/*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Header: FGFDMExec.h Author: Jon Berndt Date started: 11/17/98 ------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) ------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org. HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/17/98 JSB Created 7/31/99 TP Added RunIC function that runs the sim so that every frame begins with the IC values from the given FGInitialCondition object and dt=0. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SENTRY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifndef FGFDMEXEC_HEADER_H #define FGFDMEXEC_HEADER_H /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INCLUDES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef FGFS # include # ifdef SG_HAVE_STD_INCLUDES # include # else # include # endif #else # include #endif #include "FGModel.h" #include "FGInitialCondition.h" /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINITIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #define ID_FDMEXEC "$Id$" /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORWARD DECLARATIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ class FGState; class FGAtmosphere; class FGFCS; class FGPropulsion; class FGMassBalance; class FGAerodynamics; class FGInertial; class FGAircraft; class FGTranslation; class FGRotation; class FGPosition; class FGAuxiliary; class FGOutput; class FGInitialCondition; struct condition { vector TestParam; vector SetParam; vector TestValue; vector SetValue; vector Comparison; vector TC; vector Persistent; vector Action; vector Type; vector Triggered; vector newValue; vector OriginalValue; vector StartTime; vector EndTime; condition() { } }; /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMMENTS, REFERENCES, and NOTES [use "class documentation" below for API docs] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLASS DOCUMENTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /** Encapsulates the JSBSim simulation executive. @author Jon S. Berndt @version $Id$ @doc This class is the interface class through which all other simulation classes are instantiated, initialized, and run. When integrated with FlightGear (or other flight simulator) this class is typically instantiated by an interface class on the simulator side.

Scripting support provided in the Executive

There is simple scripting support provided in the FGFDMExec class. Commands are specified using the Simple Scripting Directives for JSBSim (SSDJ). The script file is in XML format. A test condition (or conditions) can be set up in the script and when the condition evaluates to true, the specified action[s] is/are taken. A test condition can be persistent, meaning that if a test condition evaluates to true, then passes and evaluates to false, the condition is reset and may again be triggered. When the set of tests evaluates to true for a given condition, an item may be set to another value. This value might be a boolean, a value, or a delta value, and the change from the current value to the new value can be either via a step function, a ramp, or an exponential approach. The speed of a ramp or approach is specified via the time constant. Here is the format of the script file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <runscript name="C172-01A">

    This run is for testing C172 runs

    <use aircraft="c172">
    <use initialize="reset00">

    <run start="0.0" end="4.5" dt="0.05">
        <parameter name="FG_TIME" comparison="ge" value="0.25">
        <parameter name="FG_TIME" comparison="le" value="0.50">
        <set name="FG_AILERON_CMD" type="FG_VALUE" value="0.25"
        action="FG_STEP" persistent="false" tc ="0.25">
        <parameter name="FG_TIME" comparison="ge" value="0.5">
        <parameter name="FG_TIME" comparison="le" value="1.5">
        <set name="FG_AILERON_CMD" type="FG_DELTA" value="0.5"
        action="FG_EXP" persistent="false" tc ="0.5">
        <parameter name="FG_TIME" comparison="ge" value="1.5">
        <parameter name="FG_TIME" comparison="le" value="2.5">
        <set name="FG_RUDDER_CMD" type="FG_DELTA" value="0.5"
        action="FG_RAMP" persistent="false" tc ="0.5">


The first line must always be present. The second line identifies this file as a script file, and gives a descriptive name to the script file. Comments are next, delineated by the <!-- and --> symbols. The aircraft and initialization files to be used are specified in the "use" lines. Next, comes the "run" section, where the conditions are described in "when" clauses.

