// QQuickDrawable.cxx - OSG Drawable using a QQuickRenderControl to draw // // Copyright (C) 2019 James Turner // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #include "config.h" #include #include #include "QQuickDrawable.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // private Qt headers, needed to make glue work between Qt and OSG // graphics window unfortunately. #include #if defined(SG_MAC) # include "fake_qguiapp_p.h" #else # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#include #include #if defined(HAVE_PUI) #include "FlightGear_pu.h" #endif using namespace osgGA; struct QtKey { QtKey(int _o, int _q, QString _s = {}) : osg(_o), qt(_q), s(_s) {} int osg; int qt; QString s; }; const std::initializer_list keymapInit = { // contains all the key mappings except 0..9 and A..Z which are generated // programatically {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Space, Qt::Key_Space, " "}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Escape, Qt::Key_Escape, "\x1B"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Return, Qt::Key_Return, "\r"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Tab, Qt::Key_Tab, "\t"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_BackSpace, Qt::Key_Backspace, "\x08"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Delete, Qt::Key_Delete, "\x7f"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Period, Qt::Key_Period, "."}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Comma, Qt::Key_Comma, ","}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Colon, Qt::Key_Colon, ":"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Quote, Qt::Key_QuoteLeft, "'"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Quotedbl, Qt::Key_QuoteDbl, "\""}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Underscore, Qt::Key_Underscore, "_"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Plus, Qt::Key_Plus, "+"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Minus, Qt::Key_Minus, "-"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Asterisk, Qt::Key_Asterisk, "*"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Equals, Qt::Key_Equal, "="}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Slash, Qt::Key_Slash, "/"}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Left, Qt::Key_Left}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Right, Qt::Key_Right}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Up, Qt::Key_Up}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Down, Qt::Key_Down}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Shift_L, Qt::Key_Shift}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Shift_R, Qt::Key_Shift}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Control_L, Qt::Key_Control}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Control_R, Qt::Key_Control}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Meta_L, Qt::Key_Meta}, {GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Meta_R, Qt::Key_Meta}, }; std::vector global_keymap; class CustomRenderControl : public QQuickRenderControl { public: CustomRenderControl(QWindow* win) : _qWindow(win) { // Q_ASSERT(win); } QWindow* renderWindow(QPoint* offset) override { if (offset) { *offset = QPoint(0, 0); } return _qWindow; } private: QWindow* _qWindow = nullptr; }; class QQuickDrawablePrivate : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QQuickDrawablePrivate() : renderControlInited(false) { } ~QQuickDrawablePrivate() { } CustomRenderControl* renderControl = nullptr; QQmlComponent* qmlComponent = nullptr; QQmlEngine* qmlEngine = nullptr; bool syncRequired = true; QQuickItem* rootItem = nullptr; // this window is neither created()-ed nor shown but is needed by // QQuickRenderControl for historical reasons, and gives us a place to // inject events from the OSG side. QQuickWindow* quickWindow = nullptr; // window representing the OSG window, needed // for making our adpoted context current QWindow* foreignOSGWindow = nullptr; QOpenGLContext* qtContext = nullptr; osg::GraphicsContext* osgContext = nullptr; std::atomic_bool renderControlInited; std::atomic_bool syncPending; void frameEvent() { if (syncRequired) { renderControl->polishItems(); syncRequired = false; syncPending = true; osgContext->add(flightgear::makeGraphicsOp("Sync QQ2 Render control", [this](osg::GraphicsContext*) { QOpenGLContextPrivate::setCurrentContext(qtContext); renderControl->sync(); syncPending = false; })); } } public slots: void onComponentLoaded() { if (qmlComponent->isError()) { QList errorList = qmlComponent->errors(); Q_FOREACH (const QQmlError& error, errorList) { qWarning() << error.url() << error.line() << error; } return; } QObject* rootObject = qmlComponent->create(); if (qmlComponent->isError()) { QList errorList = qmlComponent->errors(); Q_FOREACH (const QQmlError& error, errorList) { qWarning() << error.url() << error.line() << error; } return; } rootItem = qobject_cast(rootObject); if (!rootItem) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "root object not a QQuickItem" << rootObject; delete rootObject; return; } // The root item is ready. Associate it with the window. rootItem->setParentItem(quickWindow->contentItem()); syncRequired = true; rootItem->setWidth(quickWindow->width()); rootItem->setHeight(quickWindow->height()); } void initRenderControl() { qtContext = flightgear::qtContextFromOSG(osgContext); renderControl->prepareThread(QThread::currentThread()); QOpenGLContextPrivate::setCurrentContext(qtContext); QOpenGLContextPrivate::get(qtContext)->surface = foreignOSGWindow; renderControl->initialize(qtContext); renderControlInited = true; } void onSceneChanged() { syncRequired = true; } void onRenderRequested() { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; } void onWindowActiveFocusItemChanged() { if (quickWindow->activeFocusItem()) qInfo() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Active focus item is now:" << quickWindow->activeFocusItem(); else qInfo() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Active focus cleared"; } }; static QObject* fgqmlinstance_provider(QQmlEngine* engine, QJSEngine* scriptEngine) { Q_UNUSED(engine) Q_UNUSED(scriptEngine) FGQmlInstance* instance = new FGQmlInstance; return instance; } static QObject* fgqq_windowManager_provider(QQmlEngine* engine, QJSEngine* scriptEngine) { Q_UNUSED(scriptEngine) FGQQWindowManager* instance = new FGQQWindowManager(engine); return instance; } class ReloadCommand : public SGCommandMgr::Command { public: ReloadCommand(QQuickDrawable* qq) : _drawable(qq) { } bool operator()(const SGPropertyNode* aNode, SGPropertyNode* root) override { SG_UNUSED(aNode); SG_UNUSED(root); QTimer::singleShot(0, [this]() { std::string rootQMLPath = fgGetString("/sim/gui/qml-root-path"); _drawable->reload(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QString::fromStdString(rootQMLPath))); }); return true; } private: QQuickDrawable* _drawable; }; class QuickEventHandler : public osgGA::GUIEventHandler { public: QuickEventHandler(QQuickDrawablePrivate* p) : _drawable(p) { populateKeymap(); } bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& aa, osg::Object*, osg::NodeVisitor*) override { Q_UNUSED(aa); if (ea.getHandled()) return false; // frame event, ho hum ... if (ea.getEventType() == GUIEventAdapter::FRAME) { _drawable->frameEvent(); return false; } // Qt expects increasing downward mouse coords const float fixedY = (ea.getMouseYOrientation() == GUIEventAdapter::Y_INCREASING_UPWARDS) ? ea.getWindowHeight() - ea.getY() : ea.getY(); const double pixelRatio = _drawable->foreignOSGWindow->devicePixelRatio(); QPointF pointInWindow{ea.getX() / pixelRatio, fixedY / pixelRatio}; QPointF screenPt = pointInWindow + QPointF{ea.getWindowX() / pixelRatio, ea.getWindowY() / pixelRatio}; // const int scaledX = static_cast(ea.getX() / static_pixelRatio); // const int scaledY = static_cast(fixedY / static_pixelRatio); switch (ea.getEventType()) { case (GUIEventAdapter::DRAG): case (GUIEventAdapter::MOVE): { QMouseEvent m(QEvent::MouseMove, pointInWindow, pointInWindow, screenPt, Qt::NoButton, osgButtonMaskToQt(ea), osgModifiersToQt(ea)); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_drawable->quickWindow, &m); return m.isAccepted(); } case (GUIEventAdapter::PUSH): case (GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE): { const bool isUp = (ea.getEventType() == GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE); QMouseEvent m(isUp ? QEvent::MouseButtonRelease : QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pointInWindow, pointInWindow, screenPt, osgButtonToQt(ea), osgButtonMaskToQt(ea), osgModifiersToQt(ea)); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_drawable->quickWindow, &m); if (!isUp) { if (m.isAccepted()) { // deactivate PUI auto active = puActiveWidget(); if (active) { active->invokeDownCallback(); } } // on mouse downs which we don't accept, take focus back // qInfo() << "Clearing QQ focus"; // auto focused = _drawable->quickWindow->activeFocusItem(); // if (focused) { // focused->setFocus(false, Qt::MouseFocusReason); // } } return m.isAccepted(); } case (GUIEventAdapter::KEYDOWN): case (GUIEventAdapter::KEYUP): { if (!_drawable->quickWindow->activeFocusItem()) { return false; } const bool isKeyRelease = (ea.getEventType() == GUIEventAdapter::KEYUP); const auto& key = osgKeyToQt(ea.getKey()); QString s = key.s; QKeyEvent k(isKeyRelease ? QEvent::KeyRelease : QEvent::KeyPress, key.qt, osgModifiersToQt(ea), s); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(_drawable->quickWindow, &k); return k.isAccepted(); } default: return false; } return false; } private: Qt::MouseButtons osgButtonMaskToQt(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea) const { const int mask = ea.getButtonMask(); Qt::MouseButtons result = Qt::NoButton; if (mask & osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON) result |= Qt::LeftButton; if (mask & osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON) result |= Qt::MiddleButton; if (mask & osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON) result |= Qt::RightButton; return result; } Qt::MouseButton osgButtonToQt(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea) const { switch (ea.getButton()) { case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON: return Qt::LeftButton; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON: return Qt::MiddleButton; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON: return Qt::RightButton; default: break; } return Qt::NoButton; } Qt::KeyboardModifiers osgModifiersToQt(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea) const { Qt::KeyboardModifiers result = Qt::NoModifier; const int mask = ea.getModKeyMask(); if (mask & osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MODKEY_ALT) result |= Qt::AltModifier; if (mask & osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MODKEY_CTRL) result |= Qt::ControlModifier; if (mask & osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MODKEY_META) result |= Qt::MetaModifier; if (mask & osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MODKEY_SHIFT) result |= Qt::ShiftModifier; return result; } QtKey osgKeyToQt(int code) const { auto it = std::lower_bound(global_keymap.begin(), global_keymap.end(), QtKey{code, 0, {}}, [](const QtKey& a, const QtKey& b) { return a.osg < b.osg; }); if ((it == global_keymap.end()) || (it->osg != code)) { qWarning() << "no mapping defined for OSG key:" << code; return {0, 0, ""}; } return *it; } void populateKeymap() { if (!global_keymap.empty()) return; // regular keymappsing for A..Z and 0..9 for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { global_keymap.emplace_back(GUIEventAdapter::KEY_0 + i, Qt::Key_0 + i, QString::number(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) { global_keymap.emplace_back(GUIEventAdapter::KEY_A + i, Qt::Key_A + i, QChar::fromLatin1('a' + i)); } for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) { global_keymap.emplace_back('A' + i, Qt::Key_A + i, QChar::fromLatin1('A' + i)); } // custom key mappsing global_keymap.insert(global_keymap.end(), keymapInit); // sort by OSG code for fast lookups std::sort(global_keymap.begin(), global_keymap.end(), [](const QtKey& a, const QtKey& b) { return a.osg < b.osg; }); } QQuickDrawablePrivate* _drawable; }; QQuickDrawable::QQuickDrawable() : d(new QQuickDrawablePrivate) { setUseDisplayList(false); setDataVariance(Object::DYNAMIC); osg::StateSet* stateSet = getOrCreateStateSet(); stateSet->setRenderBinDetails(1001, "RenderBin"); QSurfaceFormat format; format.setRenderableType(QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL); QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat(format); static