#ifndef __SL_H__ #define __SL_H__ 1 #include "slPortability.h" #ifdef SL_USING_OSS_AUDIO #define SLDSP_DEFAULT_DEVICE "/dev/dsp" #elif defined(WIN32) #define SLDSP_DEFAULT_DEVICE "dsp" #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) #define SLDSP_DEFAULT_DEVICE "/dev/audio" #elif defined(sgi) #define SLDSP_DEFAULT_DEVICE "dsp" // dummy ... #else #error "Port me !" #endif # define SL_TRUE 1 # define SL_FALSE 0 typedef unsigned char Uchar ; typedef unsigned short Ushort ; #define SL_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE 11025 class slSample ; class slSamplePlayer ; class slEnvelope ; class slScheduler ; class slDSP ; extern char *__slPendingError ; class slDSP { private: int stereo ; int rate ; int bps ; int error ; int fd ; #ifdef __OpenBSD__ audio_info_t ainfo; // ioctl structure audio_offset_t audio_offset; // offset in audiostream long counter; // counter-written packets #elif defined(SL_USING_OSS_AUDIO) audio_buf_info buff_info ; #elif defined(sgi) ALconfig config; // configuration stuff ALport port; // .. we are here #endif #ifndef WIN32 int ioctl ( int cmd, int param = 0 ) { if ( error ) return param ; if ( ::ioctl ( fd, cmd, & param ) == -1 ) { perror ( "slDSP: ioctl" ) ; error = SL_TRUE ; } return param ; } #elif defined(WIN32) HWAVEOUT hWaveOut; // device handle WAVEFORMATEX Format; // open needs this MMTIME mmt; // timing WAVEHDR wavehdr[ 3 ]; // for round robin .. int curr_header; // index of actual wavehdr long counter; // counter-written packets #endif void open ( char *device, int _rate, int _stereo, int _bps ) ; void close () ; void getBufferInfo () ; void write ( void *buffer, size_t length ) ; protected: void setError () { error = SL_TRUE ; } int getDriverBufferSize () ; public: slDSP ( int _rate = SL_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE, int _stereo = SL_FALSE, int _bps = 8 ) { open ( SLDSP_DEFAULT_DEVICE, _rate, _stereo, _bps ) ; } slDSP ( char *device, int _rate = SL_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE, int _stereo = SL_FALSE, int _bps = 8 ) { open ( device, _rate, _stereo, _bps ) ; } ~slDSP () { close () ; } float secondsRemaining () ; float secondsUsed () ; void play ( void *buffer, size_t length ) { write ( buffer, length ) ; } int working () { return !error ; } int not_working () { return error ; } int getBps () { return bps ; } int getRate () { return rate ; } int getStereo() { return stereo ; } void sync () ; void stop () ; } ; class slSample { int ref_count ; protected: char *comment; int rate ; int bps ; int stereo ; Uchar *buffer ; int length ; void init () { ref_count = 0 ; comment = NULL ; buffer = NULL ; length = 0 ; rate = SL_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE ; bps = 8 ; stereo = SL_FALSE ; } public: slSample () { init () ; } slSample ( Uchar *buff, int leng ) { init () ; setBuffer ( buff, leng ) ; } slSample ( char *fname, class slDSP *dsp = NULL ) { init () ; loadFile ( fname ) ; autoMatch ( dsp ) ; } ~slSample () { if ( ref_count != 0 && __slPendingError == NULL ) __slPendingError = "slSample: FATAL ERROR - Application deleted a sample while it was playing.