// do some test relating to the concept of "up" #include <iostream> #include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx> #include "testSGGeodesy.hxx" using std::cout; using std::endl; // The test-up unit test. void MathGeodesyTests::testUp() { // for each lat/lon given in goedetic coordinates, calculate // geocentric coordinates, cartesian coordinates, the local "up" // vector (based on original geodetic lat/lon), as well as the "Z" // intercept (for which 0 = center of earth) double lon = 0; double alt = 0; int i; const int n = 19; double lat[n] = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90}; // Hard coded expected results. double lat_geoc_expected[n] = { 0, 4.96669608700923, 9.93439421027913, 14.9040671396528, 19.8766298623747, 24.8529125604827, 29.8336358098291, 34.8193887023496, 39.8106105519284, 44.8075767840180, 49.8103895262907, 54.8189733092144, 59.8330761504926, 64.8522761370246, 69.8759934364236, 74.9035074740039, 79.9339788099657, 84.9664750566862, 90 }; double cart_expected[n][3] = { {6378137, 0, 0}, {6353866.26310279, 555891.26758132, 0}, {6281238.76737403, 1107551.86696002, 0}, {6160807.25190988, 1650783.32787306, 0}, {5993488.27326157, 2181451.33089075, 0}, {5780555.22988658, 2695517.17208404, 0}, {5523628.67081747, 3189068.5, 0}, {5224663.96230526, 3658349.09101875, 0}, {4885936.40630155, 4099787.43648327, 0}, {4510023.92403682, 4510023.92403682, 0}, {4099787.43648328, 4885936.40630155, 0}, {3658349.09101875, 5224663.96230526, 0}, {3189068.5, 5523628.67081747, 0}, {2695517.17208404, 5780555.22988658, 0}, {2181451.33089075, 5993488.27326157, 0}, {1650783.32787306, 6160807.25190988, 0}, {1107551.86696002, 6281238.76737403, 0}, {555891.26758132, 6353866.26310279, 0}, {3.90548253078665e-10, 6378137, 0} }; double up_expected[n][3] = { {6378137, 0, -0}, {6354027.82056206, 0, -552183.96002777}, {6281872.82960345, 0, -1100248.54773536}, {6162189.08803834, 0, -1640100.14019589}, {5995836.38389635, 0, -2167696.78782876}, {5784014.11472572, 0, -2679074.46295779}, {5528256.63929284, 0, -3170373.73538364}, {5230426.84020036, 0, -3637866.9093781}, {4892707.60007269, 0, -4077985.57220038}, {4517590.87884893, 0, -4487348.40886592}, {4107864.09120678, 0, -4862789.03770643}, {3666593.52237417, 0, -5201383.52320227}, {3197104.58692395, 0, -5500477.13393864}, {2702958.82600294, 0, -5757709.84149597}, {2187927.64927902, 0, -5971040.00711856}, {1655962.9523645, 0, -6138765.68235824}, {1111164.87081001, 0, -6259542.96102869}, {557747.059253584, 0, -6332400.86398617}, {3.91862092481447e-10, 0, -6356752.31424518} }; double geod_intercept[n] = { 0, 552169.92020293, 1100137.4939038, 1639732.35699488, 2166847.86675177, 2677472.35586416, 3167719.66364641, 3633858.71206688, 4072341.90150465, 4479832.11012469, 4853228.0913901, 5189688.07642079, 5486651.40157058, 5741857.99662372, 5953365.5852939, 6119564.46711958, 6239189.76825642, 6311331.06793104, 6335439.32729282 }; double geoc_intercept[n] = { 0, 552169.92020293, 1100137.4939038, 1639732.35699488, 2166847.86675177, 2677472.35586416, 3167719.66364641, 3633858.71206688, 4072341.90150465, 4479832.11012469, 4853228.0913901, 5189688.07642079, 5486651.40157058, 5741857.99662372, 5953365.5852939, 6119564.46711958, 6239189.76825642, 6311331.06793104, 6378137 // Sole difference with geod, due to truncation artifacts. }; for (i=0; i < n; i++) { cout << "lon = " << lon << " geod lat = " << lat[i]; double sl_radius, lat_geoc; sgGeodToGeoc( lat[i] * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, alt, &sl_radius, &lat_geoc ); cout << " geoc lat = " << lat_geoc * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(lat_geoc_expected[i], lat_geoc*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, 1e-10); double pc[3]; sgGeodToCart( lon * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, lat[i] * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, 0.0, pc ); cout << " cartesian = " << SGVec3d(pc[0], pc[1], pc[2]) << endl; for (int j=0; j < 3; j++) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(cart_expected[i][j], pc[j], 1e-7); SGGeod geod_up = SGGeod::fromDeg(lon, -lat[i]); SGVec3d geod_up_vect = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geod_up); cout << " geod up = " << geod_up_vect << endl; for (int j=0; j < 3; j++) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(up_expected[i][j], geod_up_vect[j], 1e-7); SGGeoc geoc_up = SGGeoc::fromGeod(geod_up); SGVec3d geoc_up_vect = SGVec3d::fromGeoc(geoc_up); cout << " geoc up = " << geoc_up_vect << endl; for (int j=0; j < 3; j++) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(up_expected[i][j], geoc_up_vect[j], 1e-7); double slope = geod_up_vect[2] / geod_up_vect[0]; double intercept = pc[2] - slope * pc[0]; cout << " Z intercept (based on geodetic up) = " << intercept << endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(geod_intercept[i], intercept, 1e-7); slope = geoc_up_vect[2] / geoc_up_vect[0]; intercept = pc[2] - slope * pc[0]; cout << " Z intercept (based on geocentric up) = " << intercept << endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(geoc_intercept[i], intercept, 1e-7); } }