// gps.cxx - distance-measuring equipment. // Written by David Megginson, started 2003. // // This file is in the Public Domain and comes with no warranty. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "gps.hxx" #include #include #include "Main/fg_props.hxx" #include "Main/globals.hxx" // for get_subsystem #include "Main/util.hxx" // for fgLowPass #include "Navaids/positioned.hxx" #include "Navaids/navrecord.hxx" #include "Airports/simple.hxx" #include "Airports/runways.hxx" #include "Autopilot/route_mgr.hxx" #include #include #include #include using std::auto_ptr; using std::string; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SGGeodProperty::init(SGPropertyNode* base, const char* lonStr, const char* latStr, const char* altStr) { _lon = base->getChild(lonStr, 0, true); _lat = base->getChild(latStr, 0, true); if (altStr) { _alt = base->getChild(altStr, 0, true); } } void SGGeodProperty::init(const char* lonStr, const char* latStr, const char* altStr) { _lon = fgGetNode(lonStr, true); _lat = fgGetNode(latStr, true); if (altStr) { _alt = fgGetNode(altStr, true); } } void SGGeodProperty::clear() { _lon = _lat = _alt = NULL; } void SGGeodProperty::operator=(const SGGeod& geod) { _lon->setDoubleValue(geod.getLongitudeDeg()); _lat->setDoubleValue(geod.getLatitudeDeg()); if (_alt) { _alt->setDoubleValue(geod.getElevationFt()); } } SGGeod SGGeodProperty::get() const { double lon = _lon->getDoubleValue(), lat = _lat->getDoubleValue(); if (_alt) { return SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon, lat, _alt->getDoubleValue()); } else { return SGGeod::fromDeg(lon,lat); } } static const char* makeTTWString(double TTW) { if ((TTW <= 0.0) || (TTW >= 356400.5)) { // 99 hours return "--:--:--"; } unsigned int TTW_seconds = (int) (TTW + 0.5); unsigned int TTW_minutes = 0; unsigned int TTW_hours = 0; static char TTW_str[9]; TTW_hours = TTW_seconds / 3600; TTW_minutes = (TTW_seconds / 60) % 60; TTW_seconds = TTW_seconds % 60; snprintf(TTW_str, 9, "%02d:%02d:%02d", TTW_hours, TTW_minutes, TTW_seconds); return TTW_str; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GPSListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: GPSListener(GPS *m) : _gps(m), _guard(false) {} virtual void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * prop) { if (_guard) { return; } _guard = true; if (prop == _gps->_route_current_wp_node) { _gps->routeManagerSequenced(); } else if (prop == _gps->_route_active_node) { _gps->routeActivated(); } else if (prop == _gps->_ref_navaid_id_node) { _gps->referenceNavaidSet(prop->getStringValue("")); } else if (prop == _gps->_routeEditedSignal) { _gps->routeEdited(); } else if (prop == _gps->_routeFinishedSignal) { _gps->routeFinished(); } _guard = false; } void setGuard(bool g) { _guard = g; } private: GPS* _gps; bool _guard; // re-entrancy guard }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Helper to monitor for Nasal or other code accessing properties we haven't * defined. For the moment we complain about all such activites, since various * users assume all kinds of weird, wonderful and non-existent interfaces. */ class DeprecatedPropListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: DeprecatedPropListener(SGPropertyNode* gps) { _parents.insert(gps); SGPropertyNode* wp = gps->getChild("wp"); _parents.insert(wp); _parents.insert(wp->getChild("wp", 0)); _parents.insert(wp->getChild("wp", 1)); std::set::iterator it; for (it = _parents.begin(); it != _parents.end(); ++it) { (*it)->addChangeListener(this); } } virtual void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * prop) { } virtual void childAdded (SGPropertyNode * parent, SGPropertyNode * child) { if (isDeprecated(parent, child)) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS: someone accessed a deprecated property:" << child->getPath(true)); } } private: bool isDeprecated(SGPropertyNode * parent, SGPropertyNode * child) const { if (_parents.count(parent) < 1) { return false; } // no child exclusions yet return true; } std::set _parents; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // configuration helper object GPS::Config::Config() : _enableTurnAnticipation(true), _turnRate(3.0), // degrees-per-second, so 180 degree turn takes 60 seconds _overflightArmDistance(1.0), _waypointAlertTime(30.0), _minRunwayLengthFt(0.0), _requireHardSurface(true), _cdiMaxDeflectionNm(3.0), // linear mode, 3nm at the peg _driveAutopilot(true), _courseSelectable(false) { _enableTurnAnticipation = false; } void GPS::Config::bind(GPS* aOwner, SGPropertyNode* aCfg) { aOwner->tie(aCfg, "turn-rate-deg-sec", SGRawValuePointer(&_turnRate)); aOwner->tie(aCfg, "turn-anticipation", SGRawValuePointer(&_enableTurnAnticipation)); aOwner->tie(aCfg, "wpt-alert-time", SGRawValuePointer(&_waypointAlertTime)); aOwner->tie(aCfg, "min-runway-length-ft", SGRawValuePointer(&_minRunwayLengthFt)); aOwner->tie(aCfg, "hard-surface-runways-only", SGRawValuePointer(&_requireHardSurface)); aOwner->tie(aCfg, "cdi-max-deflection-nm", SGRawValuePointer(&_cdiMaxDeflectionNm)); aOwner->tie(aCfg, "drive-autopilot", SGRawValuePointer(&_driveAutopilot)); aOwner->tie(aCfg, "course-selectable", SGRawValuePointer(&_courseSelectable)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GPS::GPS ( SGPropertyNode *node) : _selectedCourse(0.0), _dataValid(false), _lastPosValid(false), _mode("init"), _name(node->getStringValue("name", "gps")), _num(node->getIntValue("number", 0)), _computeTurnData(false), _anticipateTurn(false), _inTurn(false), _desiredCourse(0.0) { string branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name; _gpsNode = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), _num, true ); _scratchNode = _gpsNode->getChild("scratch", 0, true); } GPS::~GPS () { } void GPS::init () { _routeMgr = (FGRouteMgr*) globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"); assert(_routeMgr); _position.init("/position/longitude-deg", "/position/latitude-deg", "/position/altitude-ft"); _magvar_node = fgGetNode("/environment/magnetic-variation-deg", true); _serviceable_node = _gpsNode->getChild("serviceable", 0, true); _serviceable_node->setBoolValue(true); _electrical_node = fgGetNode("/systems/electrical/outputs/gps", true); // basic