\n" ; delete buffer ; } void ref () { ref_count++ ; } void unRef () { ref_count-- ; } int getPlayCount () { return ref_count ; } char *getComment () { return comment ; } void setComment ( char *nc ) { delete comment ; comment = new char [ strlen ( nc ) + 1 ] ; strcpy ( comment, nc ) ; } Uchar *getBuffer () { return buffer ; } int getLength () { return length ; } void autoMatch ( slDSP *dsp ) ; void setBuffer ( Uchar *buff, int leng ) { delete buffer ; buffer = new Uchar [ leng ] ; if ( buff != NULL ) memcpy ( buffer, buff, leng ) ; length = leng ; } /* These routines only set flags - use changeXXX () to convert a sound */ void setRate ( int r ) { rate = r ; } void setBps ( int b ) { bps = b ; } void setStereo ( int s ) { stereo = s ; } int getRate () { return rate ; } int getBps () { return bps ; } int getStereo () { return stereo ; } float getDuration () { return (float) getLength() / (float) ( (getStereo()?2.0f:1.0f)* (getBps()/8.0f)*getRate() ) ; } int loadFile ( char *fname ) ; int loadRawFile ( char *fname ) ; int loadAUFile ( char *fname ) ; int loadWavFile ( char *fname ) ; void changeRate ( int r ) ; void changeBps ( int b ) ; void changeStereo ( int s ) ; void changeToUnsigned () ; void adjustVolume ( float vol ) ; void print ( FILE *fd ) { if ( buffer == NULL ) { fprintf ( fd, "Empty sample buffer\n" ) ; } else { fprintf ( fd, "\"%s\"\n",(getComment() == NULL || getComment()[0]=='\0') ? "Sample" : comment ) ; fprintf ( fd, "%s, %d bits per sample.\n", getStereo() ? "Stereo" : "Mono", getBps() ) ; fprintf ( fd, "%gKHz sample rate.\n", (float) getRate() / 1000.0f ) ; fprintf ( fd, "%d bytes of samples == %g seconds duration.\n", getLength(), getDuration() ) ; } } } ; enum slSampleStatus { SL_SAMPLE_WAITING, /* Sound hasn't started playing yet */ SL_SAMPLE_RUNNING, /* Sound has started playing */ SL_SAMPLE_DONE , /* Sound is complete */ SL_SAMPLE_PAUSED /* Sound hasn't started playing yet */ } ; enum slPreemptMode { SL_SAMPLE_CONTINUE, /* Don't allow yourself to be preempted */ SL_SAMPLE_ABORT , /* Abort playing the sound when preempted */ SL_SAMPLE_RESTART , /* Restart the sound when load permits */ SL_SAMPLE_MUTE , /* Continue silently until load permits */ SL_SAMPLE_DELAY /* Pause until load permits */ } ; enum slReplayMode { SL_SAMPLE_LOOP, /* Loop sound so that it plays forever */ SL_SAMPLE_ONE_SHOT /* Play sound just once */ } ; enum slEvent { SL_EVENT_COMPLETE, /* Sound finished playing */ SL_EVENT_LOOPED, /* Sound looped back to the start */ SL_EVENT_PREEMPTED /* Sound was preempted */ } ; typedef void (*slCallBack) ( slSample *, slEvent, int ) ; class slEnvelope { public: /* SJB TESTING! */ float *time ; float *value ; int nsteps ; int ref_count ; slReplayMode replay_mode ; int getStepDelta ( float *_time, float *delta ) ; public: slEnvelope ( int _nsteps, slReplayMode _rm, float *_times, float *_values ) { ref_count = 0 ; nsteps = _nsteps ; time = new float [ nsteps ] ; value = new float [ nsteps ] ; memcpy ( time , _times , sizeof(float) * nsteps ) ; memcpy ( value, _values, sizeof(float) * nsteps ) ; replay_mode = _rm ; } slEnvelope ( int _nsteps = 1, slReplayMode _rm = SL_SAMPLE_ONE_SHOT ) { ref_count = 0 ; nsteps = _nsteps ; time = new float [ nsteps ] ; value = new float [ nsteps ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < nsteps ; i++ ) time [ i ] = value [ i ] = 0.0 ; replay_mode = _rm ; } ~slEnvelope () { if ( ref_count != 0 && __slPendingError == NULL ) __slPendingError = "slEnvelope: FATAL ERROR - Application deleted an envelope while it was playing.