#include "NasalModelData.hxx" #include "NasalSys.hxx" #include
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for strlen // FGNasalModelData class. If sgLoad3DModel() is called with a pointer to // such a class, then it lets modelLoaded() run the script, and the // destructor the script. The latter happens when the model branch // is removed from the scene graph. unsigned int FGNasalModelData::_max_module_id = 0; FGNasalModelDataList FGNasalModelData::_loaded_models; typedef osg::ref_ptr NodeRef; typedef nasal::Ghost NasalNode; /** * Get position (lat, lon, elevation) and orientation (heading, pitch, roll) of * model. */ static naRef f_node_getPose( const osg::Node& node, const nasal::CallContext& ctx ) { osg::NodePathList parent_paths = node.getParentalNodePaths(); for( osg::NodePathList::const_iterator path = parent_paths.begin(); path != parent_paths.end(); ++path ) { osg::Matrix local_to_world = osg::computeLocalToWorld(*path); if( !local_to_world.valid() ) continue; SGGeod coord = SGGeod::fromCart( toSG(local_to_world.getTrans()) ); if( !coord.isValid() ) continue; osg::Matrix local_frame = makeZUpFrameRelative(coord), inv_local; inv_local.invert_4x3(local_frame); local_to_world.postMult(inv_local); SGQuatd rotate = toSG(local_to_world.getRotate()); double hdg, pitch, roll; rotate.getEulerDeg(hdg, pitch, roll); nasal::Hash pose(ctx.to_nasal(coord), ctx.c); pose.set("heading", hdg); pose.set("pitch", pitch); pose.set("roll", roll); return pose.get_naRef(); } return naNil(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FGNasalModelData::FGNasalModelData( SGPropertyNode *root, const std::string& path, SGPropertyNode *prop, SGPropertyNode* load, SGPropertyNode* unload, osg::Node* branch ): _path(path), _root(root), _prop(prop), _load(load), _unload(unload), _branch(branch), _module_id( _max_module_id++ ) { _loaded_models.push_back(this); SG_LOG ( SG_NASAL, SG_INFO, "New model with attached script(s) " "(branch = " << branch << "," " path = " << simgear::getNodePathString(branch) << ")" ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FGNasalModelData::~FGNasalModelData() { _loaded_models.remove(this); SG_LOG ( SG_NASAL, SG_INFO, "Removed model with script(s) (branch = " << _branch.get() << ")" ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FGNasalModelData::load() { std::stringstream m; m << "__model" << _module_id; _module = m.str(); SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_DEBUG, "Loading nasal module " << _module.c_str()); const char *s = _load ? _load->getStringValue() : ""; FGNasalSys* nasalSys = (FGNasalSys*) globals->get_subsystem("nasal"); // Add _module_id to script local hash to allow placing canvasses on objects // inside the model. nasal::Hash module = nasalSys->getGlobals().createHash(_module); module.set("_module_id", _module_id); if( !NasalNode::isInit() ) { NasalNode::init("osg.Node") .method("getPose", &f_node_getPose); } module.set("_model", _branch); naRef arg[2]; arg[0] = nasalSys->propNodeGhost(_root); arg[1] = nasalSys->propNodeGhost(_prop); nasalSys->createModule(_module.c_str(), _path.c_str(), s, strlen(s), _root, 2, arg); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FGNasalModelData::unload() { if (_module.empty()) return; FGNasalSys* nasalSys = (FGNasalSys*) globals->get_subsystem("nasal"); if(!nasalSys) { SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_WARN, "Trying to run an script " "without Nasal subsystem present."); return; } SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_DEBUG, "Unloading nasal module " << _module.c_str()); if (_unload) { const char *s = _unload->getStringValue(); nasalSys->createModule(_module.c_str(), _module.c_str(), s, strlen(s), _root); } nasalSys->deleteModule(_module.c_str()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ osg::Node* FGNasalModelData::getNode() { return _branch.get(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FGNasalModelData* FGNasalModelData::getByModuleId(unsigned int id) { FGNasalModelDataList::iterator it = std::find_if ( _loaded_models.begin(), _loaded_models.end(), boost::bind(&FGNasalModelData::_module_id, _1) == id ); if( it != _loaded_models.end() ) return *it; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FGNasalModelDataProxy::~FGNasalModelDataProxy() { FGNasalSys* nasalSys = (FGNasalSys*) globals->get_subsystem("nasal"); // when necessary, register Nasal module to be destroyed/unloaded // in the main thread. if ((_data.valid())&&(nasalSys)) nasalSys->registerToUnload(_data); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FGNasalModelDataProxy::modelLoaded( const std::string& path, SGPropertyNode *prop, osg::Node *branch ) { if(!prop) return; SGPropertyNode *nasal = prop->getNode("nasal"); if(!nasal) return; FGNasalSys* nasalSys = (FGNasalSys*) globals->get_subsystem("nasal"); if(!nasalSys) { SG_LOG ( SG_NASAL, SG_WARN, "Can not load model script(s) (Nasal subsystem not available)." ); return; } SGPropertyNode* load = nasal->getNode("load"); SGPropertyNode* unload = nasal->getNode("unload"); if ((!load) && (!unload)) return; _data = new FGNasalModelData(_root, path, prop, load, unload, branch); // register Nasal module to be created and loaded in the main thread. nasalSys->registerToLoad(_data); }