// viewer.hxx -- class for managing a viewer in the flightgear world. // // Written by Curtis Olson, started August 1997. // overhaul started October 2000. // partially rewritten by Jim Wilson jim@kelcomaine.com using interface // by David Megginson March 2002 // // Copyright (C) 1997 - 2000 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifndef _VIEWER_HXX #define _VIEWER_HXX namespace flightgear { class CameraGroup; } #include #include #include #include #include #define FG_FOV_MIN 0.1 #define FG_FOV_MAX 179.9 enum fgViewType { FG_LOOKFROM = 0, FG_LOOKAT = 1 }; // Define a structure containing view information class FGViewer : public SGSubsystem { public: enum fgScalingType { // nominal Field Of View actually applies to ... FG_SCALING_WIDTH, // window width FG_SCALING_MAX // max(width, height) // FG_SCALING_G_MEAN, // geometric_mean(width, height) // FG_SCALING_INDEPENDENT // whole screen }; // Constructor FGViewer( fgViewType Type, bool from_model, int from_model_index, bool at_model, int at_model_index, double damp_roll, double damp_pitch, double damp_heading, double x_offset_m, double y_offset_m, double z_offset_m, double heading_offset_deg, double pitch_offset_deg, double roll_offset_deg, double fov_deg, double aspect_ratio_multiplier, double target_x_offset_m, double target_y_offset_m, double target_z_offset_m, double near_m, bool internal ); // Destructor virtual ~FGViewer( void ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Part 1: standard SGSubsystem implementation. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void init (); virtual void bind (); virtual void unbind (); void update (double dt); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Part 2: user settings. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual fgViewType getType() const { return _type; } virtual void setType( int type ); virtual bool getInternal() const { return _internal; } virtual void setInternal( bool internal ); // Reference geodetic position of view from position... // These are the actual aircraft position (pilot in // pilot view, model in model view). // FIXME: the model view position (ie target positions) // should be in the model class. virtual void setPosition (double lon_deg, double lat_deg, double alt_ft); const SGGeod& getPosition() const { return _position; } // Reference geodetic target position... virtual void setTargetPosition (double lon_deg, double lat_deg, double alt_ft); const SGGeod& getTargetPosition() const { return _target; } // Position offsets from reference // These offsets position they "eye" in the scene according to a given // location. For example in pilot view they are used to position the // head inside the aircraft. // Note that in pilot view these are applied "before" the orientation // rotations (see below) so that the orientation rotations have the // effect of the pilot staying in his seat and "looking out" in // different directions. // In chase view these are applied "after" the application of the // orientation rotations listed below. This has the effect of the // eye moving around and "looking at" the object (model) from // different angles. virtual double getXOffset_m () const { return _offset_m.x(); } virtual double getYOffset_m () const { return _offset_m.y(); } virtual double getZOffset_m () const { return _offset_m.z(); } virtual double getTargetXOffset_m () const { return _target_offset_m.x(); } virtual double getTargetYOffset_m () const { return _target_offset_m.y(); } virtual double getTargetZOffset_m () const { return _target_offset_m.z(); } virtual void setXOffset_m (double x_offset_m); virtual void setYOffset_m (double y_offset_m); virtual void setZOffset_m (double z_offset_m); virtual void setTargetXOffset_m (double x_offset_m); virtual void setTargetYOffset_m (double y_offset_m); virtual void setTargetZOffset_m (double z_offset_m); virtual void setPositionOffsets (double x_offset_m, double y_offset_m, double z_offset_m); // Reference orientation rotations... // These are rotations that represent the plane attitude effect on // the view (in Pilot view). IE The view frustrum rotates as the plane // turns, pitches, and rolls. // In model view (lookat/chaseview) these end up changing the angle that // the eye is looking at the ojbect (ie the model). // FIXME: the FGModel class should have its own version of these so that // it can generate it's own model rotations. virtual double getRoll_deg () const { return _roll_deg; } virtual double getPitch_deg () const {return _pitch_deg; } virtual double getHeading_deg () const {return _heading_deg; } virtual void setRoll_deg (double roll_deg); virtual void setPitch_deg (double pitch_deg); virtual void setHeading_deg (double heading_deg); virtual void setOrientation (double roll_deg, double pitch_deg, double heading_deg); virtual double getTargetRoll_deg () const { return _target_roll_deg; } virtual double getTargetPitch_deg () const {return _target_pitch_deg; } virtual double getTargetHeading_deg () const {return _target_heading_deg; } virtual void setTargetRoll_deg (double roll_deg); virtual void setTargetPitch_deg (double pitch_deg); virtual void setTargetHeading_deg (double heading_deg); virtual void setTargetOrientation (double roll_deg, double pitch_deg, double heading_deg); // Orientation offsets rotations from reference orientation. // Goal settings are for smooth transition from prior // offset when changing view direction. // These offsets are in ADDITION to the orientation rotations listed // above. // In pilot view they are applied after the position offsets in order to // give