\n" ; delete time ; delete value ; } void ref () { ref_count++ ; } void unRef () { ref_count-- ; } int getPlayCount () { return ref_count ; } void setStep ( int n, float _time, float _value ) { if ( n >= 0 && n < nsteps ) { time [ n ] = _time ; value [ n ] = _value ; } } float getStepValue ( int s ) { return value [ s ] ; } float getStepTime ( int s ) { return time [ s ] ; } int getNumSteps () { return nsteps ; } float getValue ( float _time ) ; void applyToPitch ( Uchar *dst, slSamplePlayer *src, int nframes, int start, int next_env ) ; void applyToInvPitch ( Uchar *dst, slSamplePlayer *src, int nframes, int start, int next_env ) ; void applyToVolume ( Uchar *dst, Uchar *src, int nframes, int start ) ; void applyToInvVolume ( Uchar *dst, Uchar *src, int nframes, int start ) ; } ; #define SL_MAX_PRIORITY 16 #define SL_MAX_SAMPLES 16 #define SL_MAX_CALLBACKS (SL_MAX_SAMPLES * 2) #define SL_MAX_ENVELOPES 4 enum slEnvelopeType { SL_PITCH_ENVELOPE , SL_INVERSE_PITCH_ENVELOPE , SL_VOLUME_ENVELOPE, SL_INVERSE_VOLUME_ENVELOPE, SL_FILTER_ENVELOPE, SL_INVERSE_FILTER_ENVELOPE, SL_PAN_ENVELOPE , SL_INVERSE_PAN_ENVELOPE , SL_ECHO_ENVELOPE , SL_INVERSE_ECHO_ENVELOPE , SL_NULL_ENVELOPE } ; struct slPendingCallBack { slCallBack callback ; slSample *sample ; slEvent event ; int magic ; } ; class slSamplePlayer { int lengthRemaining ; /* Sample frames remaining until repeat */ Uchar *bufferPos ; /* Sample frame to replay next */ slSample *sample ; slEnvelope *env [ SL_MAX_ENVELOPES ] ; slEnvelopeType env_type [ SL_MAX_ENVELOPES ] ; int env_start_time [ SL_MAX_ENVELOPES ] ; slReplayMode replay_mode ; slPreemptMode preempt_mode ; slSampleStatus status ; int priority ; slCallBack callback ; int magic ; void low_read ( int nframes, Uchar *dest ) ; public: slSamplePlayer ( slSample *s, slReplayMode rp_mode = SL_SAMPLE_ONE_SHOT, int pri = 0, slPreemptMode pr_mode = SL_SAMPLE_DELAY, int _magic = 0, slCallBack cb = NULL ) { magic = _magic ; sample = s ; callback = cb ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < SL_MAX_ENVELOPES ; i++ ) { env [ i ] = NULL ; env_type [ i ] = SL_NULL_ENVELOPE ; } if ( sample ) sample -> ref () ; reset () ; replay_mode = rp_mode ; preempt_mode = pr_mode ; priority = pri ; } ~slSamplePlayer () ; slPreemptMode getPreemptMode () { return preempt_mode ; } int getPriority () { return ( isRunning() && preempt_mode == SL_SAMPLE_CONTINUE ) ? (SL_MAX_PRIORITY+1) : priority ; } int preempt ( int delay ) ; void addEnvelope ( int i, slEnvelope *_env, slEnvelopeType _type ) ; void pause () { if ( status != SL_SAMPLE_DONE ) status = SL_SAMPLE_PAUSED ; } void resume () { if ( status == SL_SAMPLE_PAUSED ) status = SL_SAMPLE_RUNNING ; } void reset () { status = SL_SAMPLE_WAITING ; lengthRemaining = sample->getLength () ; bufferPos = sample->getBuffer () ; } void start () { status = SL_SAMPLE_RUNNING ; lengthRemaining = sample->getLength () ; bufferPos = sample->getBuffer () ; } void stop () { status = SL_SAMPLE_DONE ; lengthRemaining = 0 ; bufferPos = NULL ; } int getMagic () { return magic ; } slSample *getSample () { return sample ; } int isWaiting () { return status == SL_SAMPLE_WAITING ; } int isPaused () { return status == SL_SAMPLE_PAUSED ; } int isRunning () { return status == SL_SAMPLE_RUNNING ; } int isDone () { return status == SL_SAMPLE_DONE ; } void skip ( int nframes ) ; void read ( int nframes, Uchar *dest, int next_env = 0 ) ; } ; class slScheduler : public slDSP { slPendingCallBack pending_callback [ SL_MAX_CALLBACKS ] ; int num_pending_callbacks ; float safety_margin ; int mixer_buffer_size ; Uchar *mixer_buffer ; Uchar *spare_buffer0 ; Uchar *spare_buffer1 ; Uchar *spare_buffer2 ; Uchar *mixer ; int amount_left ; slSamplePlayer *samplePlayer [ SL_MAX_SAMPLES ] ; void init () ; void mixBuffer ( slSamplePlayer *a, slSamplePlayer *b ) ; void mixBuffer ( slSamplePlayer *a, slSamplePlayer *b, slSamplePlayer *c ) ; Uchar mix ( Uchar a, Uchar b ) { register int r = a + b - 0x80 ; return ( r > 255 ) ? 