/** * WaypointList.hxx - scrolling list of waypoints, with special formatting */ #ifndef GUI_WAYPOINT_LIST_HXX #define GUI_WAYPOINT_LIST_HXX #include <simgear/compiler.h> #include <simgear/timing/timestamp.hxx> #include <plib/pu.h> #include "FGPUIDialog.hxx" // for GUI_ID // forward decls class puaScrollBar; class SGCallback; class RoutePath; namespace flightgear { class Waypt; class FlightPlan; } class WaypointList : public puFrame, public GUI_ID { public: WaypointList(int x, int y, int width, int height); virtual ~WaypointList(); virtual void setSize(int width, int height); virtual int checkHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y); virtual void doHit( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; virtual void draw( int dx, int dy ) ; virtual int checkKey(int key, int updown); virtual void invokeDownCallback (void); void setSelected(int rowIndex); int getSelected(); /** * Do we want a vertical scrollbar (or similar) */ bool wantsVScroll() const; /** * Get scrollbar position as a percentage of total range. * returns negative number if scrolling is not possible */ float getVScrollPercent() const; /** * */ void setVScrollPercent(float perc); /** * Get required thumb size as percentage of total height */ float getVScrollThumbPercent() const; int numVisibleRows() const; void ensureRowVisible(int row); void setUpdateCallback(SGCallback* cb); void setScrollCallback(SGCallback* cb); /** * Abstract interface for waypoint source */ class Model { public: virtual ~Model() { } virtual unsigned int numWaypoints() const = 0; virtual int currentWaypoint() const = 0; virtual flightgear::Waypt* waypointAt(unsigned int index) const = 0; virtual flightgear::FlightPlan* flightplan() const = 0; // update notifications virtual void setUpdateCallback(SGCallback* cb) = 0; // editing operations virtual void deleteAt(unsigned int index) = 0; virtual void moveWaypointToIndex(unsigned int srcIndex, unsigned int dstIndex) = 0; }; void setModel(Model* model); unsigned int numWaypoints() const; protected: private: void drawRow(int dx, int dy, int rowIndex, int yOrigin, const RoutePath& path); void drawRowText(int x, int baseline, int rowIndex, const RoutePath &path); void handleDrag(int x, int y); void doDrop(int x, int y); void doDragScroll(); /** * Pixel height of a row, including padding */ int rowHeightPx() const; /** * model row corresponding to an on-screen y-value */ int rowForY(int y) const; /** * reutrn rowheight * total number of rows, i.e the height we'd * need to be to show every row without scrolling */ int totalHeightPx() const; /** * Pixel scroll range, based on widget height and number of rows */ int scrollRangePx() const; int firstVisibleRow() const; int lastVisibleRow() const; int numFullyVisibleRows() const; int firstFullyVisibleRow() const; int lastFullyVisibleRow() const; void modelUpdateCallback(); int _scrollPx; // scroll ammount (in pixels) int _heightPx; bool _dragging; int _dragSourceRow; int _dragTargetRow; int _mouseDownX, _mouseDownY; int _dragScroll; SGTimeStamp _dragScrollTime; bool _showLatLon; Model* _model; SGCallback* _updateCallback; SGCallback* _scrollCallback; SGTimeStamp _blinkTimer; bool _blink; int _arrowWidth; }; class ScrolledWaypointList : public puGroup { public: ScrolledWaypointList(int x, int y, int width, int height); virtual void setSize(int width, int height); void setScrollPercent(float v); virtual void setValue(float v); virtual void setValue(int v); private: void init(int w, int h); void updateScroll(); void updateWantsScroll(int w, int h); void modelUpdated(); puaScrollBar* _scrollbar; WaypointList* _list; int _scrollWidth; bool _hasVScroll; }; #endif // GUI_WAYPOINT_LIST_HXX