GPS outputs _raim_node = _gpsNode->getChild("raim", 0, true); _odometer_node = _gpsNode->getChild("odometer", 0, true); _trip_odometer_node = _gpsNode->getChild("trip-odometer", 0, true); _true_bug_error_node = _gpsNode->getChild("true-bug-error-deg", 0, true); _magnetic_bug_error_node = _gpsNode->getChild("magnetic-bug-error-deg", 0, true); _eastWestVelocity = _gpsNode->getChild("ew-velocity-msec", 0, true); _northSouthVelocity = _gpsNode->getChild("ns-velocity-msec", 0, true); // waypoints SGPropertyNode *wp_node = _gpsNode->getChild("wp", 0, true); SGPropertyNode *wp1_node = wp_node->getChild("wp", 1, true); // for compatability, alias selected course down to wp/wp[1]/desired-course-deg SGPropertyNode* wp1Crs = wp1_node->getChild("desired-course-deg", 0, true); wp1Crs->alias(_gpsNode->getChild("desired-course-deg", 0, true)); // _true_wp1_bearing_error_node = // wp1_node->getChild("true-bearing-error-deg", 0, true); // _magnetic_wp1_bearing_error_node = // wp1_node->getChild("magnetic-bearing-error-deg", 0, true); _tracking_bug_node = _gpsNode->getChild("tracking-bug", 0, true); // reference navid SGPropertyNode_ptr ref_navaid = _gpsNode->getChild("ref-navaid", 0, true); _ref_navaid_id_node = ref_navaid->getChild("id", 0, true); _ref_navaid_name_node = ref_navaid->getChild("name", 0, true); _ref_navaid_bearing_node = ref_navaid->getChild("bearing-deg", 0, true); _ref_navaid_frequency_node = ref_navaid->getChild("frequency-mhz", 0, true); _ref_navaid_distance_node = ref_navaid->getChild("distance-nm", 0, true); _ref_navaid_mag_bearing_node = ref_navaid->getChild("mag-bearing-deg", 0, true); _ref_navaid_elapsed = 0.0; _ref_navaid_set = false; // route properties // should these move to the route manager? _routeDistanceNm = _gpsNode->getChild("route-distance-nm", 0, true); _routeETE = _gpsNode->getChild("ETE", 0, true); _routeEditedSignal = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/signals/edited", true); _routeFinishedSignal = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/signals/finished", true); // add listener to various things _listener = new GPSListener(this); _route_current_wp_node = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/current-wp", true); _route_current_wp_node->addChangeListener(_listener); _route_active_node = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/active", true); _route_active_node->addChangeListener(_listener); _ref_navaid_id_node->addChangeListener(_listener); _routeEditedSignal->addChangeListener(_listener); _routeFinishedSignal->addChangeListener(_listener); // navradio slaving properties SGPropertyNode* toFlag = _gpsNode->getChild("to-flag", 0, true); toFlag->alias(wp1_node->getChild("to-flag")); SGPropertyNode* fromFlag = _gpsNode->getChild("from-flag", 0, true); fromFlag->alias(wp1_node->getChild("from-flag")); // autopilot drive properties _apDrivingFlag = fgGetNode("/autopilot/settings/gps-driving-true-heading", true); _apTrueHeading = fgGetNode("/autopilot/settings/true-heading-deg",true); _apTargetAltitudeFt = fgGetNode("/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", true); _apAltitudeLock = fgGetNode("/autopilot/locks/altitude", true); // realism prop[s] _realismSimpleGps = fgGetNode("/sim/realism/simple-gps", true); if (!_realismSimpleGps->hasValue()) { _realismSimpleGps->setBoolValue(true); } // last thing, add the deprecated prop watcher new DeprecatedPropListener(_gpsNode); clearOutput(); } void GPS::bind() { _config.bind(this, _gpsNode->getChild("config", 0, true)); // basic GPS outputs tie(_gpsNode, "selected-course-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getSelectedCourse, &GPS::setSelectedCourse)); tie(_gpsNode, "desired-course-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getDesiredCourse, NULL)); _desiredCourseNode = _gpsNode->getChild("desired-course-deg"); tieSGGeodReadOnly(_gpsNode, _indicated_pos, "indicated-longitude-deg", "indicated-latitude-deg", "indicated-altitude-ft"); tie(_gpsNode, "indicated-vertical-speed", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getVerticalSpeed, NULL)); tie(_gpsNode, "indicated-track-true-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getTrueTrack, NULL)); tie(_gpsNode, "indicated-track-magnetic-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getMagTrack, NULL)); tie(_gpsNode, "indicated-ground-speed-kt", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getGroundspeedKts, NULL)); // command system tie(_gpsNode, "mode", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getMode, NULL)); tie(_gpsNode, "command", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getCommand, &GPS::setCommand)); tieSGGeod(_scratchNode, _scratchPos, "longitude-deg", "latitude-deg", "altitude-ft"); tie(_scratchNode, "valid", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getScratchValid, NULL)); tie(_scratchNode, "distance-nm", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getScratchDistance, NULL)); tie(_scratchNode, "true-bearing-deg", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getScratchTrueBearing, NULL)); tie(_scratchNode, "mag-bearing-deg", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getScratchMagBearing, NULL)); tie(_scratchNode, "has-next", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getScratchHasNext, NULL)); _scratchValid = false; // waypoint data (including various historical things) SGPropertyNode *wp_node = _gpsNode->getChild("wp", 0, true); SGPropertyNode *wp0_node = wp_node->getChild("wp", 0, true); SGPropertyNode *wp1_node = wp_node->getChild("wp", 