\documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{anysize} \papersize{11in}{8.5in} \marginsize{0.5in}{0.5in}{0.5in}{0.5in} \begin{document} \section{Constants} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline PI & Ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle & Macro definition & always positive & 3.141593 \\ EQUATORIAL\_RADIUS & Radius of the Earth at the equator & Macro definition & always positive & ft \\ RESQ & Square of radius of the Earth at the equator & Macro definition & always positive & $ft^2$ \\ FP & Flattening parameter of oblate Earth & Macro definition & always positive & 0.003353 \\ INVG & Inverse of sea level acceleration due to gravity & Macro definition & always positive & $sec^2/ft$ \\ OMEGA\_EARTH & Angular rotation velocity of the Earth & Macro definition & always positive & rad/sec \\ DEG\_TO\_RAD & "Conversion factor, degrees to radians" & Macro definition & always positive & deg/rad \\ RAD\_TO\_DEG & "Conversion factor, radians to degrees" & Macro definition & always positive & rad/deg \\ SEA\_LEVEL\_DENSITY & Atmospheric density at sea level at equator & Macro definition & always positive & $slug/ft^3$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \section{Variables} \subsection{Time} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline Simtime & Simulated time since beginning of current run & & & sec \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Mass properties and geometry values} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline Mass & Mass of simulated vehicle & Scalar & always positive & slugs \\ I\_xx & Moment of inertia about X-body axis & Scalar & always positive & $slug-ft^2$ \\ I\_yy & Moment of inertia about Y-body axis & Scalar & always positive & $slug-ft^2$ \\ I\_zz & Moment of inertia about Y-body axis & Scalar & always positive & $slug-ft^2$ \\ I\_xz & Second moment of inertia in X-Z plane & Scalar & +Integral(x z dm) & $slug-ft^2$ \\ \hline D\_pilot\_rp\_body\_v[3] & Pilot offset from ref pt in body axis & 3-element array & - - & ft \\ Dx\_pilot & Pilot offset from ref pt in X body axis & Scalar & forward & ft \\ Dy\_pilot & Pilot offset from ref pt in X body axis & Scalar & right & ft \\ Dz\_pilot & Pilot offset from ref pt in X body axis & Scalar & down & ft \\ \hline D\_cg\_rp\_body\_v[3] & Center of Gravity offset from ref pt in body axis & 3-element array & - - & ft \\ Dx\_cg & C.G. offset from ref pt in X body axis & Scalar & forward & ft \\ Dy\_cg & C.G. offset from ref pt in Y body axis & Scalar & right & ft \\ Dz\_cg & C.G. offset from ref pt in Z body axis & Scalar & down & ft \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Forces} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline F\_body\_total\_v[3] & Total forces on body at ref pt in body axis & 3-element array & - - & ft \\ F\_X & Force along X-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & forward & ft \\ F\_Y & Force along Y-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & right & ft \\ F\_z & Force along Z-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & down & ft \\ \hline F\_local\_total\_v[3] & Total forces on body at ref pt in local axis & 3-element array & - - & lbf \\ F\_north & Northward force at ref pt & Scalar & north & lbf \\ F\_east & Eastward force at ref pt & Scalar & east & lbf \\ F\_down & Southward force at ref pt & Scalar & down & lbf \\ \hline F\_aero\_v[3] & Aerodynamic forces on body at ref pt in body axis & 3-element array & - - & lbf \\ F\_X\_aero & Aero force along X-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & forward & lbf \\ F\_Y\_aero & Aero force along Y-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & right & lbf \\ F\_Z\_aero & Aero force along Z-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & down & lbf \\ \hline F\_engine\_v[3] & Engine forces on body at ref pt in body axis & 3-element array & - - & lbf \\ F\_X\_engine & Engine force along X-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & forward & lbf \\ F\_Y\_engine & Engine force along Y-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & right & lbf \\ F\_Z\_engine & Engine force along Z-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & down & lbf \\ \hline F\_gear\_v[3] & Landing gear forces on body at ref pt in body axis & 3-element array & - - & lbf \\ F\_X\_gear & Gear force along X-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & forward & lbf \\ F\_Y\_gear & Gear force along Y-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & right & lbf \\ F\_Z\_gear & Gear force along Z-body axis at ref pt & Scalar & down & lbf \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Moments} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline M\_total\_rp\_v[3] & Total moments on body at ref pt measured around body axes & 3-element array & - - & ft-lb \\ M\_l\_rp & Total moments on body at ref pt about X-body axis & Scalar & right wing down & ft-lb \\ M\_m\_rp & Total moments on body at ref pt about Y-body axis & Scalar & Nose up & ft-lb \\ M\_n\_rp & Total moments on body at ref pt about Z-body axis & Scalar & Nose left & ft-lb \\ \hline M\_total\_cg\_v[3] & Total moments on body at ref pt measured around body axes & 3-element array & - - & ft-lb \\ M\_l\_cg & Total moments on body at ref pt about X-body axis & Scalar & right wing down & ft-lb \\ M\_m\_cg & Total moments on body at ref pt about Y-body axis & Scalar & Nose up & ft-lb \\ M\_n\_cg & Total moments on body at ref pt about Z-body axis & Scalar & Nose left & ft-lb \\ \hline M\_aero\_v[3] & Aerodynamic moments on body at ref pt measured around body axes & 3-element array & - - & ft-lb \\ M\_l\_aero & Aerodynamic moments on body at ref pt about X-body axis & Scalar & right wing down & ft-lb \\ M\_m\_aero & Aerodynamic moments on body at ref pt about Y-body axis & Scalar & Nose up & ft-lb \\ M\_n\_aero & Aerodynamic moments on body at ref pt about Z-body axis & Scalar & Nose left & ft-lb \\ \hline M\_engine\_v[3] & Propulsion system moments on body at ref pt measured around body axes & 3-element array & - - & ft-lb \\ M\_l\_engine & Propulsion system moments on body at ref pt about X-body axis & Scalar & right wing down & ft-lb \\ M\_m\_engine & Propulsion system moments on body at ref pt about Y-body axis & Scalar & Nose up & ft-lb \\ M\_n\_engine & Propulsion system moments on body at ref pt about Z-body axis & Scalar & Nose left & ft-lb \\ \hline M\_gear\_v[3] & Landing gear moments on body at ref pt measured around body axes & 3-element array & - - & ft-lb \\ M\_l\_gear & Landing gear moments on body at ref pt about X-body axis & Scalar & right wing down & ft-lb \\ M\_m\_gear & Landing gear moments on body at ref pt about Y-body axis & Scalar & Nose up & ft-lb \\ M\_n\_gear & Landing gear moments on body at ref pt about Z-body axis & Scalar & Nose left & ft-lb \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Accelerations} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline V\_dot\_local\_v[3] & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in local axes & 3-element array & - - & $ft/sec^2$ \\ V\_dot\_north & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in local North axis & Scalar & north & $ft/sec^2$ \\ V\_dot\_east & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in local East axis & Scalar & east & $ft/sec^2$ \\ V\_dot\_down & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in local down axis & Scalar & down & $ft/sec^2$ \\ \hline V\_dot\_body\_v[3] & Inertial acceleration of ?? measured in body axes & 3-element array & - - & $ft/sec^2$ \\ U\_dot\_body & Inertial acceleration of ?? measured in body X axis & Scalar & forward & $ft/sec^2$ \\ V\_dot\_body & Inertial acceleration of ?? measured in body Y axis & Scalar & right & $ft/sec^2$ \\ W\_dot\_body & Inertial acceleration of ?? measured in