// navigation display texture // // Written by James Turner, forked from wxradar code // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "NavDisplay.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for cout, endl using std::stringstream; using std::endl; using std::setprecision; using std::fixed; using std::setw; using std::setfill; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::map; using std::string; #include
#include "panel.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "od_gauge.hxx" static const char *DEFAULT_FONT = "typewriter.txf"; static osg::Matrixf degRotation(float angle) { return osg::Matrixf::rotate(angle * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); } static osg::Vec4 readColor(SGPropertyNode* colorNode, const osg::Vec4& c) { osg::Vec4 result; result.r() = colorNode->getDoubleValue("red", c.r()); result.g() = colorNode->getDoubleValue("green", c.g()); result.b() = colorNode->getDoubleValue("blue", c.b()); result.a() = colorNode->getDoubleValue("alpha", c.a()); return result; } static osgText::Text::AlignmentType readAlignment(const std::string& t) { if (t == "left-top") { return osgText::Text::LEFT_TOP; } else if (t == "left-center") { return osgText::Text::LEFT_CENTER; } else if (t == "left-bottom") { return osgText::Text::LEFT_BOTTOM; } else if (t == "center-top") { return osgText::Text::CENTER_TOP; } else if (t == "center-center") { return osgText::Text::CENTER_CENTER; } else if (t == "center-bottom") { return osgText::Text::CENTER_BOTTOM; } else if (t == "right-top") { return osgText::Text::RIGHT_TOP; } else if (t == "right-center") { return osgText::Text::RIGHT_CENTER; } else if (t == "right-bottom") { return osgText::Text::RIGHT_BOTTOM; } else if (t == "left-baseline") { return osgText::Text::LEFT_BASE_LINE; } else if (t == "center-baseline") { return osgText::Text::CENTER_BASE_LINE; } else if (t == "right-baseline") { return osgText::Text::RIGHT_BASE_LINE; } return osgText::Text::BASE_LINE; } static string formatPropertyValue(SGPropertyNode* nd, const string& format) { assert(nd); static char buf[512]; if (format.find('d') != string::npos) { ::snprintf(buf, 512, format.c_str(), nd->getIntValue()); return buf; } if (format.find('s') != string::npos) { ::snprintf(buf, 512, format.c_str(), nd->getStringValue()); return buf; } // assume it's a double/float ::snprintf(buf, 512, format.c_str(), nd->getDoubleValue()); return buf; } static osg::Vec2 mult(const osg::Vec2& v, const osg::Matrixf& m) { osg::Vec3 r = m.preMult(osg::Vec3(v.x(), v.y(), 0.0)); return osg::Vec2(r.x(), r.y()); } class NavDisplay::CacheListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: CacheListener(NavDisplay *nd) : _nd(nd) {} virtual void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * prop) { _nd->invalidatePositionedCache(); } private: NavDisplay* _nd; }; class NavDisplay::ForceUpdateListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: ForceUpdateListener(NavDisplay *nd) : _nd(nd) {} virtual void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * prop) { _nd->forceUpdate(); } private: NavDisplay* _nd; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SymbolRule { public: SymbolRule() { } bool initFromNode(SGPropertyNode* node, NavDisplay* owner) { if (!node->getChild("type")) { return false; } type = node->getStringValue("type"); boost::to_lower(type); SGPropertyNode* enableNode = node->getChild("enable"); if (enableNode) { enable.reset(sgReadCondition(fgGetNode("/"), enableNode)); } int n=0; while (node->hasChild("state", n)) { string m = node->getChild("state", n++)->getStringValue(); if (m[0] == '!') { excluded_states.insert(m.substr(1)); } else { required_states.insert(m); } } // of matches parsing return true; } void setDefinition(SymbolDef* d) { definition = d; } SymbolDef* getDefinition() const { return definition; } bool matches(const string_set& states) const { BOOST_FOREACH(const string& s, required_states) { if (states.count(s) == 0) { return false; } } BOOST_FOREACH(const string& s, excluded_states) { if (states.count(s) != 0) { return false; } } return true; } // return if the enabled state changed (needs a cache update) bool checkEnabled() { if (enable.get()) { bool wasEnabled = enabled; enabled = enable->test(); return (enabled != wasEnabled); } else { enabled = true; return false; } } bool enabled; // cached enabled state std::string type; // record instances for limiting by count int instanceCount; private: SymbolDef* definition; std::auto_ptr enable; string_set required_states; string_set excluded_states; }; class SymbolDef { public: SymbolDef() : limitCount(0) { } bool initFromNode(SGPropertyNode* node, NavDisplay* owner) { if (node->getChild("type")) { SymbolRule* builtinRule = new SymbolRule; builtinRule->initFromNode(node, owner); builtinRule->setDefinition(this); owner->addRule(builtinRule); } if (node->hasChild("width")) { float w = node->getFloatValue("width"); float h = node->getFloatValue("height", w); xy0.x() = -w * 0.5; xy0.y() = -h * 0.5; xy1.x() = w * 0.5; xy1.y() = h * 0.5; } else { xy0.x() = node->getFloatValue("x0", 0.0); xy0.y() = node->getFloatValue("y0", 0.0); xy1.x() = node->getFloatValue("x1", 5); xy1.y() = node->getFloatValue("y1", 5); } double texSize = node->getFloatValue("texture-size", owner->textureSize()); uv0.x() = node->getFloatValue("u0", 0) / texSize; uv0.y() = node->getFloatValue("v0", 0) / texSize; uv1.x() = node->getFloatValue("u1", 1) / texSize; uv1.y() = node->getFloatValue("v1", 1) / texSize; color = readColor(node->getChild("color"), osg::Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)); priority = node->getIntValue("priority", 0); zOrder = node->getIntValue("zOrder", 0); rotateToHeading = node->getBoolValue("rotate-to-heading", false); roundPos = node->getBoolValue("round-position", true); hasText = false; if (node->hasChild("text")) { hasText = true; alignment = readAlignment(node->getStringValue("text-align")); textTemplate = node->getStringValue("text"); textOffset.x() = node->getFloatValue("text-offset-x", 0); textOffset.y() = node->getFloatValue("text-offset-y", 0); textColor = readColor(node->getChild("text-color"), color); SGPropertyNode* enableNode = node->getChild("text-enable"); if (enableNode) { textEnable.reset(sgReadCondition(fgGetNode("/"), enableNode)); } } drawLine = node->getBoolValue("draw-line", false); lineColor = readColor(node->getChild("line-color"), color); drawRouteLeg = node->getBoolValue("draw-leg", false); stretchSymbol = node->getBoolValue("stretch-symbol", false); if (stretchSymbol) { stretchY2 = node->getFloatValue("y2"); stretchY3 = node->getFloatValue("y3"); stretchV2 = node->getFloatValue("v2") / texSize; stretchV3 = node->getFloatValue("v3") / texSize; } SGPropertyNode* limitNode = node->getChild("limit"); if (limitNode) { limitCount = limitNode->getIntValue(); } return true; } osg::Vec2 xy0, xy1; osg::Vec2 uv0, uv1; osg::Vec4 color; int priority; int zOrder; bool rotateToHeading; bool roundPos; ///< should position be rounded to integer values bool hasText; std::auto_ptr textEnable; bool textEnabled; ///< cache condition result osg::Vec4 textColor; osg::Vec2 textOffset; osgText::Text::AlignmentType alignment; string textTemplate; bool drawLine; osg::Vec4 lineColor; // symbol stretching creates three quads (instead of one) - a start, // middle and end quad, positioned along the line of the symbol. // X (and U) axis values determined by the values above, so we only need // to define the Y (and V) values to build the other quads. bool stretchSymbol; double stretchY2, stretchY3; double stretchV2, stretchV3; bool drawRouteLeg; int limitCount, instanceCount; }; class SymbolInstance { public: SymbolInstance(const osg::Vec2& p, double h, SymbolDef* def, SGPropertyNode* vars) : pos(p), headingDeg(h), definition(def), props(vars) { } osg::Vec2 pos; // projected position osg::Vec2 endPos; double headingDeg; SymbolDef* definition; SGPropertyNode_ptr props; string text() const { assert(definition->hasText); string r; size_t lastPos = 0; while (true) { size_t pos = definition->textTemplate.find('{', lastPos); if (pos == string::npos) { // no more replacements r.append(definition->textTemplate.substr(lastPos)); break; } r.append(definition->textTemplate.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos)); size_t endReplacement = definition->textTemplate.find('}', pos+1); if (endReplacement <= pos) { return "bad replacement"; } string spec = definition->textTemplate.substr(pos + 1, endReplacement - (pos + 1)); // look for formatter in spec size_t colonPos = spec.find(':'); if (colonPos == string::npos) { // simple replacement r.append(props->getStringValue(spec)); } else { string format = spec.substr(colonPos + 1); string prop = spec.substr(0, colonPos); r.append(formatPropertyValue(props->getNode(prop), format)); } lastPos = endReplacement + 1; } return r; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NavDisplay::NavDisplay(SGPropertyNode *node) : _name(node->getStringValue("name", "nd")), _num(node->getIntValue("number", 0)), _time(0.0), _updateInterval(node->getDoubleValue("update-interval-sec", 0.1)), _forceUpdate(true), _odg(0), _scale(0), _view_heading(0), _font_size(0), _font_spacing(0), _rangeNm(0), _maxSymbols(100) { _Instrument = fgGetNode(string("/instrumentation/" + _name).c_str(), _num, true); _font_node = _Instrument->getNode("font", true); #define INITFONT(p, val, type) if (!