/*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Module: FGOutput.cpp Author: Jon Berndt Date started: 12/02/98 Purpose: Manage output of sim parameters to file or stdout Called by: FGSimExec ------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) ------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the place where you create output routines to dump data for perusal later. HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/02/98 JSB Created %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INCLUDES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #include "FGOutput.h" #include "FGState.h" #include "FGFDMExec.h" #include "FGAtmosphere.h" #include "FGFCS.h" #include "FGAircraft.h" #include "FGTranslation.h" #include "FGRotation.h" #include "FGPosition.h" #include "FGAuxiliary.h" static const char *IdSrc = "$Header$"; static const char *IdHdr = ID_OUTPUT; /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLASS IMPLEMENTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ FGOutput::FGOutput(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex) { Name = "FGOutput"; sFirstPass = dFirstPass = true; socket = 0; Type = otNone; Filename = "JSBSim.out"; SubSystems = 0; enabled = true; #ifdef FG_WITH_JSBSIM_SOCKET socket = new FGfdmSocket("localhost",1138); #endif } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FGOutput::~FGOutput(void) { if (socket) delete socket; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bool FGOutput::Run(void) { if (enabled) { if (!FGModel::Run()) { if (Type == otSocket) { SocketOutput(); } else if (Type == otCSV) { if (Filename != "COUT" && Filename != "cout" && Filename.size() > 0) { DelimitedOutput(Filename); } else { DelimitedOutput(); } } else if (Type == otTerminal) { // Not done yet } else if (Type == otNone) { // Do nothing } else { // Not a valid type of output } } else { } } return false; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGOutput::SetType(string type) { if (type == "CSV") { Type = otCSV; } else if (type == "TABULAR") { Type = otTab; } else if (type == "SOCKET") { Type = otSocket; } else if (type == "TERMINAL") { Type = otTerminal; } else if (type != "NONE"){ Type = otUnknown; cerr << "Unknown type of output specified in config file" << endl; } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGOutput::DelimitedOutput(void) { if (dFirstPass) { cout << "Time"; if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssSimulation) { // Nothing here, yet } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssAerosurfaces) { cout << ", "; cout << "Throttle, "; cout << "Aileron Cmd, "; cout << "Elevator Cmd, "; cout << "Rudder Cmd, "; cout << "Aileron Pos, "; cout << "Elevator Pos, "; cout << "Rudder Pos"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssRates) { cout << ", "; cout << "P, Q, R"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssVelocities) { cout << ", "; cout << "QBar, "; cout << "Vtotal, "; cout << "U, V, W, "; cout << "Vn, Ve, Vd"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssForces) { cout << ", "; cout << "XsForce, YsForce, ZsForce, "; cout << "Xforce, Yforce, Zforce"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssMoments) { cout << ", "; cout << "L, M, N"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssAtmosphere) { cout << ", "; cout << "Rho"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssMassProps) { cout << ", "; cout << "Ixx, "; cout << "Iyy, "; cout << "Izz, "; cout << "Ixz, "; cout << "Mass, "; cout << "Xcg, Ycg, Zcg"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssPosition) { cout << ", "; cout << "Altitude, "; cout << "Phi, Tht, Psi, "; cout << "Alpha, "; cout << "Latitude, "; cout << "Longitude, "; cout << "Distance AGL, "; cout << "Runway Radius"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssCoefficients) { cout << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetCoefficientStrings(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssGroundReactions) { cout << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetGroundReactionStrings(); } cout << endl; dFirstPass = false; } cout << State->Getsim_time(); if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssSimulation) { } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssAerosurfaces) { cout << ", "; cout << FCS->GetThrottlePos(0) << ", "; cout << FCS->GetDaCmd() << ", "; cout << FCS->GetDeCmd() << ", "; cout << FCS->GetDrCmd() << ", "; cout << FCS->GetDaPos() << ", "; cout << FCS->GetDePos() << ", "; cout << FCS->GetDrPos(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssRates) { cout << ", "; cout << Rotation->GetPQR(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssVelocities) { cout << ", "; cout << Translation->Getqbar() << ", "; cout << Translation->GetVt() << ", "; cout << Translation->GetUVW() << ", "; cout << Position->GetVel(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssForces) { cout << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetvFs() << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetForces(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssMoments) { cout << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetMoments(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssAtmosphere) { cout << ", "; cout << Atmosphere->GetDensity(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssMassProps) { cout << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetIxx() << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetIyy() << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetIzz() << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetIxz() << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetMass() << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetXYZcg(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssPosition) { cout << ", "; cout << Position->Geth() << ", "; cout << Rotation->GetEuler() << ", "; cout << Translation->Getalpha() << ", "; cout << Position->GetLatitude() << ", "; cout << Position->GetLongitude() << ", "; cout << Position->GetDistanceAGL() << ", "; cout << Position->GetRunwayRadius(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssCoefficients) { cout << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetCoefficientValues(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssGroundReactions) { cout << ", "; cout << Aircraft->GetGroundReactionValues(); } cout << endl; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGOutput::DelimitedOutput(string fname) { if (sFirstPass) { datafile.open(fname.c_str()); datafile << "Time"; if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssSimulation) { // Nothing here, yet } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssAerosurfaces) { datafile << ", "; datafile << "Throttle, "; datafile << "Aileron