/* * Copyright (C) 2021 James Turner * * This file is part of the program FlightGear. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "ErrorReporter.hxx" #include #include // for strftime, etc #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#include // clipboard access using std::string; namespace { const double MinimumIntervalBetweenDialogs = 5.0; const double NoNewErrorsTimeout = 8.0; // map of context values; we allow a stack of values for // cases such as sub-sub-model loading where we might process repeated // nested model XML files using PerThreadErrorContextStack = std::map; // context storage. This is per-thread so parallel osgDB threads don't // confuse each other static thread_local PerThreadErrorContextStack thread_errorContextStack; /** Define the aggregation points we use for errors, to direct the user towards the likely source of problems. */ enum class Aggregation { MainAircraft, HangarAircraft, // handle hangar aircraft differently CustomScenery, TerraSync, AddOn, Scenario, InputDevice, FGData, Unknown ///< error coudln't be attributed more specifcially }; // these should correspond to simgear::ErrorCode enum string_list static_errorIds = { "error-missing-shader", "error-loading-texture", "error-xml-model-load", "error-3D-model-load", "error-btg-load", "error-scenario-load", "error-dialog-load", "error-audio-fx-load", "error-xml-load-command", "error-aircraft-systems", "error-input-device-config" "error-ai-traffic-schedule", }; string_list static_errorTypeIds = { "error-type-unknown", "error-type-not-found", "error-type-out-of-memory", "error-type-bad-header", "error-type-bad-data", "error-type-misconfigured"}; string_list static_categoryIds = { "error-category-aircraft", "error-category-aircraft-from-hangar", "error-category-custom-scenery", "error-category-terrasync", "error-category-addon", "error-category-scenario", "error-category-input-device", "error-category-fgdata", "error-category-unknown"}; class RecentLogCallback : public simgear::LogCallback { public: RecentLogCallback() : simgear::LogCallback(SG_ALL, SG_INFO) { } bool doProcessEntry(const simgear::LogEntry& e) override { ostringstream os; if (e.file != nullptr) { os << e.file << ":" << e.line << ":\t"; } os << e.message; std::lock_guard g(_lock); // begin access to shared state _recentLogEntries.push_back(os.str()); while (_recentLogEntries.size() > _preceedingLogMessageCount) { _recentLogEntries.pop_front(); } return true; } string_list copyRecentLogEntries() const { std::lock_guard g(_lock); // begin access to shared state string_list r(_recentLogEntries.begin(), _recentLogEntries.end()); return r; } private: mutable std::mutex _lock; size_t _preceedingLogMessageCount = 6; using LogDeque = std::deque; LogDeque _recentLogEntries; }; } // namespace namespace flightgear { class ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate { public: bool _reportsDirty = false; std::mutex _lock; SGTimeStamp _nextShowTimeout; SGPropertyNode_ptr _enabledNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr _displayNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr _activeErrorNode; using ErrorContext = std::map; /** strucutre representing a single error which has cocurred */ struct ErrorOcurrence { simgear::ErrorCode code; simgear::LoadFailure type; string detailedInfo; sg_location origin; time_t when; string_list log; ErrorContext context; bool hasContextKey(const std::string& key) const { return context.find(key) != context.end(); } std::string getContextValue(const std::string& key) const { auto it = context.find(key); if (it == context.end()) return {}; return it->second; } }; using OccurrenceVec = std::vector; std::unique_ptr _logCallback; string _terrasyncPathPrefix; string _fgdataPathPrefix; /** structure representing one or more errors, aggregated together */ struct AggregateReport { Aggregation type; std::string parameter; ///< base on type, the specific point. For example the add-on ID, AI model ident or custom scenery path SGTimeStamp lastErrorTime; bool haveShownToUser = false; OccurrenceVec errors; bool addOccurence(const ErrorOcurrence& err); }; using AggregateErrors = std::vector; AggregateErrors _aggregated; int _activeReportIndex = -1; /** find the appropriate agrgegate for an error, based on its context */ AggregateErrors::iterator getAggregateForOccurence(const