// net_fdm.hxx -- defines a common net I/O interface to the flight // dynamics model // // Written by Curtis Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // Started September 2001. // // This file is in the Public Domain, and comes with no warranty. // // $Id$ #ifndef _NET_FDM_HXX #define _NET_FDM_HXX #include // time_t // NOTE: this file defines an external interface structure. Due to // variability between platforms and architectures, we only used fixed // length types here. Specifically, integer types can vary in length. // I am not aware of any platforms that don't use 4 bytes for float // and 8 bytes for double. #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H # include #elif defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined(__MINGW32__) typedef signed char int8_t; typedef signed short int16_t; typedef signed int int32_t; typedef signed __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; #else # error "Port me! Platforms that don't have need to define int8_t, et. al." #endif const uint16_t FG_NET_FDM_VERSION = 21; // Define a structure containing the top level flight dynamics model // parameters class FGNetFDM { public: enum { FG_MAX_ENGINES = 4, FG_MAX_WHEELS = 3, FG_MAX_TANKS = 4 }; uint16_t version; // increment when data values change // Positions double longitude; // geodetic (radians) double latitude; // geodetic (radians) double altitude; // above sea level (meters) float agl; // above ground level (meters) float phi; // roll (radians) float theta; // pitch (radians) float psi; // yaw or true heading (radians) float alpha; // angle of attack (radians) float beta; // side slip angle (radians) // Velocities float phidot; // roll rate (radians/sec) float thetadot; // pitch rate (radians/sec) float psidot; // yaw rate (radians/sec) float vcas; // calibrated airspeed float climb_rate; // feet per second float v_north; // north velocity in local/body frame, fps float v_east; // east velocity in local/body frame, fps float v_down; // down/vertical velocity in local/body frame, fps float v_wind_body_north; // north velocity in local/body frame // relative to local airmass, fps float v_wind_body_east; // east velocity in local/body frame // relative to local airmass, fps float v_wind_body_down; // down/vertical velocity in local/body // frame relative to local airmass, fps // Accelerations float A_X_pilot; // X accel in body frame ft/sec^2 float A_Y_pilot; // Y accel in body frame ft/sec^2 float A_Z_pilot; // Z accel in body frame ft/sec^2 // Stall float stall_warning; // 0.0 - 1.0 indicating the amount of stall float slip_deg; // slip ball deflection // Pressure // Engine status uint8_t num_engines; // Number of valid engines uint8_t eng_state[FG_MAX_ENGINES];// Engine state (off, cranking, running) float rpm[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // Engine RPM rev/min float fuel_flow[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // Fuel flow gallons/hr float egt[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // Exhuast gas temp deg F float cht[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // Cylinder head temp deg F float mp_osi[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // Manifold pressure float tit[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // Turbine Inlet Temperature float oil_temp[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // Oil temp deg F float oil_px[FG_MAX_ENGINES]; // Oil pressure psi // Consumables uint8_t num_tanks; // Max number of fuel tanks float fuel_quantity[FG_MAX_TANKS]; // Gear status uint8_t num_wheels; uint8_t wow[FG_MAX_WHEELS]; float gear_pos[FG_MAX_WHEELS]; float gear_steer[FG_MAX_WHEELS]; float gear_compression[FG_MAX_WHEELS]; // Environment uint32_t cur_time; // current unix time // FIXME: make this uint64_t before 2038 uint32_t warp; // offset in seconds to unix time float visibility; // visibility in meters (for env. effects) // Control surface positions (normalized values) float elevator; float elevator_trim_tab; float left_flap; float right_flap; float left_aileron; float right_aileron; float rudder; float nose_wheel; float speedbrake; float spoilers; }; #endif // _NET_FDM_HXX