/****************************************************************************** * Schedule.cxx * Written by Durk Talsma, started May 5, 2004. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * **************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
// That's pretty ugly, but I need fgFindAirportID #include "SchedFlight.hxx" #include "TrafficMgr.hxx" SG_USING_STD( sort ); /****************************************************************************** * the FGAISchedule class contains data members and code to maintain a * schedule of Flights for an articically controlled aircraft. *****************************************************************************/ FGAISchedule::FGAISchedule() { firstRun = true; AIManagerRef = 0; } FGAISchedule::FGAISchedule(string mdl, string liv, string reg, bool hvy, FGScheduledFlightVec flt) { modelPath = mdl; livery = liv; registration = reg; heavy = hvy; for (FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flt.begin(); i != flt.end(); i++) flights.push_back(FGScheduledFlight((*i))); AIManagerRef = 0; firstRun = true; } FGAISchedule::FGAISchedule(const FGAISchedule &other) { modelPath = other.modelPath; livery = other.livery; registration = other.registration; heavy = other.heavy; flights = other.flights; lat = other.lat; lon = other.lon; AIManagerRef = other.AIManagerRef; firstRun = other.firstRun; } FGAISchedule::~FGAISchedule() { } void FGAISchedule::update(time_t now) { FGAirport *dep; FGAirport *arr; sgdVec3 a, b, cross; sgdVec3 newPos; sgdMat4 matrix; double angle; FGAIManager *aimgr; string airport; double courseToUser, courseToDest; double distanceToUser, distanceToDest; double speed; Point3D temp; time_t totalTimeEnroute, elapsedTimeEnroute, remainingTimeEnroute; double userLatitude, userLongitude; if (fgGetBool("/sim/ai/enabled") == false) return; aimgr = (FGAIManager *) globals-> get_subsystem("ai_model"); // Before the flight status of this traffic entity is updated // for the first time, we need to roll back it's flight schedule so // so that all the flights are centered around this simulated week's time // table. This is to avoid the situation where the first scheduled flight is // in the future, causing the traffic manager to not generate traffic until // simulated time has caught up with the real world time at initialization. // This is to counter a more general initialization bug, caused by the fact // that warp is not yet set when the schedule is initialized. This is // especially a problem when using a negative time offset. // i.e let's say we specify FlightGear to run with --time-offset=-24:00:00. // Then the schedule will initialize using today, but we will fly yesterday. // Thus, it would take a whole day of simulation before the traffic manager // finally kicks in. if (firstRun) { for (FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flights.begin(); i != flights.end(); i++) { i->adjustTime(now); } firstRun = false; } // Sort all the scheduled flights according to scheduled departure time. // Because this is done at every update, we only need to check the status // of the first listed flight. sort(flights.begin(), flights.end()); FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flights.begin(); if (!AIManagerRef) { userLatitude = fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"); userLongitude = fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"); // This flight entry is entirely in the past, do we need to // push it forward in time to the next scheduled departure. if ((i->getDepartureTime() < now) && (i->getArrivalTime() < now)) { i->update(); return; } // Departure time in the past and arrival time in the future. // This flight is in progress, so we need to calculate it's // approximate position and -if in range- create an AIAircraft // object for it. if ((i->getDepartureTime() < now) && (i->getArrivalTime() > now)) { dep = i->getDepartureAirport(); arr = i->getArrivalAirport (); temp = sgPolarToCart3d(Point3D(dep->longitude * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, dep->latitude * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, 1.0)); a[0] = temp.x(); a[1] = temp.y(); a[2] = temp.z(); temp = sgPolarToCart3d(Point3D(arr->longitude * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, arr->latitude * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, 1.0)); b[0] = temp.x(); b[1] = temp.y(); b[2] = temp.z(); sgdNormaliseVec3(a); sgdNormaliseVec3(b); sgdVectorProductVec3(cross,b,a); angle = sgACos(sgdScalarProductVec3(a,b)); // Okay, at this point we have the angle between departure and // arrival airport, in degrees. From here we can interpolate the // position of the aircraft by calculating the ratio between // total time enroute and elapsed time enroute. totalTimeEnroute = i->getArrivalTime() - i->getDepartureTime(); elapsedTimeEnroute = now - i->getDepartureTime(); remainingTimeEnroute = i->getArrivalTime() - now; angle *= ( (double) elapsedTimeEnroute/ (double) totalTimeEnroute); //cout << "a = " << a[0] << " " << a[1] << " " << a[2] // << "b = " << b[0] << " " << b[1] << " " << b[2] << endl; sgdMakeRotMat4(matrix, angle, cross); for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { newPos[j] =0.0; for (int k = 0; k<3; k++) { newPos[j] += matrix[j][k]*a[k]; } } temp = sgCartToPolar3d(Point3D(newPos[0], newPos[1],newPos[2])); lat = temp.lat() * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; lon = temp.lon() * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; SGWayPoint current (lon, lat, i->getCruiseAlt()); SGWayPoint user ( userLongitude, userLatitude, i->getCruiseAlt()); SGWayPoint dest ( arr->longitude, arr->latitude, i->getCruiseAlt()); // We really only need distance to user // and course to destination current.CourseAndDistance(user, &courseToUser, &distanceToUser); current.CourseAndDistance(dest, &courseToDest, &distanceToDest); speed = (distanceToDest*SG_METER_TO_NM) / ((double) remainingTimeEnroute/3600.0); // If distance between user and simulated aircaft is less // then 500nm, create this flight. At jet speeds 500 nm is roughly // one hour flight time, so that would be a good approximate point // to start a more detailed simulation of this aircraft. //cerr << registration << " is currently enroute from " // << dep->id << " to " << arr->id << "distance : " << distanceToUser*SG_METER_TO_NM << endl; if ((distanceToUser*SG_METER_TO_NM) < 500.0) { string flightPlanName = dep->id + string("-") + arr->id + string(".xml"); FGAIFlightPlan* f; // If we're less then 10 minutes behind schedule, do a normal // full flight plan initialization, otherwise, do a modified // in-air initializition, at the location where this flight is // according to the Traffic Manager if (elapsedTimeEnroute < 600) f = new FGAIFlightPlan(flightPlanName); else f = new FGAIFlightPlan(flightPlanName, lat, lon, i->getCruiseAlt() * 1000, // convert from FL to feet speed, courseToDest); // Fixme: A non-existent model path results in an // abort, due to an unhandled exeption, in fg main loop. AIManagerRef = aimgr->createAircraft("jet_transport", modelPath, f); //cerr << "Created: " << AIManagerRef << endl; } return; } // Both departure and arrival time are in the future, so this // the aircraft is parked at the departure airport. // Currently this status is mostly ignored, but in furture // versions, code should go here that -if within user range- // positions these aircraft at parking locations at the airport. if ((i->getDepartureTime() > now) && (i->getArrivalTime() > now)) { dep = i->getDepartureAirport(); return; } } }