1, true); tieSGGeodReadOnly(wp0_node, _wp0_position, "longitude-deg", "latitude-deg", "altitude-ft"); tie(wp0_node, "ID", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP0Ident, NULL)); tie(wp0_node, "name", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP0Name, NULL)); tieSGGeodReadOnly(wp1_node, _wp1_position, "longitude-deg", "latitude-deg", "altitude-ft"); tie(wp1_node, "ID", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1Ident, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "name", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1Name, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "distance-nm", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1Distance, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "bearing-true-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1Bearing, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "bearing-mag-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1MagBearing, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "TTW-sec", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1TTW, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "TTW", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1TTWString, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "course-deviation-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1CourseDeviation, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "course-error-nm", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1CourseErrorNm, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "to-flag", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1ToFlag, NULL)); tie(wp1_node, "from-flag", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getWP1FromFlag, NULL)); // leg properties (only valid in DTO/LEG modes, not OBS) tie(wp_node, "leg-distance-nm", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getLegDistance, NULL)); tie(wp_node, "leg-true-course-deg", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getLegCourse, NULL)); tie(wp_node, "leg-mag-course-deg", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getLegMagCourse, NULL)); tie(wp_node, "alt-dist-ratio", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &GPS::getAltDistanceRatio, NULL)); // navradio slaving properties tie(_gpsNode, "cdi-deflection", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &GPS::getCDIDeflection)); } void GPS::unbind() { for (unsigned int t=0; t<_tiedNodes.size(); ++t) { _tiedNodes[t]->untie(); } _tiedNodes.clear(); } void GPS::clearOutput() { _dataValid = false; _last_speed_kts = 0.0; _last_pos = SGGeod(); _lastPosValid = false; _indicated_pos = SGGeod(); _last_vertical_speed = 0.0; _last_true_track = 0.0; _lastEWVelocity = _lastNSVelocity = 0.0; _raim_node->setDoubleValue(0.0); _indicated_pos = SGGeod(); _wp1DistanceM = 0.0; _wp1TrueBearing = 0.0; _wp1_position = SGGeod(); _odometer_node->setDoubleValue(0); _trip_odometer_node->setDoubleValue(0); _tracking_bug_node->setDoubleValue(0); _true_bug_error_node->setDoubleValue(0); _magnetic_bug_error_node->setDoubleValue(0); _northSouthVelocity->setDoubleValue(0.0); _eastWestVelocity->setDoubleValue(0.0); } void GPS::update (double delta_time_sec) { if (!_realismSimpleGps->getBoolValue()) { // If it's off, don't bother. if (!_serviceable_node->getBoolValue() || !_electrical_node->getBoolValue()) { clearOutput(); return; } } if (delta_time_sec <= 0.0) { return; // paused, don't bother } // TODO: Add noise and other errors. /* // Bias and random error double random_factor = sg_random(); double random_error = 1.4; double error_radius = 5.1; double bias_max_radius = 5.1; double random_max_radius = 1.4; bias_length += (random_factor-0.5) * 1.0e-3; if (bias_length <= 0.0) bias_length = 0.0; else if (bias_length >= bias_max_radius) bias_length = bias_max_radius; bias_angle += (random_factor-0.5) * 1.0e-3; if (bias_angle <= 0.0) bias_angle = 0.0; else if (bias_angle >= 360.0) bias_angle = 360.0; double random_length = random_factor * random_max_radius; double random_angle = random_factor * 360.0; double bias_x = bias_length * cos(bias_angle * SG_PI / 180.0); double bias_y = bias_length * sin(bias_angle * SG_PI / 180.0); double random_x = random_length * cos(random_angle * SG_PI / 180.0); double random_y = random_length * sin(random_angle * SG_PI / 180.0); double error_x = bias_x + random_x; double error_y = bias_y + random_y; double error_length = sqrt(error_x*error_x + error_y*error_y); double error_angle = atan(error_y / error_x) * 180.0 / SG_PI; double lat2; double lon2; double az2; geo_direct_wgs_84 ( altitude_m, latitude_deg, longitude_deg, error_angle, error_length, &lat2, &lon2, &az2 ); //cout << lat2 << " " << lon2 << endl; printf("%f %f \n", bias_length, bias_angle); printf("%3.7f %3.7f \n", lat2, lon2); printf("%f %f \n", error_length, error_angle); */ _raim_node->setDoubleValue(1.0); _indicated_pos = _position.get(); updateBasicData(delta_time_sec); if (_dataValid) { if (_mode != "obs") { updateTurn(); } updateWaypoints(); updateTrackingBug(); updateReferenceNavaid(delta_time_sec); updateRouteData(); driveAutopilot(); } if (_dataValid && (_mode == "init")) { // allow a realistic delay in the future, here SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS initialisation complete"); if (_route_active_node->getBoolValue()) { // GPS init with active route SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS init with active route"); selectLegMode(); } else { // initialise in OBS mode, with waypt set to the nearest airport. // keep in mind at this point, _dataValid is not set auto_ptr f(createFilter(FGPositioned::AIRPORT)); FGPositionedRef apt = FGPositioned::findClosest(_position.get(), 20.0, f.get()); if (apt) { setScratchFromPositioned(apt, 0); selectOBSMode(); } } } // of init mode check _last_pos = _indicated_pos; _lastPosValid = true; } void GPS::updateBasicData(double dt) { if (!_lastPosValid) { return; } double distance_m; double track2_deg; SGGeodesy::inverse(_last_pos, _indicated_pos, _last_true_track, track2_deg, distance_m ); double speed_kt = ((distance_m * SG_METER_TO_NM) * ((1 / dt) * 3600.0)); double vertical_speed_mpm = ((_indicated_pos.getElevationM() - _last_pos.getElevationM()) * 60 / dt); _last_vertical_speed = vertical_speed_mpm * SG_METER_TO_FEET; speed_kt = fgGetLowPass(_last_speed_kts, speed_kt, dt/10.0); _last_speed_kts = speed_kt; SGGeod g = _indicated_pos; g.setLongitudeDeg(_last_pos.getLongitudeDeg()); double northSouthM = SGGeodesy::distanceM(_last_pos, g); northSouthM = copysign(northSouthM, _indicated_pos.getLatitudeDeg() - _last_pos.getLatitudeDeg()); double nsMSec = fgGetLowPass(_lastNSVelocity, northSouthM / dt, dt/2.0); _lastNSVelocity = nsMSec; _northSouthVelocity->setDoubleValue(nsMSec); g = _indicated_pos; g.setLatitudeDeg(_last_pos.getLatitudeDeg()); double eastWestM = SGGeodesy::distanceM(_last_pos, g); eastWestM = copysign(eastWestM, _indicated_pos.getLongitudeDeg() - _last_pos.getLongitudeDeg()); double ewMSec = fgGetLowPass(_lastEWVelocity, eastWestM / dt, dt/2.0); _lastEWVelocity = ewMSec; _eastWestVelocity->setDoubleValue(ewMSec); double odometer = _odometer_node->getDoubleValue(); _odometer_node->setDoubleValue(odometer + distance_m * SG_METER_TO_NM); odometer = _trip_odometer_node->getDoubleValue(); _trip_odometer_node->setDoubleValue(odometer + distance_m * SG_METER_TO_NM); if (!