#include "hud.hxx" #include<math.h> //============ Top of fgTBI_instr class member definitions ============== fgTBI_instr :: fgTBI_instr( int x, int y, UINT width, UINT height, FLTFNPTR chn1_source, FLTFNPTR chn2_source, float maxBankAngle, float maxSlipAngle, UINT gap_width, bool working, bool tsivalue, //suma float radius) : //suma dual_instr_item( x, y, width, height, chn1_source, chn2_source, working, HUDS_TOP), BankLimit ((int)(maxBankAngle)), SlewLimit ((int)(maxSlipAngle)), scr_hole (gap_width ) { tsi=tsivalue; //suma rad=radius; //suma } fgTBI_instr :: ~fgTBI_instr() {} fgTBI_instr :: fgTBI_instr( const fgTBI_instr & image): dual_instr_item( (const dual_instr_item &) image), BankLimit( image.BankLimit), SlewLimit( image.SlewLimit), scr_hole ( image.scr_hole ) { } fgTBI_instr & fgTBI_instr :: operator = (const fgTBI_instr & rhs ) { if( !(this == &rhs)) { dual_instr_item::operator = (rhs); BankLimit = rhs.BankLimit; SlewLimit = rhs.SlewLimit; scr_hole = rhs.scr_hole; } return *this; } // // Draws a Turn Bank Indicator on the screen // void fgTBI_instr :: draw( void ) { float bank_angle, sideslip_angle; float ss_const; // sideslip angle pixels per rad float cen_x, cen_y, bank, fspan, tee, hole; int span = get_span(); float zero = 0.0; RECT My_box = get_location(); POINT centroid = get_centroid(); int tee_height = My_box.bottom; bank_angle = current_ch2(); // Roll limit +/- 30 degrees if( bank_angle < -SGD_PI_2/3 ) { bank_angle = -SGD_PI_2/3; } else if( bank_angle > SGD_PI_2/3 ) { bank_angle = SGD_PI_2/3; } sideslip_angle = current_ch1(); // Sideslip limit +/- 20 degrees if( sideslip_angle < -SGD_PI/9 ) { sideslip_angle = -SGD_PI/9; } else if( sideslip_angle > SGD_PI/9 ) { sideslip_angle = SGD_PI/9; } cen_x = centroid.x; cen_y = centroid.y; bank = bank_angle * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; tee = -tee_height; fspan = span; hole = scr_hole; ss_const = 2 * sideslip_angle * fspan/(SGD_2PI/9); // width represents 40 degrees // printf("side_slip: %f fspan: %f\n", sideslip_angle, fspan); // printf("ss_const: %f hole: %f\n", ss_const, hole); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(cen_x, cen_y, zero); glRotatef(-bank, zero, zero, 1.0); if(!tsi) { glBegin(GL_LINES); if( !scr_hole ) { glVertex2f( -fspan, zero ); glVertex2f( fspan, zero ); } else { glVertex2f( -fspan, zero ); glVertex2f( -hole, zero ); glVertex2f( hole, zero ); glVertex2f( fspan, zero ); } // draw teemarks glVertex2f( hole, zero ); glVertex2f( hole, tee ); glVertex2f( -hole, zero ); glVertex2f( -hole, tee ); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2f( ss_const, -hole); glVertex2f( ss_const + hole, zero); glVertex2f( ss_const, hole); glVertex2f( ss_const - hole, zero); glEnd(); } else //if tsi enabled { float factor = My_box.right / 6.0; drawOneLine(cen_x-1.0, My_box.top, cen_x+1.0, My_box.top); drawOneLine(cen_x-1.0, My_box.top, cen_x-1.0, My_box.top+10.0); drawOneLine(cen_x+1.0, My_box.top, cen_x+1.0, My_box.top+10.0); drawOneLine(cen_x-1.0, My_box.top+10.0, cen_x+1.0, My_box.top+10.0); float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4,y4, x5, y5; float xc, yc, r=rad, r1= rad-10.0, r2=rad-5.0; xc = My_box.left + My_box.right/ 2.0 ; yc = My_box.top + r; //first n last lines x1= xc + r * cos (255.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y1= yc + r * sin (255.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2= xc + r1 * cos (255.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2= yc + r1 * sin (255.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); drawOneLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); x1= xc + r * cos (285.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y1= yc + r * sin (285.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2= xc + r1 * cos (285.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2= yc + r1 * sin (285.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); drawOneLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); //second n fifth lines x1= xc + r * cos (260.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y1= yc + r * sin (260.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2= xc + r2 * cos (260.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2= yc + r2 * sin (260.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); drawOneLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); x1= xc + r * cos (280.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y1= yc + r * sin (280.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2= xc + r2 * cos (280.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2= yc + r2 * sin (280.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); drawOneLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); //third n fourth lines x1= xc + r * cos (265.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y1= yc + r * sin (265.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2= xc + r2 * cos (265.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2= yc + r2 * sin (265.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); drawOneLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); x1= xc + r * cos (275.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y1= yc + r * sin (275.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2= xc + r2 * cos (275.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2= yc + r2 * sin (275.0 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); drawOneLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); //to draw marker float valbank, valsideslip, sideslip; r = rad + 5.0; //5 is added to get a gap // upper polygon bank_angle = current_ch2(); bank= bank_angle * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; // Roll limit +/- 30 degrees if(bank > BankLimit) bank = BankLimit; if(bank < -1.0*BankLimit) bank = -1.0*BankLimit; valbank = bank * 15.0 / BankLimit; // total span of TSI is 30 degrees sideslip_angle = current_ch1(); // Sideslip limit +/- 20 degrees sideslip= sideslip_angle * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; if(sideslip > SlewLimit) sideslip = SlewLimit; if(sideslip < -1.0*SlewLimit) sideslip = -1.0*SlewLimit; valsideslip = sideslip * 15.0 / SlewLimit; //values 270, 225 and 315 are angles in degrees... x1= xc + r * cos ((valbank+270.0) * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y1= yc + r * sin ((valbank+270.0) * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2= x1 + 6.0 * cos (225 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2= y1 + 6.0 * sin (225 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x3= x1 + 6.0 * cos (315 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y3= y1 + 6.0 * sin (315 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); drawOneLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); drawOneLine(x2, y2, x3, y3); drawOneLine(x3, y3, x1, y1); //lower polygon... x1= xc + r * cos ((valbank+270.0) * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y1= yc + r * sin ((valbank+270.0) * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2= x1 + 6.0 * cos (225 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2= y1 + 6.0 * sin (225 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x3= x1 + 6.0 * cos (315 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y3= y1 + 6.0 * sin (315 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x4= x1 + 10.0 * cos (225 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y4= y1 + 10.0 * sin (225 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x5= x1 + 10.0 * cos (315 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y5= y1 + 10.0 * sin (315 * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x2 = x2 + cos (valsideslip * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y2 = y2 + sin (valsideslip * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x3 = x3 + cos (valsideslip * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y3 = y3 + sin (valsideslip * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x4 = x4 + cos (valsideslip * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y4 = y4 + sin (valsideslip * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); x5 = x5 + cos (valsideslip * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); y5 = y5 + sin (valsideslip * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); drawOneLine(x2, y2, x3, y3); drawOneLine(x3, y3, x5, y5); drawOneLine(x5, y5, x4, y4); drawOneLine(x4, y4, x2, y2); } glPopMatrix(); }