//// submodel.cxx - models a releasable submodel. // Written by Dave Culp, started Aug 2004 // With major additions by Vivian Meaaza 2004 - 2007 // // This file is in the Public Domain and comes with no warranty. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "submodel.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include
#include "AIBase.hxx" #include "AIManager.hxx" #include "AIBallistic.hxx" const double FGSubmodelMgr::lbs_to_slugs = 0.031080950172; FGSubmodelMgr::FGSubmodelMgr() { x_offset = y_offset = 0.0; z_offset = -4.0; pitch_offset = 2.0; yaw_offset = 0.0; out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0; string contents_node; contrail_altitude = 30000; _count = 0; _found_sub = true; } FGSubmodelMgr::~FGSubmodelMgr() { } void FGSubmodelMgr::init() { index = 0; _serviceable_node = fgGetNode("/sim/submodels/serviceable", true); _serviceable_node->setBoolValue(true); _user_lat_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true); _user_lon_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true); _user_alt_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true); _user_heading_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true); _user_pitch_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/pitch-deg", true); _user_roll_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/roll-deg", true); _user_yaw_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/yaw-deg", true); _user_alpha_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/alpha-deg", true); _user_speed_node = fgGetNode("/velocities/uBody-fps", true); _user_wind_from_east_node = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-east-fps", true); _user_wind_from_north_node = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-north-fps", true); _user_speed_down_fps_node = fgGetNode("/velocities/speed-down-fps", true); _user_speed_east_fps_node = fgGetNode("/velocities/speed-east-fps", true); _user_speed_north_fps_node = fgGetNode("/velocities/speed-north-fps", true); _contrail_altitude_node = fgGetNode("/environment/params/contrail-altitude", true); contrail_altitude = _contrail_altitude_node->getDoubleValue(); _contrail_trigger = fgGetNode("ai/submodels/contrails", true); _contrail_trigger->setBoolValue(false); ai = (FGAIManager*)globals->get_subsystem("ai_model"); load(); } void FGSubmodelMgr::postinit() { // postinit, so that the AI list is populated loadAI(); while (_found_sub) loadSubmodels(); //TODO reload submodels if an MP ac joins } void FGSubmodelMgr::bind() {} void FGSubmodelMgr::unbind() { submodel_iterator = submodels.begin(); while (submodel_iterator != submodels.end()) { (*submodel_iterator)->prop->untie("count"); ++submodel_iterator; } } void FGSubmodelMgr::update(double dt) { if (!_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) return; _impact = false; _hit = false; _expiry = false; // check if the submodel hit an object or terrain sm_list = ai->get_ai_list(); sm_list_iterator sm_list_itr = sm_list.begin(); sm_list_iterator end = sm_list.end(); for (; sm_list_itr != end; ++sm_list_itr) { _impact = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactData(); _hit = (*sm_list_itr)->_getCollisionData(); _expiry = (*sm_list_itr)->_getExpiryData(); int parent_subID = (*sm_list_itr)->_getSubID(); //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodel: Impact " << _impact << " hit! " // << _hit <<" parent_subID " << parent_subID); if ( parent_subID == 0) // this entry in the list has no associated submodel continue; // so we can continue if (_impact || _hit || _expiry) { // SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Submodel: Impact " << _impact << " hit! " << _hit //<< " exipiry :-( " << _expiry ); submodel_iterator = submodels.begin(); while (submodel_iterator != submodels.end()) { int child_ID = (*submodel_iterator)->id; //cout << "Impact: parent SubID " << parent_subID << " child_ID " << child_ID << endl; if ( parent_subID == child_ID ) { _parent_lat = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactLat(); _parent_lon = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactLon(); _parent_elev = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactElevFt(); _parent_hdg = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactHdg(); _parent_pitch = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactPitch(); _parent_roll = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactRoll(); _parent_speed = (*sm_list_itr)->_getImpactSpeed(); (*submodel_iterator)->first_time = true; //cout << "Impact: parent SubID = child_ID elev " << _parent_elev << endl; if (release(*submodel_iterator, dt)) (*sm_list_itr)->setDie(true); } ++submodel_iterator; } } } _contrail_trigger->setBoolValue(_user_alt_node->getDoubleValue() > contrail_altitude); bool in_range = true; bool trigger = false; int i = -1; submodel_iterator = submodels.begin(); while (submodel_iterator != submodels.end()) { i++; in_range = true; /*SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: " << (*submodel_iterator)->id << " name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name << " in range " << in_range);*/ if ((*submodel_iterator)->trigger_node != 0) { _trigger_node = (*submodel_iterator)->trigger_node; trigger = _trigger_node->getBoolValue(); //cout << (*submodel_iterator)->name << "trigger node found " << trigger << endl; } else { trigger = true; //cout << (*submodel_iterator)->name << "trigger node not found " << trigger << endl; } if (trigger && (*submodel_iterator)->count != 0) { int id = (*submodel_iterator)->id; string name = (*submodel_iterator)->name; /*SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels end: " << (*submodel_iterator)->id << " name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name << " count " << (*submodel_iterator)->count << " in range " << in_range);*/ release(*submodel_iterator, dt); } else (*submodel_iterator)->first_time = true; ++submodel_iterator; } // end while } bool FGSubmodelMgr::release(submodel *sm, double dt) { //cout << "release id " << sm->id << " name " << sm->name //<< " first time " << sm->first_time << " repeat " << sm->repeat << // endl; // only run if first time or repeat is set to true if (!sm->first_time && !sm->repeat) { //cout<< "not first time " << sm->first_time<< " repeat " << sm->repeat <timer += dt; if (sm->timer < sm->delay) { //cout << "not yet: timer " << sm->timer << " delay " << sm->delay << endl; return false; } //cout << "released timer: " << sm->timer << " delay " << sm->delay << endl; sm->timer = 0.0; if (sm->first_time) { dt = 0.0; sm->first_time = false; } transform(sm); // calculate submodel's initial conditions in world-coordinates FGAIBallistic* ballist = new FGAIBallistic; ballist->setPath(sm->model.c_str()); ballist->setName(sm->name); ballist->setRandom(sm->random); ballist->setRandomness(sm->randomness); ballist->setLatitude(offsetpos.getLatitudeDeg()); ballist->setLongitude(offsetpos.getLongitudeDeg()); ballist->setAltitude(offsetpos.getElevationFt()); ballist->setAzimuth(IC.azimuth); ballist->setElevation(IC.elevation); ballist->setRoll(IC.roll); ballist->setSpeed(IC.speed / SG_KT_TO_FPS); ballist->setWind_from_east(IC.wind_from_east); ballist->setWind_from_north(IC.wind_from_north); ballist->setMass(IC.mass); ballist->setDragArea(sm->drag_area); ballist->setLife(sm->life); ballist->setBuoyancy(sm->buoyancy); ballist->setWind(sm->wind); ballist->setCd(sm->cd); ballist->setStabilisation(sm->aero_stabilised); ballist->setNoRoll(sm->no_roll); ballist->setCollision(sm->collision); ballist->setExpiry(sm->expiry); ballist->setImpact(sm->impact); ballist->setImpactReportNode(sm->impact_report); ballist->setFuseRange(sm->fuse_range); ballist->setSubmodel(sm->submodel.c_str()); ballist->setSubID(sm->sub_id); ballist->setForceStabilisation(sm->force_stabilised); ballist->setExternalForce(sm->ext_force); ballist->setForcePath(sm->force_path.c_str()); ai->attach(ballist); if (sm->count > 0) sm->count--; return true; } void FGSubmodelMgr::load() { SGPropertyNode *path = fgGetNode("/sim/submodels/path"); if (path) { const int id = 0; string Path = path->getStringValue(); bool Seviceable =_serviceable_node->getBoolValue(); setData(id, Path, Seviceable); } } void FGSubmodelMgr::transform(submodel *sm) { // set initial conditions if (sm->contents_node != 0) { // get the weight of the contents (lbs) and convert to mass (slugs) sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getChild("level-lbs",0,1)->getDoubleValue(); //cout << "transform: contents " << sm->contents << endl; IC.mass = (sm->weight + sm->contents) * lbs_to_slugs; //cout << "mass inc contents" << IC.mass << endl; // set contents to 0 in the parent sm->contents_node->getChild("level-gal_us",0,1)->setDoubleValue(0); /*cout << "contents " << sm->contents_node->getChild("level-gal_us")->getDoubleValue() << " " << sm->contents_node->getChild("level-lbs",0,1)->getDoubleValue() << endl;*/ } else IC.mass = sm->weight * lbs_to_slugs; // cout << "mass " << IC.mass << endl; if (sm->speed_node != 0) sm->speed = sm->speed_node->getDoubleValue(); int id = sm->id; //int sub_id = (*submodel)->sub_id; string name = sm->name; //cout << " name " << name << " id " << id << " sub id" << sub_id << endl; // set the Initial Conditions for the types of submodel parent if (_impact || _hit || _expiry) { // set the data for a submodel tied to a submodel _count++; //cout << "Submodels: release sub sub " << _count<< endl; //cout << " id " << sm->id // << " lat " << _parent_lat // << " lon " << _parent_lon // << " elev " << _parent_elev // << " name " << sm->name // << endl; IC.lat = _parent_lat; IC.lon = _parent_lon; IC.alt = _parent_elev; IC.roll = _parent_roll; // rotation about x axis IC.elevation = _parent_pitch; // rotation about y axis IC.azimuth = _parent_hdg; // rotation about z axis IC.speed = _parent_speed; IC.speed_down_fps = 0; IC.speed_east_fps = 0; IC.speed_north_fps = 0; } else if (id == 0) { //set the data for a submodel tied to the main model /*cout << "Submodels: release main sub " << endl; cout << " name " << sm->name << " id" << sm->id << endl;*/ IC.lat = _user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(); IC.lon = _user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(); IC.alt = _user_alt_node->getDoubleValue(); IC.roll = _user_roll_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about x axis IC.elevation = _user_pitch_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about y axis IC.azimuth = _user_heading_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about z axis IC.speed = _user_speed_node->getDoubleValue(); IC.speed_down_fps = _user_speed_down_fps_node->getDoubleValue(); IC.speed_east_fps = _user_speed_east_fps_node->getDoubleValue(); IC.speed_north_fps = _user_speed_north_fps_node->getDoubleValue(); } else { // set the data for a submodel tied to an AI Object sm_list_iterator sm_list_itr = sm_list.begin(); sm_list_iterator end = sm_list.end(); while (sm_list_itr != end) { int parent_id = (*sm_list_itr)->getID(); if (id != parent_id) { ++sm_list_itr; continue; } //cout << "found id " << id << endl; IC.lat = (*sm_list_itr)->_getLatitude(); IC.lon = (*sm_list_itr)->_getLongitude(); IC.alt = (*sm_list_itr)->_getAltitude(); IC.roll = (*sm_list_itr)->_getRoll(); IC.elevation = (*sm_list_itr)->_getPitch(); IC.azimuth = (*sm_list_itr)->_getHeading(); IC.alt = (*sm_list_itr)->_getAltitude(); IC.speed = (*sm_list_itr)->_getSpeed() * SG_KT_TO_FPS; IC.speed_down_fps = -(*sm_list_itr)->_getVS_fps(); IC.speed_east_fps = (*sm_list_itr)->_get_speed_east_fps(); IC.speed_north_fps = (*sm_list_itr)->_get_speed_north_fps(); ++sm_list_itr; } } /*cout << "heading " << IC.azimuth << endl ; cout << "speed down " << IC.speed_down_fps << endl ; cout << "speed east " << IC.speed_east_fps << endl ; cout << "speed north " << IC.speed_north_fps << endl ; cout << "parent speed fps in" << IC.speed << "sm speed in " << sm->speed << endl ;*/ // Set the Initial Conditions that are common to all types of parent IC.wind_from_east = _user_wind_from_east_node->getDoubleValue(); IC.wind_from_north = _user_wind_from_north_node->getDoubleValue(); userpos.setLatitudeDeg(IC.lat); userpos.setLongitudeDeg(IC.lon); userpos.setElevationFt(IC.alt); _x_offset = sm->x_offset; _y_offset = sm->y_offset; _z_offset = sm->z_offset; setOffsetPos(); //IC.elevation += sm->pitch_offset; //IC.azimuth += sm->yaw_offset ; // pre-process the trig functions cosRx = cos(-IC.roll * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); sinRx = sin(-IC.roll * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); cosRy = cos(-IC.elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); sinRy = sin(-IC.elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); cosRz = cos(IC.azimuth * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); sinRz = sin(IC.azimuth * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); //// set up the transform matrix //trans[0][0] = cosRy * cosRz; //trans[0][1] = -1 * cosRx * sinRz + sinRx * sinRy * cosRz ; //trans[0][2] = sinRx * sinRz + cosRx * sinRy * cosRz; //trans[1][0] = cosRy * sinRz; //trans[1][1] = cosRx * cosRz + sinRx * sinRy * sinRz; //trans[1][2] = -1 * sinRx * cosRx + cosRx * sinRy * sinRz; //trans[2][0] = -1 * sinRy; //trans[2][1] = sinRx * cosRy; //trans[2][2] = cosRx * cosRy; //// multiply the input and transform matrices //out[0] = in[0] * trans[0][0] + in[1] * trans[0][1] + in[2] * trans[0][2]; //out[1] = in[0] * trans[1][0] + in[1] * trans[1][1] + in[2] * trans[1][2]; //out[2] = in[0] * trans[2][0] + in[1] * trans[2][1] + in[2] * trans[2][2]; //// convert ft to degrees of latitude //out[0] = out[0] / (366468.96 - 3717.12 * cos(IC.lat * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)); //// convert ft to degrees of longitude //out[1] = out[1] / (365228.16 * cos(IC.lat * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)); //// set submodel initial position //IC.lat += out[0]; //IC.lon += out[1]; //IC.alt += out[2]; // get aircraft velocity vector angles in XZ and XY planes //double alpha = _user_alpha_node->getDoubleValue(); //double velXZ = IC.elevation - alpha * cosRx; //double velXY = IC.azimuth - (IC.elevation - alpha * sinRx); // Get submodel initial velocity vector angles in XZ and XY planes. // This vector should be added to aircraft's vector. IC.elevation += (sm->yaw_offset * sinRx) + (sm->pitch_offset * cosRx); IC.azimuth += (sm->yaw_offset * cosRx) - (sm->pitch_offset * sinRx); // calculate the total speed north IC.total_speed_north = sm->speed * cos(IC.elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * cos(IC.azimuth * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) + IC.speed_north_fps; // calculate the total speed east IC.total_speed_east = sm->speed * cos(IC.elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * sin(IC.azimuth * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) + IC.speed_east_fps; // calculate the total speed down IC.total_speed_down = sm->speed * -sin(IC.elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) + IC.speed_down_fps; // re-calculate speed, elevation and azimuth IC.speed = sqrt(IC.total_speed_north * IC.total_speed_north + IC.total_speed_east * IC.total_speed_east + IC.total_speed_down * IC.total_speed_down); // if speeds are low this calculation can become unreliable if (IC.speed > 1) { //IC.azimuth = atan2(IC.total_speed_east, IC.total_speed_north) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; // cout << "azimuth1 " << IC.azimuth<= 360) IC.azimuth -= 360; // cout << "azimuth2 " << IC.azimuth<get_ai_list(); if (sm_list.empty()) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: Unable to read AI submodel list"); return; } sm_list_iterator sm_list_itr = sm_list.begin(); sm_list_iterator end = sm_list.end(); while (sm_list_itr != end) { string path = (*sm_list_itr)->_getSMPath(); if (path.empty()) { ++sm_list_itr; continue; } int id = (*sm_list_itr)->getID(); bool serviceable = (*sm_list_itr)->_getServiceable(); setData(id, path, serviceable); ++sm_list_itr; } } void FGSubmodelMgr::setData(int