// tilemgr.cxx -- routines to handle dynamic management of scenery tiles // // Written by Curtis Olson, started January 1998. // // Copyright (C) 1997 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#include #include #include #include "scenery.hxx" #include "SceneryPager.hxx" #include "tilemgr.hxx" using flightgear::SceneryPager; FGTileMgr::FGTileMgr(): state( Start ), last_state( Running ), longitude(-1000.0), latitude(-1000.0), scheduled_visibility(100.0), _terra_sync(NULL), _visibilityMeters(fgGetNode("/environment/visibility-m", true)), _maxTileRangeM(fgGetNode("/sim/rendering/static-lod/bare", true)), _disableNasalHooks(fgGetNode("/sim/temp/disable-scenery-nasal", true)), _scenery_loaded(fgGetNode("/sim/sceneryloaded", true)), _scenery_override(fgGetNode("/sim/sceneryloaded-override", true)), _pager(FGScenery::getPagerSingleton()) { } FGTileMgr::~FGTileMgr() { // remove all nodes we might have left behind osg::Group* group = globals->get_scenery()->get_terrain_branch(); group->removeChildren(0, group->getNumChildren()); // clear OSG cache osgDB::Registry::instance()->clearObjectCache(); } // Initialize the Tile Manager subsystem void FGTileMgr::init() { SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "Initializing Tile Manager subsystem." ); _options = new simgear::SGReaderWriterOptions; _options->setMaterialLib(globals->get_matlib()); _options->setPropertyNode(globals->get_props()); osgDB::FilePathList &fp = _options->getDatabasePathList(); const string_list &sc = globals->get_fg_scenery(); fp.clear(); std::copy(sc.begin(), sc.end(), back_inserter(fp)); _options->setPluginStringData("SimGear::FG_ROOT", globals->get_fg_root()); if (!_disableNasalHooks->getBoolValue()) _options->setModelData(new FGNasalModelDataProxy); reinit(); } void FGTileMgr::refresh_tile(void* tileMgr, long tileIndex) { ((FGTileMgr*) tileMgr)->tile_cache.refresh_tile(tileIndex); } void FGTileMgr::reinit() { _terra_sync = static_cast (globals->get_subsystem("terrasync")); if (_terra_sync) _terra_sync->setTileRefreshCb(&refresh_tile, this); // protect against multiple scenery reloads and properly reset flags, // otherwise aircraft fall through the ground while reloading scenery if (!fgGetBool("/sim/sceneryloaded",true)) return; fgSetBool("/sim/sceneryloaded",false); fgSetDouble("/sim/startup/splash-alpha", 1.0); // Reload the materials definitions _options->setMaterialLib(globals->get_matlib()); // remove all old scenery nodes from scenegraph and clear cache osg::Group* group = globals->get_scenery()->get_terrain_branch(); group->removeChildren(0, group->getNumChildren()); tile_cache.init(); // clear OSG cache, except on initial start-up if (state != Start) { osgDB::Registry::instance()->clearObjectCache(); } state = Inited; previous_bucket.make_bad(); current_bucket.make_bad(); longitude = latitude = -1000.0; scheduled_visibility = 100.0; // force an update now update(0.0); } /* schedule a tile for loading, keep request for given amount of time. * Returns true if tile is already loaded. */ bool FGTileMgr::sched_tile( const SGBucket& b, double priority, bool current_view, double duration) { // see if tile already exists in the cache TileEntry *t = tile_cache.get_tile( b ); if (!t) { // create a new entry t = new TileEntry( b ); // insert the tile into the cache, update will generate load request if ( tile_cache.insert_tile( t ) ) { // Attach to scene graph t->addToSceneGraph(globals->get_scenery()->get_terrain_branch()); } else { // insert failed (cache full with no available entries to // delete.) Try again later delete t; return false; } SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, " New tile cache size " << (int)tile_cache.get_size() ); } // update tile's properties tile_cache.request_tile(t,priority,current_view,duration); return t->is_loaded(); } /* schedule needed buckets for the current view position for loading, * keep request for given amount of time */ void FGTileMgr::schedule_needed(const SGBucket& curr_bucket, double vis) { // sanity check (unfortunately needed!) if ( longitude < -180.0 || longitude > 180.0 || latitude < -90.0 || latitude > 90.0 ) { SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_ALERT, "Attempting to schedule tiles for bogus lon and lat = (" << longitude << "," << latitude << ")" ); return; } SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "scheduling needed tiles for " << longitude << " " << latitude ); double tile_width = curr_bucket.get_width_m(); double tile_height = curr_bucket.get_height_m(); // cout << "tile width = " << tile_width << " tile_height = " // << tile_height << endl; double tileRangeM = std::min(vis,_maxTileRangeM->getDoubleValue()); int xrange = (int)(tileRangeM / tile_width) + 1; int yrange = (int)(tileRangeM / tile_height) + 1; if ( xrange < 1 ) { xrange = 1; } if ( yrange < 1 ) { yrange = 1; } // make the cache twice as large to avoid losing terrain when switching // between aircraft and tower views tile_cache.set_max_cache_size( (2*xrange + 2) * (2*yrange + 2) * 2 ); // cout << "xrange = " << xrange << " yrange = " << yrange << endl; // cout << "max cache size = " << tile_cache.get_max_cache_size() // << " current cache size = " << tile_cache.get_size() << endl; // clear flags of all tiles belonging to the previous view set tile_cache.clear_current_view(); // update timestamps, so all tiles scheduled now are *newer* than any tile previously loaded osg::FrameStamp* framestamp = globals->get_renderer()->getViewer()->getFrameStamp(); tile_cache.set_current_time(framestamp->getReferenceTime()); SGBucket b; int x, y; /* schedule all tiles, use distance-based loading priority, * so tiles are loaded in innermost-to-outermost sequence. */ for ( x = -xrange; x <= xrange; ++x ) { for ( y = -yrange; y <= yrange; ++y ) { SGBucket b = sgBucketOffset( longitude, latitude, x, y ); float priority = (-1.0) * (x*x+y*y); sched_tile( b, priority, true, 0.0 ); } } } /** * Update the various queues maintained by the tilemagr (private * internal function, do not call directly.) */ void FGTileMgr::update_queues() { osg::FrameStamp* framestamp = globals->get_renderer()->getViewer()->getFrameStamp(); double current_time = framestamp->getReferenceTime(); double vis = _visibilityMeters->getDoubleValue(); TileEntry *e; int loading=0; int sz=0; tile_cache.set_current_time( current_time ); tile_cache.reset_traversal(); while ( ! tile_cache.at_end() ) { e = tile_cache.get_current(); // cout << "processing a tile" << endl; if ( e ) { // Prepare the ssg nodes corresponding to each tile. // Set the ssg transform and update it's range selector // based on current visibilty e->prep_ssg_node(vis); if (( !e->is_loaded() )&& ((!e->is_expired(current_time))|| e->is_current_view() )) { // schedule tile for loading with osg pager _pager->queueRequest(e->tileFileName, e->getNode(), e->get_priority(), framestamp, e->getDatabaseRequest(), _options.get()); loading++; } } else { SG_LOG(SG_TERRAIN, SG_ALERT, "Warning: empty tile in cache!"); } tile_cache.next(); sz++; } int drop_count = sz - tile_cache.get_max_cache_size(); if (( drop_count > 0 )&& ((loading==0)||(drop_count > 10))) { long drop_index = tile_cache.get_drop_tile(); while ( drop_index > -1 ) { // schedule tile for deletion with osg pager TileEntry* old = tile_cache.get_tile(drop_index); tile_cache.clear_entry(drop_index); osg::ref_ptr subgraph = old->getNode(); old->removeFromSceneGraph(); delete old; // zeros out subgraph ref_ptr, so subgraph is owned by // the pager and will be deleted in the pager thread. _pager->queueDeleteRequest(subgraph); if (--drop_count > 0) drop_index = tile_cache.get_drop_tile(); else drop_index = -1; } } } // given the current lon/lat (in degrees), fill in the array of local // chunks. If the chunk isn't already in the cache, then read it from // disk. void FGTileMgr::update(double) { double vis = _visibilityMeters->getDoubleValue(); schedule_tiles_at(globals->get_view_position(), vis); update_queues(); // scenery loading check, triggers after each sim (tile manager) reinit if (!