From fatcity!  Thu Mar 26 17:57:48 1998
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X-Comment: OpenGL Game Developers Mailing List
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To: Multiple recipients of list OPENGL-GAMEDEV-L <>
Subject: Re: poly offset 
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 15:32:55 -0800

Bryan Gibson-Winge wrote:
| I was curious to see if anyone would describe a method of using poly offset
| that didn't eventually conclude with "and mess with the numbers 'till it
| works".

There is such a method, but since it's not in any of the usual OpenGL
literature it's not widely discussed.  I'll try to summarize it; maybe
the result could go into the FAQ.

The purpose of polygon offset is to separate two or more primitives
by just enough distance in Z that they can be depth-buffered without
artifacts caused by depth computation roundoff errors, differences in
sampling algorithms for different types of primitives, etc.

The ``factor'' argument provides separation in the case where the
primitives are not parallel.  The factor value to use depends on the
screen sizes of the primitives involved.

	The canonical example is highlighting the edge of a triangle
	by drawing a line between the two associated triangle vertices.
	The depth value for each pixel on the line depends only on the
	depth values at the two vertices of the triangle edge.	However,
	the depth value for each pixel in the triangle depends on all
	three of the triangle's vertices.  Since lines and triangles are
	sampled differently (e.g. diamond-exit rule for lines vs. point
	sampling for triangles), at a given pixel the depth computed
	for the edge line usually differs from the depth computed
	for the underlying triangle.  This can cause ``stitching'' or
	other unpleasant artifacts in the image, because depth buffering
	sometimes places the line in front of the triangle and sometimes
	behind it.

	How much separation is needed to ensure that the line is always
	in front of the triangle?  If you look at the rasterization
	arithmetic or play with a few diagrams, you can see that at some
	pixels the depth value for the triangle is computed at a point
	almost one pixel away from the ideal edge (which produces the
	depth values for the line).  Since the triangle can have an almost
	arbitrarily large depth slope, there is no fixed offset that will
	guarantee separation between the two primitives in all cases.
	However, a (variable) separation of 1.0 times the depth slope of
	the triangle is always sufficient.  (For the purposes of this
	discussion, the depth slope is max(|dz/dx|,|dz/dy|).  The spec
	has additional information.)  It's sometimes more than you need,
	but it's always large enough to work.

	If the line were two pixels wide rather than one, then 1.0
	times the depth slope wouldn't be enough separation, because
	some pixels on the line might have depth values derived from an
	edge point more than one pixel away from the underlying point
	on the triangle.  2.0 would be sufficient, though.

	So now you understand the factor argument.  It should be
	nonzero when you're attempting to separate two primitives that
	aren't parallel, and its value should be roughly the size of
	the screen-space overlap (measured in pixels) between the two
	primitives.  For any given triangle, the factor is multiplied
	by the triangle's depth slope to compute the amount of separation.

The ``units'' or ``bias'' argument provides separation in the case
where the primitives are roughly parallel.  The value to use
depends on how many primitives you're trying to stack up.

	Consider the edged-triangle case again.  What happens when the
	depth slope of the triangle is zero?  Since the depth slope is
	zero, no matter what the factor argument is, you won't get any
	separation between the triangle and the edge line.  However,
	you still want some separation between the two primitives,
	so that you get a consistent result (i.e., one that doesn't
	depend on the order in which you draw things or on whether the
	depth-comparison function tests for equality).

	The bias argument guarantees a little separation even in the case
	where the depth slope is zero.	Furthermore, it generalizes to
	the case where the depth slopes of the primitives are nonzero,
	but the primitives are roughly parallel (for example, when using
	one polygon as a decal on another).

	The original version of polygon offset allowed you to specify
	a bias that was simply added to the depth value at each pixel.
	However, it was quite difficult to choose an appropriate value,
	because the choice depends not only on the number of bits in the
	depth buffer (offsets smaller than the depth buffer precision
	don't do you much good!) but also on the precision of various
	computations inside the OpenGL driver and the hardware.
	Perspective projection can also make a difference, since
	resolution is better at the near clipping plane than it is at
	the far clipping plane.

	The current version of polygon offset specifies the bias in
	multiples of a ``minimum resolvable difference,'' which is some
	value determined by the driver developer.  The minimum resolvable
	difference is sufficient to separate two parallel primitives,
	taking into account the perspective projection, size of the
	depth buffer, hardware precision, etc.

	Since one unit is sufficient to separate two primitives, you
	can use more than one unit to separate additional primitives.
	For example, by using bias values of 1, 2, 3, ... you can stack
	up an arbitrary set of polygons on a base polygon.

	Since some OpenGL implementations add the bias before the
	perspective divide, a bias of 1.0 unit might be much larger
	than is needed for primitives close to the near clipping plane.
	If your app is smart enough to know exactly how the driver
	behaves, and roughly where in the view volume the primitives
	will fall, then it can use a bias of less than 1.0 to separate
	primitives close to the near clipping plane.  Most of the time
	this is *not* worth the effort, though.

Some practical examples:

	Drawing lines of width 1.0 pixel on the edge of a triangle
	should use a factor of 1.0 (to guarantee separation when the
	triangle depth slope is nonzero) and a bias of 1.0 (to guarantee
	separation when the triangle depth slope is zero).

	Drawing wider lines requires larger factors.  A good rule of
	thumb might be to use a factor equal to ceil(lineWidth/2 + 0.5).

	Drawing decal polygons needs a zero factor and a nonzero bias,
	provided that you can guarantee that all of the vertices of
	the decal polygons are on the same side of the plane of the
	base polygon, and not on that plane.  (If intersections occur,
	you might need a nonzero factor, because the depth slopes of
	the primitives might be different.)  Use a bias of 1.0 for the
	lowest-level decal (the one closest to the base), 2.0 for the
	next-highest, and so on.

	Positive factors and biases push primitives in one direction;
	negative factors and biases push primitives in the other
	direction.  Sometimes it makes a difference (for example, if you
	want to use the values in the depth buffer for a subsequent pass).

If you run into trouble, the most likely cause is that the driver
developer underestimated the value of the minimum resolvable difference.
(I know of no way to predict this value; I think you just have to
measure it.  The basic idea is to binary-search across the range of depth
values, drawing two parallel polygons at each stage and determining if
depth-buffering artifacts occur.  Do this once at the near plane, and
once at the far plane, and take the largest result.  Repeat for extreme
depthrange values.)  Tweaking the bias argument is probably the only
way to resolve this. :-)

Finally, as Steve Baker and I have discussed in the past, the
reference_plane extension is often a cleaner solution than polygon offset,
if your OpenGL implementation supports it.


Fat City Network Services    -- (619) 538-5051  FAX: (619) 538-5051
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From fatcity!  Fri Jan 16 04:45:15 1998
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X-Comment: OpenGL Game Developers Mailing List
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From: (Mark Kilgard)
To: Multiple recipients of list OPENGL-GAMEDEV-L <>
Subject: Re: glPolygonOffset
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 02:06:11 -0800


> At one time I came across web site with example for glPolygonOffset, but I 
> can not find it again. Does anybody know web site. 

Polygon offset is used to "lift" the projected planar shadows off of
the floor to avoid Z fighting in my dinoshade.c example.  See:

Other cool OpenGL rendering techniques are shown at:

There are also several polygon offset examples in the GLUT 3.6 source
code distribution.  See:

In particular, look at:


I hope this helps.

- Mark
Author: Mark Kilgard

Fat City Network Services    -- (619) 538-5030  FAX: (619) 538-5051
San Diego, California        -- Public Internet Access
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in
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