/*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Module: FGFCS.cpp Author: Jon Berndt Date started: 12/12/98 Purpose: Model the flight controls Called by: FDMExec ------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) ------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This class models the flight controls for a specific airplane HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/12/98 JSB Created %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INCLUDES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #include "FGFCS.h" #include "FGState.h" #include "FGFDMExec.h" #include "FGAtmosphere.h" #include "FGAircraft.h" #include "FGTranslation.h" #include "FGRotation.h" #include "FGPosition.h" #include "FGAuxiliary.h" #include "FGOutput.h" #include "FGPropertyManager.h" #include "filtersjb/FGFilter.h" #include "filtersjb/FGDeadBand.h" #include "filtersjb/FGGain.h" #include "filtersjb/FGGradient.h" #include "filtersjb/FGSwitch.h" #include "filtersjb/FGSummer.h" #include "filtersjb/FGKinemat.h" namespace JSBSim { static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$"; static const char *IdHdr = ID_FCS; #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) #define snprintf _snprintf #endif /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLASS IMPLEMENTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ FGFCS::FGFCS(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex) { int i; Name = "FGFCS"; DaCmd = DeCmd = DrCmd = DfCmd = DsbCmd = DspCmd = 0.0; AP_DaCmd = AP_DeCmd = AP_DrCmd = AP_ThrottleCmd = 0.0; PTrimCmd = YTrimCmd = RTrimCmd = 0.0; GearCmd = GearPos = 1; // default to gear down LeftBrake = RightBrake = CenterBrake = 0.0; APAttitudeSetPt = APAltitudeSetPt = APHeadingSetPt = APAirspeedSetPt = 0.0; DoNormalize=true; eMode = mNone; bind(); for (i=0;i<=NForms;i++) { DePos[i] = DaLPos[i] = DaRPos[i] = DrPos[i] = 0.0; DfPos[i] = DsbPos[i] = DspPos[i] = 0.0; } for (i=0;iGetNode("fcs") ); unbind( PropertyManager->GetNode("ap") ); PropertyManager->Untie( "gear/gear-cmd-norm" ); PropertyManager->Untie( "gear/gear-pos-norm" ); ThrottleCmd.clear(); ThrottlePos.clear(); MixtureCmd.clear(); MixturePos.clear(); PropAdvanceCmd.clear(); PropAdvance.clear(); unsigned int i; for (i=0;iRun(); eMode = mNone; } for (i=0; iRun(); eMode = mNone; } if (DoNormalize) Normalize(); return false; } else { return true; } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGFCS::SetThrottleCmd(int engineNum, double setting) { unsigned int ctr; if (engineNum < (int)ThrottlePos.size()) { if (engineNum < 0) { for (ctr=0;ctr *Components; FGConfigFile *FCS_cfg; Components=0; // Determine if the FCS/Autopilot is defined inline in the aircraft configuration // file or in a separate file. Set up the config file class as appropriate. delimiter = AC_cfg->GetValue(); name = AC_cfg->GetValue("NAME"); fname = AC_cfg->GetValue("FILE"); if ( AC_cfg->GetValue("NORMALIZE") == "FALSE") { DoNormalize = false; cout << " Automatic Control Surface Normalization Disabled" << endl; } # ifndef macintosh file = "control/" + fname + ".xml"; # else file = "control;" + fname + ".xml"; # endif if (name.empty()) { name = fname; if (file.empty()) { cerr << "FCS/Autopilot does not appear to be defined inline nor in a file" << endl; } else { FCS_cfg = new FGConfigFile(file); if (!FCS_cfg->IsOpen()) { cerr << "Could not open " << delimiter << " file: " << file << endl; return false; } else { AC_cfg = FCS_cfg; // set local config file object pointer to FCS config // file object pointer } } } else { AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine(); } if (delimiter == "AUTOPILOT") { Components = &APComponents; eMode = mAP; Name = "Autopilot: " + name; } else if (delimiter == "FLIGHT_CONTROL") { Components = &FCSComponents; eMode = mFCS; Name = "FCS: " + name; } else { cerr << endl << "Unknown FCS delimiter" << endl << endl; } if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << " Control System Name: " << Name << endl; while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/" + delimiter)) { if (token == "COMPONENT") { token = AC_cfg->GetValue("TYPE"); if (debug_lvl > 0) cout << endl << " Loading Component \"" << AC_cfg->GetValue("NAME") << "\" of type: " << token << endl; if ((token == "LAG_FILTER") || (token == "LEAD_LAG_FILTER") || (token == "SECOND_ORDER_FILTER") || (token == "WASHOUT_FILTER") || (token == "INTEGRATOR") ) { Components->push_back(new FGFilter(this, AC_cfg)); } else if ((token == "PURE_GAIN") || (token == "SCHEDULED_GAIN") || (token == "AEROSURFACE_SCALE") ) { Components->push_back(new FGGain(this, AC_cfg)); } else if (token == "SUMMER") { Components->push_back(new FGSummer(this, AC_cfg)); } else