the effect of the pilot looking around. // In lookat view they are applied before the position offsets so that // the effect is the eye moving around looking at the object (ie the model) // from different angles. virtual double getRollOffset_deg () const { return _roll_offset_deg; } virtual double getPitchOffset_deg () const { return _pitch_offset_deg; } virtual double getHeadingOffset_deg () const { return _heading_offset_deg; } virtual double getGoalRollOffset_deg () const { return _goal_roll_offset_deg; } virtual double getGoalPitchOffset_deg () const { return _goal_pitch_offset_deg; } virtual double getGoalHeadingOffset_deg () const {return _goal_heading_offset_deg; } virtual void setRollOffset_deg (double roll_offset_deg); virtual void setPitchOffset_deg (double pitch_offset_deg); virtual void setHeadingOffset_deg (double heading_offset_deg); virtual void setGoalRollOffset_deg (double goal_roll_offset_deg); virtual void setGoalPitchOffset_deg (double goal_pitch_offset_deg); virtual void setGoalHeadingOffset_deg (double goal_heading_offset_deg); virtual void setOrientationOffsets (double roll_offset_deg, double heading_offset_deg, double pitch_offset_deg); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Part 3: output vectors and matrices in FlightGear coordinates. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vectors and positions... const SGVec3d& get_view_pos() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return _absolute_view_pos; } const SGVec3d& getViewPosition() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return _absolute_view_pos; } const SGQuatd& getViewOrientation() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return mViewOrientation; } const SGQuatd& getViewOrientationOffset() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return mViewOffsetOr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Part 4: View and frustrum data setters and getters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void set_fov( double fov_deg ) { _fov_deg = fov_deg; } virtual double get_fov() const { return _fov_deg; } virtual double get_h_fov(); // Get horizontal fov, in degrees. virtual double get_v_fov(); // Get vertical fov, in degrees. virtual void set_aspect_ratio( double r ) { _aspect_ratio = r; } virtual double get_aspect_ratio() const { return _aspect_ratio; } virtual void set_aspect_ratio_multiplier( double m ) { _aspect_ratio_multiplier = m; } virtual double get_aspect_ratio_multiplier() const { return _aspect_ratio_multiplier; } virtual double getNear_m () const { return _ground_level_nearplane_m; } inline void setNear_m (double near_m) { _ground_level_nearplane_m = near_m; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Part 5: misc setters and getters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline void set_dirty() { _dirty = true; } inline void set_clean() { _dirty = false; } private: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // private data // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // flag forcing a recalc of derived view parameters bool _dirty; SGQuatd mViewOrientation; SGQuatd mViewOffsetOr; SGVec3d _absolute_view_pos; SGGeod _position; SGGeod _target; double _roll_deg; double _pitch_deg; double _heading_deg; double _target_roll_deg; double _target_pitch_deg; double _target_heading_deg; double _damp_sync; double _damp_roll; double _damp_pitch; double _damp_heading; double _damped_roll_deg; double _damped_pitch_deg; double _damped_heading_deg; // Position offsets from FDM origin. The X axis is positive // out the tail, Y is out the right wing, and Z is positive up. // distance in meters SGVec3d _offset_m; // Target offsets from FDM origin (for "lookat" targets) The X // axis is positive out the tail, Y is out the right wing, and Z // is positive up. distance in meters SGVec3d _target_offset_m; // orientation offsets from reference (_goal* are for smoothed transitions) double _roll_offset_deg; double _pitch_offset_deg; double _heading_offset_deg; double _goal_roll_offset_deg; double _goal_pitch_offset_deg; double _goal_heading_offset_deg; // used to set nearplane when at ground level for this view double _ground_level_nearplane_m; fgViewType _type; fgScalingType _scaling_type; // internal view (e.g. cockpit) flag bool _internal; // view is looking from a model bool _from_model; int _from_model_index; // number of model (for multi model) // view is looking at a model bool _at_model; int _at_model_index; // number of model (for multi model) // the nominal field of view (angle, in degrees) double _fov_deg; // Ratio of window width and height; height = width * // aspect_ratio. This value is automatically calculated based on // window dimentions. double _aspect_ratio; // default = 1.0, this value is user configurable and is // multiplied into the aspect_ratio to get the actual vertical fov double _aspect_ratio_multiplier; // camera group controled by this view osg::ref_ptr _cameraGroup; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // private functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void recalc (); void recalcLookFrom(); void recalcLookAt(); void dampEyeData(double &roll_deg, double &pitch_deg, double &heading_deg); // add to _heading_offset_deg inline void incHeadingOffset_deg( double amt ) { set_dirty(); _heading_offset_deg += amt; } // add to _pitch_offset_deg inline void incPitchOffset_deg( double amt ) { set_dirty(); _pitch_offset_deg += amt; } // add to _roll_offset_deg inline void incRollOffset_deg( double amt ) { set_dirty(); _roll_offset_deg += amt; } }; #endif // _VIEWER_HXX