id, string& path, bool serviceable) { SGPropertyNode root; SGPath config(globals->get_fg_root()); config.append(path); SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: path " << path); try { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: Trying to read AI submodels file: " << config.str()); readProperties(config.str(), &root); } catch (const sg_exception &) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: Unable to read AI submodels file: " << config.str()); return; } vector children = root.getChildren("submodel"); vector::iterator it = children.begin(); vector::iterator end = children.end(); for (int i = 0; it != end; ++it, i++) { //cout << "Reading AI submodel " << (*it)->getPath() << endl; submodel* sm = new submodel; SGPropertyNode * entry_node = *it; sm->name = entry_node->getStringValue("name", "none_defined"); sm->model = entry_node->getStringValue("model", "Models/Geometry/rocket.ac"); sm->speed = entry_node->getDoubleValue("speed", 2329.4); sm->repeat = entry_node->getBoolValue("repeat", false); sm->delay = entry_node->getDoubleValue("delay", 0.25); sm->count = entry_node->getIntValue("count", 1); sm->slaved = entry_node->getBoolValue("slaved", false); sm->x_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("x-offset", 0.0); sm->y_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("y-offset", 0.0); sm->z_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("z-offset", 0.0); sm->yaw_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("yaw-offset", 0.0); sm->pitch_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("pitch-offset", 0.0); sm->drag_area = entry_node->getDoubleValue("eda", 0.034); sm->life = entry_node->getDoubleValue("life", 900.0); sm->buoyancy = entry_node->getDoubleValue("buoyancy", 0); sm->wind = entry_node->getBoolValue("wind", false); sm->cd = entry_node->getDoubleValue("cd", 0.193); sm->weight = entry_node->getDoubleValue("weight", 0.25); sm->aero_stabilised = entry_node->getBoolValue("aero-stabilised", true); sm->no_roll = entry_node->getBoolValue("no-roll", false); sm->collision = entry_node->getBoolValue("collision", false); sm->expiry = entry_node->getBoolValue("expiry", false); sm->impact = entry_node->getBoolValue("impact", false); sm->impact_report = entry_node->getStringValue("impact-reports"); sm->fuse_range = entry_node->getDoubleValue("fuse-range", 0.0); sm->contents_node = fgGetNode(entry_node->getStringValue("contents", "none"), false); sm->speed_node = fgGetNode(entry_node->getStringValue("speed-node", "none"), false); sm->submodel = entry_node->getStringValue("submodel-path", ""); sm->force_stabilised= entry_node->getBoolValue("force-stabilised", false); sm->ext_force = entry_node->getBoolValue("external-force", false); sm->force_path = entry_node->getStringValue("force-path", ""); sm->random = entry_node->getBoolValue("random", false); sm->randomness = entry_node->getDoubleValue("randomness", 0.5); //cout << "sm->contents_node " << sm->contents_node << endl; if (sm->contents_node != 0) sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getDoubleValue(); const char *trigger_path = entry_node->getStringValue("trigger", 0); if (trigger_path) { sm->trigger_node = fgGetNode(trigger_path, true); sm->trigger_node->setBoolValue(sm->trigger_node->getBoolValue()); } else { sm->trigger_node = 0; } if (sm->speed_node != 0) sm->speed = sm->speed_node->getDoubleValue(); sm->timer = sm->delay; sm->id = id; sm->first_time = false; sm->serviceable = serviceable; sm->sub_id = 0; sm->prop = fgGetNode("/ai/submodels/submodel", index, true); sm->prop->tie("delay", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->delay))); sm->prop->tie("count", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->count))); sm->prop->tie("repeat", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->repeat))); sm->prop->tie("id", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->id))); sm->prop->tie("sub-id", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->sub_id))); sm->prop->tie("serviceable", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->serviceable))); sm->prop->tie("random", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->random))); string