_font_node->hasValue(p)) _font_node->set##type##Value(p, val) INITFONT("name", DEFAULT_FONT, String); INITFONT("size", 8, Float); INITFONT("line-spacing", 0.25, Float); INITFONT("color/red", 0, Float); INITFONT("color/green", 0.8, Float); INITFONT("color/blue", 0, Float); INITFONT("color/alpha", 1, Float); #undef INITFONT _textureSize = _Instrument->getNode("symbol-texture-size", true)->getIntValue(); SGPropertyNode* symbolsNode = node->getNode("symbols"); SGPropertyNode* symbol; map definitionDict; for (int i = 0; (symbol = symbolsNode->getChild("symbol", i)) != NULL; ++i) { SymbolDef* def = new SymbolDef; if (!def->initFromNode(symbol, this)) { delete def; continue; } const char* id = symbol->getStringValue("id"); if (id && strlen(id)) { definitionDict[id] = def; } _definitions.push_back(def); } // of symbol definition parsing BOOST_FOREACH(SGPropertyNode* rule, symbolsNode->getChildren("rule")) { SymbolRule* r = new SymbolRule; if (!r->initFromNode(rule, this)) { delete r; continue; } const char* id = rule->getStringValue("symbol"); if (id && strlen(id) && (definitionDict.find(id) != definitionDict.end())) { r->setDefinition(definitionDict[id]); } else { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "symbol rule has missing/unknown definition id:" << id); delete r; continue; } addRule(r); } } NavDisplay::~NavDisplay() { delete _odg; } void NavDisplay::init () { _cachedItemsValid = false; _cacheListener.reset(new CacheListener(this)); _forceUpdateListener.reset(new ForceUpdateListener(this)); _serviceable_node = _Instrument->getNode("serviceable", true); _rangeNode = _Instrument->getNode("range", true); if (!_rangeNode->hasValue()) { _rangeNode->setDoubleValue(40.0); } _rangeNode->addChangeListener(_cacheListener.get()); _rangeNode->addChangeListener(_forceUpdateListener.get()); _xCenterNode = _Instrument->getNode("x-center"); if (!_xCenterNode->hasValue()) { _xCenterNode->setDoubleValue(0.5); } _xCenterNode->addChangeListener(_forceUpdateListener.get()); _yCenterNode = _Instrument->getNode("y-center"); if (!_yCenterNode->hasValue()) { _yCenterNode->setDoubleValue(0.5); } _yCenterNode->addChangeListener(_forceUpdateListener.get()); // texture name to use in 2D and 3D instruments _texture_path = _Instrument->getStringValue("radar-texture-path", "Aircraft/Instruments/Textures/od_wxradar.rgb"); string path = _Instrument->getStringValue("symbol-texture-path", "Aircraft/Instruments/Textures/nd-symbols.png"); SGPath tpath = globals->resolve_aircraft_path(path); if (!tpath.exists()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "ND symbol texture not found:" << path); } // no mipmap or else alpha will mix with pixels on the border of shapes, ruining the effect _symbolTexture = SGLoadTexture2D(tpath, NULL, false, false); _odg = new FGODGauge; _odg->setSize(_Instrument->getIntValue("texture-size", 512)); _route = static_cast(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager")); _navRadio1Node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/nav[0]", true); _navRadio2Node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/nav[1]", true); _excessDataNode = _Instrument->getChild("excess-data", 0, true); _excessDataNode->setBoolValue(false); _testModeNode = _Instrument->getChild("test-mode", 0, true); _testModeNode->setBoolValue(false); _viewHeadingNode = _Instrument->getChild("view-heading-deg", 0, true); _userLatNode = _Instrument->getChild("user-latitude-deg", 0, true); _userLonNode = _Instrument->getChild("user-longitude-deg", 0, true); _userPositionEnable = _Instrument->getChild("user-position", 0, true); _customSymbols = _Instrument->getChild("symbols", 0, true); // OSG geometry setup _radarGeode = new osg::Geode; _geom = new osg::Geometry; _geom->setUseDisplayList(false); osg::StateSet *stateSet = _geom->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, _symbolTexture.get()); stateSet->setDataVariance(osg::Object::STATIC); // Initially allocate space for 128 quads _vertices = new osg::Vec2Array; _vertices->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); _vertices->reserve(128 * 4); _geom->setVertexArray(_vertices); _texCoords = new osg::Vec2Array; _texCoords->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); _texCoords->reserve(128 * 4); _geom->setTexCoordArray(0, _texCoords); _quadColors = new osg::Vec4Array; _quadColors->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); _geom->setColorBinding(osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX); _geom->setColorArray(_quadColors); _symbolPrimSet = new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS); _symbolPrimSet->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); _geom->addPrimitiveSet(_symbolPrimSet); _geom->setInitialBound(osg::BoundingBox(osg::Vec3f(-256.0f, -256.0f, 0.0f), osg::Vec3f(256.0f, 256.0f, 0.0f))); _radarGeode->addDrawable(_geom); _odg->allocRT(); // Texture in the 2D panel system FGTextureManager::addTexture(_texture_path.c_str(), _odg->getTexture()); _lineGeometry = new osg::Geometry; _lineGeometry->setUseDisplayList(false); stateSet = _lineGeometry->getOrCreateStateSet(); osg::LineWidth *lw = new osg::LineWidth(); lw->setWidth(2.0); stateSet->setAttribute(lw); _lineVertices = new osg::Vec2Array; _lineVertices->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); _lineVertices->reserve(128 * 4); _lineGeometry->setVertexArray(_lineVertices); _lineColors = new osg::Vec4Array; _lineColors->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); _lineGeometry->setColorBinding(osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX); _lineGeometry->setColorArray(_lineColors); _linePrimSet = new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::LINES); _linePrimSet->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); _lineGeometry->addPrimitiveSet(_linePrimSet); _lineGeometry->setInitialBound(osg::BoundingBox(osg::Vec3f(-256.0f, -256.0f, 0.0f), osg::Vec3f(256.0f, 256.0f, 0.0f))); _radarGeode->addDrawable(_lineGeometry); _textGeode = new osg::Geode; osg::Camera *camera = _odg->getCamera(); camera->addChild(_radarGeode.get()); camera->addChild(_textGeode.get()); osg::Texture2D* tex = _odg->getTexture(); camera->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D(0, tex->getTextureWidth(), 0, tex->getTextureHeight()); updateFont(); } void NavDisplay::update (double delta_time_sec) { if (!fgGetBool("sim/sceneryloaded", false)) { return; } if (!_odg || !_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) { _Instrument->setStringValue("status", ""); return; } if (_forceUpdate) { _forceUpdate = false; _time = 0.0; } else { _time += delta_time_sec; if (_time < _updateInterval){ return; } _time -= _updateInterval; } _rangeNm = _rangeNode->getFloatValue(); if (_testModeNode->getBoolValue()) { _view_heading = 90; } else if (_Instrument->getBoolValue("aircraft-heading-up", true)) { _view_heading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg"); } else { _view_heading = _Instrument->getFloatValue("heading-up-deg", 0.0); } _viewHeadingNode->setDoubleValue(_view_heading); double xCenterFrac = _xCenterNode->getDoubleValue(); double yCenterFrac = _yCenterNode->getDoubleValue(); int pixelSize = _odg->size(); int rangePixels = _Instrument->getIntValue("range-pixels", -1); if (rangePixels < 0) { // hacky - assume (as is very common) that x-frac doesn't vary, and // y-frac is used to position the center at either the top or bottom of // the pixel area. Measure from the center to the furthest edge (top or bottom) rangePixels = pixelSize * std::max(fabs(1.0 - yCenterFrac), fabs(yCenterFrac)); } _scale = rangePixels / _rangeNm; _Instrument->setDoubleValue("scale", _scale); _centerTrans = osg::Matrixf::translate(xCenterFrac * pixelSize, yCenterFrac * pixelSize, 0.0); // scale from nm to display units, rotate so aircraft heading is up // (as opposed to north), and compensate for centering _projectMat = osg::Matrixf::scale(_scale, _scale, 1.0) * degRotation(-_view_heading) * _centerTrans; if (_userPositionEnable->getBoolValue()) { _pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(_userLonNode->getDoubleValue(), _userLatNode->getDoubleValue()); } else { _pos = globals->get_aircraft_position(); } // invalidate the cache of positioned items, if we travelled more than 1nm if (_cachedItemsValid) { SGVec3d cartNow(SGVec3d::fromGeod(_pos)); double movedNm = dist(_cachedPos, cartNow) * SG_METER_TO_NM; _cachedItemsValid = (movedNm < 1.0); } _vertices->clear(); _lineVertices->clear(); _lineColors->clear(); _quadColors->clear(); _texCoords->clear(); _textGeode->removeDrawables(0, _textGeode->getNumDrawables()); BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolInstance* si, _symbols) { delete si; } _symbols.clear(); BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolDef* d, _definitions) { d->instanceCount = 0; d->textEnabled = d->textEnable.get() ? d->textEnable->test() : true; } bool enableChanged = false; BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolRule* r, _rules) { enableChanged |= r->checkEnabled(); } if (enableChanged) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "NS rule enables changed, rebuilding cache"); _cachedItemsValid = false; } if (_testModeNode->getBoolValue()) { addTestSymbols(); } else { processRoute(); processNavRadios(); processAI(); processCustomSymbols(); findItems(); limitDisplayedSymbols(); } addSymbolsToScene(); _symbolPrimSet->set(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS, 0, _vertices->size()); _symbolPrimSet->dirty(); _linePrimSet->set(osg::PrimitiveSet::LINES, 0, _lineVertices->size()); _linePrimSet->dirty(); } void NavDisplay::updateFont() { float red = _font_node->getFloatValue("color/red"); float green = _font_node->getFloatValue("color/green"); float blue = _font_node->getFloatValue("color/blue"); float alpha = _font_node->getFloatValue("color/alpha"); _font_color.set(red, green, blue, alpha); _font_size = _font_node->getFloatValue("size"); _font_spacing = _font_size * _font_node->getFloatValue("line-spacing"); string path = _font_node->getStringValue("name", DEFAULT_FONT); SGPath tpath; if (path[0] != '/') { tpath = globals->get_fg_root(); tpath.append("Fonts"); tpath.append(path); } else { tpath = path; } osg::ref_ptr fontOptions = new osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options("monochrome"); osg::ref_ptr font = osgText::readFontFile(tpath.local8BitStr(), fontOptions.get()); if (font != 0) { _font = font; _font->setMinFilterHint(osg::Texture::NEAREST); _font->setMagFilterHint(osg::Texture::NEAREST); _font->setGlyphImageMargin(0); _font->setGlyphImageMarginRatio(0); } } void NavDisplay::addSymbolToScene(SymbolInstance* sym) { SymbolDef* def = sym->definition; osg::Vec2 verts[4]; verts[0] = def->xy0; verts[1] = osg::Vec2(def->xy1.x(), def->xy0.y()); verts[2] = def->xy1; verts[3] = osg::Vec2(def->xy0.x(), def->xy1.y()); if (def->rotateToHeading) { osg::Matrixf m(degRotation(sym->headingDeg - _view_heading)); for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { verts[i] = mult(verts[i], m); } } osg::Vec2 pos = sym->pos; if (def->roundPos) { pos = osg::Vec2((int) pos.x(), (int) pos.y()); } _texCoords->push_back(def->uv0); _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv1.x(), def->uv0.y())); _texCoords->push_back(def->uv1); _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv0.x(), def->uv1.y())); for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { _vertices->push_back(verts[i] + pos); _quadColors->push_back(def->color); } if (def->stretchSymbol) { osg::Vec2 stretchVerts[4]; stretchVerts[0] = osg::Vec2(def->xy0.x(), def->stretchY2); stretchVerts[1] = osg::Vec2(def->xy1.x(), def->stretchY2); stretchVerts[2] = osg::Vec2(def->xy1.x(), def->stretchY3); stretchVerts[3] = osg::Vec2(def->xy0.x(), def->stretchY3); osg::Matrixf m(degRotation(sym->headingDeg - _view_heading)); for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { stretchVerts[i] = mult(stretchVerts[i], m); } // stretched quad _vertices->push_back(verts[2] + pos); _vertices->push_back(stretchVerts[1] + sym->endPos); _vertices->push_back(stretchVerts[0] + sym->endPos); _vertices->push_back(verts[3] + pos); _texCoords->push_back(def->uv1); _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv1.x(), def->stretchV2)); _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv0.x(), def->stretchV2)); _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv0.x(), def->uv1.y())); for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { _quadColors->push_back(def->color); } // quad three, for the end portion for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { _vertices->push_back(stretchVerts[i] + sym->endPos); _quadColors->push_back(def->color); } _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv0.x(), def->stretchV2)); _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv1.x(), def->stretchV2)); _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv1.x(), def->stretchV3)); _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(def->uv0.x(), def->stretchV3)); } if (def->drawLine) { addLine(sym->pos, sym->endPos, def->lineColor); } if (!def->hasText || !def->textEnabled) { return; } osgText::Text* t = new osgText::Text; t->setFont(_font.get()); t->setFontResolution(12, 12); t->setCharacterSize(_font_size); t->setLineSpacing(_font_spacing); t->setColor(def->textColor); t->setAlignment(def->alignment); t->setText(sym->text()); osg::Vec2 textPos = def->textOffset + pos; // ensure we use ints here, or text visual quality goes bad t->setPosition(osg::Vec3((int)textPos.x(), (int)textPos.y(), 0)); _textGeode->addDrawable(t); } class OrderByPriority { public: bool operator()(SymbolInstance* a, SymbolInstance* b) { return a->definition->priority > b->definition->priority; } }; void NavDisplay::limitDisplayedSymbols() { // gloabl symbol limit _maxSymbols= _Instrument->getIntValue("max-symbols", _maxSymbols); if ((int) _symbols.size() <= _maxSymbols) { _excessDataNode->setBoolValue(false); return; } std::sort(_symbols.begin(), _symbols.end(), OrderByPriority()); _symbols.resize(_maxSymbols); _excessDataNode->setBoolValue(true); } class OrderByZ { public: bool operator()(SymbolInstance* a, SymbolInstance* b) { return a->definition->zOrder > b->definition->zOrder; } }; void NavDisplay::addSymbolsToScene() { std::sort(_symbols.begin(), _symbols.end(), OrderByZ()); BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolInstance* sym, _symbols) { addSymbolToScene(sym); } } void NavDisplay::addLine(osg::Vec2 a, osg::Vec2 b, const osg::Vec4& color) { _lineVertices->push_back(a); _lineVertices->push_back(b); _lineColors->push_back(color); _lineColors->push_back(color); } osg::Vec2 NavDisplay::projectBearingRange(double bearingDeg, double rangeNm) const { osg::Vec3 p(0, rangeNm, 0.0); p = degRotation(bearingDeg).preMult(p); p = _projectMat.preMult(p); return osg::Vec2(p.x(), p.y()); } osg::Vec2 NavDisplay::projectGeod(const SGGeod& geod) const { double rangeM, bearing, az2; SGGeodesy::inverse(_pos, geod, bearing, az2, rangeM); return projectBearingRange(bearing, rangeM * SG_METER_TO_NM); } class Filter : public FGPositioned::Filter { public: Filter(NavDisplay* nd) : _owner(nd) { } double minRunwayLengthFt; virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* aPos) const { if (aPos->type() == FGPositioned::FIX) { string ident(aPos->ident()); // ignore fixes which end in digits if ((ident.size() > 4) && isdigit(ident[3]) && isdigit(ident[4])) { return false; } } if (aPos->type() == FGPositioned::AIRPORT) { FGAirport* apt = (FGAirport*) aPos; if (!apt->hasHardRunwayOfLengthFt(minRunwayLengthFt)) { return false; } } // check against current rule states return _owner->isPositionedShown(aPos); } virtual FGPositioned::Type minType() const { return FGPositioned::AIRPORT; } virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const { return FGPositioned::OBSTACLE; } private: NavDisplay* _owner; }; void NavDisplay::findItems() { if (!_cachedItemsValid) { Filter filt(this); filt.minRunwayLengthFt = fgGetDouble("/sim/navdb/min-runway-length-ft", 2000); bool wasTimeLimited; _itemsInRange = FGPositioned::findClosestNPartial(_pos, _maxSymbols, _rangeNm, &filt, wasTimeLimited); _cachedItemsValid = true; _cachedPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_pos); if (wasTimeLimited) { // re-query next frame, to load incrementally _cachedItemsValid = false; } } // sort by distance from pos, so symbol limits are accurate FGPositioned::sortByRange(_itemsInRange, _pos); BOOST_FOREACH(FGPositioned* pos, _itemsInRange) { foundPositionedItem(pos); } } void NavDisplay::processRoute() { _routeSources.clear(); flightgear::FlightPlan* fp = _route->flightPlan(); RoutePath path(fp); int current = _route->currentIndex(); for (int l=0; lnumLegs(); ++l) { flightgear::FlightPlan::Leg* leg = fp->legAtIndex(l); flightgear::WayptRef wpt(leg->waypoint()); _routeSources.insert(wpt->source()); string_set state; state.insert("on-active-route"); if (l < current) { state.insert("passed"); } if (l == current) { state.insert("current-wp"); } if (l > current) { state.insert("future"); } if (l == (current + 1)) { state.insert("next-wp"); } SymbolRuleVector rules; findRules("waypoint" , state, rules); if (rules.empty()) { return; // no rules matched, we can skip this item } SGGeod g = path.positionForIndex(l); SGPropertyNode* vars = _route->wayptNodeAtIndex(l); if (!vars) { continue; // shouldn't happen, but let's guard against it } double heading; computeWayptPropsAndHeading(wpt, g, vars, heading); osg::Vec2 projected = projectGeod(g); BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolRule* r, rules) { addSymbolInstance(projected, heading, r->getDefinition(), vars); if (r->getDefinition()->drawRouteLeg) { SGGeodVec gv(path.pathForIndex(l)); if (!gv.empty()) { osg::Vec2 pr = projectGeod(gv[0]); for (unsigned int i=1; igetDefinition()->lineColor); pr = p; } } } // of leg drawing enabled } // of matching rules iteration } // of waypoints iteration } void NavDisplay::computeWayptPropsAndHeading(flightgear::Waypt* wpt, const SGGeod& pos, SGPropertyNode* nd, double& heading) { double rangeM, az2; SGGeodesy::inverse(_pos, pos, heading, az2, rangeM); nd->setIntValue("radial", heading); nd->setDoubleValue("distance-nm", rangeM * SG_METER_TO_NM); heading = nd->getDoubleValue("leg-bearing-true-deg"); } void NavDisplay::processNavRadios() { _nav1Station = processNavRadio(_navRadio1Node); _nav2Station = processNavRadio(_navRadio2Node); foundPositionedItem(_nav1Station); foundPositionedItem(_nav2Station); } FGNavRecord* NavDisplay::processNavRadio(const SGPropertyNode_ptr& radio) { double mhz = radio->getDoubleValue("frequencies/selected-mhz", 