// static.cxx - the static air system. // Written by David Megginson, started 2002. // // Last modified by Eric van den Berg, 09 Nov 2013 // This file is in the Public Domain and comes with no warranty. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "static.hxx" #include <string> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <Main/util.hxx> #include <simgear/constants.h> #include <simgear/math/SGMisc.hxx> #include <simgear/math/SGLimits.hxx> #include <simgear/math/SGMathFwd.hxx> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> StaticSystem::StaticSystem ( SGPropertyNode *node ) : _name(node->getStringValue("name", "static")), _num(node->getIntValue("number", 0)), _tau(SGMiscd::max(.0,node->getDoubleValue("tau", 1))), _error_factor(node->getDoubleValue("error-factor", 0)), _type(node->getIntValue("type", 0)) { } StaticSystem::~StaticSystem () { } void StaticSystem::init () { std::string branch = "/systems/" + _name; SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), _num, true ); _serviceable_node = node->getChild("serviceable", 0, true); _pressure_in_node = fgGetNode("/environment/pressure-inhg", true); _pressure_out_node = node->getChild("pressure-inhg", 0, true); _beta_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/side-slip-deg", true); _alpha_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/alpha-deg", true); _mach_node = fgGetNode("/velocities/mach", true); SG_CLAMP_RANGE(_error_factor,0.0,1.0); // making sure the error_factor is between 0 and 1 reinit(); } void StaticSystem::reinit () { // start with settled static pressure _pressure_out_node->setDoubleValue(_pressure_in_node->getDoubleValue()); } void StaticSystem::bind () { } void StaticSystem::unbind () { } void StaticSystem::update (double dt) { if (_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) { double p_new = _pressure_in_node->getDoubleValue(); //current static pressure around aircraft double p = _pressure_out_node->getDoubleValue(); //last pressure in aircraft static system double beta; double alpha; double mach; double trat = _tau ? dt/_tau : SGLimitsd::max(); double proj_factor = 0; double pt; double qc_part; if (_type == 1) { // type 1 = static pressure dependent on side-slip only: static port on the fuselage beta = _beta_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; proj_factor = sin(beta); } if (_type == 2) { // type 2 = static pressure dependent on aoa and side-slip: static port on the pitot tube alpha = _alpha_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; beta = _beta_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; proj_factor = sqrt( 1.0 - cos(beta)*cos(beta) * cos(alpha)*cos(alpha) ); } if ( (_type ==1) || (_type == 2) ) { mach = _mach_node->getDoubleValue(); pt = p_new * pow(1 + 0.2 * mach*mach*proj_factor*proj_factor, 3.5 ); //total pressure perpendicular to static port (=perpendicular to body x-axis) qc_part = (pt - p_new) * _error_factor ; //part of impact pressure to be added to static pressure (due to sideslip) p_new = p_new + qc_part; } _pressure_out_node->setDoubleValue( _tau > .0 ? fgGetLowPass(p, p_new, trat) : p_new ); //setting new pressure in static system } } // end of static.cxx