// positioned.cxx - base class for objects which are positioned // // Copyright (C) 2008 James Turner // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "positioned.hxx" typedef std::multimap NamedPositionedIndex; typedef std::pair NamedIndexRange; /** * Order positioned elements by type, then pointer address. This allows us to * use range searches (lower_ and upper_bound) to grab items of a particular * type out of bucket efficently. */ class OrderByType { public: bool operator()(const FGPositioned* a, const FGPositioned* b) const { if (a->type() == b->type()) return a < b; return a->type() < b->type(); } }; typedef std::set BucketEntry; typedef std::map SpatialPositionedIndex; static NamedPositionedIndex global_namedIndex; static SpatialPositionedIndex global_spatialIndex; SpatialPositionedIndex::iterator bucketEntryForPositioned(FGPositioned* aPos) { int bucketIndex = aPos->bucket().gen_index(); SpatialPositionedIndex::iterator it = global_spatialIndex.find(bucketIndex); if (it != global_spatialIndex.end()) { return it; } // create a new BucketEntry return global_spatialIndex.insert(it, std::make_pair(bucketIndex, BucketEntry())); } static void addToIndices(FGPositioned* aPos) { assert(aPos); if (!aPos->ident().empty()) { global_namedIndex.insert(global_namedIndex.begin(), std::make_pair(aPos->ident(), aPos)); } SpatialPositionedIndex::iterator it = bucketEntryForPositioned(aPos); it->second.insert(aPos); } static void removeFromIndices(FGPositioned* aPos) { assert(aPos); if (!aPos->ident().empty()) { NamedPositionedIndex::iterator it = global_namedIndex.find(aPos->ident()); while (it != global_namedIndex.end() && (it->first == aPos->ident())) { if (it->second == aPos) { global_namedIndex.erase(it); break; } ++it; } // of multimap walk } SpatialPositionedIndex::iterator sit = bucketEntryForPositioned(aPos); sit->second.erase(aPos); } static void spatialFilterInBucket(const SGBucket& aBucket, FGPositioned::Filter* aFilter, FGPositioned::List& aResult) { SpatialPositionedIndex::const_iterator it; it = global_spatialIndex.find(aBucket.gen_index()); if (it == global_spatialIndex.end()) { return; } BucketEntry::const_iterator l = it->second.begin(); BucketEntry::const_iterator u = it->second.end(); if (!aFilter) { // pass everything aResult.insert(aResult.end(), l, u); return; } for ( ; l != u; ++l) { if ((*aFilter)(*l)) { aResult.push_back(*l); } } } static void spatialFind(const SGGeod& aPos, double aRange, FGPositioned::Filter* aFilter, FGPositioned::List& aResult) { SGBucket buck(aPos); double lat = aPos.getLatitudeDeg(), lon = aPos.getLongitudeDeg(); int bx = (int)( aRange*SG_NM_TO_METER / buck.get_width_m() / 2); int by = (int)( aRange*SG_NM_TO_METER / buck.get_height_m() / 2 ); // loop over bucket range for ( int i=-bx; i<=bx; i++) { for ( int j=-by; j<=by; j++) { spatialFilterInBucket(sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, i, j), aFilter, aResult); } // of j-iteration } // of i-iteration } /* class LowerLimitOfType { public: bool operator()(const FGPositioned* a, const FGPositioned::Type b) const { return a->type() < b; } bool operator()(const FGPositioned::Type a, const FGPositioned* b) const { return a < b->type(); } }; static void spatialFindTyped(const SGGeod& aPos, double aRange, FGPositioned::Type aLower, FGPositioned::Type aUpper, FGPositioned::List& aResult) { SGBucket buck(aPos); double lat = aPos.getLatitudeDeg(), lon = aPos.getLongitudeDeg(); int bx = (int)( aRange*SG_NM_TO_METER / buck.get_width_m() / 2); int by = (int)( aRange*SG_NM_TO_METER / buck.get_height_m() / 2 ); // loop over bucket range for ( int i=-bx; i<=bx; i++) { for ( int j=-by; j<=by; j++) { buck = sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, i, j); SpatialPositionedIndex::const_iterator