 * moon.c
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 * $Id$
 * (Log is kept at end of this file)

#include <math.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>

#include "orbits.h"
#include "moon.h"

#include "../Main/views.h"
#include "../Time/fg_time.h"
/* #include "../Aircraft/aircraft.h"*/
#include "../general.h"

static GLint moon;

struct CelestialCoord fgCalculateMoon(struct OrbElements params,
                                      struct OrbElements sunParams,
                                      struct fgTIME t)
	struct CelestialCoord

    	eccAnom, ecl, lonecl, latecl, actTime,
        xv, yv, v, r, xh, yh, zh, xg, yg, zg, xe, ye, ze,
        Ls, Lm, D, F;

    /* calculate the angle between ecliptic and equatorial coordinate system */
    actTime = fgCalcActTime(t);
    ecl = fgDegToRad(23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * actTime);  // in radians of course

    /* calculate the eccentric anomaly */
    eccAnom = fgCalcEccAnom(params.M, params.e);

    /* calculate the moon's distance (d) and  true anomaly (v) */
	xv = params.a * ( cos(eccAnom) - params.e);
    yv = params.a * ( sqrt(1.0 - params.e*params.e) * sin(eccAnom));
    v =atan2(yv, xv);
    r = sqrt(xv*xv + yv*yv);

    /* estimate the geocentric rectangular coordinates here */
    xh = r * (cos(params.N) * cos(v + params.w) - sin(params.N) * sin(v + params.w) * cos(params.i));
    yh = r * (sin(params.N) * cos(v + params.w) + cos(params.N) * sin(v + params.w) * cos(params.i));
    zh = r * (sin(v + params.w) * sin(params.i));

    /* calculate the ecliptic latitude and longitude here */
    lonecl = atan2( yh, xh);
    latecl = atan2( zh, sqrt( xh*xh + yh*yh));

    /* calculate a number of perturbations */
    Ls = sunParams.M + sunParams.w;
    Lm =    params.M +    params.w + params.N;
    D = Lm - Ls;
    F = Lm - params.N;

    lonecl += fgDegToRad(
    			- 1.274 * sin (params.M - 2*D)    			// the Evection
                + 0.658 * sin (2 * D)							// the Variation
                - 0.186 * sin (sunParams.M)					// the yearly variation
                - 0.059 * sin (2*params.M - 2*D)
                - 0.057 * sin (params.M - 2*D + sunParams.M)
                + 0.053 * sin (params.M + 2*D)
                + 0.046 * sin (2*D - sunParams.M)
                + 0.041 * sin (params.M - sunParams.M)
                - 0.035 * sin (D)                             // the Parallactic Equation
                - 0.031 * sin (params.M + sunParams.M)
                - 0.015 * sin (2*F - 2*D)
                + 0.011 * sin (params.M - 4*D)
              ); /* Pheeuuwwww */
    latecl += fgDegToRad(
                - 0.173 * sin (F - 2*D)
                - 0.055 * sin (params.M - F - 2*D)
                - 0.046 * sin (params.M + F - 2*D)
                + 0.033 * sin (F + 2*D)
                + 0.017 * sin (2 * params.M + F)
              );  /* Yep */

    r += (
    		  - 0.58 * cos(params.M - 2*D)
              - 0.46 * cos(2*D)
    xg = r * cos(lonecl) * cos(latecl);
    yg = r * sin(lonecl) * cos(latecl);
    zg = r *               sin(latecl);

    xe  = xg;
    ye = yg * cos(ecl) - zg * sin(ecl);
    ze = yg * sin(ecl) + zg * cos(ecl);

	result.RightAscension = atan2(ye, xe);
    result.Declination = atan2(ze, sqrt(xe*xe + ye*ye));

    return result;

void fgMoonInit()
   struct CelestialCoord

   moon = glGenLists(1);
   glNewList(moon, GL_COMPILE );
	glBegin( GL_POINTS );
   moonPos = fgCalculateMoon(pltOrbElements[1], pltOrbElements[0], cur_time_params);
   printf("Moon found at %f (ra), %f (dec)\n", moonPos.RightAscension, moonPos.Declination);
   /* give the moon a temporary color, for testing purposes */
   glColor3f( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
   glVertex3f( 190000.0 * cos(moonPos.RightAscension) * cos(moonPos.Declination),
               190000.0 * sin(moonPos.RightAscension) * cos(moonPos.Declination),
   	         190000.0 * sin(moonPos.Declination) );

void fgMoonRender()
    double angle;
    static double warp = 0;
    struct VIEW *v;
    struct fgTIME *t;

    t = &cur_time_params;
    v = &current_view;

   glDisable( GL_FOG );
	glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
	glTranslatef( v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z );
	angle = t->gst * 15.0;  /* 15 degrees per hour rotation */
	/* warp += 1.0; */
	/* warp = 15.0; */
	warp = 0.0;
	glRotatef( (angle+warp), 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 );
	printf("Rotating moon by %.2f degrees + %.2f degrees\n",angle,warp);


	glEnable( GL_LIGHTING );
	glEnable( GL_FOG );

/* $Log$
/* Revision 1.2  1997/10/28 21:00:21  curt
/* Changing to new terrain format.
 * Revision 1.1  1997/10/25 03:16:08  curt
 * Initial revision of code contributed by Durk Talsma.