if (token == "DEADBAND") { Components->push_back(new FGDeadBand(this, AC_cfg)); } else if (token == "GRADIENT") { Components->push_back(new FGGradient(this, AC_cfg)); } else if (token == "SWITCH") { Components->push_back(new FGSwitch(this, AC_cfg)); } else if (token == "KINEMAT") { Components->push_back(new FGKinemat(this, AC_cfg)); } else { cerr << "Unknown token [" << token << "] in FCS portion of config file" << endl; return false; } if (AC_cfg->GetNextConfigLine() == "EOF") break; } } //collect information for normalizing control surfaces string nodeName; for (i=0; isize(); i++) { if ( (((*Components)[i])->GetType() == "AEROSURFACE_SCALE" || ((*Components)[i])->GetType() == "KINEMAT") && ((*Components)[i])->GetOutputNode() ) { nodeName = ((*Components)[i])->GetOutputNode()->GetName(); if ( nodeName == "elevator-pos-rad" ) { ToNormalize[iDe]=i; } else if ( nodeName == "left-aileron-pos-rad" || nodeName == "aileron-pos-rad" ) { ToNormalize[iDaL]=i; } else if ( nodeName == "right-aileron-pos-rad" ) { ToNormalize[iDaR]=i; } else if ( nodeName == "rudder-pos-rad" ) { ToNormalize[iDr]=i; } else if ( nodeName == "speedbrake-pos-rad" ) { ToNormalize[iDsb]=i; } else if ( nodeName == "spoiler-pos-rad" ) { ToNormalize[iDsp]=i; } else if ( nodeName == "flap-pos-deg" ) { ToNormalize[iDf]=i; } } } if (delimiter == "FLIGHT_CONTROL") bindModel(); eMode = mNone; return true; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% double FGFCS::GetComponentOutput(int idx) { switch (eMode) { case mFCS: return FCSComponents[idx]->GetOutput(); case mAP: return APComponents[idx]->GetOutput(); case mNone: cerr << "Unknown FCS mode" << endl; break; } return 0.0; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% string FGFCS::GetComponentName(int idx) { switch (eMode) { case mFCS: return FCSComponents[idx]->GetName(); case mAP: return APComponents[idx]->GetName(); case mNone: cerr << "Unknown FCS mode" << endl; break; } return string(""); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% double FGFCS::GetBrake(FGLGear::BrakeGroup bg) { switch (bg) { case FGLGear::bgLeft: return LeftBrake; case FGLGear::bgRight: return RightBrake; case FGLGear::bgCenter: return CenterBrake; default: cerr << "GetBrake asked to return a bogus brake value" << endl; } return 0.0; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% string FGFCS::GetComponentStrings(void) { unsigned int comp; string CompStrings = ""; bool firstime = true; for (comp = 0; comp < FCSComponents.size(); comp++) { if (firstime) firstime = false; else CompStrings += ", "; CompStrings += FCSComponents[comp]->GetName(); } for (comp = 0; comp < APComponents.size(); comp++) { CompStrings += ", "; CompStrings += APComponents[comp]->GetName(); } return CompStrings; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% string FGFCS::GetComponentValues(void) { unsigned int comp; string CompValues = ""; char buffer[10]; bool firstime = true; for (comp = 0; comp < FCSComponents.size(); comp++) { if (firstime) firstime = false; else CompValues += ", "; sprintf(buffer, "%9.6f", FCSComponents[comp]->GetOutput()); CompValues += string(buffer); } for (comp = 0; comp < APComponents.size(); comp++) { sprintf(buffer, ", %9.6f", APComponents[comp]->GetOutput()); CompValues += string(buffer); } return CompValues; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGFCS::AddThrottle(void) { ThrottleCmd.push_back(0.0); ThrottlePos.push_back(0.0); MixtureCmd.push_back(0.0); // assume throttle and mixture are coupled MixturePos.push_back(0.0); PropAdvanceCmd.push_back(0.0); // assume throttle and prop pitch are coupled PropAdvance.push_back(0.0); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGFCS::Normalize(void) { //not all of these are guaranteed to be defined for every model //those that are have an index >=0 in the ToNormalize array //ToNormalize is filled in Load() if ( ToNormalize[iDe] > -1 ) { DePos[ofNorm] = FCSComponents[ToNormalize[iDe]]->GetOutputPct(); } if ( ToNormalize[iDaL] > -1 ) { DaLPos[ofNorm] = FCSComponents[ToNormalize[iDaL]]->GetOutputPct(); } if ( ToNormalize[iDaR] > -1 ) { DaRPos[ofNorm] = FCSComponents[ToNormalize[iDaR]]->GetOutputPct(); } if ( ToNormalize[iDr] > -1 ) { DrPos[ofNorm] = FCSComponents[ToNormalize[iDr]]->GetOutputPct(); } if ( ToNormalize[iDsb] > -1 ) { DsbPos[ofNorm] = FCSComponents[ToNormalize[iDsb]]->GetOutputPct(); } if ( ToNormalize[iDsp] > -1 ) { DspPos[ofNorm] = FCSComponents[ToNormalize[iDsp]]->GetOutputPct(); } if ( ToNormalize[iDf] > -1 ) { DfPos[ofNorm] = FCSComponents[ToNormalize[iDf]]->GetOutputPct(); } DePos[ofMag] = fabs(DePos[ofRad]); DaLPos[ofMag] = fabs(DaLPos[ofRad]); DaRPos[ofMag] = fabs(DaRPos[ofRad]); DrPos[ofMag] = fabs(DrPos[ofRad]); DsbPos[ofMag] = fabs(DsbPos[ofRad]); DspPos[ofMag] = fabs(DspPos[ofRad]); DfPos[ofMag] = fabs(DfPos[ofRad]); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGFCS::bind(void) { PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/aileron-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetDaCmd, &FGFCS::SetDaCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/elevator-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetDeCmd, &FGFCS::SetDeCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/rudder-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetDrCmd, &FGFCS::SetDrCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/flap-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetDfCmd, &FGFCS::SetDfCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/speedbrake-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetDsbCmd, &FGFCS::SetDsbCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/spoiler-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetDspCmd, &FGFCS::SetDspCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/pitch-trim-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetPitchTrimCmd, &FGFCS::SetPitchTrimCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/roll-trim-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetRollTrimCmd, &FGFCS::SetRollTrimCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/yaw-trim-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetYawTrimCmd, &FGFCS::SetYawTrimCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("gear/gear-cmd-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetGearCmd, &FGFCS::SetGearCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/left-aileron-pos-rad", this,ofRad, &FGFCS::GetDaLPos, &FGFCS::SetDaLPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/left-aileron-pos-norm", this,ofNorm, &FGFCS::GetDaLPos, &FGFCS::SetDaLPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/mag-left-aileron-pos-rad", this,ofMag, &FGFCS::GetDaLPos, &FGFCS::SetDaLPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/right-aileron-pos-rad", this,ofRad, &FGFCS::GetDaRPos, &FGFCS::SetDaRPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/right-aileron-pos-norm", this,ofNorm, &FGFCS::GetDaRPos, &FGFCS::SetDaRPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/mag-right-aileron-pos-rad", this,ofMag, &FGFCS::GetDaRPos, &FGFCS::SetDaRPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/elevator-pos-rad", this, ofRad, &FGFCS::GetDePos, &FGFCS::SetDePos, true ); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/elevator-pos-norm", this,ofNorm, &FGFCS::GetDePos, &FGFCS::SetDePos, true ); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/mag-elevator-pos-rad", this,ofMag, &FGFCS::GetDePos, &FGFCS::SetDePos, true ); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/rudder-pos-rad", this,ofRad, &FGFCS::GetDrPos, &FGFCS::SetDrPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/rudder-pos-norm", this,ofNorm, &FGFCS::GetDrPos, &FGFCS::SetDrPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/mag-rudder-pos-rad", this,ofMag, &FGFCS::GetDrPos, &FGFCS::SetDrPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/flap-pos-deg", this,ofRad, &FGFCS::GetDfPos, &FGFCS::SetDfPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/flap-pos-norm", this,ofNorm, &FGFCS::GetDfPos, &FGFCS::SetDfPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/speedbrake-pos-rad", this,ofRad, &FGFCS::GetDsbPos, &FGFCS::SetDsbPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/speedbrake-pos-norm", this,ofNorm, &FGFCS::GetDsbPos, &FGFCS::SetDsbPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/mag-speedbrake-pos-rad", this,ofMag, &FGFCS::GetDsbPos, &FGFCS::SetDsbPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/spoiler-pos-rad", this,ofRad, &FGFCS::GetDspPos, &FGFCS::SetDspPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/spoiler-pos-norm", this,ofNorm, &FGFCS::GetDspPos, &FGFCS::SetDspPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/mag-spoiler-pos-rad", this,ofMag, &FGFCS::GetDspPos, &FGFCS::SetDspPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("gear/gear-pos-norm", this, &FGFCS::GetGearPos, &FGFCS::SetGearPos, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/elevator_cmd", this, &FGFCS::GetAPDeCmd, &FGFCS::SetAPDeCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/aileron_cmd", this, &FGFCS::GetAPDaCmd, &FGFCS::SetAPDaCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/rudder_cmd", this, &FGFCS::GetAPDrCmd, &FGFCS::SetAPDrCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/throttle_cmd", this, &FGFCS::GetAPThrottleCmd, &FGFCS::SetAPThrottleCmd, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