JSBSim Debugging Directives

This describes to any interested entity the debug level requested by setting the JSBSIM_DEBUG environment variable. The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
  1. unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing the config files as they are read. If the environment variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
  2. 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages whatsoever.
  3. 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim startup messages
  4. 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when a class is instantiated
  5. 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a FGModel object executes its Run() method
  6. 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables are printed out periodically
  7. 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
*/ /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLASS DECLARATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ class FGFDMExec { public: /// Default constructor FGFDMExec(void); /// Default destructor ~FGFDMExec(); /** This routine places a model into the runlist at the specified rate. The "rate" is not really a clock rate. It represents how many calls to the FGFDMExec::Run() method must be made before the model is executed. A value of 1 means that the model will be executed for each call to the exec's Run() method. A value of 5 means that the model will only be executed every 5th call to the exec's Run() method. @param model A pointer to the model being scheduled. @param rate The rate at which to execute the model as described above. @return Currently returns 0 always. */ int Schedule(FGModel* model, int rate); /** This executes each scheduled model in succession, as well as running any scripts which are loaded. @return true if successful, false if sim should be ended */ bool Run(void); /** Initializes the sim with a set of initial conditions. @param fgic A pointer to a filled out initial conditions class which describes the desired initial conditions. @return true if successful */ bool RunIC(FGInitialCondition *fgic); /// Freezes the sim void Freeze(void) {frozen = true;} /// Resumes the sim void Resume(void) {frozen = false;} /** Loads an aircraft model. @param AircraftPath path to the aircraft directory. For instance: "aircraft". Under aircraft, then, would be directories for various modeled aircraft such as C172/, x15/, etc. @param EnginePath path to the directory under which engine config files are kept, for instance "engine" @param model the name of the aircraft model itself. This file will be looked for in the directory specified in the AircraftPath variable, and in turn under the directory with the same name as the model. For instance: "aircraft/x15/x15.xml" @return true if successful*/ bool LoadModel(string AircraftPath, string EnginePath, string model); /** Loads a script to drive JSBSim (usually in standalone mode). The language is the Simple Script Directives for JSBSim (SSDJ). @param script the filename (including path name, if any) for the script. @return true if successful */ bool LoadScript(string script); /** This function is called each pass through the executive Run() method IF scripting is enabled. */ void RunScript(void); bool SetEnginePath(string path) {EnginePath = path; return true;} bool SetAircraftPath(string path) {AircraftPath = path; return true;} bool SetScriptPath(string path) {ScriptPath = path; return true;} /// @name Top-level executive State and Model retrieval mechanism //@{ /// Returns the FGState pointer. inline FGState* GetState(void) {return State;} /// Returns the FGAtmosphere pointer. inline FGAtmosphere* GetAtmosphere(void) {return Atmosphere;} /// Returns the FGFCS pointer. inline FGFCS* GetFCS(void) {return FCS;} /// Returns the FGPropulsion pointer. inline FGPropulsion* GetPropulsion(void) {return Propulsion;} /// Returns the FGAircraft pointer. inline FGMassBalance* GetMassBalance(void) {return MassBalance;} /// Returns the FGAerodynamics pointer inline FGAerodynamics* GetAerodynamics(void){return Aerodynamics;} /// Returns the FGInertial pointer. inline FGInertial* GetInertial(void) {return Inertial;} /// Returns the FGAircraft pointer. inline FGAircraft* GetAircraft(void) {return Aircraft;} /// Returns the FGTranslation pointer. inline FGTranslation* GetTranslation(void) {return Translation;} /// Returns the FGRotation pointer. inline FGRotation* GetRotation(void) {return Rotation;} /// Returns the FGPosition pointer. inline FGPosition* GetPosition(void) {return Position;} /// Returns the FGAuxiliary pointer. inline FGAuxiliary* GetAuxiliary(void) {return Auxiliary;} /// Returns the FGOutput pointer. inline FGOutput* GetOutput(void) {return Output;} //@} /// Retrieves the engine path. inline string GetEnginePath(void) {return EnginePath;} /// Retrieves the aircraft path. inline string GetAircraftPath(void) {return AircraftPath;} private: FGModel* FirstModel; bool frozen; bool terminate; int Error; int Frame; bool modelLoaded; bool Scripted; string AircraftPath; string EnginePath; string ScriptPath; string ScriptName; float StartTime; float EndTime; vector Conditions; FGState* State; FGAtmosphere* Atmosphere; FGFCS* FCS; FGPropulsion* Propulsion; FGMassBalance* MassBalance; FGAerodynamics* Aerodynamics; FGInertial* Inertial; FGAircraft* Aircraft; FGTranslation* Translation; FGRotation* Rotation; FGPosition* Position; FGAuxiliary* Auxiliary; FGOutput* Output; bool Allocate(void); bool DeAllocate(void); void Debug(void); }; //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #endif