// // simple.cxx -- a really simplistic class to manage airport ID, // lat, lon of the center of one of it's runways, and // elevation in feet. // // Written by Curtis Olson, started April 1998. // Updated by Durk Talsma, started December, 2004. // // Copyright (C) 1998 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "simple.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#include #include #include #include // magic import of a helper which uses FGPositioned internals extern char** searchAirportNamesAndIdents(const std::string& aFilter); /*************************************************************************** * FGAirport ***************************************************************************/ FGAirport::FGAirport(const string &id, const SGGeod& location, const SGGeod& tower_location, const string &name, bool has_metar, Type aType) : FGPositioned(aType, id, location), _tower_location(tower_location), _name(name), _has_metar(has_metar), _dynamics(0), mRunwaysLoaded(false), mTaxiwaysLoaded(true) { } FGAirport::~FGAirport() { delete _dynamics; } bool FGAirport::isAirport() const { return type() == AIRPORT; } bool FGAirport::isSeaport() const { return type() == SEAPORT; } bool FGAirport::isHeliport() const { return type() == HELIPORT; } FGAirportDynamics * FGAirport::getDynamics() { if (_dynamics != 0) { return _dynamics; } else { //cerr << "Trying to load dynamics for " << _id << endl; _dynamics = new FGAirportDynamics(this); XMLLoader::load(_dynamics); FGRunwayPreference rwyPrefs(this); XMLLoader::load(&rwyPrefs); _dynamics->setRwyUse(rwyPrefs); //FGSidStar SIDs(this); XMLLoader::load(_dynamics->getSIDs()); } return _dynamics; } unsigned int FGAirport::numRunways() const { loadRunways(); return mRunways.size(); } FGRunway* FGAirport::getRunwayByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const { loadRunways(); assert(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < mRunways.size()); return mRunways[aIndex]; } bool FGAirport::hasRunwayWithIdent(const string& aIdent) const { return (getIteratorForRunwayIdent(aIdent) != mRunways.end()); } FGRunway* FGAirport::getRunwayByIdent(const string& aIdent) const { Runway_iterator it = getIteratorForRunwayIdent(aIdent); if (it == mRunways.end()) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "no such runway '" << aIdent << "' at airport " << ident()); throw sg_range_exception("unknown runway " + aIdent + " at airport:" + ident(), "FGAirport::getRunwayByIdent"); } return *it; } FGAirport::Runway_iterator FGAirport::getIteratorForRunwayIdent(const string& aIdent) const { loadRunways(); string ident(aIdent); if ((aIdent.size() == 1) || !isdigit(aIdent[1])) { ident = "0" + aIdent; } Runway_iterator it = mRunways.begin(); for (; it != mRunways.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->ident() == ident) { return it; } } return it; // end() } FGRunway* FGAirport::findBestRunwayForHeading(double aHeading) const { loadRunways(); Runway_iterator it = mRunways.begin(); FGRunway* result = NULL; double currentBestQuality = 0.0; SGPropertyNode *param = fgGetNode("/sim/airport/runways/search", true); double lengthWeight = param->getDoubleValue("length-weight", 0.01); double widthWeight = param->getDoubleValue("width-weight", 0.01); double surfaceWeight = param->getDoubleValue("surface-weight", 10); double deviationWeight = param->getDoubleValue("deviation-weight", 1); for (; it != mRunways.end(); ++it) { double good = (*it)->score(lengthWeight, widthWeight, surfaceWeight); double dev = aHeading - (*it)->headingDeg(); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(dev, -180.0, 180.0); double bad = fabs(deviationWeight * dev) + 1e-20; double quality = good / bad; if (quality > currentBestQuality) { currentBestQuality = quality; result = *it; } } return result; } bool FGAirport::hasHardRunwayOfLengthFt(double aLengthFt) const { loadRunways(); unsigned int numRunways(mRunways.size()); for (unsigned int r=0; risReciprocal()) { continue; // we only care about lengths, so don't do work twice } if (rwy->isHardSurface() && (rwy->lengthFt() >= aLengthFt)) { return true; // we're done! } } // of runways iteration return false; } unsigned int FGAirport::numTaxiways() const { loadTaxiways(); return mTaxiways.size(); } FGTaxiway* FGAirport::getTaxiwayByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const { loadTaxiways(); assert(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < mTaxiways.size()); return mTaxiways[aIndex]; } unsigned int FGAirport::numPavements() const { loadTaxiways(); return mPavements.size(); } FGPavement* FGAirport::getPavementByIndex(unsigned int aIndex) const { loadTaxiways(); assert(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < mPavements.size()); return mPavements[aIndex]; } void