body Z axis & Scalar & down & $ft/sec^2$ \\ \hline A\_cg\_body\_v[3] & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in body axes & 3-element array & - - & $ft/sec^2$ \\ A\_X\_cg & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in body X axis & Scalar & forward & $ft/sec^2$ \\ A\_Y\_cg & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in body Y axis & Scalar & right & $ft/sec^2$ \\ A\_Z\_cg & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in body Z axis & Scalar & down & $ft/sec^2$ \\ \hline A\_pilot\_body\_v[3] & Inertial acceleration of pilot station measured in body axes & 3-element array & - - & $ft/sec^2$ \\ A\_X\_pilot & Inertial acceleration of pilot station measured in body X axis & Scalar & forward & $ft/sec^2$ \\ A\_Y\_pilot & Inertial acceleration of pilot station measured in body Y axis & Scalar & right & $ft/sec^2$ \\ A\_Z\_pilot & Inertial acceleration of pilot station measured in body Z axis & Scalar & down & $ft/sec^2$ \\ \hline N\_cg\_body\_v[3] & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in body axes & 3-element array & - - & g units \\ N\_X\_cg & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in body X axis & Scalar & forward & g units \\ N\_Y\_cg & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in body Y axis & Scalar & right & g units \\ N\_Z\_cg & Inertial acceleration of center of gravity measured in body Z axis & Scalar & down & g units \\ \hline N\_pilot\_body\_v[3] & Inertial acceleration of pilot station measured in body axes & 3-element array & - - & g units \\ N\_X\_pilot & Inertial acceleration of pilot station measured in body X axis & Scalar & forward & g units \\ N\_Y\_pilot & Inertial acceleration of pilot station measured in body Y axis & Scalar & right & g units \\ N\_Z\_pilot & Inertial acceleration of pilot station measured in body Z axis & Scalar & down & g units \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Accelerations (Cont.)} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline Omega\_dot\_body\_v[3] & Angular acceleration of vehicle relative to local frame about center of gravity in body axes & 3-element array & - - & $rad/s^2$ \\ P\_dot\_body & Angular acceleration of vehicle relative to local frame about center of gravity in X body axis & Scalar & rt wing down & $rad/s^2$ \\ Q\_dot\_body & Angular acceleration of vehicle relative to local frame about center of gravity in Y body axis & Scalar & nose up & $rad/s^2$ \\ R\_dot\_body & Angular acceleration of vehicle relative to local frame about center of gravity in Z body axis & Scalar & nose right & $rad/s^2$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Velocities} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline V\_local\_v[3] & Inertial velocity of center of gravity in local axes & 3-element array & - - & ft/s \\ V\_north & Inertial velocity of center of gravity in local North axis & Scalar & north & ft/s \\ V\_east & Inertial velocity of center of gravity in local East axis & Scalar & east & ft/s \\ V\_down & Inertial velocity of center of gravity in local down axis & Scalar & down & ft/s \\ \hline V\_local\_rel\_ground\_v[3] & Velocity of center of gravity relative to earth surface in local axes & 3-element array & - - & ft/s \\ V\_north\_rel\_ground & Velocity of center of gravity relative to earth surface in local North axis & Scalar & north & ft/s \\ V\_east\_rel\_ground & Velocity of center of gravity relative to earth surface in local east axis & Scalar & east & ft/s \\ V\_down\_rel\_ground & Velocity of center of gravity relative to earth surface in local down axis & Scalar & down & ft/s \\ \hline V\_local\_airmass\_v[3] & Inertial steady-state velocity of airmass in local axes & 3-element array & - - & ft/s \\ V\_north\_airmass & Inertial steady-state velocity of airmass in local North axis & Scalar & north & ft/s \\ V\_east\_airmass & Inertial steady-state velocity of airmass in local