// navdb.cxx -- top level navaids management routines // // Written by Curtis Olson, started May 2004. // // Copyright (C) 2004 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#include "navrecord.hxx" #include "navdb.hxx" using std::string; // load and initialize the navigational databases bool fgNavDBInit( FGAirportList *airports, FGNavList *navlist, FGNavList *loclist, FGNavList *gslist, FGNavList *dmelist, FGNavList *mkrlist, FGNavList *tacanlist, FGNavList *carrierlist, FGTACANList *channellist) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Loading Navaid Databases"); // SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, " VOR/NDB"); // SGPath p_nav( globals->get_fg_root() ); // p_nav.append( "Navaids/default.nav" ); // navlist->init( p_nav ); // SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, " ILS and Marker Beacons"); // beacons->init(); // SGPath p_ils( globals->get_fg_root() ); // p_ils.append( "Navaids/default.ils" ); // ilslist->init( p_ils ); SGPath path( globals->get_fg_root() ); path.append( "Navaids/nav.dat" ); sg_gzifstream in( path.str() ); if ( !in.is_open() ) { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << path.str() ); exit(-1); } // skip first two lines in >> skipeol; in >> skipeol; while ( ! in.eof() ) { FGNavRecord *r = new FGNavRecord; in >> (*r); if ( r->get_type() > 95 ) { delete r; break; } /*cout << "id = " << r->get_ident() << endl; cout << " type = " << r->get_type() << endl; cout << " lon = " << r->get_lon() << endl; cout << " lat = " << r->get_lat() << endl; cout << " elev = " <get_elev_ft() << endl; cout << " freq = " << r->get_freq() << endl; cout << " range = " << r->get_range() << endl; cout << " name = " << r->get_name() << endl << endl; */ // fudge elevation to the field elevation if it's not specified if ( fabs(r->get_elev_ft()) < 0.01 && r->get_apt_id().length() ) { // cout << r->get_type() << " " << r->get_apt_id() << " zero elev" // << endl; const FGAirport* a = airports->search( r->get_apt_id() ); if ( a ) { r->set_elev_ft( a->getElevation() ); // cout << " setting to " << a.elevation << endl; } } if ( r->get_type() == 2 || r->get_type() == 3 ) { // NDB=2, VOR=3 navlist->add( r ); } else if ( r->get_type() == 4 || r->get_type() == 5 ) { // ILS=4, LOC(only)=5 loclist->add( r ); } else if ( r->get_type() == 6 ) { // GS=6 gslist->add( r ); } else if ( r->get_type() == 7 || r->get_type() == 8 || r->get_type() == 9 ) { // Marker Beacon = 7,8,9 mkrlist->add( r ); } else if ( r->get_type() == 12 || r->get_type() == 13) { // DME with ILS=12; standalone DME=13 string str1( r->get_name() ); string::size_type loc1= str1.find( "TACAN", 0 ); string::size_type loc2 = str1.find( "VORTAC", 0 ); if( loc1 != string::npos || loc2 != string::npos ){ //cout << " name = " << r->get_name() ; //cout << " freq = " << r->get_freq() ; tacanlist->add( r ); } dmelist->add( r ); } in >> skipcomment; } // load the carrier navaids file string file, name; path = ""; path = globals->get_fg_root() ; path.append( "Navaids/carrier_nav.dat" ); file = path.str(); SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "opening file: " << path.str() ); sg_gzifstream incarrier( path.str() ); if ( !incarrier.is_open() ) { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << path.str() ); exit(-1); } // skip first two lines //incarrier >> skipeol; //incarrier >> skipeol; while ( ! incarrier.eof() ) { FGNavRecord *r = new FGNavRecord; incarrier >> (*r); carrierlist->add ( r ); /*cout << " carrier lon: "<< r->get_lon() ; cout << " carrier lat: "<< r->get_lat() ; cout << " freq: " << r->get_freq() ; cout << " carrier name: "<< r->get_name() << endl;*/ //if ( r->get_type() > 95 ) { // break;} } // end while // end loading the carrier navaids file // load the channel/freqency file string channel, freq; path=""; path = globals->get_fg_root(); path.append( "Navaids/TACAN_freq.dat" ); SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "opening file: " << path.str() ); sg_gzifstream inchannel( path.str() ); if ( !inchannel.is_open() ) { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << path.str() ); exit(-1); } // skip first line inchannel >> skipeol; while ( ! inchannel.eof() ) { FGTACANRecord *r = new FGTACANRecord; inchannel >> (*r); channellist->add ( r ); //cout << "channel = " << r->get_channel() ; //cout << " freq = " << r->get_freq() << endl; } // end while // end ReadChanFile return true; } // Given a localizer record and it's corresponding runway record, // adjust the localizer position so it is in perfect alignment with // the runway. static void update_loc_position( FGNavRecord *loc, FGRunway *rwy, double threshold ) { double hdg = rwy->_heading; hdg += 180.0; if ( hdg > 360.0 ) { hdg -= 360.0; } // calculate runway threshold point double thresh_lat, thresh_lon, return_az; geo_direct_wgs_84 ( 0.0, rwy->_lat, rwy->_lon, hdg, rwy->_length/2.0 * SG_FEET_TO_METER, &thresh_lat, &thresh_lon, &return_az ); // cout << "Threshold = " << thresh_lat << "," << thresh_lon << endl; // calculate distance from threshold to localizer double az1, az2, dist_m; geo_inverse_wgs_84( 0.0, loc->get_lat(), loc->get_lon(), thresh_lat, thresh_lon, &az1, &az2, &dist_m ); // cout << "Distance = " << dist_m << endl; // back project that distance along the runway center line double nloc_lat, nloc_lon; geo_direct_wgs_84 ( 0.0, thresh_lat, thresh_lon, hdg + 180.0, dist_m, &nloc_lat, &nloc_lon, &return_az ); // printf("New localizer = %.6f %.6f\n", nloc_lat, nloc_lon ); // sanity check, how far have we moved the localizer? geo_inverse_wgs_84( 0.0, loc->get_lat(), loc->get_lon(), nloc_lat, nloc_lon, &az1, &az2, &dist_m ); // cout << "Distance moved = " << dist_m << endl; // cout << "orig heading = " << loc->get_multiuse() << endl; // cout << "new heading = " << rwy->_heading << endl; double hdg_diff = loc->get_multiuse() - rwy->_heading; // clamp to [-180.0 ... 180.0] if ( hdg_diff < -180.0 ) { hdg_diff += 360.0; } else if ( hdg_diff > 180.0 ) { hdg_diff -= 360.0; } if ( fabs(hdg_diff) <= threshold ) { loc->set_lat( nloc_lat ); loc->set_lon( nloc_lon ); loc->set_multiuse( rwy->_heading ); } } // This routines traverses the localizer list and attempts to match // each entry with it's corresponding runway. When it is successful, // it then "moves" the localizer and updates it's heading so it // *perfectly* aligns with the runway, but is still the same distance // from the runway threshold. void fgNavDBAlignLOCwithRunway( FGRunwayList *runways, FGNavList *loclist, double threshold ) { nav_map_type navmap = loclist->get_navaids(); nav_map_const_iterator freq = navmap.begin(); while ( freq != navmap.end() ) { nav_list_type locs = freq->second; nav_list_const_iterator loc = locs.begin(); while ( loc != locs.end() ) { string name = (*loc)->get_name(); string::size_type pos1 = name.find(" "); string id = name.substr(0, pos1); name = name.substr(pos1+1); string::size_type pos2 = name.find(" "); string rwy = name.substr(0, pos2); FGRunway r; if ( runways->search(id, rwy, &r) ) { update_loc_position( (*loc), &r, threshold ); } ++loc; } ++freq; } }