ErrorOcurrence& oc); AggregateErrors::iterator getAggregate(Aggregation ag, const std::string& param = {}); void collectError(simgear::LoadFailure type, simgear::ErrorCode code, const std::string& details, const sg_location& location) { ErrorOcurrence occurrence{code, type, details, location, time(nullptr)}; // snapshot the top of the context stacks into our occurence data for (const auto& c : thread_errorContextStack) { occurrence.context[c.first] = c.second.back(); } occurrence.log = _logCallback->copyRecentLogEntries(); std::lock_guard g(_lock); // begin access to shared state auto it = getAggregateForOccurence(occurrence); // add to the occurence, if it's not a duplicate if (it->addOccurence(occurrence)) { it->lastErrorTime.stamp(); _reportsDirty = true; } } void collectContext(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { if (value == "POP") { auto it = thread_errorContextStack.find(key); assert(it != thread_errorContextStack.end()); assert(!it->second.empty()); it->second.pop_back(); if (it->second.empty()) { thread_errorContextStack.erase(it); } } else { thread_errorContextStack[key].push_back(value); } } void presentErrorToUser(AggregateReport& report) { const int catId = static_cast(report.type); auto catLabel = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString(static_categoryIds.at(catId), "sys"); catLabel = simgear::strutils::replace(catLabel, "%VALUE%", report.parameter); _displayNode->setStringValue("category", catLabel); auto ns = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("error-next-steps", "sys"); _displayNode->setStringValue("next-steps", ns); // remove any existing error children _displayNode->removeChildren("error"); ostringstream detailsTextStream; // add all the discrete errors as child nodes with all their information for (const auto& e : report.errors) { SGPropertyNode_ptr errNode = _displayNode->addChild("error"); const auto em = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString(static_errorIds.at(static_cast(e.code)), "sys"); errNode->setStringValue("message", em); errNode->setIntValue("code", static_cast(e.code)); const auto et = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString(static_errorTypeIds.at(static_cast(e.type)), "sys"); errNode->setStringValue("type-message", et); errNode->setIntValue("type", static_cast(e.type)); errNode->setStringValue("details", e.detailedInfo); detailsTextStream << em << ": " << et << "\n"; detailsTextStream << "(" << e.detailedInfo << ")\n"; if (e.origin.isValid()) { errNode->setStringValue("location", e.origin.asString()); detailsTextStream << " from:" << e.origin.asString() << "\n"; } detailsTextStream << "\n"; } // of errors within the report iteration _displayNode->setStringValue("details-text", detailsTextStream.str()); _activeErrorNode->setBoolValue(true); report.haveShownToUser = true; // compute index; slightly clunky, find the report in _aggregated auto it = std::find_if(_aggregated.begin(), _aggregated.end(), [report](const AggregateReport& a) { if (a.type != report.type) return false; return report.parameter.empty() ? true : report.parameter == a.parameter; }); assert(it != _aggregated.end()); _activeReportIndex = std::distance(_aggregated.begin(), it); } void writeReportToStream(const AggregateReport& report, std::ostream& os) const; void writeContextToStream(const ErrorOcurrence& error, std::ostream& os) const; void writeLogToStream(const ErrorOcurrence& error, std::ostream& os) const; bool dismissReportCommand(const SGPropertyNode* args, SGPropertyNode*); bool saveReportCommand(const SGPropertyNode* args, SGPropertyNode*); }; auto ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::getAggregateForOccurence(const ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::ErrorOcurrence& oc) -> AggregateErrors::iterator { if (oc.hasContextKey("primary-aircraft")) { const auto fullId = fgGetString("/sim/aircraft-id"); if (fullId != fgGetString("/sim/aircraft")) { return getAggregate(Aggregation::MainAircraft); } return getAggregate(Aggregation::HangarAircraft, fullId); } if (oc.hasContextKey("terrain-stg")) { // determine if it's custom scenery, TerraSync or FGData // bucket is no use here, we need to check the BTG/XML/STG path etc. // STG is probably the best bet. This ensures if a custom scenery // STG references a model, XML or texture in FGData or