East axis & Scalar & east & ft/s \\ V\_down\_airmass & Inertial steady-state velocity of airmass in local down axis & Scalar & down & ft/s \\ \hline V\_local\_rel\_airmass\_v[3] & Velocity of center of gravity relative to local airmass in local axes & 3-element array & - - & ft/s \\ V\_north\_rel\_airmass & Velocity of center of gravity relative to local airmass in local North axis & Scalar & north & ft/s \\ V\_east\_rel\_airmass & Velocity of center of gravity relative to local airmass in local East axis & Scalar & east & ft/s \\ V\_down\_rel\_airmass & Velocity of center of gravity relative to local airmass in local down axis & Scalar & down & ft/s \\ \hline V\_body\_gust\_v[3] & Gust velocity in body axes & 3-element array & - - & ft/s \\ U\_gust & Gust velocity in X-body axes & Scalar & forward & ft/s \\ V\_gust & Gust velocity in Y-body axes & Scalar & right & ft/s \\ W\_gust & Gust velocity in Z-body axes & Scalar & down & ft/s \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Velocities (Cont.)} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline V\_wind\_body\_v[3] & Velocity of center of gravity relative to local airmass in body axes & 3-element array & - - & ft/s \\ U\_body & Velocity of center of gravity relative to local airmass in X-body axis & Scalar & forward & ft/s \\ V\_body & Velocity of center of gravity relative to local airmass in Y-body axis & Scalar & right & ft/s \\ W\_body & Velocity of center of gravity relative to local airmass in Z-body axis & Scalar & down & ft/s \\ \hline V\_rel\_wind & Velocity relative to airmass & Scalar & always positive & ft/s \\ V\_true\_knots & True airspeed in knots & Scalar & always positive & nm/hr \\ V\_rel\_ground & Velocity relative to earth's surface & Scalar & always positive & ft/s \\ V\_inertial & Inertial velocity & Scalar & always positive & ft/s \\ V\_ground\_speed & Velocity at right angles to local vertical & Scalar & always positive & ft/s \\ V\_equiv & Equivalent airspeed & Scalar & always positive & ft/s \\ V\_equiv\_kts & "Equivalent airspeed, knots" & Scalar & always positive & nm/hr \\ V\_calibrated & Calibrated airspeed & Scalar & always positive & ft/s \\ V\_calibrated\_kts & "Calibrated airspeed, knots" & Scalar & always positive & nm/hr \\ \hline Omega\_body\_v[3] & Inertial rotational rate of the body axis frame & 3-element array & - - & rad/s \\ P\_body & Inertial rotational rate of the body X-axis & Scalar & rt wing down & rad/s \\ Q\_body & Inertial rotational rate of the body Y-axis & Scalar & nose up & rad/s \\ R\_body & Inertial rotational rate of the body Z-axis & Scalar & nose right & rad/s \\ \hline Omega\_local\_v[3] & Inertial rotational rate of the local axis frame & 3-element array & - - & rad/s \\ P\_local & Inertial rotational rate of the local axis frame about the body X-axis & Scalar & rt wing down & rad/s \\ Q\_local & Inertial rotational rate of the local axis frame about the body Y-axis & Scalar & nose up & rad/s \\ R\_local & Inertial rotational rate of the local axis frame about the body Z-axis & Scalar & nose right & rad/s \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Velocities (Cont.)} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline Omega\_total\_v[3] & Rotational rate of the body axis frame relative to the local axis frame & 3-element array & - - & rad/s \\ P\_total & Rotational rate of the body axis frame relative to the local axis frame about the body X-axis & Scalar & rt wing down & rad/s \\ Q\_total & Rotational rate of the body axis frame relative to the local axis frame about the body Y-axis & Scalar & nose up & rad/s \\ R\_total & Rotational rate of the body axis frame relative to the local axis frame about the body Z-axis & Scalar & nose right & rad/s \\ \hline Euler\_rates\_v[3] & "Rotational rate of the body axis frame relative to the local axis frame, in Euler angles" & 3-element array & - - & rad/s \\ Phi\_dot & Rotational