0.0); FGNavRecord* nav = FGNavList::findByFreq(mhz, _pos, FGNavList::navFilter()); if (!nav || (nav->ident() != radio->getStringValue("nav-id"))) { // station was not found return NULL; } return nav; } bool NavDisplay::anyRuleForType(const string& type) const { BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolRule* r, _rules) { if (!r->enabled) { continue; } if (r->type == type) { return true; } } return false; } void NavDisplay::findRules(const string& type, const string_set& states, SymbolRuleVector& rules) { BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolRule* candidate, _rules) { if (!candidate->enabled || (candidate->type != type)) { continue; } if (candidate->matches(states)) { rules.push_back(candidate); } } } bool NavDisplay::isPositionedShown(FGPositioned* pos) { SymbolRuleVector rules; isPositionedShownInner(pos, rules); return !rules.empty(); } void NavDisplay::isPositionedShownInner(FGPositioned* pos, SymbolRuleVector& rules) { string type = FGPositioned::nameForType(pos->type()); boost::to_lower(type); if (!anyRuleForType(type)) { return; // not diplayed at all, we're done } string_set states; computePositionedState(pos, states); findRules(type, states, rules); } void NavDisplay::foundPositionedItem(FGPositioned* pos) { if (!pos) { return; } SymbolRuleVector rules; isPositionedShownInner(pos, rules); if (rules.empty()) { return; } SGPropertyNode_ptr vars(new SGPropertyNode); double heading; computePositionedPropsAndHeading(pos, vars, heading); osg::Vec2 projected = projectGeod(pos->geod()); if (pos->type() == FGPositioned::RUNWAY) { FGRunway* rwy = (FGRunway*) pos; projected = projectGeod(rwy->threshold()); } BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolRule* r, rules) { SymbolInstance* ins = addSymbolInstance(projected, heading, r->getDefinition(), vars); if ((ins)&&(pos->type() == FGPositioned::RUNWAY)) { FGRunway* rwy = (FGRunway*) pos; ins->endPos = projectGeod(rwy->end()); } } } void NavDisplay::computePositionedPropsAndHeading(FGPositioned* pos, SGPropertyNode* nd, double& heading) { nd->setStringValue("id", pos->ident()); nd->setStringValue("name", pos->name()); nd->setDoubleValue("elevation-ft", pos->elevation()); nd->setIntValue("heading-deg", 0); heading = 0.0; switch (pos->type()) { case FGPositioned::VOR: case FGPositioned::LOC: case FGPositioned::TACAN: { FGNavRecord* nav = static_cast(pos); nd->setDoubleValue("frequency-mhz", nav->get_freq()); if (pos == _nav1Station) { heading = _navRadio1Node->getDoubleValue("radials/target-radial-deg"); } else if (pos == _nav2Station) { heading = _navRadio2Node->getDoubleValue("radials/target-radial-deg"); } nd->setIntValue("heading-deg", heading); break; } case FGPositioned::AIRPORT: case FGPositioned::SEAPORT: case FGPositioned::HELIPORT: break; case FGPositioned::RUNWAY: { FGRunway* rwy = static_cast(pos); heading = rwy->headingDeg(); nd->setDoubleValue("heading-deg", heading); nd->setIntValue("length-ft", rwy->lengthFt()); nd->setStringValue("airport", rwy->airport()->ident()); break; } default: break; } } void NavDisplay::computePositionedState(FGPositioned* pos, string_set& states) { if (_routeSources.count(pos) != 0) { states.insert("on-active-route"); } flightgear::FlightPlan* fp = _route->flightPlan(); switch (pos->type()) { case FGPositioned::VOR: case FGPositioned::LOC: if (pos == _nav1Station) { states.insert("tuned"); states.insert("nav1"); } if (pos == _nav2Station) { states.insert("tuned"); states.insert("nav2"); } break; case FGPositioned::AIRPORT: case FGPositioned::SEAPORT: case FGPositioned::HELIPORT: // mark alternates! // once the FMS system has some way to tell us about them, of course if (pos == fp->departureAirport()) { states.insert("departure"); } if (pos == fp->destinationAirport()) { states.insert("destination"); } break; case FGPositioned::RUNWAY: if (pos == fp->departureRunway()) { states.insert("departure"); } if (pos == fp->destinationRunway()) { states.insert("destination"); } break; case FGPositioned::OBSTACLE: #if 0 FGObstacle* obs = (FGObstacle*) pos; if (obj->isLit()) { states.insert("lit"); } if (obj->getHeightAGLFt() >= 1000) { states.insert("greater-1000-ft"); } #endif break; default: break; } // FGPositioned::Type switch } static string mapAINodeToType(SGPropertyNode* model) { // assume all multiplayer items are aircraft for the moment. Not ideal. if (!strcmp(model->getName(), "multiplayer")) { return "ai-aircraft"; } return string("ai-") + model->getName(); } void NavDisplay::processAI() { SGPropertyNode *ai = fgGetNode("/ai/models", true); for (int i = ai->nChildren() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SGPropertyNode *model = ai->getChild(i); if (!model->nChildren()) { continue; } // prefix types with 'ai-', to avoid any chance of namespace collisions // with fg-positioned. string_set ss; computeAIStates(model, ss); SymbolRuleVector rules; findRules(mapAINodeToType(model), ss, rules); if (rules.empty()) { return; // no rules matched, we can skip this item } double heading = model->getDoubleValue("orientation/true-heading-deg"); SGGeod aiModelPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(model->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg"), model->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg"), model->getDoubleValue("position/altitude-ft")); // compute some additional props int fl = (aiModelPos.getElevationFt() / 1000); model->setIntValue("flight-level", fl * 10); osg::Vec2 projected = projectGeod(aiModelPos); BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolRule* r, rules) { addSymbolInstance(projected, heading, r->getDefinition(), (SGPropertyNode*) model); } } // of ai models iteration } void NavDisplay::computeAIStates(const SGPropertyNode* ai, string_set& states) { int threatLevel = ai->getIntValue("tcas/threat-level",-1); if (threatLevel < 1) threatLevel = 0; states.insert("tcas"); std::ostringstream os; os << "tcas-threat-level-" << threatLevel; states.insert(os.str()); double vspeed = ai->getDoubleValue("velocities/vertical-speed-fps"); if (vspeed < -3.0) { states.insert("descending"); } else if (vspeed > 3.0) { states.insert("climbing"); } } SymbolInstance* NavDisplay::addSymbolInstance(const osg::Vec2& proj, double heading, SymbolDef* def, SGPropertyNode* vars) { if (isProjectedClipped(proj)) { return NULL; } if ((def->limitCount > 0) && (def->instanceCount >= def->limitCount)) { return NULL; } ++def->instanceCount; SymbolInstance* sym = new SymbolInstance(proj, heading, def, vars); _symbols.push_back(sym); return sym; } bool NavDisplay::isProjectedClipped(const osg::Vec2& projected) const { double size = _odg->size(); return (projected.x() < 0.0) || (projected.y() < 0.0) || (projected.x() >= size) || (projected.y() >= size); } void NavDisplay::addTestSymbol(const std::string& type, const std::string& states, const SGGeod& pos, double heading, SGPropertyNode* vars) { string_set stateSet; BOOST_FOREACH(std::string s, simgear::strutils::split(states, ",")) { stateSet.insert(s); } SymbolRuleVector rules; findRules(type, stateSet, rules); if (rules.empty()) { return; // no rules matched, we can skip this item } osg::Vec2 projected = projectGeod(pos); BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolRule* r, rules) { addSymbolInstance(projected, heading, r->getDefinition(), vars); } } void NavDisplay::addTestSymbols() { _pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(-122.3748889, 37.6189722); // KSFO SGGeod a1; double dummy; SGGeodesy::direct(_pos, 45.0, 20.0 * SG_NM_TO_METER, a1, dummy); addTestSymbol("airport", "", a1, 0.0, NULL); SGGeodesy::direct(_pos, 95.0, 40.0 * SG_NM_TO_METER, a1, dummy); addTestSymbol("vor", "", a1, 0.0, NULL); SGGeodesy::direct(_pos, 120, 80.0 * SG_NM_TO_METER, a1, dummy); addTestSymbol("airport", "destination", a1, 0.0, NULL); SGGeodesy::direct(_pos, 80.0, 20.0 * SG_NM_TO_METER, a1, dummy); addTestSymbol("fix", "", a1, 0.0, NULL); SGGeodesy::direct(_pos, 140.0, 20.0 * SG_NM_TO_METER, a1, dummy); addTestSymbol("fix", "", a1, 0.0, NULL); SGGeodesy::direct(_pos, 110.0, 10.0 * SG_NM_TO_METER, a1, dummy); addTestSymbol("fix", "", a1, 0.0, NULL); SGGeodesy::direct(_pos, 110.0, 5.0 * SG_NM_TO_METER, a1, dummy); addTestSymbol("fix", "", a1, 0.0, NULL); } void NavDisplay::addRule(SymbolRule* r) { _rules.push_back(r); } void NavDisplay::computeCustomSymbolStates(const SGPropertyNode* sym, string_set& states) { BOOST_FOREACH(SGPropertyNode* st, sym->getChildren("state")) { states.insert(st->getStringValue()); } } void NavDisplay::processCustomSymbols() { for (int i = _customSymbols->nChildren() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SGPropertyNode *symNode = _customSymbols->getChild(i); if (!symNode->nChildren()) { continue; } string_set ss; computeCustomSymbolStates(symNode, ss); SymbolRuleVector rules; findRules(symNode->getName(), ss, rules); if (rules.empty()) { return; // no rules matched, we can skip this item } double heading = symNode->getDoubleValue("true-heading-deg", 0.0); SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(symNode->getDoubleValue("longitude-deg"), symNode->getDoubleValue("latitude-deg"), symNode->getDoubleValue("altitude-ft")); osg::Vec2 projected = projectGeod(pos); BOOST_FOREACH(SymbolRule* r, rules) { addSymbolInstance(projected, heading, r->getDefinition(), symNode); } } // of custom symbols iteration }