_scenery_loaded->getBoolValue()) { bool fdmInited = fgGetBool("sim/fdm-initialized"); if (_scenery_override->getBoolValue() || (isSceneryLoaded() && fdmInited)) { _scenery_loaded->setBoolValue(true); fgSplashProgress(""); } else { fgSplashProgress("loading-scenery"); // be nice to loader threads while waiting for initial scenery, reduce to 20fps SGTimeStamp::sleepForMSec(50); } } } // schedule tiles for the viewer bucket // (FDM/AI/groundcache/... should use "schedule_scenery" instead) void FGTileMgr::schedule_tiles_at(const SGGeod& location, double range_m) { longitude = location.getLongitudeDeg(); latitude = location.getLatitudeDeg(); // SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "FGTileMgr::update() for " // << longitude << " " << latitude ); current_bucket.set_bucket( location ); // schedule more tiles when visibility increased considerably // TODO Calculate tile size - instead of using fixed value (5000m) if (range_m - scheduled_visibility > 5000.0) previous_bucket.make_bad(); // SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "Updating tile list for " // << current_bucket ); fgSetInt( "/environment/current-tile-id", current_bucket.gen_index() ); // do tile load scheduling. // Note that we need keep track of both viewer buckets and fdm buckets. if ( state == Running ) { if (last_state != state) { SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "State == Running" ); } if (current_bucket != previous_bucket) { // We've moved to a new bucket, we need to schedule any // needed tiles for loading. SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_INFO, "FGTileMgr::update()" ); scheduled_visibility = range_m; schedule_needed(current_bucket, range_m); if (_terra_sync) _terra_sync->schedulePosition(latitude,longitude); } // save bucket previous_bucket = current_bucket; } else if ( state == Start || state == Inited ) { SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_DEBUG, "State == Start || Inited" ); // do not update bucket yet (position not valid in initial loop) state = Running; previous_bucket.make_bad(); } last_state = state; } /** Schedules scenery for given position. Load request remains valid for given duration * (duration=0.0 => nothing is loaded). * Used for FDM/AI/groundcache/... requests. Viewer uses "schedule_tiles_at" instead. * Returns true when all tiles for the given position are already loaded, false otherwise. */ bool FGTileMgr::schedule_scenery(const SGGeod& position, double range_m, double duration) { const float priority = 0.0; double current_longitude = position.getLongitudeDeg(); double current_latitude = position.getLatitudeDeg(); bool available = true; // sanity check (unfortunately needed!) if (current_longitude < -180 || current_longitude > 180 || current_latitude < -90 || current_latitude > 90) return false; SGBucket bucket(position); available = sched_tile( bucket, priority, false, duration ); if ((!available)&&(duration==0.0)) return false; SGVec3d cartPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(position); // Traverse all tiles required to be there for the given visibility. double tile_width = bucket.get_width_m(); double tile_height = bucket.get_height_m(); double tile_r = 0.5*sqrt(tile_width*tile_width + tile_height*tile_height); double max_dist = tile_r + range_m; double max_dist2 = max_dist*max_dist; int xrange = (int)fabs(range_m / tile_width) + 1; int yrange = (int)fabs(range_m / tile_height) + 1; for ( int x = -xrange; x <= xrange; ++x ) { for ( int y = -yrange; y <= yrange; ++y ) { // We have already checked for the center tile. if ( x != 0 || y != 0 ) { SGBucket b = sgBucketOffset( current_longitude, current_latitude, x, y ); double distance2 = distSqr(cartPos, SGVec3d::fromGeod(b.get_center())); // Do not ask if it is just the next tile but way out of range. if (distance2 <= max_dist2) { available &= sched_tile( b, priority, false, duration ); if ((!available)&&(duration==0.0)) return false; } } } } return available; } // Returns true if tiles around current view position have been loaded bool FGTileMgr::isSceneryLoaded() { double range_m = 100.0; if (scheduled_visibility < range_m) range_m = scheduled_visibility; return schedule_scenery(SGGeod::fromDeg(longitude, latitude), range_m, 0.0); }