/attitude_setpoint", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAttitudeSetPt, &FGFCS::SetAPAttitudeSetPt, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/altitude_setpoint", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAltitudeSetPt, &FGFCS::SetAPAltitudeSetPt, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/heading_setpoint", this, &FGFCS::GetAPHeadingSetPt, &FGFCS::SetAPHeadingSetPt, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/airspeed_setpoint", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAirspeedSetPt, &FGFCS::SetAPAirspeedSetPt, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/acquire_attitude", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAcquireAttitude, &FGFCS::SetAPAcquireAttitude, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/acquire_altitude", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAcquireAltitude, &FGFCS::SetAPAcquireAltitude, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/acquire_heading", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAcquireHeading, &FGFCS::SetAPAcquireHeading, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/acquire_airspeed", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAcquireAirspeed, &FGFCS::SetAPAcquireAirspeed, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/attitude_hold", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAttitudeHold, &FGFCS::SetAPAttitudeHold, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/altitude_hold", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAltitudeHold, &FGFCS::SetAPAltitudeHold, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/heading_hold", this, &FGFCS::GetAPHeadingHold, &FGFCS::SetAPHeadingHold, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/airspeed_hold", this, &FGFCS::GetAPAirspeedHold, &FGFCS::SetAPAirspeedHold, true); PropertyManager->Tie("ap/wingslevel_hold", this, &FGFCS::GetAPWingsLevelHold, &FGFCS::SetAPWingsLevelHold, true); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGFCS::bindModel(void) { unsigned i; char tmp[80]; for (i=0; iTie( tmp,this,i, &FGFCS::GetThrottleCmd, &FGFCS::SetThrottleCmd, true ); snprintf(tmp,80,"fcs/throttle-pos-norm[%u]",i); PropertyManager->Tie( tmp,this,i, &FGFCS::GetThrottlePos, &FGFCS::SetThrottlePos, true ); if ( MixtureCmd.size() > i ) { snprintf(tmp,80,"fcs/mixture-cmd-norm[%u]",i); PropertyManager->Tie( tmp,this,i, &FGFCS::GetMixtureCmd, &FGFCS::SetMixtureCmd, true ); snprintf(tmp,80,"fcs/mixture-pos-norm[%u]",i); PropertyManager->Tie( tmp,this,i, &FGFCS::GetMixturePos, &FGFCS::SetMixturePos, true ); } if ( PropAdvanceCmd.size() > i ) { snprintf(tmp,80,"fcs/advance-cmd-norm[%u]",i); PropertyManager->Tie( tmp,this,i, &FGFCS::GetPropAdvanceCmd, &FGFCS::SetPropAdvanceCmd, true ); snprintf(tmp,80,"fcs/advance-pos-norm[%u]",i); PropertyManager->Tie( tmp,this,i, &FGFCS::GetPropAdvance, &FGFCS::SetPropAdvance, true ); } } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGFCS::unbind(FGPropertyManager *node) { int N = node->nChildren(); for(int i=0;igetChild(i)->nChildren() ) { unbind( (FGPropertyManager*)node->getChild(i) ); } else if( node->getChild(i)->isTied() ) { node->getChild(i)->untie(); } } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // The bitmasked value choices are as follows: // unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print // out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing // the config files as they are read. If the environment // variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally // 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages // whatsoever. // 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim // startup messages // 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when // a class is instantiated // 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a // FGModel object executes its Run() method // 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables // are printed out periodically // 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and // a message is printed out when they go out of bounds void FGFCS::Debug(int from) { if (debug_lvl <= 0) return; if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output if (from == 0) { // Constructor } } if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGFCS" << endl; if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGFCS" << endl; } if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects } if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables } if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking } if (debug_lvl & 64) { if (from == 0) { // Constructor cout << IdSrc << endl; cout << IdHdr << endl; } } } }