bool doneQmlRegistration = false; if (!doneQmlRegistration) { doneQmlRegistration = true; // singleton system object qmlRegisterSingletonType("FlightGear", 1, 0, "System", fgqmlinstance_provider); qmlRegisterSingletonType("FlightGear", 1, 0, "WindowManager", fgqq_windowManager_provider); // QML types qmlRegisterType("FlightGear", 1, 0, "Property"); qmlRegisterType("FlightGear", 1, 0, "DialogStateController"); } globals->get_commands()->addCommandObject("reload-quick-gui", new ReloadCommand(this)); } QQuickDrawable::~QQuickDrawable() { delete d->qmlEngine; delete d->renderControl; } void QQuickDrawable::setup(osgViewer::GraphicsWindow *gw, osgViewer::Viewer *viewer) { osg::GraphicsContext* gc = gw; // none of this stuff needs the context current, so we can do it // all safely on the main thread d->foreignOSGWindow = flightgear::qtWindowFromOSG(gw); // d->foreignOSGWindow->setFormat(format); d->foreignOSGWindow->setSurfaceType(QSurface::OpenGLSurface); // QWindow::requestActive would do QPA::makeKey, but on macOS this // is a no-op for foreign windows. So we're going to manually set // the focus window! QGuiApplicationPrivate::focus_window = d->foreignOSGWindow; d->osgContext = gc; d->renderControl = new CustomRenderControl(d->foreignOSGWindow); d->quickWindow = new QQuickWindow(d->renderControl); d->quickWindow->setClearBeforeRendering(false); d->qmlEngine = new QQmlEngine; SGPath rootQMLPath = SGPath::fromUtf8(fgGetString("/sim/gui/qml-root-path")); SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Root QML dir:" << rootQMLPath.dir()); d->qmlEngine->addImportPath(QString::fromStdString(rootQMLPath.dir())); // d->qmlEngine->addImportPath(QStringLiteral("qrc:///")); if (!d->qmlEngine->incubationController()) d->qmlEngine->setIncubationController(d->quickWindow->incubationController()); // QObject::connect(d->quickWindow, &QQuickWindow::activeFocusItemChanged, // d.get(), &QQuickDrawablePrivate::onWindowActiveFocusItemChanged); QObject::connect(d->renderControl, &QQuickRenderControl::sceneChanged, d.get(), &QQuickDrawablePrivate::onSceneChanged); QObject::connect(d->renderControl, &QQuickRenderControl::renderRequested, d.get(), &QQuickDrawablePrivate::onRenderRequested); viewer->getEventHandlers().push_front(new QuickEventHandler(d.get())); } void QQuickDrawable::drawImplementation(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo) const { if (!d->renderControlInited) { d->initRenderControl(); } if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext() != d->qtContext) { QOpenGLContextPrivate::setCurrentContext(d->qtContext); } QOpenGLFunctions* glFuncs = d->qtContext->functions(); // prepare any state QQ2 needs d->quickWindow->resetOpenGLState(); // and reset these manually glFuncs->glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); glFuncs->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); glFuncs->glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); glFuncs->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); d->renderControl->render(); // otherwise the PUI camera gets confused d->quickWindow->resetOpenGLState(); } void QQuickDrawable::reload(QUrl url) { d->qmlEngine->clearComponentCache(); setSource(url); } void QQuickDrawable::setSource(QUrl url) { if (d->rootItem) delete d->rootItem; if (d->qmlComponent) delete d->qmlComponent; d->rootItem = nullptr; d->qmlComponent = new QQmlComponent(d->qmlEngine, url); if (d->qmlComponent->isLoading()) { QObject::connect(d->qmlComponent, &QQmlComponent::statusChanged, d.get(), &QQuickDrawablePrivate::onComponentLoaded); } else { d->onComponentLoaded(); } } void QQuickDrawable::resize(int width, int height) { // we need to unscale from physical pixels back to logical, otherwise we end up double-scaled. const float currentPixelRatio = static_cast(d->foreignOSGWindow->devicePixelRatio()); const int logicalWidth = static_cast(width / currentPixelRatio); const int logicalHeight = static_cast(height / currentPixelRatio); if (d->rootItem) { d->rootItem->setWidth(logicalWidth); d->rootItem->setHeight(logicalHeight); } // SG_LOG(SG_GUI, SG_INFO, "Resize:, lw=" << logicalWidth << ", lh=" << logicalHeight); d->quickWindow->setGeometry(0, 0, logicalWidth, logicalHeight); } #include "QQuickDrawable.moc"