// tacan.cxx - Tactical Navigation Beacon. // Written by Vivian Meazaa, started 2005. // // This file is in the Public Domain and comes with no warranty. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include <simgear/compiler.h> #include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx> #include <simgear/math/sg_random.h> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <Navaids/navlist.hxx> #include <vector> #include "tacan.hxx" SG_USING_STD(vector); /** * Adjust the range. * * Start by calculating the radar horizon based on the elevation * difference, then clamp to the maximum, then add a fudge for * borderline reception. */ static double adjust_range (double transmitter_elevation_ft, double aircraft_altitude_ft, double max_range_nm) { max_range_nm = 150; double delta_elevation_ft = fabs(aircraft_altitude_ft - transmitter_elevation_ft); double range_nm = 1.23 * sqrt(delta_elevation_ft); if (range_nm > max_range_nm) range_nm = max_range_nm; else if (range_nm < 20.0) range_nm = 20.0; double rand = sg_random(); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " tacan range " << range_nm << " max range " << max_range_nm); return range_nm + (range_nm * rand * rand); } TACAN::TACAN ( SGPropertyNode *node ) : _name(node->getStringValue("name", "tacan")), _num(node->getIntValue("number", 0)), _new_frequency(false), _channel("0000"), _last_distance_nm(0), _frequency_mhz(-1), _time_before_search_sec(0), _mobile_valid(false), _transmitter_valid(false), _transmitter_pos(SGGeod::fromDeg(0, 0)), _transmitter_range_nm(0), _transmitter_bias(0.0), _listener_active(0) { } TACAN::~TACAN () { } void TACAN::init () { string branch; branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name; SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), _num, true ); _serviceable_node = node->getChild("serviceable", 0, true); _ident_node = node->getChild("ident", 0, true); SGPropertyNode *fnode = node->getChild("frequencies", 0, true); _frequency_node = fnode->getChild("selected-mhz", 0, true); _channel_in0_node = fnode->getChild("selected-channel", 0, true); _channel_in1_node = fnode->getChild("selected-channel", 1, true); _channel_in2_node = fnode->getChild("selected-channel", 2, true); _channel_in3_node = fnode->getChild("selected-channel", 3, true); _channel_in4_node = fnode->getChild("selected-channel", 4, true); _channel_in0_node->addChangeListener(this); _channel_in1_node->addChangeListener(this); _channel_in2_node->addChangeListener(this); _channel_in3_node->addChangeListener(this); _channel_in4_node->addChangeListener(this, true); _in_range_node = node->getChild("in-range", 0, true); _distance_node = node->getChild("indicated-distance-nm", 0, true); _speed_node = node->getChild("indicated-ground-speed-kt", 0, true); _time_node = node->getChild("indicated-time-min", 0, true); _name_node = node->getChild("name", 0, true); _bearing_node = node->getChild("indicated-bearing-true-deg", 0, true); SGPropertyNode *dnode = node->getChild("display", 0, true); _x_shift_node = dnode->getChild("x-shift", 0, true); _y_shift_node = dnode->getChild("y-shift", 0, true); _rotation_node = dnode->getChild("rotation", 0, true); _channel_node = dnode->getChild("channel", 0, true); SGPropertyNode *cnode = fgGetNode("/ai/models/carrier", _num, false ); _carrier_name_node = cnode ? cnode->getChild("name", 0, false) : 0; SGPropertyNode *tnode = fgGetNode("/ai/models/aircraft", _num, false); _tanker_callsign_node = tnode ? tnode->getChild("callsign", 0, false) : 0; SGPropertyNode *mnode = fgGetNode("/ai/models/multiplayer", _num, false); _mp_callsign_node = mnode ? mnode->getChild("callsign", 0, false) : 0; _longitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true); _latitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true); _altitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true); _heading_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true); _yaw_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/side-slip-deg", true); _electrical_node = fgGetNode("/systems/electrical/outputs/tacan", true); } void TACAN::update (double delta_time_sec) { if (!_serviceable_node->getBoolValue() || !