/********************************************************************/ /* STRIPE: converting a polygonal model to triangle strips Francine Evans, 1996. SUNY @ Stony Brook Advisors: Steven Skiena and Amitabh Varshney */ /********************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* STRIPE: outputex.c This file contains routines that are used for various functions in the local algorithm. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "global.h" #include "outputex.h" #include "triangulatex.h" #include "polverts.h" #include "ties.h" #include "partial.h" #include "sturctsex.h" #include "options.h" #include "output.h" #include "common.h" #include "util.h" void Output_TriEx(int id1, int id2, int id3, FILE *output, int next_face, int flag, int where) { /* We will save everything into a list, rather than output at once, as was done in the old routine. This way for future modifications we can change the strips later on if we want to. */ int swap,temp1,temp2,temp3; static int total=0; static int tri=0; static int strips = 0; static int cost = 0; if (flag == -20) { cost = cost + where+total+tri+strips+strips; printf("We will need to send %d vertices to the renderer\n",cost); total = 0; tri = 0; strips = 0; return ; } if (flag == -10) /* We are finished, now is time to output the triangle list */ { fprintf(output,"\nt "); tri = tri + Finished(&swap,output,FALSE); total = total + swap; strips++; /*printf("There are %d swaps %d tri %d strips\n",total,tri,strips);*/ } else { Last_Edge(&temp1,&temp2,&temp3,0); Add_Id_Strips(id1,where); Add_Id_Strips(id2,where); Add_Id_Strips(id3,where); Last_Edge(&id1,&id2,&id3,1); } } void Extend_BackwardsEx(int face_id, FILE *output, FILE *strip, int *ties, int tie, int triangulate, int swaps, int *next_id) { /* We just made a strip, now we are going to see if we can extend backwards from the starting face, which had 2 or more adjacencies to start with. */ int bucket,next_face,num,x,y,z,c,max,f; ListHead *pListFace; PF_FACES face; P_ADJACENCIES temp; /* Get the first triangle that we have saved the the strip data structure, so we can see if there are any polygons adjacent to this edge or a neighboring one */ First_Edge(&x,&y,&z); pListFace = PolFaces[face_id]; face = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,0); num = face->nPolSize; /* Go through the edges to see if there is an adjacency with a vertex in common to the first triangle that was outputted in the strip. (maybe edge was deleted....) */ for (c=0; c<num ; c++) { if ( (c != (num-1)) && (( (*(face->pPolygon+c) == x) && (*(face->pPolygon+c+1) == y)) || (*(face->pPolygon+c) == y) && (*(face->pPolygon+c+1) == x))) { /* Input edge is still there see if there is an adjacency */ next_face = Find_Face(face_id, x, y, &bucket); if (next_face == -1) /* Could not find a face adjacent to the edge */ break; pListFace = array[bucket]; max = NumOnList(pListFace); for (f=0;;f++) { temp = (P_ADJACENCIES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,f); if (temp->face_id == next_face) { Last_Edge(&z,&y,&x,1); Polygon_OutputEx(temp,temp->face_id,bucket,pListFace, output,strip,ties,tie,triangulate,swaps,next_id,0); return; } if (temp == NULL) { printf("Error in the new buckets%d %d %d\n",bucket,max,0); exit(0); } } } else if ( (c == (num -1)) && ( ((*(face->pPolygon) == x) && (*(face->pPolygon+num-1) == y)) || (*(face->pPolygon) == y) && (*(face->pPolygon+num-1) == x))) { next_face = Find_Face(face_id,x,y,&bucket); if (next_face == -1) /* Could not find a face adjacent to the edge */ break; pListFace = array[bucket]; max = NumOnList(pListFace); for (f=0;;f++) { temp = (P_ADJACENCIES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,f); if (temp->face_id == next_face) { Last_Edge(&z,&y,&x,1); Polygon_OutputEx(temp,temp->face_id,bucket,pListFace, output,strip,ties,tie,triangulate,swaps,next_id,0); return; } if (temp == NULL) { printf("Error in the new buckets%d %d %d\n",bucket,max,0); exit(0); } } } } } void Polygon_OutputEx(P_ADJACENCIES temp,int face_id,int bucket, ListHead *pListHead, FILE *output, FILE *strips, int *ties, int tie, int triangulate, int swaps, int *next_id, int where) { ListHead *pListFace; PF_FACES face; P_ADJACENCIES pfNode; static BOOL begin = TRUE; int old_face,next_face_id,next_bucket,e1,e2,e3,other1,other2,other3; P_ADJACENCIES lpListInfo; /* We have a polygon to output, the id is face id, and the number of adjacent polygons to it is bucket. */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); /* Get the