// fgfs.hxx -- top level include file for FlightGear.
// Written by David Megginson, started 2000-12
// Copyright (C) 2000  David Megginson, david@megginson.com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$

#ifndef __FGFS_HXX
#define __FGFS_HXX 1

#  include <config.h>

#include <simgear/compiler.h>

// #  include <math.h>
// #endif

#  include <windows.h>                     
#  include <float.h>                    

#include STL_STRING

#include <vector>

#include <map>

#include <simgear/misc/props.hxx>

 * Basic interface for all FlightGear subsystems.
 * <p>This is an abstract interface that all FlightGear subsystems
 * will eventually implement.  It defines the basic operations for
 * each subsystem: initialization, property binding and unbinding, and
 * updating.  Interfaces may define additional methods, but the
 * preferred way of exchanging information with other subsystems is
 * through the property tree.</p>
 * <p>To publish information through a property, a subsystem should
 * bind it to a variable or (if necessary) a getter/setter pair in the
 * bind() method, and release the property in the unbind() method:</p>
 * <pre>
 * void MySubsystem::bind ()
 * {
 *   fgTie("/controls/elevator", &_elevator);
 *   fgSetArchivable("/controls/elevator");
 * }
 * void MySubsystem::unbind ()
 * {
 *   fgUntie("/controls/elevator");
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>To reference a property (possibly) from another subsystem, there
 * are two alternatives.  If the property will be referenced only
 * infrequently (say, in the init() method), then the fgGet* methods
 * declared in fg_props.hxx are the simplest:</p>
 * <pre>
 * void MySubsystem::init ()
 * {
 *   _errorMargin = fgGetFloat("/display/error-margin-pct");
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>On the other hand, if the property will be referenced frequently
 * (say, in the update() method), then the hash-table lookup required
 * by the fgGet* methods might be too expensive; instead, the
 * subsystem should obtain a reference to the actual property node in
 * its init() function and use that reference in the main loop:</p>
 * <pre>
 * void MySubsystem::init ()
 * {
 *   _errorNode = fgGetNode("/display/error-margin-pct", true);
 * }
 * void MySubsystem::update (double delta_time_sec)
 * {
 *   do_something(_errorNode.getFloatValue());
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>The node returned will always be a pointer to SGPropertyNode,
 * and the subsystem should <em>not</em> delete it in its destructor
 * (the pointer belongs to the property tree, not the subsystem).</p>
 * <p>The program may ask the subsystem to suspend or resume
 * sim-time-dependent operations; by default, the suspend() and
 * resume() methods set the protected variable <var>_suspended</var>,
 * which the subsystem can reference in its update() method, but
 * subsystems may also override the suspend() and resume() methods to
 * take different actions.</p>
class FGSubsystem

   * Default constructor.
  FGSubsystem ();

   * Virtual destructor to ensure that subclass destructors are called.
  virtual ~FGSubsystem ();

   * Initialize the subsystem.
   * <p>This method should set up the state of the subsystem, but
   * should not bind any properties.  Note that any dependencies on
   * the state of other subsystems should be placed here rather than
   * in the constructor, so that FlightGear can control the
   * initialization order.</p>
  virtual void init ();

   * Reinitialize the subsystem.
   * <p>This method should cause the subsystem to reinitialize itself,
   * and (normally) to reload any configuration files.</p>
  virtual void reinit ();

   * Acquire the subsystem's property bindings.
   * <p>This method should bind all properties that the subsystem
   * publishes.  It will be invoked after init, but before any
   * invocations of update.</p>
  virtual void bind ();

   * Release the subsystem's property bindings.
   * <p>This method should release all properties that the subsystem
   * publishes.  It will be invoked by FlightGear (not the destructor)
   * just before the subsystem is removed.</p>
  virtual void unbind ();

   * Update the subsystem.
   * <p>FlightGear invokes this method every time the subsystem should
   * update its state.</p>
   * @param delta_time_sec The delta time, in seconds, since the last
   * update.  On first update, delta time will be 0.
  virtual void update (double delta_time_sec) = 0;

   * Suspend operation of this subsystem.
   * <p>This method instructs the subsystem to suspend
   * sim-time-dependent operations until asked to resume.  The update
   * method will still be invoked so that the subsystem can take any
   * non-time-dependent actions, such as updating the display.</p>
   * <p>It is not an error for the suspend method to be invoked when
   * the subsystem is already suspended; the invocation should simply
   * be ignored.</p>
  virtual void suspend ();

   * Suspend or resum operation of this subsystem.
   * @param suspended true if the subsystem should be suspended, false
   * otherwise.
  virtual void suspend (bool suspended);

   * Resume operation of this subsystem.
   * <p>This method instructs the subsystem to resume
   * sim-time-depended operations.  It is not an error for the resume
   * method to be invoked when the subsystem is not suspended; the
   * invocation should simply be ignored.</p>
  virtual void resume ();

   * Test whether this subsystem is suspended.
   * @return true if the subsystem is suspended, false if it is not.
  virtual bool is_suspended () const;


  mutable SGPropertyNode_ptr _freeze_master_node;
  bool _suspended;


 * A group of FlightGear subsystems.
class FGSubsystemGroup : public FGSubsystem

    FGSubsystemGroup ();
    virtual ~FGSubsystemGroup ();

    virtual void init ();
    virtual void reinit ();
    virtual void bind ();
    virtual void unbind ();
    virtual void update (double delta_time_sec);
    virtual void suspend ();
    virtual void resume ();
    virtual bool is_suspended () const;

    virtual void set_subsystem (const string &name,
                                FGSubsystem * subsystem,
                                double min_step_sec = 0);
    virtual FGSubsystem * get_subsystem (const string &name);
    virtual void remove_subsystem (const string &name);
    virtual bool has_subsystem (const string &name) const;


    struct Member {

        Member ();
        Member (const Member &member);
        virtual ~Member ();

        virtual void update (double delta_time_sec);

        string name;
        FGSubsystem * subsystem;
        double min_step_sec;
        double elapsed_sec;

    Member * get_member (const string &name, bool create = false);

    vector<Member *> _members;

 * Manage subsystems for FlightGear.
 * This top-level subsystem will eventually manage all of the
 * subsystems in FlightGear: it broadcasts its life-cycle events
 * (init, bind, etc.) to all of the subsystems it manages.  Subsystems
 * are grouped to guarantee order of initialization and execution --
 * currently, the only two groups are INIT and GENERAL, but others
 * will appear in the future.
 * All subsystems are named as well as grouped, and subsystems can be
 * looked up by name and cast to the appropriate subtype when another
 * subsystem needs to invoke specialized methods.
 * The subsystem manager owns the pointers to all the subsystems in
 * it.
class FGSubsystemMgr : public FGSubsystem

     * Types of subsystem groups.
    enum GroupType {
        INIT = 0,

    FGSubsystemMgr ();
    virtual ~FGSubsystemMgr ();

    virtual void init ();
    virtual void reinit ();
    virtual void bind ();
    virtual void unbind ();
    virtual void update (double delta_time_sec);
    virtual void suspend ();
    virtual void resume ();
    virtual bool is_suspended () const;

    virtual void add (const char * name,
                      FGSubsystem * subsystem,
                      GroupType group = GENERAL, 
                      double min_time_sec = 0);

    virtual FGSubsystemGroup * get_group (GroupType group);

    virtual FGSubsystem * get_subsystem(const string &name);


    FGSubsystemGroup _groups[MAX_GROUPS];
    map<string,FGSubsystem *> _subsystem_map;


#endif // __FGFS_HXX

// end of fgfs.hxx