255 : ( r < 0 ) ? 0 : r ; } Uchar mix ( Uchar a, Uchar b, Uchar c ) { register int r = a + b + c - 0x80 - 0x80 ; return ( r > 255 ) ? 255 : ( r < 0 ) ? 0 : r ; } void realUpdate ( int dump_first = SL_FALSE ) ; void initBuffers () ; int now ; static slScheduler *current ; public: slScheduler ( int _rate = SL_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE ) : slDSP ( _rate, SL_FALSE, 8 ) { init () ; } slScheduler ( char *device, int _rate = SL_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE ) : slDSP ( device, _rate, SL_FALSE, 8 ) { init () ; } ~slScheduler () ; static slScheduler *getCurrent () { return current ; } int getTimeNow () { return now ; } float getElapsedTime ( int then ) { return (float)(now-then)/(float)getRate() ; } void flushCallBacks () ; void addCallBack ( slCallBack c, slSample *s, slEvent e, int m ) ; void update () { realUpdate ( SL_FALSE ) ; } void dumpUpdate () { realUpdate ( SL_TRUE ) ; } void addSampleEnvelope ( slSample *s = NULL, int magic = 0, int slot = 1, slEnvelope *e = NULL, slEnvelopeType t = SL_VOLUME_ENVELOPE ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < SL_MAX_SAMPLES ; i++ ) if ( samplePlayer [ i ] != NULL && ( s == NULL || samplePlayer [ i ] -> getSample () == s ) && ( magic == 0 || samplePlayer [ i ] -> getMagic () == magic ) ) samplePlayer [ i ] -> addEnvelope ( slot, e, t ) ; } void resumeSample ( slSample *s = NULL, int magic = 0 ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < SL_MAX_SAMPLES ; i++ ) if ( samplePlayer [ i ] != NULL && ( s == NULL || samplePlayer [ i ] -> getSample () == s ) && ( magic == 0 || samplePlayer [ i ] -> getMagic () == magic ) ) samplePlayer [ i ] -> resume () ; } void pauseSample ( slSample *s = NULL, int magic = 0 ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < SL_MAX_SAMPLES ; i++ ) if ( samplePlayer [ i ] != NULL && ( s == NULL || samplePlayer [ i ] -> getSample () == s ) && ( magic == 0 || samplePlayer [ i ] -> getMagic () == magic ) ) samplePlayer [ i ] -> pause () ; } void stopSample ( slSample *s = NULL, int magic = 0 ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < SL_MAX_SAMPLES ; i++ ) if ( samplePlayer [ i ] != NULL && ( s == NULL || samplePlayer [ i ] -> getSample () == s ) && ( magic == 0 || samplePlayer [ i ] -> getMagic () == magic ) ) samplePlayer [ i ] -> stop () ; } int loopSample ( slSample *s, int pri = 0, slPreemptMode mode = SL_SAMPLE_MUTE, int magic = 0, slCallBack cb = NULL ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < SL_MAX_SAMPLES ; i++ ) if ( samplePlayer [ i ] == NULL ) { samplePlayer [ i ] = new slSamplePlayer ( s, SL_SAMPLE_LOOP, pri, mode, magic, cb ) ; return i ; } return -1 ; } int playSample ( slSample *s, int pri = 1, slPreemptMode mode = SL_SAMPLE_ABORT, int magic = 0, slCallBack cb = NULL ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < SL_MAX_SAMPLES ; i++ ) if ( samplePlayer [ i ] == NULL ) { samplePlayer [ i ] = new slSamplePlayer ( s, SL_SAMPLE_ONE_SHOT, pri, mode, magic, cb ) ; return SL_TRUE ; } return SL_FALSE ; } void setSafetyMargin ( float seconds ) { safety_margin = seconds ; } } ; #endif