Cmd, "; datafile << "Elevator Cmd, "; datafile << "Rudder Cmd, "; datafile << "Aileron Pos, "; datafile << "Elevator Pos, "; datafile << "Rudder Pos"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssRates) { datafile << ", "; datafile << "P, Q, R"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssVelocities) { datafile << ", "; datafile << "QBar, "; datafile << "Vtotal, "; datafile << "U, V, W, "; datafile << "Vn, Ve, Vd"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssForces) { datafile << ", "; datafile << "XsForce, YsForce, ZsForce, "; datafile << "Xforce, Yforce, Zforce"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssMoments) { datafile << ", "; datafile << "L, M, N"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssAtmosphere) { datafile << ", "; datafile << "Rho"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssMassProps) { datafile << ", "; datafile << "Ixx, "; datafile << "Iyy, "; datafile << "Izz, "; datafile << "Ixz, "; datafile << "Mass, "; datafile << "Xcg, Ycg, Zcg"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssPosition) { datafile << ", "; datafile << "Altitude, "; datafile << "Phi, Tht, Psi, "; datafile << "Alpha, "; datafile << "Latitude, "; datafile << "Longitude, "; datafile << "Distance AGL, "; datafile << "Runway Radius"; } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssCoefficients) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetCoefficientStrings(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssGroundReactions) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetGroundReactionStrings(); } datafile << endl; sFirstPass = false; } datafile << State->Getsim_time(); if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssSimulation) { } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssAerosurfaces) { datafile << ", "; datafile << FCS->GetThrottlePos(0) << ", "; datafile << FCS->GetDaCmd() << ", "; datafile << FCS->GetDeCmd() << ", "; datafile << FCS->GetDrCmd() << ", "; datafile << FCS->GetDaPos() << ", "; datafile << FCS->GetDePos() << ", "; datafile << FCS->GetDrPos(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssRates) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Rotation->GetPQR(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssVelocities) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Translation->Getqbar() << ", "; datafile << Translation->GetVt() << ", "; datafile << Translation->GetUVW() << ", "; datafile << Position->GetVel(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssForces) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetvFs() << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetForces(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssMoments) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetMoments(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssAtmosphere) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Atmosphere->GetDensity(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssMassProps) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetIxx() << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetIyy() << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetIzz() << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetIxz() << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetMass() << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetXYZcg(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssPosition) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Position->Geth() << ", "; datafile << Rotation->GetEuler() << ", "; datafile << Translation->Getalpha() << ", "; datafile << Position->GetLatitude() << ", "; datafile << Position->GetLongitude() << ", "; datafile << Position->GetDistanceAGL() << ", "; datafile << Position->GetRunwayRadius(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssCoefficients) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetCoefficientValues(); } if (SubSystems & FGAircraft::ssGroundReactions) { datafile << ", "; datafile << Aircraft->GetGroundReactionValues(); } datafile << endl; datafile.flush(); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGOutput::SocketOutput(void) { string asciiData; /* if (socket == NULL) return; socket->Clear(); if (sFirstPass) { socket->Append(""); socket->Append("Time"); socket->Append("Altitude"); socket->Append("Phi"); socket->Append("Tht"); socket->Append("Psi"); socket->Append("Rho"); socket->Append("Vtotal"); socket->Append("U"); socket->Append("V"); socket->Append("W"); socket->Append("Vn"); socket->Append("Ve"); socket->Append("Vd"); socket->Append("Udot"); socket->Append("Vdot"); socket->Append("Wdot"); socket->Append("P"); socket->Append("Q"); socket->Append("R"); socket->Append("PDot"); socket->Append("QDot"); socket->Append("RDot"); socket->Append("Fx"); socket->Append("Fy"); socket->Append("Fz"); socket->Append("Latitude"); socket->Append("Longitude"); socket->Append("QBar"); socket->Append("Alpha"); socket->Append("L"); socket->Append("M"); socket->Append("N"); socket->Append("Throttle"); socket->Append("Aileron"); socket->Append("Elevator"); socket->Append("Rudder"); sFirstPass = false; socket->Send(); } socket->Clear(); socket->Append(State->Getsim_time()); socket->Append(Position->Geth()); socket->Append(Rotation->Getphi()); socket->Append(Rotation->Gettht()); socket->Append(Rotation->Getpsi()); socket->Append(Atmosphere->GetDensity()); socket->Append(Translation->GetVt()); socket->Append(Translation->GetU()); socket->Append(Translation->GetV()); socket->Append(Translation->GetW()); socket->Append(Position->GetVn()); socket->Append(Position->GetVe()); socket->Append(Position->GetVd()); socket->Append(Translation->GetUdot()); socket->Append(Translation->GetVdot()); socket->Append(Translation->GetWdot()); socket->Append(Rotation->GetP()); socket->Append(Rotation->GetQ()); socket->Append(Rotation->GetR()); socket->Append(Rotation->GetPdot()); socket->Append(Rotation->GetQdot()); socket->Append(Rotation->GetRdot()); socket->Append(Aircraft->GetFx()); socket->Append(Aircraft->GetFy()); socket->Append(Aircraft->GetFz()); socket->Append(Position->GetLatitude()); socket->Append(Position->GetLongitude()); socket->Append(Translation->Getqbar()); socket->Append(Translation->Getalpha()); socket->Append(Aircraft->GetL()); socket->Append(Aircraft->GetM()); socket->Append(Aircraft->GetN()); socket->Append(FCS->GetThrottle(0)); socket->Append(FCS->GetDa()); socket->Append(FCS->GetDe()); socket->Append(FCS->GetDr()); socket->Send(); */ } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGOutput::SocketStatusOutput(string out_str) { string asciiData; if (socket == NULL) return; socket->Clear(); asciiData = string("") + out_str; socket->Append(asciiData.c_str()); socket->Send(); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%