it; it = global_spatialIndex.find(buck.gen_index()); if (it == global_spatialIndex.end()) { continue; } BucketEntry::const_iterator l = std::lower_bound(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), aLower, LowerLimitOfType()); BucketEntry::const_iterator u = std::upper_bound(l, it->second.end(), aUpper, LowerLimitOfType()); for ( ; l != u; ++l) { aResult.push_back(*l); } } // of j-iteration } // of i-iteration } */ /** */ class RangePredictate { public: RangePredictate(const SGGeod& aOrigin, double aRange) : mOrigin(SGVec3d::fromGeod(aOrigin)), mRangeSqr(aRange * aRange) { ; } bool operator()(const FGPositionedRef& aPos) { double dSqr = distSqr(aPos->cart(), mOrigin); return (dSqr > mRangeSqr); } private: SGVec3d mOrigin; double mRangeSqr; }; static void filterListByRange(const SGGeod& aPos, double aRange, FGPositioned::List& aResult) { RangePredictate pred(aPos, aRange * SG_NM_TO_METER); FGPositioned::List::iterator newEnd; newEnd = std::remove_if(aResult.begin(), aResult.end(), pred); aResult.erase(newEnd, aResult.end()); } class DistanceOrdering { public: DistanceOrdering(const SGGeod& aPos) : mPos(SGVec3d::fromGeod(aPos)) { } bool operator()(const FGPositionedRef& a, const FGPositionedRef& b) const { double dA = distSqr(a->cart(), mPos), dB = distSqr(b->cart(), mPos); return dA < dB; } private: SGVec3d mPos; }; static void sortByDistance(const SGGeod& aPos, FGPositioned::List& aResult) { std::sort(aResult.begin(), aResult.end(), DistanceOrdering(aPos)); } static FGPositionedRef namedFindClosest(const std::string& aIdent, const SGGeod& aOrigin, FGPositioned::Filter* aFilter) { NamedIndexRange range = global_namedIndex.equal_range(aIdent); if (range.first == range.second) { return NULL; } // common case, only one result. looks a bit ugly because these are // sequential iterators, not random-access ones NamedPositionedIndex::const_iterator check = range.first; if (++check == range.second) { // excellent, only one match in the range - all we care about is the type if (aFilter && !aFilter->pass(range.first->second)) { return NULL; // type check failed } return range.first->second; } // of short-circuit logic for single-element range // multiple matches, we need to actually check the distance to each one double minDist = HUGE_VAL; FGPositionedRef result; NamedPositionedIndex::const_iterator it = range.first; SGVec3d cartOrigin(SGVec3d::fromGeod(aOrigin)); for (; it != range.second; ++it) { if (aFilter && !aFilter->pass(range.first->second)) { continue; } // find distance double d2 = distSqr(cartOrigin, it->second->cart()); if (d2 < minDist) { minDist = d2; result = it->second; } } return result; } static FGPositioned::List spatialGetClosest(const SGGeod& aPos, unsigned int aN, double aCutoffNm, FGPositioned::Filter* aFilter) { FGPositioned::List result; int radius = 1; // start at 1, radius 0 is handled explicitly SGBucket buck; double lat = aPos.getLatitudeDeg(), lon = aPos.getLongitudeDeg(); // final cutoff is in metres, and scaled to account for testing the corners // of the 'box' instead of the centre of each edge double cutoffM = aCutoffNm * SG_NM_TO_METER * 1.5; // base case, simplifes loop to do it seperately here spatialFilterInBucket(sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, 0, 0), aFilter, result); for (;result.size() < aN; ++radius) { // cutoff check double az1, az2, d1, d2; SGGeodesy::inverse(aPos, sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, -radius, -radius).get_center(), az1, az2, d1); SGGeodesy::inverse(aPos, sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, radius, radius).get_center(), az1, az2, d2); if ((d1 > cutoffM) && (d2 > cutoffM)) { //std::cerr << "spatialGetClosest terminating due to range cutoff" << std::endl; break; } FGPositioned::List