_dataValid) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS setting data valid"); _dataValid = true; } } void GPS::updateTrackingBug() { double tracking_bug = _tracking_bug_node->getDoubleValue(); double true_bug_error = tracking_bug - getTrueTrack(); double magnetic_bug_error = tracking_bug - getMagTrack(); // Get the errors into the (-180,180) range. SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(true_bug_error, -180.0, 180.0); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(magnetic_bug_error, -180.0, 180.0); _true_bug_error_node->setDoubleValue(true_bug_error); _magnetic_bug_error_node->setDoubleValue(magnetic_bug_error); } void GPS::updateWaypoints() { double az2; SGGeodesy::inverse(_indicated_pos, _wp1_position, _wp1TrueBearing, az2,_wp1DistanceM); } void GPS::updateReferenceNavaid(double dt) { if (!_ref_navaid_set) { _ref_navaid_elapsed += dt; if (_ref_navaid_elapsed > 5.0) { _ref_navaid_elapsed = 0.0; FGPositioned::TypeFilter vorFilter(FGPositioned::VOR); FGPositionedRef nav = FGPositioned::findClosest(_indicated_pos, 400.0, &vorFilter); if (!nav) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS couldn't find a reference navid"); _ref_navaid_id_node->setStringValue(""); _ref_navaid_name_node->setStringValue(""); _ref_navaid_bearing_node->setDoubleValue(0.0); _ref_navaid_mag_bearing_node->setDoubleValue(0.0); _ref_navaid_distance_node->setDoubleValue(0.0); _ref_navaid_frequency_node->setStringValue(""); } else if (nav != _ref_navaid) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS code selected new ref-navaid:" << nav->ident()); _listener->setGuard(true); _ref_navaid_id_node->setStringValue(nav->ident().c_str()); _ref_navaid_name_node->setStringValue(nav->name().c_str()); FGNavRecord* vor = (FGNavRecord*) nav.ptr(); _ref_navaid_frequency_node->setDoubleValue(vor->get_freq() / 100.0); _listener->setGuard(false); } else { // SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_ALERT, "matched existing"); } _ref_navaid = nav; } } if (_ref_navaid) { double trueCourse, distanceM, az2; SGGeodesy::inverse(_indicated_pos, _ref_navaid->geod(), trueCourse, az2, distanceM); _ref_navaid_distance_node->setDoubleValue(distanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM); _ref_navaid_bearing_node->setDoubleValue(trueCourse); _ref_navaid_mag_bearing_node->setDoubleValue(trueCourse - _magvar_node->getDoubleValue()); } } void GPS::referenceNavaidSet(const std::string& aNavaid) { _ref_navaid = NULL; // allow setting an empty string to restore normal nearest-vor selection if (aNavaid.size() > 0) { FGPositioned::TypeFilter vorFilter(FGPositioned::VOR); _ref_navaid = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent(aNavaid, _position.get(), &vorFilter); if (!_ref_navaid) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_ALERT, "GPS: unknown ref navaid:" << aNavaid); } } if (_ref_navaid) { _ref_navaid_set = true; SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS code set explict ref-navaid:" << _ref_navaid->ident()); _ref_navaid_id_node->setStringValue(_ref_navaid->ident().c_str()); _ref_navaid_name_node->setStringValue(_ref_navaid->name().c_str()); FGNavRecord* vor = (FGNavRecord*) _ref_navaid.ptr(); _ref_navaid_frequency_node->setDoubleValue(vor->get_freq() / 100.0); } else { _ref_navaid_set = false; _ref_navaid_elapsed = 9999.0; // update next tick } } void GPS::routeActivated() { if (_route_active_node->getBoolValue()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS::route activated, switching to LEG mode"); selectLegMode(); // if we've already passed the current waypoint, sequence. if (_dataValid && getWP1FromFlag()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS::route activated, FROM wp1, sequencing"); _routeMgr->sequence(); } } else if (_mode == "leg") { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS::route deactivated, switching to OBS mode"); selectOBSMode(); } } void GPS::routeManagerSequenced() { if (_mode != "leg") { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS ignoring route sequencing, not in LEG mode"); return; } int index = _routeMgr->currentWaypoint(), count = _routeMgr->size(); if ((index < 0) || (index >= count)) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_ALERT, "GPS: malformed route, index=" << index); return; } SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS waypoint index is now " << index); if (index > 0) { SGWayPoint wp0(_routeMgr->get_waypoint(index - 1)); _wp0Ident = wp0.get_id(); _wp0Name = wp0.get_name(); _wp0_position = wp0.get_target(); } SGWayPoint wp1(_routeMgr->get_waypoint(index)); _wp1Ident = wp1.get_id(); _wp1Name = wp1.get_name(); _wp1_position = wp1.get_target(); _desiredCourse = getLegMagCourse(); _desiredCourseNode->fireValueChanged(); wp1Changed(); } void GPS::routeEdited() { if (_mode != "leg") { return; } SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS route edited while in LEG mode, updating waypoints"); routeManagerSequenced(); } void GPS::routeFinished() { if (_mode != "leg") { return; } SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS route finished, reverting to OBS"); _mode = "obs"; _wp0_position = _indicated_pos; wp1Changed(); } void GPS::updateTurn() { bool printProgress = false; if (_computeTurnData) { if (_last_speed_kts < 60) { // need valid leg course and sensible ground speed to compute the turn return; } computeTurnData(); printProgress = true; } if (!_anticipateTurn) { updateOverflight(); return; } updateTurnData(); // find bearing to turn centre double bearing, az2, distanceM; SGGeodesy::inverse(_indicated_pos, _turnCentre, bearing, az2, distanceM); double progress = computeTurnProgress(bearing); if (printProgress) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO,"turn progress=" << progress); } if (!