#include "Math.hpp" #include "RigidBody.hpp" namespace yasim { RigidBody::RigidBody() { // Allocate space for 16 masses initially. More space will be // allocated dynamically. _nMasses = 0; _massesAlloced = 16; _masses = new Mass[_massesAlloced]; _gyro[0] = _gyro[1] = _gyro[2] = 0; _spin[0] = _spin[1] = _spin[2] = 0; _bodyN = fgGetNode("/fdm/yasim/model/masses", true); } RigidBody::~RigidBody() { delete[] _masses; } /// add new point mass to body /// isStatic: set to true for masses that do not change per iteration (everything but fuel?) int RigidBody::addMass(float mass, float* pos, bool isStatic) { // If out of space, reallocate twice as much if(_nMasses == _massesAlloced) { _massesAlloced *= 2; Mass *m2 = new Mass[_massesAlloced]; int i; for(i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) m2[i] = _masses[i]; delete[] _masses; _masses = m2; } setMass(_nMasses, mass, pos, isStatic); return _nMasses++; } /// change mass /// handle: returned by addMass void RigidBody::setMass(int handle, float mass) { if (_masses[handle].m == mass) return; _masses[handle].m = mass; // if static mass is changed, reset pre-calculated mass // may apply to weights like cargo, pax, that usually do not change with FDM rate if (_masses[handle].isStatic) _staticMass.m = 0; if (_bodyN != 0) _bodyN->getChild("mass", handle, true)->getNode("mass", true)->setFloatValue(mass); } void RigidBody::setMass(int handle, float mass, float* pos, bool isStatic) { _masses[handle].m = mass; _masses[handle].isStatic = isStatic; Math::set3(pos, _masses[handle].p); if (_bodyN != 0) { SGPropertyNode_ptr n = _bodyN->getChild("mass", handle, true); n->getNode("isStatic", true)->setValue(isStatic); n->getNode("mass", true)->setFloatValue(mass); n->getNode("pos-x", true)->setFloatValue(pos[0]); n->getNode("pos-y", true)->setFloatValue(pos[1]); n->getNode("pos-z", true)->setFloatValue(pos[2]); } } int RigidBody::numMasses() { return _nMasses; } float RigidBody::getMass(int handle) { return _masses[handle].m; } void RigidBody::getMassPosition(int handle, float* out) { out[0] = _masses[handle].p[0]; out[1] = _masses[handle].p[1]; out[2] = _masses[handle].p[2]; } float RigidBody::getTotalMass() { return _totalMass; } // Calcualtes the rotational velocity of a particular point. All // coordinates are local! void RigidBody::pointVelocity(float* pos, float* rot, float* out) { Math::sub3(pos, _cg, out); // out = pos-cg Math::cross3(rot, out, out); // = rot cross (pos-cg) } void RigidBody::setGyro(float* angularMomentum) { Math::set3(angularMomentum, _gyro); } void RigidBody::_recalcStatic() { // aggregate all masses that do not change (e.g. fuselage, wings) into one point mass _staticMass.m = 0; _staticMass.p[0] = 0; _staticMass.p[1] = 0; _staticMass.p[2] = 0; int i; int s = 0; for(i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) { if (_masses[i].isStatic) { s++; float m = _masses[i].m; _staticMass.m += m; _staticMass.p[0] += m * _masses[i].p[0]; _staticMass.p[1] += m * _masses[i].p[1]; _staticMass.p[2] += m * _masses[i].p[2]; } } Math::mul3(1/_staticMass.m, _staticMass.p, _staticMass.p); if (_bodyN != 0) { _bodyN->getNode("aggregated-mass", true)->setFloatValue(_staticMass.m); _bodyN->getNode("aggregated-count", true)->setIntValue(s); _bodyN->getNode("aggregated-pos-x", true)->setFloatValue(_staticMass.p[0]); _bodyN->getNode("aggregated-pos-y", true)->setFloatValue(_staticMass.p[1]); _bodyN->getNode("aggregated-pos-z", true)->setFloatValue(_staticMass.p[2]); } // Now the inertia tensor: for(i=0; i<9; i++) _tI_static[i] = 0; for(i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) { if (_masses[i].isStatic) { float m = _masses[i].m; float x = _masses[i].p[0] - _staticMass.p[0]; float y = _masses[i].p[1] - _staticMass.p[1]; float z = _masses[i].p[2] - _staticMass.p[2]; float xy = m*x*y; float yz = m*y*z; float zx = m*z*x; float x2 = m*x*x; float y2 = m*y*y; float z2 = m*z*z; // tensor is symmetric, so we can save some calculations in the loop _tI_static[0] += y2+z2; _tI_static[1] -= xy; _tI_static[2] -= zx; _tI_static[4] += x2+z2; _tI_static[5] -= yz; _tI_static[8] += x2+y2; } } // copy symmetric elements _tI_static[3] = _tI_static[1]; _tI_static[6] = _tI_static[2]; _tI_static[7] = _tI_static[5]; } /// calculate the total mass, centre of gravity and inertia tensor /** recalc is used when compiling the model but more important it is called in Model::iterate() e.g. at FDM rate (120 Hz) We can save some CPU due to the symmetry of the tensor and by aggregating masses that do not change during flight. */ void RigidBody::recalc() { //aggregate static masses into one mass if (_staticMass.m == 0) _recalcStatic(); // Calculate the c.g and total mass // init with pre-calculated static mass _totalMass = _staticMass.m; _cg[0] = _staticMass.m * _staticMass.p[0]; _cg[1] = _staticMass.m * _staticMass.p[1]; _cg[2] = _staticMass.m * _staticMass.p[2]; int i; for(i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) { // only masses we did not aggregate if (!_masses[i].isStatic) { float m = _masses[i].m; _totalMass += m; _cg[0] += m * _masses[i].p[0]; _cg[1] += m * _masses[i].p[1]; _cg[2] += m * _masses[i].p[2]; } } Math::mul3(1/_totalMass, _cg, _cg); // Now the inertia tensor: for(i=0; i<9; i++) _tI[i] = _tI_static[i]; for(i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) { if (!_masses[i].isStatic) { float m = _masses[i].m; float x = _masses[i].p[0] - _cg[0]; float y = _masses[i].p[1] - _cg[1]; float z = _masses[i].p[2] - _cg[2]; float mx = m*x; float my = m*y; float mz = m*z; float xy = mx*y; float yz = my*z; float zx = mz*x; float x2 = mx*x; float y2 = my*y; float z2 = mz*z; _tI[0] += y2+z2; _tI[1] -= xy; _tI[2] -= zx; _tI[4] += x2+z2; _tI[5] -= yz; _tI[8] += x2+y2; } } // copy symmetric elements _tI[3] = _tI[1]; _tI[6] = _tI[2]; _tI[7] = _tI[5]; //calculate inverse Math::invert33_sym(_tI, _invI); } void RigidBody::reset() { _torque[0] = _torque[1] = _torque[2] = 0; _force[0] = _force[1] = _force[2] = 0; } void RigidBody::addForce(float* force) { Math::add3(_force, force, _force); } void RigidBody::addTorque(float* torque) { Math::add3(_torque, torque, _torque); } void RigidBody::addForce(float* pos, float* force) { addForce(force); // For a force F at position X, the torque about the c.g C is: // torque = F cross (C - X) float v[3], t[3]; Math::sub3(_cg, pos, v); Math::cross3(force, v, t); addTorque(t); } /// not used (?) void RigidBody::setBodySpin(float* rotation) { Math::set3(rotation, _spin); } void RigidBody::getCG(float* cgOut) { Math::set3(_cg, cgOut); } /// return acceleration at c.g. void RigidBody::getAccel(float* accelOut) { Math::mul3(1/_totalMass, _force, accelOut); } /// return acceleration at pos (unused?) void RigidBody::getAccel(float* pos, float* accelOut) { getAccel(accelOut); // centripetal accelerations // Calculate normalized spin axis "a" and rate (radians/sec) from spin vector. float rate = Math::mag3(_spin); if (rate != 0) { float a[3], v[3]; Math::sub3(_cg, pos, v); // distance = cg - pos; if (v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 0 && v[2] == 0) // nothing to do return; Math::mul3(1/rate, _spin, a); // d_a = a * (distance dot a); (projection of distance vector on a, |a|=1) Math::mul3(Math::dot3(v, a), a, a); Math::add3(v, a, v); // v = distance + projection; // Now v contains the vector from pos to the rotation axis. // Multiply by the square of the rotation rate to get the linear // acceleration. // nothing to do in the next two lines, if rate == 0 Math::mul3(rate*rate, v, v); Math::add3(v, accelOut, accelOut); } } void RigidBody::getAngularAccel(float* accelOut) { // Compute "tau" as the externally applied torque, plus the // counter-torque due to the internal gyro. float tau[3]; // torque Math::cross3(_gyro, _spin, tau); Math::add3(_torque, tau, tau); // Now work the equation of motion. Use "v" as a notational // shorthand, as the value isn't an acceleration until the end. float *v = accelOut; Math::vmul33(_tI, _spin, v); // v = I*omega Math::cross3(_spin, v, v); // v = omega X I*omega Math::add3(tau, v, v); // v = tau + (omega X I*omega) Math::vmul33(_invI, v, v); // v = invI*(tau + (omega X I*omega)) } void RigidBody::getInertiaMatrix(float* inertiaOut) { // valid only after a call to RigidBody::recalc() // See comment at top of RigidBody.hpp on units. for(int i=0;i<9;i++) { inertiaOut[i] = _tI[i]; } } }; // namespace yasim