hits; for ( int i=-radius; i<=radius; i++) { spatialFilterInBucket(sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, i, -radius), aFilter, hits); spatialFilterInBucket(sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, -radius, i), aFilter, hits); spatialFilterInBucket(sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, i, radius), aFilter, hits); spatialFilterInBucket(sgBucketOffset(lon, lat, radius, i), aFilter, hits); } result.insert(result.end(), hits.begin(), hits.end()); // append } // of outer loop sortByDistance(aPos, result); if (result.size() > aN) { result.resize(aN); // truncate at requested number of matches } return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FGPositioned::FGPositioned(Type ty, const std::string& aIdent, const SGGeod& aPos, bool aIndexed) : mType(ty), mPosition(aPos), mIdent(aIdent) { SGReferenced::get(this); // hold an owning ref, for the moment if (aIndexed) { assert(ty != TAXIWAY); addToIndices(this); } } FGPositioned::~FGPositioned() { //std::cout << "destroying:" << mIdent << "/" << nameForType(mType) << std::endl; removeFromIndices(this); } SGBucket FGPositioned::bucket() const { return SGBucket(mPosition); } SGVec3d FGPositioned::cart() const { return SGVec3d::fromGeod(mPosition); } const char* FGPositioned::nameForType(Type aTy) { switch (aTy) { case RUNWAY: return "runway"; case TAXIWAY: return "taxiway"; case PARK_STAND: return "parking stand"; case FIX: return "fix"; case VOR: return "VOR"; case NDB: return "NDB"; case ILS: return "ILS"; case LOC: return "localiser"; case GS: return "glideslope"; case OM: return "outer-marker"; case MM: return "middle-marker"; case IM: return "inner-marker"; case AIRPORT: return "airport"; case HELIPORT: return "heliport"; case SEAPORT: return "seaport"; case WAYPOINT: return "waypoint"; case DME: return "dme"; case TACAN: return "tacan"; default: return "unknown"; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // search / query functions FGPositionedRef FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent(const std::string& aIdent, const SGGeod& aPos, Filter* aFilter) { return namedFindClosest(aIdent, aPos, aFilter); } FGPositioned::List FGPositioned::findWithinRange(const SGGeod& aPos, double aRangeNm, Filter* aFilter) { List result; spatialFind(aPos, aRangeNm, aFilter, result); filterListByRange(aPos, aRangeNm, result); return result; } FGPositioned::List FGPositioned::findAllWithIdentSortedByRange(const std::string& aIdent, const SGGeod& aPos, Filter* aFilter) { List result; NamedIndexRange range = global_namedIndex.equal_range(aIdent); for (; range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { if (aFilter && !aFilter->pass(range.first->second)) { continue; } result.push_back(range.first->second); } sortByDistance(aPos, result); return result; } FGPositionedRef FGPositioned::findClosest(const SGGeod& aPos, double aCutoffNm, Filter* aFilter) { FGPositioned::List l(spatialGetClosest(aPos, 1, aCutoffNm, aFilter)); if (l.empty()) { return NULL; } assert(l.size() == 1); return l.front(); } FGPositioned::List FGPositioned::findClosestN(const SGGeod& aPos, unsigned int aN, double aCutoffNm, Filter* aFilter) { return spatialGetClosest(aPos, aN, aCutoffNm, aFilter); } FGPositionedRef FGPositioned::findNextWithPartialId(FGPositionedRef aCur, const std::string& aId, Filter* aFilter) { NamedIndexRange range = global_namedIndex.equal_range(aId); for (; range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { FGPositionedRef candidate = range.first->second; if (aCur == candidate) { aCur = NULL; // found our start point, next match will pass continue; } if (aFilter && !aFilter->pass(candidate)) { continue; } if (!aCur) { return candidate; } } return NULL; // fell out, no match in range }