) verbose = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[4],"-vv")) verbose = 2; else { fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(1); } case 4: base_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[2]); end_port = (u_short)atoi(argv[3]); break; default: fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(1); break; } fgd_init(); fgd_send_com( argv[5], argv[6]); exit(0); }