// hitlist.hxx // Height Over Terrain and Assosciated Routines for FlightGear based Scenery // Written by Norman Vine, started 2000. #ifndef _HITLIST_HXX #define _HITLIST_HXX #ifndef __cplusplus # error This library requires C++ #endif #include <simgear/compiler.h> #include <vector> #include <plib/ssg.h> SG_USING_STD(vector); class FGHitRec { private: ssgEntity *ent; int index; sgdVec3 point; sgdVec3 normal; public: FGHitRec( ssgEntity *e, int idx, sgdVec3 p, sgdVec3 n ) { ent = e; index = idx; sgdSetVec3(point,p[0],p[1],p[2]); sgdSetVec3(normal,n[0],n[1],n[2]); } ssgEntity *get_entity(void) { return ent; } int get_face(void) { return index; } double *get_point(void) { return point; } double *get_normal(void) { return normal; } }; class FGHitList { private: ssgEntity *last; vector < FGHitRec > list; double test_dist; public: FGHitList(); ~FGHitList(); void init(void) { list.clear(); test_dist=DBL_MAX; } void clear(void) { init(); last = NULL; } void add( ssgEntity *ent, int idx, sgdVec3 point, sgdVec3 normal ) { list.push_back( FGHitRec( ent,idx,point,normal) ); last = ent; } int num_hits(void) { return list.size(); } ssgEntity *get_entity(int i) { return list[i].get_entity(); } ssgEntity *last_hit(void) { return last; } int get_face(int i) { return list[i].get_face(); } double *get_point(int i) { return list[i].get_point(); } double *get_normal(int i) { return list[i].get_normal(); } void Intersect( ssgBranch *branch, sgdVec3 orig, sgdVec3 dir ); void Intersect( ssgBranch *scene, sgdMat4 m, sgdVec3 orig, sgdVec3 dir ); void IntersectBranch( ssgBranch *branch, sgdMat4 m, sgdVec3 orig, sgdVec3 dir); int IntersectLeaf( ssgLeaf *leaf, sgdMat4 m, sgdVec3 orig, sgdVec3 dir ); int IntersectLeaf( ssgLeaf *leaf, sgdMat4 m, sgdVec3 orig, sgdVec3 dir, GLenum primType ); }; // Associated functions, assuming a wgs84 world with 0,0,0 at the // center, find the current terrain intersection elevation for the // point specified. bool fgCurrentElev( sgdVec3 abs_view_pos, sgdVec3 scenery_center, ssgTransform *terra_transform, FGHitList *hit_list, double *terrain_elev, double *radius, double *normal ); bool fgCurrentElev( sgdVec3 abs_view_pos, sgdVec3 scenery_center, FGHitList *hit_list, double *terrain_elev, double *radius, double *normal ); #endif // _HITLIST_HXX