//  panel.hxx - generic support classes for a 2D panel.
//  Written by David Megginson, started January 2000.
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
//  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
//  License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
//  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
//  $Id$

#ifndef __PANEL_HXX
#define __PANEL_HXX

#ifndef __cplusplus                                                          
# error This library requires C++

#  include <config.h>

#include <simgear/compiler.h>

#ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H          
#  include <windows.h>

#include GLUT_H

#include <plib/ssg.h>

#include <simgear/math/interpolater.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/timestamp.hxx>

#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <plib/fnt.h>

#include <Main/fgfs.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>

#include <Input/input.hxx>


class FGPanelInstrument;

// Texture management.

 * Texture manager (should migrate out into FGFS).
 * This class ensures that no texture is loaded more than once.
class FGTextureManager
  static ssgTexture * createTexture(const string &relativePath);
  static map<string,ssgTexture *> _textureMap;

 * Cropped texture (should migrate out into FGFS).
 * This structure wraps an SSG texture with cropping information.
class FGCroppedTexture

  FGCroppedTexture ();
  FGCroppedTexture (const string &path,
		  float _minX = 0.0, float _minY = 0.0,
		  float _maxX = 1.0, float _maxY = 1.0);
  virtual ~FGCroppedTexture ();

  virtual void setPath (const string &path) { _path = path; }

  virtual const string &getPath () const { return _path; }

  virtual ssgTexture * getTexture ();

  virtual void setCrop (float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY) {
    _minX = minX; _minY = minY; _maxX = maxX; _maxY = maxY;

  virtual float getMinX () const { return _minX; }
  virtual float getMinY () const { return _minY; }
  virtual float getMaxX () const { return _maxX; }
  virtual float getMaxY () const { return _maxY; }

  string _path;
  ssgTexture * _texture;
  float _minX, _minY, _maxX, _maxY;

// Top-level panel.

 * Instrument panel class.
 * The panel is a container that has a background texture and holds
 * zero or more instruments.  The panel will order the instruments to
 * redraw themselves when necessary, and will pass mouse clicks on to
 * the appropriate instruments for processing.
class FGPanel : public FGSubsystem

  FGPanel ();
  virtual ~FGPanel ();

				// Update the panel (every frame).
  virtual void init ();
  virtual void bind ();
  virtual void unbind ();
  virtual void draw ();
  virtual void update (double dt);
  virtual void update (GLfloat winx, GLfloat winw, GLfloat winy, GLfloat winh);

  virtual void updateMouseDelay();

				// transfer pointer ownership!!!
  virtual void addInstrument (FGPanelInstrument * instrument);

				// Background texture.
  virtual void setBackground (ssgTexture * texture);

				// Background multiple textures.
  virtual void setMultiBackground (ssgTexture * texture, int idx);

				// Make the panel visible or invisible.
  virtual bool getVisibility () const;
  virtual void setVisibility (bool visibility);

				// Full width of panel.
  virtual void setWidth (int width) { _width = width; }
  virtual int getWidth () const { return _width; }

				// Full height of panel.
  virtual void setHeight (int height) { _height = height; }
  virtual int getHeight () const { return _height; }

				// X-offset
  virtual void setXOffset (int offset);
  virtual int getXOffset () const { return _x_offset->getIntValue(); }

				// Y-offset.
  virtual void setYOffset (int offset);
  virtual int getYOffset () const { return _y_offset->getIntValue(); }

				// View height.
  virtual void setViewHeight (int height) { _view_height = height; }
  virtual int getViewHeight () const { return _view_height; }

				// Handle a mouse click.
  virtual bool doMouseAction (int button, int updown, int x, int y);
  virtual bool doLocalMouseAction(int button, int updown, int x, int y);

  void setupVirtualCockpit();
  void cleanupVirtualCockpit();

  mutable bool _mouseDown;
  mutable int _mouseButton, _mouseX, _mouseY;
  mutable int _mouseDelay;
  mutable FGPanelInstrument * _mouseInstrument;
  typedef vector<FGPanelInstrument *> instrument_list_type;
  int _width;
  int _height;
  int _view_height;