_electrical_node->getBoolValue()) { _last_distance_nm = 0; _in_range_node->setBoolValue(false); _distance_node->setDoubleValue(0); _speed_node->setDoubleValue(0); _time_node->setDoubleValue(0); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "skip tacan" ); return; } // Get the aircraft position double longitude_deg = _longitude_node->getDoubleValue(); double latitude_deg = _latitude_node->getDoubleValue(); double altitude_m = _altitude_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER; double longitude_rad = longitude_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double latitude_rad = latitude_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; // On timeout, scan again _time_before_search_sec -= delta_time_sec; if ((_time_before_search_sec < 0 || _new_frequency) && _frequency_mhz >= 0) search(_frequency_mhz, longitude_rad, latitude_rad, altitude_m); // Calculate the distance to the transmitter //calculate the bearing and range of the mobile from the aircraft double mobile_az2 = 0; double mobile_bearing = 0; double mobile_distance = 0; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "carrier_lat " << _mobile_lat); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "carrier_lon " << _mobile_lon); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "carrier_name " << _mobile_name); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "carrier_valid " << _mobile_valid); geo_inverse_wgs_84(altitude_m, latitude_deg, longitude_deg, _mobile_lat, _mobile_lon, &mobile_bearing, &mobile_az2, &mobile_distance); //calculate the bearing and range of the station from the aircraft double az2 = 0; double bearing = 0; double distance = 0; SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDegM(longitude_deg, latitude_deg, altitude_m); geo_inverse_wgs_84(pos, _transmitter_pos, &bearing, &az2, &distance); //select the nearer if ( mobile_distance <= distance && _mobile_valid) { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "mobile_distance_m " << mobile_distance); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "distance_m " << distance); bearing = mobile_bearing; distance = mobile_distance; _transmitter_pos.setElevationFt(_mobile_elevation_ft); _transmitter_range_nm = _mobile_range_nm; _transmitter_bias = _mobile_bias; _transmitter_name = _mobile_name; _name_node->setStringValue(_transmitter_name.c_str()); _transmitter_ident = _mobile_ident; _ident_node->setStringValue(_transmitter_ident.c_str()); _channel_node->setStringValue(_channel.c_str()); } //// calculate some values for boresight display double distance_nm = distance * SG_METER_TO_NM; //// calculate look left/right to target, without yaw correction // double horiz_offset = bearing - heading; // // if (horiz_offset > 180.0) horiz_offset -= 360.0; // if (horiz_offset < -180.0) horiz_offset += 360.0; //// now correct look left/right for yaw // horiz_offset += yaw; // use the bearing for a plan position indicator display double horiz_offset = bearing; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "distance_nm " << distance_nm << " bearing " << bearing << " horiz_offset " << horiz_offset); // calculate values for radar display double y_shift = distance_nm * cos( horiz_offset * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double x_shift = distance_nm * sin( horiz_offset * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "y_shift " << y_shift << " x_shift " << x_shift); double rotation = 0; double range_nm = adjust_range(_transmitter_pos.getElevationFt(), altitude_m * SG_METER_TO_FEET, _transmitter_range_nm); if (distance_nm <= range_nm) { double speed_kt = (fabs(distance_nm - _last_distance_nm) * ((1 / delta_time_sec) * 3600.0)); _last_distance_nm = distance_nm; _in_range_node->setBoolValue(true); double tmp_dist = distance_nm - _transmitter_bias; if ( tmp_dist < 0.0 ) { tmp_dist = 0.0; } _distance_node->setDoubleValue( tmp_dist ); _speed_node->setDoubleValue(speed_kt); _time_node->setDoubleValue(distance_nm/speed_kt*60.0); _bearing_node->setDoubleValue(bearing); _x_shift_node->setDoubleValue(x_shift); _y_shift_node->setDoubleValue(y_shift); _rotation_node->setDoubleValue(rotation); } else { _last_distance_nm = 0; _in_range_node->setBoolValue(false); _distance_node->setDoubleValue(0); _speed_node->setDoubleValue(0); _time_node->setDoubleValue(0); _bearing_node->setDoubleValue(0); _x_shift_node->setDoubleValue(0); _y_shift_node->setDoubleValue(0); _rotation_node->setDoubleValue(0); } // If we can't find a valid station set everything to zero if (!_transmitter_valid && !_mobile_valid ) { _in_range_node->setBoolValue(false); _distance_node->setDoubleValue(0); _speed_node->setDoubleValue(0); _time_node->setDoubleValue(0); _bearing_node->setDoubleValue(0); _x_shift_node->setDoubleValue(0); _y_shift_node->setDoubleValue(0); _rotation_node->setDoubleValue(0); _transmitter_name = ""; _name_node->setStringValue(_transmitter_name.c_str()); _transmitter_ident = ""; _ident_node->setStringValue(_transmitter_ident.c_str()); _channel_node->setStringValue(_channel.c_str()); return; } } // end function update void TACAN::search (double frequency_mhz, double longitude_rad, double latitude_rad, double altitude_m) { int number, i; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "tacan freq " << frequency_mhz ); // reset search time _time_before_search_sec = 1.0; //try any carriers first FGNavRecord *mobile_tacan = globals->get_carrierlist()->findStationByFreq( frequency_mhz ); bool freq_valid = (mobile_tacan != NULL); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "mobile freqency valid " << freq_valid ); if ( freq_valid ) { string str1( mobile_tacan->get_name() ); SGPropertyNode * branch = fgGetNode("ai/models", true); vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> carrier = branch->getChildren("carrier"); number = carrier.size(); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "carrier " << number ); if ( number > 0 ) { // don't do this if there are no carriers for ( i = 0; i < number; ++i ) { string str2 ( carrier[i]->getStringValue("name", "")); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "carrier name " << str2 ); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "strings 1 " << str1 << " 2 " << str2 ); string::size_type loc1= str1.find( str2, 0 ); if ( loc1 != string::npos && str2 != "" ) { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " string found" ); _mobile_lat = carrier[i]->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg"); _mobile_lon = carrier[i]->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg"); _mobile_elevation_ft = mobile_tacan->get_elev_ft(); _mobile_range_nm = mobile_tacan->get_range(); _mobile_bias = mobile_tacan->get_multiuse(); _mobile_name = mobile_tacan->get_name(); _mobile_ident = mobile_tacan->get_trans_ident(); _mobile_valid = true; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " carrier transmitter valid " << _mobile_valid ); break; } else { _mobile_valid = false; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " carrier transmitter invalid " << _mobile_valid ); } } } SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "name " << _mobile_name); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "lat " << _mobile_lat << "lon " << _mobile_lon); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "elev " << _mobile_elevation_ft); //try any AI tankers second if ( !_mobile_valid) { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "tanker transmitter valid start " << _mobile_valid ); SGPropertyNode * branch = fgGetNode("ai/models", true); vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> tanker = branch->getChildren("aircraft"); number = tanker.size(); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "tanker number " << number ); if ( number > 0 ) { // don't do this if there are no AI aircraft for ( i = 0; i < number; ++i ) { string str4 ( tanker[i]->getStringValue("callsign", "")); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "tanker callsign " << str4 ); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "strings 1 " << str1 << " 4 " << str4 ); string::size_type loc1= str1.find( str4, 0 ); if ( loc1 != string::npos && str4 != "" ) { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " string found" ); _mobile_lat = tanker[i]->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg"); _mobile_lon = tanker[i]->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg"); _mobile_elevation_ft = tanker[i]->getDoubleValue("position/altitude-ft"); _mobile_range_nm = mobile_tacan->get_range(); _mobile_bias = mobile_tacan->get_multiuse(); _mobile_name = mobile_tacan->get_name(); _mobile_ident = mobile_tacan->get_trans_ident(); _mobile_valid = true; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " tanker transmitter valid " << _mobile_valid ); break; } else { _mobile_valid = false; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " tanker transmitter invalid " << _mobile_valid ); } } } SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "tanker name " << _mobile_name); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "lat " << _mobile_lat << "lon " << _mobile_lon); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "elev " << _mobile_elevation_ft); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "range " << _mobile_range_nm); } //try any mp tankers third, if we haven't found the tanker in the ai aircraft if ( !