_inTurn && (progress > 0.0)) { beginTurn(); } if (_inTurn && !_turnSequenced && (progress > 0.5)) { _turnSequenced = true; SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "turn passed midpoint, sequencing"); _routeMgr->sequence(); } if (_inTurn && (progress >= 1.0)) { endTurn(); } if (_inTurn) { // drive deviation and desired course double desiredCourse = bearing - copysign(90, _turnAngle); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(desiredCourse, 0.0, 360.0); double deviationNm = (distanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM) - _turnRadius; double deviationDeg = desiredCourse - getMagTrack(); deviationNm = copysign(deviationNm, deviationDeg); // FXIME //_wp1_course_deviation_node->setDoubleValue(deviationDeg); //_wp1_course_error_nm_node->setDoubleValue(deviationNm); //_cdiDeflectionNode->setDoubleValue(deviationDeg); } } void GPS::updateOverflight() { if ((_wp1DistanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM) > _config.overflightArmDistanceNm()) { return; } if (getWP1ToFlag()) { return; // still heading towards the WP } if (_mode == "dto") { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS DTO reached destination point"); // check for wp1 being on active route - resume leg mode if (_routeMgr->isRouteActive()) { int index = _routeMgr->findWaypoint(_wp1_position); if (index >= 0) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS DTO, resuming LEG mode at wp:" << index); _mode = "leg"; _routeMgr->jumpToIndex(index); } } } else if (_mode == "leg") { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS doing overflight sequencing"); _routeMgr->sequence(); } else if (_mode == "obs") { // nothing to do here, TO/FROM will update but that's fine } _computeTurnData = true; } void GPS::beginTurn() { _inTurn = true; _turnSequenced = false; SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "begining turn"); } void GPS::endTurn() { _inTurn = false; SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "ending turn"); _computeTurnData = true; } double GPS::computeTurnProgress(double aBearing) const { double startBearing = _turnStartBearing + copysign(90, _turnAngle); return (aBearing - startBearing) / _turnAngle; } void GPS::computeTurnData() { _computeTurnData = false; if (_mode != "leg") { // and approach modes in the future _anticipateTurn = false; return; } int curIndex = _routeMgr->currentWaypoint(); if ((curIndex + 1) >= _routeMgr->size()) { _anticipateTurn = false; return; } if (!_config.turnAnticipationEnabled()) { _anticipateTurn = false; return; } _turnStartBearing = _desiredCourse; // compute next leg course SGWayPoint wp1(_routeMgr->get_waypoint(curIndex)), wp2(_routeMgr->get_waypoint(curIndex + 1)); double crs, dist; wp2.CourseAndDistance(wp1, &crs, &dist); // compute offset bearing _turnAngle = crs - _turnStartBearing; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_turnAngle, -180.0, 180.0); double median = _turnStartBearing + (_turnAngle * 0.5); double offsetBearing = median + copysign(90, _turnAngle); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(offsetBearing, 0.0, 360.0); SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS computeTurnData: in=" << _turnStartBearing << ", out=" << crs << "; turnAngle=" << _turnAngle << ", median=" << median << ", offset=" << offsetBearing); SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "next leg is now:" << wp1.get_id() << "->" << wp2.get_id()); _turnPt = _wp1_position; _anticipateTurn = true; } void GPS::updateTurnData() { // depends on ground speed, so needs to be updated per-frame _turnRadius = computeTurnRadiusNm(_last_speed_kts); // compute the turn centre, based on the turn radius. // key thing is to understand that we're working a right-angle triangle, // where the right-angle is the point we start the turn. From that point, // one side is the inbound course to the turn pt, and the other is the // perpendicular line, of length 'r', to the turn centre. // the triangle's hypotenuse, which we need to find, is the distance from the // turn pt to the turn center (in the direction of the offset bearing) // note that d - _turnRadius tell us how much we're 'cutting' the corner. double halfTurnAngle = fabs(_turnAngle * 0.5) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double d = _turnRadius / cos(halfTurnAngle); // SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "turnRadius=" << _turnRadius << ", d=" << d // << " (cut distance=" << d - _turnRadius << ")"); double median = _turnStartBearing + (_turnAngle * 0.5); double offsetBearing = median + copysign(90, _turnAngle); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(offsetBearing, 0.0, 360.0); double az2; SGGeodesy::direct(_turnPt, offsetBearing, d * SG_NM_TO_METER, _turnCentre, az2); } double GPS::computeTurnRadiusNm(double aGroundSpeedKts) const { // turn time is seconds to execute a 360 turn. double turnTime = 360.0 / _config.turnRateDegSec(); // c is ground distance covered in that time (circumference of the circle) double c = turnTime * (aGroundSpeedKts / 3600.0); // convert knts to nm/sec // divide by 2PI to go from circumference -> radius return c / (2 * M_PI); } void GPS::updateRouteData() { double totalDistance = _wp1DistanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM; // walk all waypoints from wp2 to route end, and sum for (int i=_routeMgr->currentWaypoint()+1; i<_routeMgr->size(); ++i) { totalDistance += _routeMgr->get_waypoint(i).get_distance(); } _routeDistanceNm->setDoubleValue(totalDistance * SG_METER_TO_NM); if (_last_speed_kts > 1.0) { double TTW = ((totalDistance * SG_METER_TO_NM) / _last_speed_kts) * 3600.0; _routeETE->setStringValue(makeTTWString(TTW)); } } void GPS::driveAutopilot() { if (!_config.driveAutopilot() || !_realismSimpleGps->getBoolValue()) { _apDrivingFlag->setBoolValue(false); return; } // compatability feature - allow the route-manager / GPS to drive the // generic autopilot heading hold *in leg mode only* bool drive = _mode == "leg"; _apDrivingFlag->setBoolValue(drive); if (drive) { // FIXME: we want to set desired track, not heading, here _apTrueHeading->setDoubleValue(getWP1Bearing()); } } void GPS::wp1Changed() { if (!