  SGPropertyNode * _visibility;
  SGPropertyNode * _x_offset;
  SGPropertyNode * _y_offset;
  SGPropertyNode * _jitter;
  SGPropertyNode * _flipx;

  const SGPropertyNode * _xsize_node;
  const SGPropertyNode * _ysize_node;
  ssgTexture * _bg;
  ssgTexture * _mbg[8];
				// List of instruments in panel.
  instrument_list_type _instruments;

// Actions

 * Class for user actions.
 * The actions are command bindings, like bindings for the keyboard
 * or joystick, but they are tied to specific mouse actions in
 * rectangular areas of the panel.
class FGPanelAction : public FGConditional
  FGPanelAction ();
  FGPanelAction (int button, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool repeatable);
  virtual ~FGPanelAction ();

				// Getters.
  virtual int getButton () const { return _button; }
  virtual int getX () const { return _x; }
  virtual int getY () const { return _y; }
  virtual int getWidth () const { return _w; }
  virtual int getHeight () const { return _h; }

				// Setters.

				// transfer pointer ownership
  virtual void addBinding (FGBinding * binding, int updown);
  virtual void setButton (int button) { _button = button; }
  virtual void setX (int x) { _x = x; }
  virtual void setY (int y) { _y = y; }
  virtual void setWidth (int w) { _w = w; }
  virtual void setHeight (int h) { _h = h; }

				// Check whether we're in the area.
  virtual bool inArea (int button, int x, int y)
    return (button == _button &&
	    x >= _x &&
	    x < _x + _w &&
	    y >= _y &&
	    y < _y + _h);

				// Perform the action.
  virtual bool doAction (int updown);

  typedef vector<FGBinding *> binding_list_t;

  int _button;
  int _x;
  int _y;
  int _w;
  int _h;
  bool _repeatable;
  int _last_state;
  binding_list_t _bindings[2];

// Transformations.

 * A transformation for a layer.
class FGPanelTransformation : public FGConditional

  enum Type {

  FGPanelTransformation ();
  virtual ~FGPanelTransformation ();

  Type type;
  const SGPropertyNode * node;
  float min;
  float max;
  bool has_mod;
  float mod;
  float factor;
  float offset;
  SGInterpTable * table;

// Layers

 * A single layer of a multi-layered instrument.
 * Each layer can be subject to a series of transformations based
 * on current FGFS instrument readings: for example, a texture
 * representing a needle can rotate to show the airspeed.
class FGInstrumentLayer : public FGConditional

  FGInstrumentLayer (int w = -1, int h = -1);
  virtual ~FGInstrumentLayer ();

  virtual void draw () = 0;
  virtual void transform () const;

  virtual int getWidth () const { return _w; }
  virtual int getHeight () const { return _h; }
  virtual void setWidth (int w) { _w = w; }
  virtual void setHeight (int h) { _h = h; }

				// Transfer pointer ownership!!
  virtual void addTransformation (FGPanelTransformation * transformation);

  int _w, _h;

  typedef vector<FGPanelTransformation *> transformation_list;
  transformation_list _transformations;

// Instruments.

 * Abstract base class for a panel instrument.
 * A panel instrument consists of zero or more actions, associated
 * with mouse clicks in rectangular areas.  Currently, the only
 * concrete class derived from this is FGLayeredInstrument, but others
 * may show up in the future (some complex instruments could be 
 * entirely hand-coded, for example).
class FGPanelInstrument : public FGConditional
  FGPanelInstrument ();
  FGPanelInstrument (int x, int y, int w, int h);
  virtual ~FGPanelInstrument ();

  virtual void draw () = 0;
  virtual void drawHotspots();

  virtual void setPosition(int x, int y);
  virtual void setSize(int w, int h);

  virtual int getXPos () const;
  virtual int getYPos () const;
  virtual int getWidth () const;
  virtual int getHeight () const;