polygon with id face_id */ pListFace = PolFaces[face_id]; face = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,0); if (face->nPolSize == 3) { /* It is already a triangle */ if (bucket == 0) { /* It is not adjacent to anything so we do not have to worry about the order of the sides or updating adjacencies */ Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); next_face_id = Different(*(face->pPolygon),*(face->pPolygon+1),*(face->pPolygon+2), e1,e2,e3,&other1,&other2); /* No input edge, at the start */ if ((e2 ==0) && (e3 == 0)) { e2 = other1; e3 = other2; } Output_TriEx(e2,e3,next_face_id,strips,-1,begin,where); RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); /* We will be at the beginning of the next strip. */ begin = TRUE; } /* It is a triangle with adjacencies. This means that we have to: 1. Update the adjacencies in the list, because we are using this polygon and it will be deleted. 2. Get the next polygon. */ else { /* Return the face_id of the next polygon we will be using, while updating the adjacency list by decrementing the adjacencies of everything adjacent to the current triangle. */ next_face_id = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id, &next_bucket, &e1,&e2,ties); old_face = next_face_id; /* Break the tie, if there was one */ if (tie != FIRST) old_face = Get_Next_Face(tie,face_id,triangulate); if (next_face_id == -1) { Polygon_OutputEx(temp,face_id,0,pListHead,output,strips,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); return; } /* We are using a different face */ if ((tie != FIRST) && (old_face != next_face_id) && (swaps == ON)) { next_face_id = old_face; /* Get the new output edge, since e1 and e2 are for the original next face that we got. */ e3 = Get_EdgeEx(&e1,&e2,face->pPolygon,next_face_id,face->nPolSize,0,0); } /* Find the other vertex to transmit in the triangle */ e3 = Return_Other(face->pPolygon,e1,e2); Last_Edge(&other1,&other2,&other3,0); if ((other1 != 0) && (other2 != 0)) { /* See which vertex in the output edge is not in the input edge */ if ((e1 != other2) && (e1 != other3)) e3 = e1; else if ((e2 != other2) && (e2 != other3)) e3 = e2; /* can happen with > 2 polys on an edge but won't form a good strip so stop the strip here */ else { Polygon_OutputEx(temp,face_id,0,pListHead,output,strips,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); return; } /* See which vertex of the input edge is not in the output edge */ if ((other2 != e1) && (other2 != e2)) { other1 = other2; other2 = other3; } else if ((other3 != e1) && (other3 != e2)) other1 = other3; else { /* Degenerate triangle just return*/ Output_TriEx(other1,other2,e3,strips,next_face_id,begin,where); RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); begin = FALSE; return; } } /* There was not an input edge, we are the first triangle in a strip */ else { /* Find the correct order to transmit the triangle, what is the output edge that we want ? */ other1 = e3; e3 = e2; other2 = e1; } /* At this point the adjacencies have been updated and we have the next polygon id */ Output_TriEx(other1,other2,e3,strips,next_face_id,begin,where); RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); begin = FALSE; if (Done(next_face_id,59,&next_bucket) == NULL) return; pListHead = array[next_bucket]; pfNode = (P_ADJACENCIES) malloc(sizeof(ADJACENCIES) ); if ( pfNode ) pfNode->face_id = next_face_id; lpListInfo = (P_ADJACENCIES) (SearchList(array[next_bucket], pfNode, (int (*)(void *,void *)) (Compare))); if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon3 %d\n",next_face_id); exit(0); } Polygon_OutputEx(lpListInfo,next_face_id,next_bucket, pListHead, output, strips,ties,tie,triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); } } else { /* It is not a triangle, we have to triangulate it . Since it is not adjacent to anything we can triangulate it blindly */ if (bucket == 0) { /* Check to see if there is not an input edge */ Last_Edge(&other1,&other2,&other3,0); if ((other1 == 0) && (other2 ==0)) Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, strips, output,TRUE,where); else Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,strips, output,FALSE,where); RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); /* We will be at the beginning of the next strip. */ begin = TRUE; } /* If we have specified PARTIAL triangulation then we will go to special routines that will break the polygon and update the data structure. Else everything below will simply triangulate the whole polygon */ else if (triangulate == PARTIAL) { /* Return the face_id of the next polygon we will be using, */ next_face_id = Min_Face_AdjEx(face_id,&next_bucket,ties); /* Don't do it partially, because we can go inside and get less adjacencies, for a quad we can do the whole thing. */ if ((face_id == next_face_id) && (face->nPolSize == 4) && (swaps == ON)) { next_face_id = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id, &next_bucket, &e1,&e2,ties); if (next_face_id == -1) { /* There is no sequential face to go to, end the strip */ Polygon_OutputEx(temp,face_id,0,pListHead,output,strips,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); return; } /* Break the tie, if there was one */ if (tie != FIRST) next_face_id = Get_Next_Face(tie,face_id,triangulate); Non_Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, strips, output,next_face_id,face_id,where); RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); } /* Was not a quad but we still do not want to do it partially for now, since we want to only do one triangle at a time */ else if ((face_id == next_face_id) && (swaps == ON)) Inside_Polygon(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,strips,output, next_face_id,face_id,next_id,pListHead,temp,where); else { if ((tie != FIRST) && (swaps == ON)) next_face_id = Get_Next_Face(tie,face_id,triangulate); Partial_Triangulate(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,strips, output,next_face_id,face_id,next_id,pListHead,temp,where); /* Check the next bucket again ,maybe it changed We calculated one less, but that might not be the case */ } if (Done(next_face_id,59,&next_bucket) == NULL) { /* Check to see if there is not an input edge */ Last_Edge(&other1,&other2,&other3,0); if ((other1 == 0) && (other2 ==0)) Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, strips, output,TRUE,where); else Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon,strips, output,FALSE,where); if (Done(face_id,59,&bucket) != NULL) { pListHead = array[bucket]; pfNode = (P_ADJACENCIES) malloc(sizeof(ADJACENCIES) ); if ( pfNode ) pfNode->face_id = face_id; lpListInfo = (P_ADJACENCIES) (SearchList(array[bucket], pfNode, (int (*)(void *,void *)) (Compare))); RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO)lpListInfo); } begin = TRUE; return; } begin = FALSE; pListHead = array[next_bucket]; pfNode = (P_ADJACENCIES) malloc(sizeof(ADJACENCIES) ); if ( pfNode ) pfNode->face_id = next_face_id; lpListInfo = (P_ADJACENCIES) (SearchList(array[next_bucket], pfNode, (int (*)(void *,void *)) (Compare))); if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon1 %d %d\n",next_face_id,next_bucket); exit(0); } Polygon_OutputEx(lpListInfo,next_face_id,next_bucket, pListHead, output, strips,ties,tie,triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); } else { /* WHOLE triangulation */ /* It is not a triangle and has adjacencies. This means that we have to: 1. TriangulateEx this polygon, not blindly because we have an edge that we want to come out on, that is the edge that is adjacent to a polygon with the least number of adjacencies. Also we must come in on the last seen edge. 2. Update the adjacencies in the list, because we are using this polygon . 3. Get the next polygon. */ /* Return the face_id of the next polygon we will be using, while updating the adjacency list by decrementing the adjacencies of everything adjacent to the current polygon. */ next_face_id = Update_AdjacenciesEx(face_id, &next_bucket, &e1,&e2,ties); if (Done(next_face_id,59,&next_bucket) == NULL) { Polygon_OutputEx(temp,face_id,0,pListHead,output,strips,ties,tie, triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); /* Because maybe there was more than 2 polygons on the edge */ return; } /* Break the tie, if there was one */ else if (tie != FIRST) next_face_id = Get_Next_Face(tie,face_id,triangulate); Non_Blind_TriangulateEx(face->nPolSize,face->pPolygon, strips, output,next_face_id,face_id,where); RemoveList(pListHead,(PLISTINFO) temp); begin = FALSE; pListHead = array[next_bucket]; pfNode = (P_ADJACENCIES) malloc(sizeof(ADJACENCIES) ); if ( pfNode ) pfNode->face_id = next_face_id; lpListInfo = (P_ADJACENCIES) (SearchList(array[next_bucket], pfNode, (int (*)(void *,void *)) (Compare))); if (lpListInfo == NULL) { printf("There is an error finding the next polygon2 %d %d\n",next_face_id,next_bucket); exit(0); } Polygon_OutputEx(lpListInfo,next_face_id,next_bucket, pListHead, output, strips,ties,tie,triangulate,swaps,next_id,where); } } Last_Edge(&e1,&e2,&e3,0); }