 * Copyright (C) 2019 James Turner
 * This file is part of the program FlightGear.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "TestPilot.hxx"

#include <algorithm>

#include <simgear/math/SGGeodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGGeod.hxx>

#include <Main/globals.hxx>

#include "TestDataLogger.hxx"

namespace FGTestApi {

TestPilot::TestPilot(SGPropertyNode_ptr props) :
    if (!_propRoot) {
        // use default properties
        _propRoot = globals->get_props();
    _latProp = _propRoot->getNode("position/latitude-deg", true);
    _lonProp = _propRoot->getNode("position/longitude-deg", true);
    _altitudeProp = _propRoot->getNode("position/altitude-ft", true);
    _headingProp = _propRoot->getNode("orientation/heading-deg", true);
    _speedKnotsProp = _propRoot->getNode("velocities/speed-knots", true);
    _verticalFPMProp = _propRoot->getNode("velocities/vertical-fpm", true);

    SGPropertyNode_ptr _latProp;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _lonProp;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _altitudeProp;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _headingProp;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _speedKnotsProp;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _verticalFPMProp;
    globals->add_subsystem("flight", this, SGSubsystemMgr::FDM);


void TestPilot::resetAtPosition(const SGGeod& pos)
    _turnActive = false;

void TestPilot::init()
    _vspeedFPM = 1200;

void TestPilot::update(double dt)
void TestPilot::setSpeedKts(double knots)
    _speedKnots = knots;

void TestPilot::setVerticalFPM(double fpm)
    _vspeedFPM = fpm;

void TestPilot::setCourseTrue(double deg)
    _trueCourseDeg = deg;

void TestPilot::turnToCourse(double deg)
    _turnActive = true;
    _targetCourseDeg = deg;

void TestPilot::flyHeading(double hdg)
    _lateralMode = LateralMode::Heading;
    _turnActive = true;
    _targetCourseDeg = hdg;
void TestPilot::flyGPSCourse(GPS *gps)
    _gps = gps;
    _gpsNode = globals->get_props()->getNode("instrumentation/gps");
    _gpsLegCourse = _gpsNode->getNode("wp/leg-true-course-deg", true);
    _courseErrorNm = _gpsNode->getNode("wp/wp[1]/course-error-nm", true);
    _lateralMode = LateralMode::GPSCourse;
    _turnActive = false;
void TestPilot::flyGPSCourseOffset(GPS *gps, double offsetNm)
    _gps = gps;
    _gpsNode = globals->get_props()->getNode("instrumentation/gps");
    _gpsLegCourse = _gpsNode->getNode("wp/leg-true-course-deg", true);
    _courseErrorNm = _gpsNode->getNode("wp/wp[1]/course-error-nm", true);
    _lateralMode = LateralMode::GPSOffset;
    _courseOffsetNm = offsetNm;
    _turnActive = false;

void TestPilot::flyDirectTo(const SGGeod& target)
    _lateralMode = LateralMode::Direct;
    _targetPos = target;
void TestPilot::updateValues(double dt)
    auto dl = DataLogger::instance();

    if (_gps && (_lateralMode == LateralMode::GPSCourse)) {
        _targetCourseDeg = _gpsLegCourse->getDoubleValue();
        // set how aggressively we try to correct our course
        double courseCorrectionFactor = 64.0;
        double crossTrack = _courseErrorNm->getDoubleValue();
        dl->recordSamplePoint("TP-error-nm", crossTrack);

        SG_CLAMP_RANGE(crossTrack, -2.0, 2.0); // clamp to 2nm deviation
        double correction = courseCorrectionFactor * crossTrack;
        const double maxCorrectionAngle = 45;
        dl->recordSamplePoint("TP-base-correction-deg", correction);
        // within 1nm of the desired course, start to bias
        // based on heading error. This is to reduce overshooting
        // while still keeping the responsiveness high
        if (fabs(crossTrack) < 1.0) {
            // compensate for heading
            double headingError = _targetCourseDeg - _trueCourseDeg;
            SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(headingError, -180.0, 180.0);
            if (fabs(headingError) > 90.0) {
                // we're pointing the wrong way, don't compensate
                // otherwise we get into knots trying to make the
                // turn back the right way
            } else {
                const double p = 1.0 - fabs(crossTrack);
                const double headingErrorFactor = 0.6;
                correction += p * headingError * headingErrorFactor;
        dl->recordSamplePoint("TP-correction-deg", correction);

        SG_CLAMP_RANGE(correction, -maxCorrectionAngle, maxCorrectionAngle);
        _targetCourseDeg += correction;
        dl->recordSamplePoint("TP-target-deg", _targetCourseDeg);

        SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_targetCourseDeg, 0.0, 360.0);
        if (!_turnActive &&(fabs(_trueCourseDeg - _targetCourseDeg) > 0.5)) {
            _turnActive = true;
    if (_gps && (_lateralMode == LateralMode::GPSOffset)) {
        _targetCourseDeg = _gpsLegCourse->getDoubleValue();

        double crossTrack =  _courseErrorNm->getDoubleValue();
        double offsetError = crossTrack - _courseOffsetNm;

        const double offsetCorrectionFactor = 25.0;
        const double correction = offsetError * offsetCorrectionFactor;
        _targetCourseDeg += correction;
        SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_targetCourseDeg, 0.0, 360.0);
        if (!_turnActive &&(fabs(_trueCourseDeg - _targetCourseDeg) > 0.5)) {
            _turnActive = true;
    if (_lateralMode == LateralMode::Direct) {
        _targetCourseDeg = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(globals->get_aircraft_position(), _targetPos);
        SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_targetCourseDeg, 0.0, 360.0);
        if (!_turnActive && (fabs(_trueCourseDeg - _targetCourseDeg) > 0.5)) {
            _turnActive = true;
    if (_turnActive) {
        if (fabs(_targetCourseDeg - _trueCourseDeg) < 0.1) {
            _trueCourseDeg = _targetCourseDeg;
            _turnActive = false;
        } else {
            // standard 2-minute turn, 180-deg min, thus 3-degrees per second
            double turnDeg = 5.0 * dt;
            double errorDeg = _targetCourseDeg - _trueCourseDeg;
            SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(errorDeg, -180.0, 180.0);
            // clamp turn to error value
            turnDeg = std::min(turnDeg, fabs(errorDeg));
            // and now ensure we follow the correct sign
            turnDeg = copysign(turnDeg, errorDeg);
            // simple integral
            _trueCourseDeg += turnDeg;
            SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_trueCourseDeg, 0.0, 360.0);
    SGGeod currentPos = globals->get_aircraft_position();
    double d = _speedKnots * SG_KT_TO_MPS * dt;
    SGGeod newPos = SGGeodesy::direct(currentPos, _trueCourseDeg, d);
    if (_altActive) {
        if (fabs(_targetAltitudeFt - currentPos.getElevationFt()) < 1) {
            _altActive = false;
        } else {
            double errorFt = _targetAltitudeFt - currentPos.getElevationFt();
            double vspeed = std::min(fabs(errorFt),_vspeedFPM * dt / 60.0);
            double dv = copysign(vspeed, errorFt);
            newPos.setElevationFt(currentPos.getElevationFt() + dv);

void TestPilot::setPosition(const SGGeod& pos)
void TestPilot::setTargetAltitudeFtMSL(double altFt)
    _targetAltitudeFt = altFt;
    _altActive = true;

bool TestPilot::isOnHeading(double heading) const
    const double hdgDelta = (_trueCourseDeg - heading);
    return fabs(hdgDelta) < 0.5;

} // of namespace