// runwayprefs.cxx - class implementations corresponding to runwayprefs.hxx // assignments by the AI code // // Written by Durk Talsma, started January 2005. // // Copyright (C) 2004 Durk Talsma. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include <math.h> //#include <algorithm> #include <simgear/compiler.h> //#include <plib/sg.h> //#include <plib/ul.h> //#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx> //#include <Environment/environment.hxx> //#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx> //#include <simgear/props/props.hxx> //#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx> #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx> #include <Main/globals.hxx> //#include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <Airports/runways.hxx> #include "runwayprefs.hxx" #include "simple.hxx" /****************************************************************************** * ScheduleTime ***************e*************************************************************/ void ScheduleTime::clear() { start.clear(); end.clear(); scheduleNames.clear(); } ScheduleTime::ScheduleTime(const ScheduleTime &other) { //timeVec start; timeVecConstIterator i; for (i = other.start.begin(); i != other.start.end(); i++) start.push_back(*i); for (i = other.end.begin(); i != other.end.end(); i++) end.push_back(*i); stringVecConstIterator k; for (k = other.scheduleNames.begin(); k != other.scheduleNames.end(); k++) scheduleNames.push_back(*k); //timeVec end; //stringVec scheduleNames; tailWind = other.tailWind; crssWind = other.tailWind; } ScheduleTime & ScheduleTime::operator= (const ScheduleTime &other) { //timeVec start; clear(); timeVecConstIterator i; for (i = other.start.begin(); i != other.start.end(); i++) start.push_back(*i); for (i = other.end.begin(); i != other.end.end(); i++) end.push_back(*i); stringVecConstIterator k; for (k = other.scheduleNames.begin(); k != other.scheduleNames.end(); k++) scheduleNames.push_back(*k); //timeVec end; //stringVec scheduleNames; tailWind = other.tailWind; crssWind = other.tailWind; return *this; } string ScheduleTime::getName(time_t dayStart) { if ((start.size() != end.size()) || (start.size() != scheduleNames.size())) { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Unable to parse schedule times" ); exit(1); } else { int nrItems = start.size(); //cerr << "Nr of items to process: " << nrItems << endl; if (nrItems > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < start.size(); i++) { //cerr << i << endl; if ((dayStart >= start[i]) && (dayStart <= end[i])) return scheduleNames[i]; } } //couldn't find one so return 0; //cerr << "Returning 0 " << endl; } return string(""); } /****************************************************************************** * RunwayList *****************************************************************************/ RunwayList::RunwayList(const RunwayList &other) { type = other.type; stringVecConstIterator i; for (i = other.preferredRunways.begin(); i != other.preferredRunways.end(); i++) preferredRunways.push_back(*i); } RunwayList& RunwayList::operator= (const RunwayList &other) { type = other.type; preferredRunways.clear(); stringVecConstIterator i; for (i = other.preferredRunways.begin(); i != other.preferredRunways.end(); i++) preferredRunways.push_back(*i); return *this; } void RunwayList::set(const string &tp, const string &lst) { //weekday = atoi(timeCopy.substr(0,1).c_str()); // timeOffsetInDays = weekday - currTimeDate->getGmt()->tm_wday; // timeCopy = timeCopy.substr(2,timeCopy.length()); type = tp; string rwys = lst; string rwy; while (rwys.find(",") != string::npos) { rwy = rwys.substr(0, rwys.find(",",0)); //cerr << "adding runway [" << rwy << "] to the list " << endl; preferredRunways.push_back(rwy); rwys.erase(0, rwys.find(",",0)+1); // erase until after the first whitspace while (rwys[0] == ' ') rwys.erase(0, 1); // Erase any leading whitespaces. //cerr << "Remaining runway list " << rwys; } preferredRunways.push_back(rwys); //exit(1); } void RunwayList::clear() { type = ""; preferredRunways.clear(); } /**************************************************************************** * ***************************************************************************/ RunwayGroup::RunwayGroup(const RunwayGroup &other) { name = other.name; RunwayListVecConstIterator i; for (i = other.rwyList.begin(); i != other.rwyList.end(); i++) rwyList.push_back(*i); choice[0] = other.choice[0]; choice[1] = other.choice[1]; nrActive = other.nrActive; } RunwayGroup& RunwayGroup:: operator= (const RunwayGroup &other) { rwyList.clear(); name = other.name; RunwayListVecConstIterator i; for (i = other.rwyList.begin(); i != other.rwyList.end(); i++) rwyList.push_back(*i); choice[0] = other.choice[0]; choice[1] = other.choice[1]; nrActive = other.nrActive; return *this; } void RunwayGroup::setActive(const string &aptId, double windSpeed, double windHeading, double maxTail, double maxCross, stringVec *currentlyActive) { FGRunway rwy; int activeRwys = rwyList.size(); // get the number of runways active int nrOfPreferences; // bool found = true; // double heading; double hdgDiff; double crossWind; double tailWind; string name; //stringVec names; int bestMatch = 0, bestChoice = 0; if (activeRwys > 0) { // Now downward iterate across all the possible preferences // starting by the least preferred choice working toward the most preferred choice nrOfPreferences = rwyList[0].getRwyList()->size(); bool validSelection = true; bool foundValidSelection = false; for (int i = nrOfPreferences-1; i >= 0; i--) { int match = 0; // Test each runway listed in the preference to see if it's possible to use // If one runway of the selection isn't allowed, we need to exclude this // preference, however, we don't want to stop right there, because we also // don't want to randomly swap runway preferences, unless there is a need to. // validSelection = true; for (int j = 0; j < activeRwys; j++) { name = rwyList[j].getRwyList(i); //cerr << "Name of Runway: " << name; if (globals->get_runways()->search( aptId, name, &rwy)) { //cerr << "Succes" << endl; hdgDiff = fabs(windHeading - rwy._heading); //cerr << "Wind Heading: " << windHeading << "Runway Heading: " <<rwy._heading << endl; //cerr << "Wind Speed : " << windSpeed << endl; if (hdgDiff > 180) hdgDiff = 360 - hdgDiff; //cerr << "Heading diff: " << hdgDiff << endl; hdgDiff *= ((2*M_PI)/360.0); // convert to radians crossWind = windSpeed * sin(hdgDiff); tailWind = -windSpeed * cos(hdgDiff); //cerr << ". Tailwind : " << tailWind; //cerr << ". Crosswnd : " << crossWind; if ((tailWind > maxTail) || (crossWind > maxCross)) { //cerr << ". [Invalid] " << endl; validSelection = false; } else { //cerr << ". [Valid] "; } }else { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Failed to find runway " << name << " at " << aptId ); exit(1); } //cerr << endl; } if (validSelection) { //cerr << "Valid selection : " << i << endl;; foundValidSelection = true; for (stringVecIterator it = currentlyActive->begin(); it != currentlyActive->end(); it++) { if ((*it) == name) match++; } if (match >= bestMatch) { bestMatch = match; bestChoice = i; } } //cerr << "Preference " << i << " bestMatch " << bestMatch << " choice " << bestChoice << endl; } if (foundValidSelection) { //cerr << "Valid runay selection : " << bestChoice << endl; nrActive = activeRwys; active = bestChoice; return; } // If this didn't work, due to heavy winds, try again // but select only one landing and one takeoff runway. choice[0] = 0; choice[1] = 0; for (int i = activeRwys-1; i; i--) { if (rwyList[i].getType() == string("landing")) choice[0] = i; if (rwyList[i].getType() == string("takeoff")) choice[1] = i; } //cerr << "Choosing " << choice[0] << " for landing and " << choice[1] << "for takeoff" << endl; nrOfPreferences = rwyList[0].getRwyList()->size(); for (int i = 0; i < nrOfPreferences; i++) { bool validSelection = true; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { //cerr << "I J " << i << " " << j << endl; name = rwyList[choice[j]].getRwyList(i); //cerr << "Name of Runway: " << name << endl; if (globals->get_runways()->search( aptId, name, &rwy)) { //cerr << "Succes" << endl; hdgDiff = fabs(windHeading - rwy._heading); if (hdgDiff > 180) hdgDiff = 360 - hdgDiff; hdgDiff *= ((2*M_PI)/360.0); // convert to radians crossWind = windSpeed * sin(hdgDiff); tailWind = -windSpeed * cos(hdgDiff); if ((tailWind > maxTail) || (crossWind > maxCross)) validSelection = false; }else { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Failed to find runway " << name << " at " << aptId ); exit(1); } } if (validSelection) { //cerr << "Valid runay selection : " << i << endl; active = i; nrActive = 2; return; } } } active = -1; nrActive = 0; } void RunwayGroup::getActive(int i, string &name, string &type) { if (i == -1) { return; } if (nrActive == (int)rwyList.size()) { name = rwyList[i].getRwyList(active); type = rwyList[i].getType(); } else { name = rwyList[choice[i]].getRwyList(active); type = rwyList[choice[i]].getType(); } } /***************************************************************************** * FGRunway preference ****************************************************************************/ FGRunwayPreference::FGRunwayPreference(FGAirport* ap) : _ap(ap) { //cerr << "Running default Constructor" << endl; initialized = false; } FGRunwayPreference::FGRunwayPreference(const FGRunwayPreference &other) { initialized = other.initialized; comTimes = other.comTimes; // Commercial Traffic; genTimes = other.genTimes; // General Aviation; milTimes = other.milTimes; // Military Traffic; PreferenceListConstIterator i; for (i = other.preferences.begin(); i != other.preferences.end(); i++) preferences.push_back(*i); } FGRunwayPreference & FGRunwayPreference::operator= (const FGRunwayPreference &other) { initialized = other.initialized; comTimes = other.comTimes; // Commercial Traffic; genTimes = other.genTimes; // General Aviation; milTimes = other.milTimes; // Military Traffic; PreferenceListConstIterator i; preferences.clear(); for (i = other.preferences.begin(); i != other.preferences.end(); i++) preferences.push_back(*i); return *this; } ScheduleTime *FGRunwayPreference::getSchedule(const char *trafficType) { if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "com"))) { return &comTimes; } if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "gen"))) { return &genTimes; } if (!(strcmp(trafficType, "mil"))) { return &milTimes; } return 0; } RunwayGroup *FGRunwayPreference::getGroup(const string &groupName) { PreferenceListIterator i = preferences.begin(); if (preferences.begin() == preferences.end()) return 0; while (!(i == preferences.end() || i->getName() == groupName)) i++; if (i != preferences.end()) return &(*i); else return 0; } string FGRunwayPreference::getId() { return _ap->getId(); };