_mobile_valid ) { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mp tanker transmitter valid start " << _mobile_valid ); SGPropertyNode * branch = fgGetNode("ai/models", true); vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> mp_tanker = branch->getChildren("multiplayer"); number = mp_tanker.size(); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mp tanker number " << number ); if ( number > 0 ) { // don't do this if there are no MP aircraft for ( i = 0; i < number; ++i ) { string str6 ( mp_tanker[i]->getStringValue("callsign", "")); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "mp tanker callsign " << str6 ); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "strings 1 " << str1 << " 5 " << str6 ); string::size_type loc1= str1.find( str6, 0 ); if ( loc1 != string::npos && str6 != "" ) { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " string found" ); _mobile_lat = mp_tanker[i]->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg"); _mobile_lon = mp_tanker[i]->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg"); _mobile_elevation_ft = mp_tanker[i]->getDoubleValue("position/altitude-ft"); _mobile_range_nm = mobile_tacan->get_range(); _mobile_bias = mobile_tacan->get_multiuse(); _mobile_name = mobile_tacan->get_name(); _mobile_ident = mobile_tacan->get_trans_ident(); _mobile_valid = true; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mp tanker transmitter valid " << _mobile_valid ); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mp tanker name " << _mobile_name); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mp lat " << _mobile_lat << "lon " << _mobile_lon); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mp elev " << _mobile_elevation_ft); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mp range " << _mobile_range_nm); break; } else { _mobile_valid = false; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mp tanker transmitter invalid " << _mobile_valid ); } } } } } else { _mobile_valid = false; SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, " mobile transmitter invalid " << _mobile_valid ); } // try the TACAN/VORTAC list next FGNavRecord *tacan = globals->get_tacanlist()->findByFreq( frequency_mhz, longitude_rad, latitude_rad, altitude_m); _transmitter_valid = (tacan != NULL); if ( _transmitter_valid ) { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "transmitter valid " << _transmitter_valid ); _transmitter_pos = tacan->get_pos(); _transmitter_range_nm = tacan->get_range(); _transmitter_bias = tacan->get_multiuse(); _transmitter_name = tacan->get_name(); _name_node->setStringValue(_transmitter_name.c_str()); _transmitter_ident = tacan->get_trans_ident(); _ident_node->setStringValue(_transmitter_ident.c_str()); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "name " << _transmitter_name); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, _transmitter_pos); } else { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "transmitter invalid " << _transmitter_valid ); } } double TACAN::searchChannel (const string& channel) { double frequency_khz = 0; FGTACANRecord *freq = globals->get_channellist()->findByChannel( channel ); bool _freq_valid = (freq != NULL); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "freq valid " << _freq_valid ); if ( _freq_valid ) { frequency_khz = freq->get_freq(); SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "freq output " << frequency_khz ); //check sanity if (frequency_khz >= 9620 && frequency_khz <= 121300) return frequency_khz/100; } return frequency_khz = 0; } // end TACAN::searchChannel /* * Listener callback. Maintains channel input properties, * searches new channel frequency, updates _channel and * _frequency and sets boolean _new_frequency appropriately. */ void TACAN::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *prop) { if (_listener_active) return; _listener_active++; int index = prop->getIndex(); string channel = _channel; if (index) { // channel digit or X/Y input int c; if (isdigit(c = _channel_in1_node->getStringValue()[0])) channel[0] = c; if (isdigit(c = _channel_in2_node->getStringValue()[0])) channel[1] = c; if (isdigit(c = _channel_in3_node->getStringValue()[0])) channel[2] = c; c = _channel_in4_node->getStringValue()[0]; if (c == 'X' || c == 'Y') channel[3] = c; } else { // channel number input unsigned int f = prop->getIntValue(); if (f >= 1 && f <= 126) { channel[0] = '0' + (f / 100) % 10; channel[1] = '0' + (f / 10) % 10; channel[2] = '0' + f % 10; } } if (channel != _channel) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "new channel " << channel); // write back result _channel_in0_node->setIntValue((channel[0] - '0') * 100 + (channel[1] - '0') * 10 + (channel[2] - '0')); char s[2] = "0"; s[0] = channel[0], _channel_in1_node->setStringValue(s); s[0] = channel[1], _channel_in2_node->setStringValue(s); s[0] = channel[2], _channel_in3_node->setStringValue(s); s[0] = channel[3], _channel_in4_node->setStringValue(s); // search channel frequency double freq = searchChannel(channel); if (freq != _frequency_mhz) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_DEBUG, "new frequency " << freq); _frequency_node->setDoubleValue(freq); _frequency_mhz = freq; _new_frequency = true; } _channel = channel; _time_before_search_sec = 0; } _listener_active--; } // end of TACAN.cxx