name = sm->name; sm->prop->setStringValue("name", name.c_str()); string submodel = sm->submodel; sm->prop->setStringValue("submodel", submodel.c_str()); //cout << " set submodel path " << submodel << endl; string force_path = sm->force_path; sm->prop->setStringValue("force_path", force_path.c_str()); //cout << "set force_path Sub " << force_path << endl; if (sm->contents_node != 0) sm->prop->tie("contents-lbs", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->contents))); index++; submodels.push_back(sm); } } void FGSubmodelMgr::setSubData(int id, string& path, bool serviceable) { SGPropertyNode root; SGPath config(globals->get_fg_root()); config.append(path); SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: path " << path); try { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: Trying to read AI submodels file: " << config.str()); readProperties(config.str(), &root); } catch (const sg_exception &) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: Unable to read AI submodels file: " << config.str()); return; } vector children = root.getChildren("submodel"); vector::iterator it = children.begin(); vector::iterator end = children.end(); for (int i = 0; it != end; ++it, i++) { //cout << "Reading AI submodel " << (*it)->getPath() << endl; submodel* sm = new submodel; SGPropertyNode * entry_node = *it; sm->name = entry_node->getStringValue("name", "none_defined"); sm->model = entry_node->getStringValue("model", "Models/Geometry/rocket.ac"); sm->speed = entry_node->getDoubleValue("speed", 2329.4); sm->repeat = entry_node->getBoolValue("repeat", false); sm->delay = entry_node->getDoubleValue("delay", 0.25); sm->count = entry_node->getIntValue("count", 1); sm->slaved = entry_node->getBoolValue("slaved", false); sm->x_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("x-offset", 0.0); sm->y_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("y-offset", 0.0); sm->z_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("z-offset", 0.0); sm->yaw_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("yaw-offset", 0.0); sm->pitch_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("pitch-offset", 0.0); sm->drag_area = entry_node->getDoubleValue("eda", 0.034); sm->life = entry_node->getDoubleValue("life", 900.0); sm->buoyancy = entry_node->getDoubleValue("buoyancy", 0); sm->wind = entry_node->getBoolValue("wind", false); sm->cd = entry_node->getDoubleValue("cd", 0.193); sm->weight = entry_node->getDoubleValue("weight", 0.25); sm->aero_stabilised = entry_node->getBoolValue("aero-stabilised", true); sm->no_roll = entry_node->getBoolValue("no-roll", false); sm->collision = entry_node->getBoolValue("collision", false); sm->expiry = entry_node->getBoolValue("expiry", false); sm->impact = entry_node->getBoolValue("impact", false); sm->impact_report = entry_node->getStringValue("impact-reports"); sm->fuse_range = entry_node->getDoubleValue("fuse-range", 0.0); sm->contents_node = fgGetNode(entry_node->getStringValue("contents", "none"), false); sm->speed_node = fgGetNode(entry_node->getStringValue("speed-node", "none"), false); sm->submodel = entry_node->getStringValue("submodel-path", ""); sm->force_stabilised= entry_node->getBoolValue("force-stabilised", false); sm->ext_force = entry_node->getBoolValue("external-force", false); sm->force_path = entry_node->getStringValue("force-path", ""); sm->random = entry_node->getBoolValue("random", false); sm->randomness = entry_node->getDoubleValue("randomness", 0.5); //cout << "sm->contents_node " << sm->contents_node << endl; if (sm->contents_node != 0) sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getDoubleValue(); const char *trigger_path = entry_node->getStringValue("trigger", 0); if (trigger_path) { sm->trigger_node = fgGetNode(trigger_path, true); sm->trigger_node->setBoolValue(sm->trigger_node->getBoolValue()); } else { sm->trigger_node = 0; } if (sm->speed_node != 0) sm->speed = sm->speed_node->getDoubleValue(); sm->timer = sm->delay; sm->id = index; sm->first_time = false; sm->serviceable = serviceable; sm->sub_id = 0; sm->prop = fgGetNode("/ai/submodels/subsubmodel", index, true); sm->prop->tie("count", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->count))); sm->prop->tie("repeat", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->repeat))); sm->prop->tie("id", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->id))); sm->prop->tie("sub-id", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->sub_id))); sm->prop->tie("serviceable", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->serviceable))); sm->prop->tie("random", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->random))); string name = sm->name; sm->prop->setStringValue("name", name.c_str()); string submodel = sm->submodel; sm->prop->setStringValue("submodel", submodel.c_str()); // cout << " set submodel path AI" << submodel<< endl; string force_path = sm->force_path; sm->prop->setStringValue("force_path", force_path.c_str()); cout << "set force_path AI" << force_path << endl; if (sm->contents_node != 0) sm->prop->tie("contents-lbs", SGRawValuePointer(&(sm->contents))); index++; subsubmodels.push_back(sm); } } void FGSubmodelMgr::loadSubmodels() { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: Loading sub submodels"); _found_sub = false; submodel_iterator = submodels.begin(); while (submodel_iterator != submodels.end()) { string submodel = (*submodel_iterator)->submodel; if (!submodel.empty()) { //int id = (*submodel_iterator)->id; bool serviceable = true; //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "found path sub sub " // << submodel // << " index " << index // << "name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name); if ((*submodel_iterator)->sub_id == 0){ (*submodel_iterator)->sub_id = index; _found_sub = true; setSubData(index, submodel, serviceable); } } ++submodel_iterator; } // end while subsubmodel_iterator = subsubmodels.begin(); while (subsubmodel_iterator != subsubmodels.end()) { submodels.push_back(*subsubmodel_iterator); ++subsubmodel_iterator; } // end while subsubmodels.clear(); //submodel_iterator = submodels.begin(); //while (submodel_iterator != submodels.end()) { //int id = (*submodel_iterator)->id; //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG,"after pushback " // << " id " << id // << " name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name // << " sub id " << (*submodel_iterator)->sub_id); //++submodel_iterator; //} } SGVec3d FGSubmodelMgr::getCartOffsetPos() const{ // convert geodetic positions to geocentered SGVec3d cartuserPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(userpos); // Transform to the right coordinate frame, configuration is done in // the x-forward, y-right, z-up coordinates (feet), computation // in the simulation usual body x-forward, y-right, z-down coordinates // (meters) ) SGVec3d _off(_x_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER, _y_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER, -_z_offset * SG_FEET_TO_METER); // Transform the user position to the horizontal local coordinate system. SGQuatd hlTrans = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(userpos); // and postrotate the orientation of the user model wrt the horizontal // local frame hlTrans *= SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg( IC.azimuth, IC.elevation, IC.roll); // The offset converted to the usual body fixed coordinate system // rotated to the earth-fixed coordinates axis SGVec3d off = hlTrans.backTransform(_off); // Add the position offset of the user model to get the geocentered position SGVec3d offsetPos = cartuserPos + off; return offsetPos; } void FGSubmodelMgr::setOffsetPos(){ // convert the offset geocentered position to geodetic SGVec3d cartoffsetPos = getCartOffsetPos(); SGGeodesy::SGCartToGeod(cartoffsetPos, offsetpos); } // end of submodel.cxx