				// Coordinates relative to centre.
				// Transfer pointer ownership!!
  virtual void addAction (FGPanelAction * action);

				// Coordinates relative to centre.
  virtual bool doMouseAction (int button, int updown, int x, int y);

  int _x, _y, _w, _h;
  typedef vector<FGPanelAction *> action_list_type;
  action_list_type _actions;

 * An instrument constructed of multiple layers.
 * Each individual layer can be rotated or shifted to correspond
 * to internal FGFS instrument readings.
class FGLayeredInstrument : public FGPanelInstrument
  FGLayeredInstrument (int x, int y, int w, int h);
  virtual ~FGLayeredInstrument ();

  virtual void draw ();

				// Transfer pointer ownership!!
  virtual int addLayer (FGInstrumentLayer *layer);
  virtual int addLayer (FGCroppedTexture &texture, int w = -1, int h = -1);

				// Transfer pointer ownership!!
  virtual void addTransformation (FGPanelTransformation * transformation);

  typedef vector<FGInstrumentLayer *> layer_list;
  layer_list _layers;

 * An instrument layer containing a group of sublayers.
 * This class is useful for gathering together a group of related
 * layers, either to hold in an external file or to work under
 * the same condition.
class FGGroupLayer : public FGInstrumentLayer
  FGGroupLayer ();
  virtual ~FGGroupLayer ();
  virtual void draw ();
				// transfer pointer ownership
  virtual void addLayer (FGInstrumentLayer * layer);
  vector<FGInstrumentLayer *> _layers;

 * A textured layer of an instrument.
 * This is a layer holding a single texture.  Normally, the texture's
 * backgound should be transparent so that lower layers and the panel
 * background can show through.
class FGTexturedLayer : public FGInstrumentLayer
  FGTexturedLayer (int w = -1, int h = -1) : FGInstrumentLayer(w, h) {}
  FGTexturedLayer (const FGCroppedTexture &texture, int w = -1, int h = -1);
  virtual ~FGTexturedLayer ();

  virtual void draw ();

  virtual void setTexture (const FGCroppedTexture &texture) {
    _texture = texture;
  virtual FGCroppedTexture &getTexture () { return _texture; }
  virtual const FGCroppedTexture &getTexture () const { return _texture; }

  mutable FGCroppedTexture _texture;

 * A text layer of an instrument.
 * This is a layer holding a string of static and/or generated text.
 * It is useful for instruments that have text displays, such as
 * a chronometer, GPS, or NavCom radio.
class FGTextLayer : public FGInstrumentLayer
  enum ChunkType {

  class Chunk : public FGConditional
    Chunk (const string &text, const string &fmt = "%s");
    Chunk (ChunkType type, const SGPropertyNode * node,
	   const string &fmt = "", float mult = 1.0);

    const char * getValue () const;
    ChunkType _type;
    string _text;
    const SGPropertyNode * _node;
    string _fmt;
    float _mult;
    mutable char _buf[1024];

  FGTextLayer (int w = -1, int h = -1);
  virtual ~FGTextLayer ();

  virtual void draw ();

				// Transfer pointer!!
  virtual void addChunk (Chunk * chunk);
  virtual void setColor (float r, float g, float b);
  virtual void setPointSize (float size);
  virtual void setFontName ( const string &name );
  virtual void setFont (fntFont * font);


  void recalc_value () const;

  typedef vector<Chunk *> chunk_list;
  chunk_list _chunks;
  float _color[4];

  float _pointSize;
  mutable string _font_name;
  mutable string _value;
  mutable SGTimeStamp _then;
  mutable SGTimeStamp _now;

 * A group layer that switches among its children.
 * The first layer that passes its condition will be drawn, and
 * any following layers will be ignored.
class FGSwitchLayer : public FGGroupLayer
				// Transfer pointers!!
  FGSwitchLayer ();
  virtual void draw ();


// Functions.

 * Test whether the panel should be visible.
bool fgPanelVisible ();

#endif // __PANEL_HXX

// end of panel.hxx