#include "puLocal.h"

#define PUSTACK_MAX 100

static int currLiveInterface = -1 ;
static puInterface *liveInterfaceStack [ PUSTACK_MAX ] ;
static int currInterface = -1 ;
static puInterface *interfaceStack [ PUSTACK_MAX ] ;

void puPushLiveInterface ( puInterface *in )
  if ( currLiveInterface < PUSTACK_MAX )
    liveInterfaceStack [ ++currLiveInterface ] = in ;
    fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: Too many live puInterfaces open at once!\n" ) ;

void puPushInterface ( puInterface *in )
  if ( currInterface < PUSTACK_MAX )
    interfaceStack [ ++currInterface ] = in ;
    fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: Too many puInterfaces open at once!\n" ) ;

void  puPopLiveInterface ( void )
  if ( currLiveInterface > 0 )
    --currLiveInterface ;
    fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: Live puInterface stack is empty!\n" ) ;

void  puPopInterface ( void )
  if ( currInterface > 0 )
    --currInterface ;
    fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: puInterface stack is empty!\n" ) ;

int  puNoLiveInterface ( void )
  return currLiveInterface < 0 ;

int  puNoInterface ( void )
  return currInterface < 0 ;

puInterface *puGetUltimateLiveInterface ( void )
  if ( currLiveInterface < 0 )
    fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: No Live Interface!\n" ) ;
    return NULL ;

  return liveInterfaceStack [ 0 ] ;

puInterface *puGetBaseLiveInterface ( void )
  if ( currLiveInterface < 0 )
    fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: No Live Interface!\n" ) ;
    return NULL ;

    Work down the interface stack until you
    either get to the bottom or find a block
    in the form of a puDialogBox.

  for ( int i = currLiveInterface ; i > 0 ; i-- )
    if ( liveInterfaceStack [ i ] -> getType () & PUCLASS_DIALOGBOX )
      return liveInterfaceStack [ i ] ; 

  return liveInterfaceStack [ 0 ] ;

puInterface *puGetCurrInterface ( void )
  if ( currInterface < 0 )
    fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: No Interface!\n" ) ;
    return NULL ;

  return interfaceStack [ currInterface ] ;

void puInterface::remove ( puObject *obj )
  if ( dlist == NULL )
    return ;

  /* Are we the first object in the list */

  if ( obj -> prev == NULL )
    dlist = obj -> next ;
    obj -> prev -> next = obj -> next ;

  /* Are we the last object in the list */

  if ( obj -> next != NULL )
    obj -> next -> prev = obj -> prev ;

  obj -> next = NULL ;
  obj -> prev = NULL ;

  num_children-- ;
  recalc_bbox () ;

void puInterface::add ( puObject *new_obj )
  if ( dlist == NULL )
    dlist = new_obj ;
    new_obj -> next = NULL ;
    new_obj -> prev = NULL ;
    puObject *last ;

    for ( last = dlist ; last->next != NULL ; last = last->next )
      /* Search for end of list. */ ;

    last -> next = new_obj ;
    new_obj -> prev = last ;
    new_obj -> next = NULL ;

  num_children++ ;
  recalc_bbox () ;

int puInterface::checkKey ( int key, int updown )
  if ( dlist == NULL || ! isVisible () || ! isActive () )
    return FALSE ;

  puObject *bo ;

    We have to walk the list backwards to ensure that
    the click order is the same as the DRAW order.

  for ( bo = dlist ; bo->next != NULL ; bo = bo->next )
    /* Find the last object in our list. */ ;

  for ( ; bo != NULL ; bo = bo->prev )
    if ( bo -> checkKey ( key, updown ) )
      return TRUE ;

  return FALSE ;

int puInterface::checkHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y )
  if ( dlist == NULL || ! isVisible () || ! isActive () )
    return FALSE ;

    This might be a bit redundant - but it's too hard to keep
    track of changing abox sizes when daughter objects are
    changing sizes.

  recalc_bbox () ;

  puObject *bo ;

  x -= abox.min[0] ;
  y -= abox.min[1] ;

    We have to walk the list backwards to ensure that
    the click order is the same as the DRAW order.

  for ( bo = dlist ; bo->next != NULL ; bo = bo->next )
    /* Find the last object in our list. */ ;

  for ( ; bo != NULL ; bo = bo->prev )
    if ( bo -> checkHit ( button, updown, x, y ) )
      return TRUE ;

  return FALSE ;

void puInterface::draw ( int dx, int dy )
  if ( ! isVisible () )
    return ;

  for ( puObject *bo = dlist ; bo != NULL ; bo = bo->next )
    /* June 16th, 98, Shammi :
     * The next if statement checks if the object is
     * a menu bar and makes sure it is repositioned
     * correctly.

    if ( bo->getType() & PUCLASS_MENUBAR )
      int obWidth, obHeight ;
      bo -> getSize ( &obWidth, &obHeight ) ;
      bo -> setPosition ( 0, puGetWindowHeight() - obHeight ) ;

    bo -> draw ( dx + abox.min[0], dy + abox.min[1] ) ;

void puInterface::recalc_bbox ( void ) 
  puBox contents ;
  contents . empty () ;

  for ( puObject *bo = dlist ; bo != NULL ; bo = bo->next )
    contents . extend ( bo -> getBBox() ) ;

  if ( contents . isEmpty () )
    abox . max[0] = abox . min[0] ;
    abox . max[1] = abox . min[1] ;
    abox . max[0] = abox . min[0] + contents . max[0] ;
    abox . max[1] = abox . min[1] + contents . max[1] ;

  puObject::recalc_bbox () ;

void puInterface::doHit ( int, int, int, int )

puInterface::~puInterface ()
    puPopLiveInterface () ;

    puObject *bo = dlist ;

    while ( bo != NULL ) {
	puObject *tmp_bo = bo->next ;
	delete bo ;
	bo = tmp_bo ;