<TITLE>Proposed Changes to PortAudio API</TITLE>
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<META content="Phil Burk, Ross Bencina" name=Author>
<META content="Changes being discussed by the community of PortAudio deveopers." 
content="audio, tutorial, library, portable, open-source, DirectSound,sound, music, JSyn, synthesis," 
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      <H1>Proposed Changes to PortAudio API</H1>
<P><A href="http://www.portaudio.com/">PortAudio Home Page</A></P>

<P>Updated: July 27, 2002 </P>
<H2>The Proposals Have Moved</H2>

All PortAudio Enhancement Proposal documentation has moved. On the web site, it is now located at:
<A HREF="http://www.portaudio.com/docs/proposals">http://www.portaudio.com/docs/proposals</A>

On the CVS server it is now located in a module named "pa_proposals".