rate of the body axis frame about the local X-axis & Scalar & rt wing down & rad/s \\ Theta\_dot & Rotational rate of the body axis frame about the local Y-axis & Scalar & nose up & rad/s \\ Psi\_dot & Rotational rate of the body axis frame about the local Z-axis & Scalar & nose right & rad/s \\ \hline Geocentric\_rates\_v[3] & Rotational rate of the body axis frame relative to the inertial frame & 3-element array & - - & - - \\ Latitude\_dot & Rate of change of geocentric latitude angle & Scalar & westward & rad/s \\ Longitude\_dot & Rate of change of geocentric longitude angle & Scalar & northward & rad/s \\ Radius\_dot & Rate of change of radius from center of inertial frame & Scalar & outward & ft/s \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Positions} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline Geocentric\_position\_v[3] & Geocentric position of vehicle's center of gravity & 3-element array & - - & - - \\ Lat\_geocentric & Geocentric latitude of vehicle's center of gravity & Scalar & westward & rad \\ Lon\_geocentric & Geocentric longitude of vehicle's center of gravity & Scalar & northward & rad \\ Radius\_to\_vehicle & Radius to vehicle's center of gravity from inertial frame & Scalar & outward & ft \\ \hline Geodetic\_position\_v[3] & Geodetic position of vehicle's center of gravity & 3-element array & - - & - - \\ Latitude & Geodetic latitude of vehicle's center of gravity & Scalar & westward & rad \\ Longitude & Geodetic longitude of vehicle's center of gravity & Scalar & northward & rad \\ Altitude & Height of vehicle's center of gravity above reference ellipsoid & Scalar & outward & ft \\ \hline Euler\_angles\_v[3] & Vehicle's angular attitude relative to local frame & 3-element array & - - & rad \\ Phi & Roll angle & Scalar & rt wing down & rad \\ Theta & Pitch angle & Scalar & nose up & rad \\ Psi & Heading angle & Scalar & nose right & rad \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Miscellaneous Quantities} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline T\_local\_to\_body\_m[3][3] & Transformation matrix L to B & 3 by 3 matrix & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_11 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_12 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_13 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_21 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_22 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_23 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_31 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_32 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ T\_local\_to\_body\_33 & Transformation matrix element & Scalar & - - & - - \\ \hline Gravity & Acceleration due to earth's gravity & Scalar & down & $ft/s^2$ \\ Centrifugal\_relief & Centrifugal acceleration due to near-orbital speed & Scalar & up & $ft/s^2$ \\ \hline Alpha & Free-stream angle of attack & Scalar & nose up & rad \\ Beta & Free-stream angle of sideslip & Scalar & nose left & rad \\ Alpha\_dot & Time rate of change of free-stream angle of attack & Scalar & nose up & rad/s \\ Beta\_dot & Time rate of change of free-stream angle of sideslip & Scalar & nose left & rad/s \\ Cos\_alpha & Cosine of free-stream angle of attack & Scalar & nose up & - - \\ Sin\_alpha & Sine of free-stream angle of attack & Scalar & nose up & - - \\ Cos\_beta & Cosine of free-stream angle of sideslip & Scalar & nose left & - - \\ Sin\_beta & Sine of free-stream angle of sideslip & Scalar & nose left & - - \\ \hline Cos\_phi & Cosine of bank angle & Scalar & rt wing down & - - \\ Sin\_phi & Sine of bank angle & Scalar & rt wing down & - - \\ Cos\_theta & Cosine of pitch angle & Scalar & nose up & - - \\ Sin\_theta & Sine of pitch angle & Scalar & nose up & - - \\ Cos\_psi & Cosine of heading angle & Scalar & nose right & - - \\ Sin\_psi & Sine of heading angle & Scalar & nose right & - - \\ \hline Gamma\_vert\_rad & Vertical flight path angle in local frame & Scalar & climb & rad \\ Gamma\_horiz\_rad & "Horizontal flight path, or track, angle in local frame" & Scalar & clockwise from north & rad \\ \hline Sigma & Ratio of free-stream density to sea-level reference density & Scalar & always positive & - - \\ Density & Atmospheric density (free-stream flight conditions) & Scalar & always positive & $slug/ft^3$ \\ V\_sound & Speed of sound (free-stream flight conditions) & Scalar & always positive & ft/s \\ Mach\_number & Free-stream mach number & Scalar & always positive & - - \\ \hline Static\_pressure & Static pressure & Scalar & always positive & $lb/ft^2$ \\ Total\_pressure & Total pressure & Scalar & always positive & $lb/ft^2$ \\ Impact\_pressure & Impact pressure & Scalar & always positive & $lb/ft^2$ \\ Dynamic\_pressure & Dynamic pressure & Scalar & always positive & $lb/ft^2$ \\ \hline Static\_temperature & Static temperature & Scalar & always positive & $^{\circ}$R \\ Total\_temperature & Total temperature & Scalar & always positive & $^{\circ}$R \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Miscellaneous Quantities (Cont.)} \begin{tabular}{|l|p{2.0in}|p{1.0in}|p{1.0in}|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable Name} & \textbf{Variable Description} & \textbf{Data type} & \textbf{Sign convention} & \textbf{Units of Measure} \\ \hline Sea\_level\_radius & Radius from earth center to local plumb sea level & Scalar & outward & ft \\ Earth\_position\_angle & Amount of rotation of the earth since reference time & Scalar & from ref time & rad \\ \hline Runway\_altitude & Height of runway threshold above local plumb sea level (geodetic) & Scalar & up & ft \\ Runway\_latitude & Geodetic latitude of runway threshold & Scalar & northward & rad \\ Runway\_longitude & Geodetic longitude of runway threshold & Scalar & westward & rad \\ Runway\_heading & Runway heading & Scalar & clockwise from north & rad \\ Radius\_to\_rwy & Radius from earth center to runway threshold point & Scalar & outward & ft \\ \hline D\_cg\_rwy\_local\_v[3]; & Location of center of gravity relative to runway threshold in local frame & 3-element array & - - & ft \\ D\_cg\_north\_of\_rwy & Distance of center of gravity northward from runway threshold & Scalar & northward & ft \\ D\_cg\_east\_of\_rwy & Distance of center of gravity eastward from runway threshold & Scalar & eastward & ft \\ D\_cg\_above\_rwy & Height of center of gravity above runway threshold & Scalar & up & ft \\ \hline D\_cg\_rwy\_rwy\_v[3] & Location of center of gravity relative to runway threshold in runway frame & 3-element array & - - & ft \\ X\_cg\_rwy & Distance of center of gravity along runway centerline & Scalar & beyond threshold & ft \\ Y\_cg\_rwy & Distance of center of gravity right of runway centerline & Scalar & right of CL & ft \\ H\_cg\_rwy & Height of center of gravity above runway threshold & Scalar & up & ft \\ \hline D\_pilot\_rwy\_local\_v[3] & Location of pilot's eyepoint relative to runway threshold in local frame & 3-element array & - - & ft \\ D\_pilot\_north\_of\_rwy & Distance of pilot's eyepoint northward form runway threshold & Scalar & northward & ft \\ D\_pilot\_east\_of\_rwy & Distance of pilot's eyepoint eastward from runway threshold & Scalar & eastward & ft \\ D\_pilot\_above\_rwy & Height of pilot's eyepoint above runway threshold & Scalar & up & ft \\ \hline D\_pilot\_rwy\_rwy\_v[3] & Location of pilot's eyepoint relative to runway threshold in runway frame & 3-element array & - - & ft \\ X\_pilot\_rwy & Distance of pilot's eyepoint along runway centerline & Scalar & beyond threshold & ft \\ Y\_pilot\_rwy & Distance of pilot's eyepoint right of runway centerline & Scalar & right of CL & ft \\ Z\_pilot\_rwy & Height of pilot's eyepoint above runway threshold & Scalar & up & ft \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{document}