_config.driveAutopilot()) { return; } double altFt = _wp1_position.getElevationFt(); if (altFt > -9990.0) { _apTargetAltitudeFt->setDoubleValue(altFt); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // property getter/setters void GPS::setSelectedCourse(double crs) { if (_selectedCourse == crs) { return; } _selectedCourse = crs; if ((_mode == "obs") || _config.courseSelectable()) { _desiredCourse = _selectedCourse; _desiredCourseNode->fireValueChanged(); } } double GPS::getLegDistance() const { if (!_dataValid || (_mode == "obs")) { return -1; } return SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_wp0_position, _wp1_position); } double GPS::getLegCourse() const { if (!_dataValid) { return -9999.0; } return SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_wp0_position, _wp1_position); } double GPS::getLegMagCourse() const { if (!_dataValid) { return 0.0; } double m = getLegCourse() - _magvar_node->getDoubleValue(); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(m, 0.0, 360.0); return m; } double GPS::getAltDistanceRatio() const { if (!_dataValid || (_mode == "obs")) { return 0.0; } double dist = SGGeodesy::distanceM(_wp0_position, _wp1_position); if ( dist <= 0.0 ) { return 0.0; } double alt_difference_m = _wp0_position.getElevationM() - _wp1_position.getElevationM(); return alt_difference_m / dist; } double GPS::getMagTrack() const { if (!_dataValid) { return 0.0; } double m = getTrueTrack() - _magvar_node->getDoubleValue(); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(m, 0.0, 360.0); return m; } double GPS::getCDIDeflection() const { if (!_dataValid) { return 0.0; } double defl; if (_config.cdiDeflectionIsAngular()) { defl = getWP1CourseDeviation(); SG_CLAMP_RANGE(defl, -10.0, 10.0); // as in navradio.cxx } else { double fullScale = _config.cdiDeflectionLinearPeg(); double normError = getWP1CourseErrorNm() / fullScale; SG_CLAMP_RANGE(normError, -1.0, 1.0); defl = normError * 10.0; // re-scale to navradio limits, i.e [-10.0 .. 10.0] } return defl; } const char* GPS::getWP0Ident() const { if (!_dataValid || (_mode != "leg")) { return ""; } return _wp0Ident.c_str(); } const char* GPS::getWP0Name() const { if (!_dataValid || (_mode != "leg")) { return ""; } return _wp0Name.c_str(); } const char* GPS::getWP1Ident() const { if (!_dataValid) { return ""; } return _wp1Ident.c_str(); } const char* GPS::getWP1Name() const { if (!_dataValid) { return ""; } return _wp1Name.c_str(); } double GPS::getWP1Distance() const { if (!_dataValid) { return -1.0; } return _wp1DistanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM; } double GPS::getWP1TTW() const { if (!_dataValid) { return -1.0; } if (_last_speed_kts < 1.0) { return -1.0; } return (getWP1Distance() / _last_speed_kts) * 3600.0; } const char* GPS::getWP1TTWString() const { if (!_dataValid) { return ""; } return makeTTWString(getWP1TTW()); } double GPS::getWP1Bearing() const { if (!_dataValid) { return -9999.0; } return _wp1TrueBearing; } double GPS::getWP1MagBearing() const { if (!_dataValid) { return -9999.0; } double magBearing = _wp1TrueBearing - _magvar_node->getDoubleValue(); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(magBearing, 0.0, 360.0); return magBearing; } double GPS::getWP1CourseDeviation() const { if (!_dataValid) { return 0.0; } double dev = getWP1MagBearing() - _desiredCourse; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(dev, -180.0, 180.0); if (fabs(dev) > 90.0) { // When the course is away from the waypoint, // it makes sense to change the sign of the deviation. dev *= -1.0; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(dev, -90.0, 90.0); } return dev; } double GPS::getWP1CourseErrorNm() const { if (!_dataValid) { return 0.0; } double radDev = getWP1CourseDeviation() * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double course_error_m = sin(radDev) * _wp1DistanceM; return course_error_m * SG_METER_TO_NM; } bool GPS::getWP1ToFlag() const { if (!_dataValid) { return false; } double dev = getWP1MagBearing() - _desiredCourse; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(dev, -180.0, 180.0); return (fabs(dev) < 90.0); } bool GPS::getWP1FromFlag() const { if (!_dataValid) { return false; } return !getWP1ToFlag(); } double GPS::getScratchDistance() const { if (!_scratchValid) { return 0.0; } return SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_indicated_pos, _scratchPos); } double GPS::getScratchTrueBearing() const { if (!_scratchValid) { return 0.0; } return SGGeodesy::courseDeg(_indicated_pos, _scratchPos); } double GPS::getScratchMagBearing() const { if (!_scratchValid) { return 0.0; } double crs = getScratchTrueBearing() - _magvar_node->getDoubleValue(); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(crs, 0.0, 360.0); return crs; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // command / scratch / search system void GPS::setCommand(const char* aCmd) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS command:" << aCmd); if (!strcmp(aCmd, "direct")) { directTo(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "obs")) { selectOBSMode(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "leg")) { selectLegMode(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "load-route-wpt")) { loadRouteWaypoint(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "nearest")) { loadNearest(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "search")) { _searchNames = false; search(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "search-names")) { _searchNames = true; search(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "next")) { nextResult(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "previous")) { previousResult(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "define-user-wpt")) { defineWaypoint(); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "route-insert-before")) { int index = _scratchNode->getIntValue("index"); if (index < 0 || (_routeMgr->size() == 0)) { index = _routeMgr->size(); } else if (index >= _routeMgr->size()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:route-insert-before, bad index:" << index); return; } insertWaypointAtIndex(index); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "route-insert-after")) { int index = _scratchNode->getIntValue("index"); if (index < 0 || (_routeMgr->size() == 0)) { index = _routeMgr->size(); } else if (index >= _routeMgr->size()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:route-insert-after, bad index:" << index); return; } else { ++index; } insertWaypointAtIndex(index); } else if (!strcmp(aCmd, "route-delete")) { int index = _scratchNode->getIntValue("index"); if (index < 0) { index = _routeMgr->size(); } else if (index >= _routeMgr->size()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:route-delete, bad index:" << index); return; } removeWaypointAtIndex(index); } else { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:unrecognized command:" << aCmd); } } void GPS::clearScratch() { _scratchPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(-9999.0, -9999.0, -9999.0); _scratchValid = false; _scratchNode->setStringValue("type", ""); _scratchNode->setStringValue("query", ""); } bool GPS::isScratchPositionValid() const { if ((_scratchPos.getLongitudeDeg() < -9990.0) || (_scratchPos.getLatitudeDeg() < -9990.0)) { return false; } return true; } void GPS::directTo() { _wp0_position = _indicated_pos; if (isScratchPositionValid()) { _wp1Ident = _scratchNode->getStringValue("ident"); _wp1Name = _scratchNode->getStringValue("name"); _wp1_position = _scratchPos; } _mode = "dto"; _desiredCourse = getLegMagCourse(); _desiredCourseNode->fireValueChanged(); clearScratch(); wp1Changed(); } void GPS::loadRouteWaypoint() { _scratchValid = false; // if (!_routeMgr->isRouteActive()) { // SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:loadWaypoint: no active route"); // return; // } int index = _scratchNode->getIntValue("index", -9999); clearScratch(); if ((index < 0) || (index >= _routeMgr->size())) { // no index supplied, use current wp index = _routeMgr->currentWaypoint(); } _searchIsRoute = true; setScratchFromRouteWaypoint(index); } void GPS::setScratchFromRouteWaypoint(int aIndex) { assert(_searchIsRoute); if ((aIndex < 0) || (aIndex >= _routeMgr->size())) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:setScratchFromRouteWaypoint: route-index out of bounds"); return; } _searchResultIndex = aIndex; SGWayPoint wp(_routeMgr->get_waypoint(aIndex)); _scratchNode->setStringValue("name", wp.get_name()); _scratchNode->setStringValue("ident", wp.get_id()); _scratchPos = wp.get_target(); _scratchValid = true; _scratchNode->setDoubleValue("course", wp.get_track()); _scratchNode->setIntValue("index", aIndex); int lastResult = _routeMgr->size() - 1; _searchHasNext = (_searchResultIndex < lastResult); } void GPS::loadNearest() { string sty(_scratchNode->getStringValue("type")); FGPositioned::Type ty = FGPositioned::typeFromName(sty); if (ty == FGPositioned::INVALID) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:loadNearest: request type is invalid:" << sty); return; } auto_ptr f(createFilter(ty)); int limitCount = _scratchNode->getIntValue("max-results", 1); double cutoffDistance = _scratchNode->getDoubleValue("cutoff-nm", 400.0); SGGeod searchPos = _indicated_pos; if (isScratchPositionValid()) { searchPos = _scratchPos; } clearScratch(); // clear now, regardless of whether we find a match or not _searchResults = FGPositioned::findClosestN(searchPos, limitCount, cutoffDistance, f.get()); _searchResultsCached = true; _searchResultIndex = 0; _searchIsRoute = false; _searchHasNext = false; if (_searchResults.empty()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS:loadNearest: no matches at all"); return; } _searchHasNext = (_searchResults.size() > 1); setScratchFromCachedSearchResult(); } bool GPS::SearchFilter::pass(FGPositioned* aPos) const { switch (aPos->type()) { case FGPositioned::AIRPORT: // heliport and seaport too? case FGPositioned::VOR: case FGPositioned::NDB: case FGPositioned::FIX: case FGPositioned::TACAN: case FGPositioned::WAYPOINT: return true; default: return false; } } FGPositioned::Type GPS::SearchFilter::minType() const { return FGPositioned::AIRPORT; } FGPositioned::Type GPS::SearchFilter::maxType() const { return FGPositioned::WAYPOINT; } FGPositioned::Filter* GPS::createFilter(FGPositioned::Type aTy) { if (aTy == FGPositioned::AIRPORT) { return new FGAirport::HardSurfaceFilter(_config.minRunwayLengthFt()); } // if we were passed INVALID, assume it means 'all types interesting to a GPS' if (aTy == FGPositioned::INVALID) { return new SearchFilter; } return new FGPositioned::TypeFilter(aTy); } void GPS::search() { // parse search terms into local members, and exec the first search string sty(_scratchNode->getStringValue("type")); _searchType = FGPositioned::typeFromName(sty); _searchQuery = _scratchNode->getStringValue("query"); if (_searchQuery.empty()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "empty GPS search query"); clearScratch(); return; } _searchExact = _scratchNode->getBoolValue("exact", true); _searchOrderByRange = _scratchNode->getBoolValue("order-by-distance", true); _searchResultIndex = 0; _searchIsRoute = false; _searchHasNext = false; if (_searchExact && _searchOrderByRange) { // immediate mode search, get all the results now and cache them auto_ptr f(createFilter(_searchType)); if (_searchNames) { _searchResults = FGPositioned::findAllWithNameSortedByRange(_searchQuery, _indicated_pos, f.get()); } else { _searchResults = FGPositioned::findAllWithIdentSortedByRange(_searchQuery, _indicated_pos, f.get()); } _searchResultsCached = true; if (_searchResults.empty()) { clearScratch(); return; } _searchHasNext = (_searchResults.size() > 1); setScratchFromCachedSearchResult(); } else { // iterative search, look up result zero _searchResultsCached = false; performSearch(); } } void GPS::performSearch() { auto_ptr f(createFilter(_searchType)); clearScratch(); FGPositionedRef r; if (_searchNames) { if (_searchOrderByRange) { r = FGPositioned::findClosestWithPartialName(_indicated_pos, _searchQuery, f.get(), _searchResultIndex, _searchHasNext); } else { r = FGPositioned::findWithPartialName(_searchQuery, f.get(), _searchResultIndex, _searchHasNext); } } else { if (_searchOrderByRange) { r = FGPositioned::findClosestWithPartialId(_indicated_pos, _searchQuery, f.get(), _searchResultIndex, _searchHasNext); } else { r = FGPositioned::findWithPartialId(_searchQuery, f.get(), _searchResultIndex, _searchHasNext); } } if (!r) { return; } setScratchFromPositioned(r.get(), _searchResultIndex); } void GPS::setScratchFromCachedSearchResult() { assert(_searchResultsCached); int index = _searchResultIndex; if ((index < 0) || (index >= (int) _searchResults.size())) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:setScratchFromCachedSearchResult: index out of bounds:" << index); return; } setScratchFromPositioned(_searchResults[index], index); int lastResult = (int) _searchResults.size() - 1; _searchHasNext = (_searchResultIndex < lastResult); } void GPS::setScratchFromPositioned(FGPositioned* aPos, int aIndex) { clearScratch(); assert(aPos); _scratchPos = aPos->geod(); _scratchNode->setStringValue("name", aPos->name()); _scratchNode->setStringValue("ident", aPos->ident()); _scratchNode->setStringValue("type", FGPositioned::nameForType(aPos->type())); if (aIndex >= 0) { _scratchNode->setIntValue("index", aIndex); } _scratchValid = true; if (_searchResultsCached) { _scratchNode->setIntValue("result-count", _searchResults.size()); } switch (aPos->type()) { case FGPositioned::VOR: _scratchNode->setDoubleValue("frequency-mhz", static_cast(aPos)->get_freq() / 100.0); break; case FGPositioned::NDB: _scratchNode->setDoubleValue("frequency-khz", static_cast(aPos)->get_freq() / 100.0); break; case FGPositioned::AIRPORT: addAirportToScratch((FGAirport*)aPos); break; default: // no-op break; } // look for being on the route and set? } void GPS::addAirportToScratch(FGAirport* aAirport) { for (unsigned int r=0; rnumRunways(); ++r) { SGPropertyNode* rwyNd = _scratchNode->getChild("runways", r, true); FGRunway* rwy = aAirport->getRunwayByIndex(r); // TODO - filter out unsuitable runways in the future // based on config again rwyNd->setStringValue("id", rwy->ident().c_str()); rwyNd->setIntValue("length-ft", rwy->lengthFt()); rwyNd->setIntValue("width-ft", rwy->widthFt()); rwyNd->setIntValue("heading-deg", rwy->headingDeg()); // map surface code to a string // TODO - lighting information if (rwy->ILS()) { rwyNd->setDoubleValue("ils-frequency-mhz", rwy->ILS()->get_freq() / 100.0); } } // of runways iteration } void GPS::selectOBSMode() { if (isScratchPositionValid()) { _wp1Ident = _scratchNode->getStringValue("ident"); _wp1Name = _scratchNode->getStringValue("name"); _wp1_position = _scratchPos; } SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS switching to OBS mode"); _mode = "obs"; _wp0_position = _indicated_pos; wp1Changed(); } void GPS::selectLegMode() { if (_mode == "leg") { return; } if (!_routeMgr->isRouteActive()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:selectLegMode: no active route"); return; } SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS switching to LEG mode"); _mode = "leg"; // depending on the situation, this will either get over-written // in routeManagerSequenced or not; either way it does no harm to // set it here. _wp0_position = _indicated_pos; // not really sequenced, but does all the work of updating wp0/1 routeManagerSequenced(); } void GPS::nextResult() { if (!_searchHasNext) { return; } clearScratch(); if (_searchIsRoute) { setScratchFromRouteWaypoint(++_searchResultIndex); } else if (_searchResultsCached) { ++_searchResultIndex; setScratchFromCachedSearchResult(); } else { ++_searchResultIndex; performSearch(); } // of iterative search case } void GPS::previousResult() { if (_searchResultIndex <= 0) { return; } clearScratch(); --_searchResultIndex; if (_searchIsRoute) { setScratchFromRouteWaypoint(_searchResultIndex); } else if (_searchResultsCached) { setScratchFromCachedSearchResult(); } else { performSearch(); } } void GPS::defineWaypoint() { if (!isScratchPositionValid()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:defineWaypoint: invalid lat/lon"); return; } string ident = _scratchNode->getStringValue("ident"); if (ident.size() < 2) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:defineWaypoint: waypoint identifier must be at least two characters"); return; } // check for duplicate idents FGPositioned::TypeFilter f(FGPositioned::WAYPOINT); FGPositioned::List dups = FGPositioned::findAllWithIdentSortedByRange(ident, _indicated_pos, &f); if (!dups.empty()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:defineWaypoint: non-unique waypoint identifier, ho-hum"); } SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_INFO, "GPS:defineWaypoint: creating waypoint:" << ident); FGPositionedRef wpt = FGPositioned::createUserWaypoint(ident, _scratchPos); _searchResultsCached = false; setScratchFromPositioned(wpt.get(), -1); } void GPS::insertWaypointAtIndex(int aIndex) { // note we do allow index = routeMgr->size(), that's an append if ((aIndex < 0) || (aIndex > _routeMgr->size())) { throw sg_range_exception("GPS::insertWaypointAtIndex: index out of bounds"); } if (!isScratchPositionValid()) { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "GPS:insertWaypointAtIndex: invalid lat/lon"); return; } string ident = _scratchNode->getStringValue("ident"); string name = _scratchNode->getStringValue("name"); _routeMgr->add_waypoint(SGWayPoint(_scratchPos, ident, name), aIndex); } void GPS::removeWaypointAtIndex(int aIndex) { if ((aIndex < 0) || (aIndex >= _routeMgr->size())) { throw sg_range_exception("GPS::removeWaypointAtIndex: index out of bounds"); } _routeMgr->pop_waypoint(aIndex); } void GPS::tieSGGeod(SGPropertyNode* aNode, SGGeod& aRef, const char* lonStr, const char* latStr, const char* altStr) { tie(aNode, lonStr, SGRawValueMethods(aRef, &SGGeod::getLongitudeDeg, &SGGeod::setLongitudeDeg)); tie(aNode, latStr, SGRawValueMethods(aRef, &SGGeod::getLatitudeDeg, &SGGeod::setLatitudeDeg)); if (altStr) { tie(aNode, altStr, SGRawValueMethods(aRef, &SGGeod::getElevationFt, &SGGeod::setElevationFt)); } } void GPS::tieSGGeodReadOnly(SGPropertyNode* aNode, SGGeod& aRef, const char* lonStr, const char* latStr, const char* altStr) { tie(aNode, lonStr, SGRawValueMethods(aRef, &SGGeod::getLongitudeDeg, NULL)); tie(aNode, latStr, SGRawValueMethods(aRef, &SGGeod::getLatitudeDeg, NULL)); if (altStr) { tie(aNode, altStr, SGRawValueMethods(aRef, &SGGeod::getElevationFt, NULL)); } } // end of gps.cxx