TerraSync // incorrectly, we attribute the error to the scenery, which is // likely what we want/expect const auto stgPath = oc.getContextValue("terrain-stg"); if (simgear::strutils::starts_with(stgPath, _fgdataPathPrefix)) { return getAggregate(Aggregation::FGData, {}); } else if (simgear::strutils::starts_with(stgPath, _terrasyncPathPrefix)) { return getAggregate(Aggregation::TerraSync, {}); } // custom scenery, find out the prefix for (const auto& sceneryPath : globals->get_fg_scenery()) { const auto pathStr = sceneryPath.utf8Str(); if (simgear::strutils::starts_with(stgPath, pathStr)) { return getAggregate(Aggregation::CustomScenery, pathStr); } } // shouldn't ever happen return getAggregate(Aggregation::CustomScenery, {}); } if (oc.hasContextKey("scenario-path")) { const auto scenarioPath = oc.getContextValue("scenario-path"); return getAggregate(Aggregation::Scenario, scenarioPath); } if (oc.hasContextKey("input-device")) { return getAggregate(Aggregation::InputDevice, oc.getContextValue("input-device")); } // GUI dialog errors often have no context if (oc.code == simgear::ErrorCode::GUIDialog) { // TODO: check if it's an aircraft dialog and use MainAicraft // check if it's an add-on and use that return getAggregate(Aggregation::FGData); } return getAggregate(Aggregation::Unknown); } auto ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::getAggregate(Aggregation ag, const std::string& param) -> AggregateErrors::iterator { auto it = std::find_if(_aggregated.begin(), _aggregated.end(), [ag, ¶m](const AggregateReport& a) { if (a.type != ag) return false; return param.empty() ? true : param == a.parameter; }); if (it == _aggregated.end()) { AggregateReport r; r.type = ag; r.parameter = param; _aggregated.push_back(r); it = _aggregated.end() - 1; } return it; } void ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::writeReportToStream(const AggregateReport& report, std::ostream& os) const { os << "FlightGear " << VERSION << " error report, created at "; { char buf[64]; time_t now = time(nullptr); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&now)); os << buf << endl; } os << "Category:" << static_categoryIds.at(static_cast(report.type)) << endl; if (!report.parameter.empty()) { os << "\tParameter:" << report.parameter << endl; } os << endl; // insert a blank line after header data int index = 1; char whenBuf[64]; for (const auto& err : report.errors) { os << "Error " << index++ << std::endl; os << "\tcode:" << static_errorIds.at(static_cast(err.code)) << endl; os << "\ttype:" << static_errorTypeIds.at(static_cast(err.type)) << endl; strftime(whenBuf, sizeof(whenBuf), "%H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&err.when)); os << "\twhen:" << whenBuf << endl; os << "\t" << err.detailedInfo << std::endl; os << "\tlocation:" << err.origin.asString() << endl; writeContextToStream(err, os); writeLogToStream(err, os); os << std::endl; // trailing blank line } } bool ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::dismissReportCommand(const SGPropertyNode* args, SGPropertyNode*) { std::lock_guard g(_lock); _activeErrorNode->setBoolValue(false); if (args->getBoolValue("dont-show")) { // TODO implement dont-show behaviour } // clear any values underneath displayNode? _nextShowTimeout.stamp(); _reportsDirty = true; // set this so we check for another report to present _activeReportIndex = -1; return true; } bool ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::saveReportCommand(const SGPropertyNode* args, SGPropertyNode*) { if (_activeReportIndex < 0) { return false; } const auto& report = _aggregated.at(_activeReportIndex); const string where = args->getStringValue("where"); string when; { char buf[64]; time_t now = time(nullptr); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y%m%d", gmtime(&now)); when = buf; } if (where.empty() || (where == "!desktop")) { SGPath p = SGPath::desktop() / ("flightgear_error_" + when + ".txt"); int uniqueCount = 2; while (p.exists()) { p = SGPath::desktop() / ("flightgear_error_" + when + "_" + std::to_string(uniqueCount++) + ".txt"); } sg_ofstream f(p, std::ios_base::out); writeReportToStream(report, f); } else if (where == "!clipboard") { std::ostringstream os; writeReportToStream(report, os); NasalClipboard::getInstance()->setText(os.str()); } return true; } void ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::writeContextToStream(const ErrorOcurrence& error, std::ostream& os) const { os << "\tcontext:\n"; for (const auto& c : error.context) { os << "\t\t" << c.first << " = " << c.second << "\n"; } } void ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::writeLogToStream(const ErrorOcurrence& error, std::ostream& os) const { os << "\tpreceeding log:\n"; for (const auto& c : error.log) { os << "\t\t" << c << "\n"; } } bool ErrorReporter::ErrorReporterPrivate::AggregateReport::addOccurence(const ErrorOcurrence& err) { auto it = std::find_if(errors.begin(), errors.end(), [err](const ErrorOcurrence& ext) { // check if the two occurences match for the purposes of // de-duplication. return (ext.code == err.code) && (ext.type == err.type) && (ext.detailedInfo == err.detailedInfo) && (ext.origin.asString() == err.origin.asString()); }); if (it != errors.end()) { return false; // duplicate, don't add } errors.push_back(err); lastErrorTime.stamp(); return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////// ErrorReporter::ErrorReporter() : d(new ErrorReporterPrivate) { d->_logCallback.reset(new RecentLogCallback); } void ErrorReporter::bind() { SGPropertyNode_ptr n = fgGetNode("/sim/error-report", true); d->_enabledNode = n->getNode("enabled", true); if (!d->_enabledNode->hasValue()) { d->_enabledNode->setBoolValue(false); // default to off for now } d->_displayNode = n->getNode("display", true); d->_activeErrorNode = n->getNode("active", true); } void ErrorReporter::unbind() { d->_enabledNode.clear(); d->_displayNode.clear(); d->_activeErrorNode.clear(); } void ErrorReporter::preinit() { ErrorReporterPrivate* p = d.get(); simgear::setFailureCallback([p](simgear::LoadFailure type, simgear::ErrorCode code, const std::string& details, const sg_location& location) { p->collectError(type, code, details, location); }); simgear::setErrorContextCallback([p](const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { p->collectContext(key, value); }); sglog().addCallback(d->_logCallback.get()); } void ErrorReporter::init() { if (!d->_enabledNode) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Error reporting disabled"); simgear::setFailureCallback(simgear::FailureCallback()); simgear::setErrorContextCallback(simgear::ContextCallback()); sglog().removeCallback(d->_logCallback.get()); return; } globals->get_commands()->addCommand("dismiss-error-report", d.get(), &ErrorReporterPrivate::dismissReportCommand); globals->get_commands()->addCommand("save-error-report-data", d.get(), &ErrorReporterPrivate::saveReportCommand); // cache these values here d->_fgdataPathPrefix = globals->get_fg_root().utf8Str(); d->_terrasyncPathPrefix = globals->get_terrasync_dir().utf8Str(); } void ErrorReporter::update(double dt) { bool showDialog = false; // beginning of locked section { std::lock_guard g(d->_lock); if (!d->_enabledNode->getBoolValue()) { return; } SGTimeStamp n = SGTimeStamp::now(); // ensure we pause between successive error dialogs const auto timeSinceLastDialog = (n - d->_nextShowTimeout).toSecs(); if (timeSinceLastDialog < MinimumIntervalBetweenDialogs) { return; } if (!d->_reportsDirty) { return; } if (d->_activeReportIndex >= 0) { return; // already showing a report } // check if any reports are due // check if an error is current active for (auto& report : d->_aggregated) { if (report.haveShownToUser) { // unless we ever re-show? continue; } const auto ageSec = (n - report.lastErrorTime).toSecs(); if (ageSec > NoNewErrorsTimeout) { d->presentErrorToUser(report); showDialog = true; // if we show one report, don't consider any others for now break; } } // of active aggregates iteration } // end of locked section // do not call into another subsystem with our lock held, // as this can trigger deadlocks if (showDialog) { auto gui = globals->get_subsystem(); gui->showDialog("error-report"); } } void ErrorReporter::shutdown() { if (d->_enabledNode) { globals->get_commands()->removeCommand("dismiss-error-report"); globals->get_commands()->removeCommand("save-error-report-data"); sglog().removeCallback(d->_logCallback.get()); } } std::string ErrorReporter::threadSpecificContextValue(const std::string& key) { auto it = thread_errorContextStack.find(key); if (it == thread_errorContextStack.end()) return {}; return it->second.back(); } } // namespace flightgear