FGAirport::setRunwaysAndTaxiways(vector& rwys, vector& txwys, vector& pvts) { mRunways.swap(rwys); Runway_iterator it = mRunways.begin(); for (; it != mRunways.end(); ++it) { (*it)->setAirport(this); } mTaxiways.swap(txwys); mPavements.swap(pvts); } FGRunway* FGAirport::getActiveRunwayForUsage() const { static FGEnvironmentMgr* envMgr = NULL; if (!envMgr) { envMgr = (FGEnvironmentMgr *) globals->get_subsystem("environment"); } // This forces West-facing rwys to be used in no-wind situations // which is consistent with Flightgear's initial setup. double hdg = 270; if (envMgr) { FGEnvironment stationWeather(envMgr->getEnvironment(mPosition)); double windSpeed = stationWeather.get_wind_speed_kt(); if (windSpeed > 0.0) { hdg = stationWeather.get_wind_from_heading_deg(); } } return findBestRunwayForHeading(hdg); } FGAirport* FGAirport::findClosest(const SGGeod& aPos, double aCuttofNm, Filter* filter) { AirportFilter aptFilter; if (filter == NULL) { filter = &aptFilter; } FGPositionedRef r = FGPositioned::findClosest(aPos, aCuttofNm, filter); if (!r) { return NULL; } return static_cast(r.ptr()); } FGAirport::HardSurfaceFilter::HardSurfaceFilter(double minLengthFt) : mMinLengthFt(minLengthFt) { } bool FGAirport::HardSurfaceFilter::passAirport(FGAirport* aApt) const { return aApt->hasHardRunwayOfLengthFt(mMinLengthFt); } FGAirport* FGAirport::findByIdent(const std::string& aIdent) { FGPositionedRef r; PortsFilter filter; r = FGPositioned::findNextWithPartialId(r, aIdent, &filter); if (!r) { return NULL; // we don't warn here, let the caller do that } return static_cast(r.ptr()); } FGAirport* FGAirport::getByIdent(const std::string& aIdent) { FGPositionedRef r; PortsFilter filter; r = FGPositioned::findNextWithPartialId(r, aIdent, &filter); if (!r) { throw sg_range_exception("No such airport with ident: " + aIdent); } return static_cast(r.ptr()); } char** FGAirport::searchNamesAndIdents(const std::string& aFilter) { // we delegate all the work to a horrible helper in FGPositioned, which can // access the (private) index data. return searchAirportNamesAndIdents(aFilter); } // find basic airport location info from airport database const FGAirport *fgFindAirportID( const string& id) { if ( id.empty() ) { return NULL; } return FGAirport::findByIdent(id); } void FGAirport::loadRunways() const { if (mRunwaysLoaded) { return; // already loaded, great } mRunwaysLoaded = true; loadSceneryDefintions(); } void FGAirport::loadTaxiways() const { if (mTaxiwaysLoaded) { return; // already loaded, great } } void FGAirport::loadSceneryDefintions() const { // allow users to disable the scenery data in the short-term // longer term, this option can probably disappear if (!fgGetBool("/sim/paths/use-custom-scenery-data")) { return; } SGPath path; SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode = new SGPropertyNode; if (XMLLoader::findAirportData(ident(), "threshold", path)) { readProperties(path.str(), rootNode); const_cast(this)->readThresholdData(rootNode); } // repeat for the tower data rootNode = new SGPropertyNode; if (XMLLoader::findAirportData(ident(), "twr", path)) { readProperties(path.str(), rootNode); const_cast(this)->readTowerData(rootNode); } } void FGAirport::readThresholdData(SGPropertyNode* aRoot) { SGPropertyNode* runway; int runwayIndex = 0; for (; (runway = aRoot->getChild("runway", runwayIndex)) != NULL; ++runwayIndex) { SGPropertyNode* t0 = runway->getChild("threshold", 0), *t1 = runway->getChild("threshold", 1); assert(t0); assert(t1); // too strict? mayeb we should finally allow single-ended runways processThreshold(t0); processThreshold(t1); } // of runways iteration } void FGAirport::processThreshold(SGPropertyNode* aThreshold) { // first, let's identify the current runway string id(aThreshold->getStringValue("rwy")); if (!hasRunwayWithIdent(id)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "FGAirport::processThreshold: " "found runway not defined in the global data:" << ident() << "/" << id); return; } FGRunway* rwy = getRunwayByIdent(id); rwy->processThreshold(aThreshold); } void FGAirport::readTowerData(SGPropertyNode* aRoot) { SGPropertyNode* twrNode = aRoot->getChild("tower")->getChild("twr"); double lat = twrNode->getDoubleValue("lat"), lon = twrNode->getDoubleValue("lon"), elevM = twrNode->getDoubleValue("elev-m"); _tower_location = SGGeod::fromDegM(lon, lat, elevM); } // get airport elevation double fgGetAirportElev( const string& id ) { const FGAirport *a=fgFindAirportID( id); if (a) { return a->getElevation(); } else { return -9999.0; } } // get airport position SGGeod fgGetAirportPos( const string& id ) { const FGAirport *a = fgFindAirportID( id); if (a) { return SGGeod::fromDegM(a->getLongitude(), a->getLatitude(), a->getElevation()); } else { return SGGeod::fromDegM(0.0, 0.0, -9999.0); } }