# CMake module includes. include(FlightGearComponent) include(SetupFGFSBundle) include(SetupFGFSEmbeddedResources) include(SetupFGFSIncludes) include(SetupFGFSLibraries) include(SetupMSVCGrouping) # Set up the Main FG file sources and headers (excluding bootstrap.cxx and its main() function). if(MSVC) set(MS_RESOURCE_FILE flightgear.rc) endif(MSVC) set(SOURCES fg_commands.cxx fg_init.cxx fg_io.cxx fg_os_common.cxx fg_scene_commands.cxx fg_props.cxx FGInterpolator.cxx globals.cxx locale.cxx logger.cxx main.cxx options.cxx positioninit.cxx screensaver_control.cxx subsystemFactory.cxx util.cxx XLIFFParser.cxx sentryIntegration.cxx ${MS_RESOURCE_FILE} ) set(HEADERS AircraftDirVisitorBase.hxx fg_commands.hxx fg_init.hxx fg_io.hxx fg_props.hxx FGInterpolator.hxx globals.hxx locale.hxx logger.hxx main.hxx options.hxx positioninit.hxx screensaver_control.hxx subsystemFactory.hxx util.hxx XLIFFParser.hxx sentryIntegration.hxx ) flightgear_component(Main "${SOURCES}" "${HEADERS}") # The main() function. set(MAIN_SOURCE bootstrap.cxx ) # Set up the embedded resources. setup_fgfs_embedded_resources() # Sort the sources and headers for MSVC. setup_msvc_grouping() # All sources and headers to be built into fgfs. get_property(FG_SOURCES GLOBAL PROPERTY FG_SOURCES) get_property(FG_HEADERS GLOBAL PROPERTY FG_HEADERS) # important we pass WIN32 here so the console is optional. Other # platforms ignore this option. If a console is needed we allocate # it manually via AllocConsole() # similarly pass MACOSX_BUNDLE so we generate a .app on Mac add_executable(fgfs WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE ${MAIN_SOURCE} ${FG_SOURCES} ${FG_HEADERS} ) add_dependencies(fgfs buildId) # explicitly disable automoc for main fgfs target set_property(TARGET fgfs PROPERTY AUTOMOC OFF) # MacOSX bundle packaging if(APPLE) setup_fgfs_bundle(fgfs) endif() # Set up the target links. setup_fgfs_libraries(fgfs) export_debug_symbols(fgfs) # Additional search paths for includes. setup_fgfs_includes(fgfs) # this has to live here for compatability with older CMake versions if (APPLE) install(TARGETS fgfs BUNDLE DESTINATION .) else() install(TARGETS fgfs RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if (TARGET sentry::sentry) target_link_libraries(fgfs sentry::sentry) endif() if(ENABLE_METAR) add_executable(metar metar_main.cxx) target_link_libraries(metar SimGearScene) install(TARGETS metar RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if (MSVC) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${FG_QT_BIN_DIR}" _qt5_bin_dir_native) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${FINAL_MSVC_3RDPARTY_DIR}/bin" _msvc_3rdparty_bin_dir) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}" _install_bin_dir) set_property(TARGET fgfs PROPERTY VS_GLOBAL_LocalDebuggerEnvironment "PATH=${_install_bin_dir};${_msvc_3rdparty_bin_dir};${_qt5_bin_dir_native}") endif() if (FG_QT_ROOT_DIR) # for QtPlatformHeaders target_include_directories(fgfs PRIVATE ${FG_QT_ROOT_DIR}/include) endif()