// viewer.cxx -- class for managing a viewer in the flightgear world. // // Written by Curtis Olson, started August 1997. // overhaul started October 2000. // partially rewritten by Jim Wilson jim@kelcomaine.com using interface // by David Megginson March 2002 // // Copyright (C) 1997 - 2000 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "viewer.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#include "CameraGroup.hxx" using namespace flightgear; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of FGViewer. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor... View::View( ViewType Type, bool from_model, int from_model_index, bool at_model, int at_model_index, double damp_roll, double damp_pitch, double damp_heading, double x_offset_m, double y_offset_m, double z_offset_m, double heading_offset_deg, double pitch_offset_deg, double roll_offset_deg, double fov_deg, double aspect_ratio_multiplier, double target_x_offset_m, double target_y_offset_m, double target_z_offset_m, double near_m, bool internal ): _dirty(true), _roll_deg(0), _pitch_deg(0), _heading_deg(0), _target_roll_deg(0), _target_pitch_deg(0), _target_heading_deg(0), _scaling_type(FG_SCALING_MAX) { _absolute_view_pos = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0); _type = Type; _from_model = from_model; _from_model_index = from_model_index; _at_model = at_model; _at_model_index = at_model_index; _internal = internal; _dampFactor = SGVec3d::zeros(); _dampOutput = SGVec3d::zeros(); _dampTarget = SGVec3d::zeros(); if (damp_roll > 0.0) _dampFactor[0] = 1.0 / pow(10.0, fabs(damp_roll)); if (damp_pitch > 0.0) _dampFactor[1] = 1.0 / pow(10.0, fabs(damp_pitch)); if (damp_heading > 0.0) _dampFactor[2] = 1.0 / pow(10.0, fabs(damp_heading)); _offset_m.x() = x_offset_m; _offset_m.y() = y_offset_m; _offset_m.z() = z_offset_m; _heading_offset_deg = heading_offset_deg; _pitch_offset_deg = pitch_offset_deg; _roll_offset_deg = roll_offset_deg; _goal_heading_offset_deg = heading_offset_deg; _goal_pitch_offset_deg = pitch_offset_deg; _goal_roll_offset_deg = roll_offset_deg; if (fov_deg > 0) { _fov_deg = fov_deg; } else { _fov_deg = 55; } _aspect_ratio_multiplier = aspect_ratio_multiplier; _target_offset_m.x() = target_x_offset_m; _target_offset_m.y() = target_y_offset_m; _target_offset_m.z() = target_z_offset_m; _ground_level_nearplane_m = near_m; // a reasonable guess for init, so that the math doesn't blow up } View* View::createFromProperties(SGPropertyNode_ptr config) { double aspect_ratio_multiplier = fgGetDouble("/sim/current-view/aspect-ratio-multiplier"); // find out if this is an internal view (e.g. in cockpit, low near plane) // FIXME : should be a child of config bool internal = config->getParent()->getBoolValue("internal", false); // FIXME: // this is assumed to be an aircraft model...we will need to read // model-from-type as well. // find out if this is a model we are looking from... bool from_model = config->getBoolValue("from-model"); int from_model_index = config->getIntValue("from-model-idx"); double x_offset_m = config->getDoubleValue("x-offset-m"); double y_offset_m = config->getDoubleValue("y-offset-m"); double z_offset_m = config->getDoubleValue("z-offset-m"); double heading_offset_deg = config->getDoubleValue("heading-offset-deg"); config->setDoubleValue("heading-offset-deg", heading_offset_deg); double pitch_offset_deg = config->getDoubleValue("pitch-offset-deg"); config->setDoubleValue("pitch-offset-deg", pitch_offset_deg); double roll_offset_deg = config->getDoubleValue("roll-offset-deg"); config->setDoubleValue("roll-offset-deg", roll_offset_deg); double fov_deg = config->getDoubleValue("default-field-of-view-deg"); double near_m = config->getDoubleValue("ground-level-nearplane-m"); // supporting two types "lookat" = 1 and "lookfrom" = 0 const char *type = config->getParent()->getStringValue("type"); if (!strcmp(type, "lookat")) { bool at_model = config->getBoolValue("at-model"); int at_model_index = config->getIntValue("at-model-idx"); double damp_roll = config->getDoubleValue("at-model-roll-damping"); double damp_pitch = config->getDoubleValue("at-model-pitch-damping"); double damp_heading = config->getDoubleValue("at-model-heading-damping"); double target_x_offset_m = config->getDoubleValue("target-x-offset-m"); double target_y_offset_m = config->getDoubleValue("target-y-offset-m"); double target_z_offset_m = config->getDoubleValue("target-z-offset-m"); return new View ( FG_LOOKAT, from_model, from_model_index, at_model, at_model_index, damp_roll, damp_pitch, damp_heading, x_offset_m, y_offset_m,z_offset_m, heading_offset_deg, pitch_offset_deg, roll_offset_deg, fov_deg, aspect_ratio_multiplier, target_x_offset_m, target_y_offset_m, target_z_offset_m, near_m, internal ); } else { return new View ( FG_LOOKFROM, from_model, from_model_index, false, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, x_offset_m, y_offset_m, z_offset_m, heading_offset_deg, pitch_offset_deg, roll_offset_deg, fov_deg, aspect_ratio_multiplier, 0, 0, 0, near_m, internal ); } } // Destructor View::~View( void ) { } void View::init () { } void View::bind () { } void View::unbind () { } void View::setType ( int type ) { if (type == 0) _type = FG_LOOKFROM; if (type == 1) _type = FG_LOOKAT; } void View::setInternal ( bool internal ) { _internal = internal; } void View::setPosition (double lon_deg, double lat_deg, double alt_ft) { _dirty = true; _position = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft); } void View::setTargetPosition (double lon_deg, double lat_deg, double alt_ft) { _dirty = true; _target = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft); } void View::setRoll_deg (double roll_deg) { _dirty = true; _roll_deg = roll_deg; } void View::setPitch_deg (double pitch_deg) { _dirty = true; _pitch_deg = pitch_deg; } void View::setHeading_deg (double heading_deg) { _dirty = true; _heading_deg = heading_deg; } void View::setOrientation (double roll_deg, double pitch_deg, double heading_deg) { _dirty = true; _roll_deg = roll_deg; _pitch_deg = pitch_deg; _heading_deg = heading_deg; } void View::setTargetRoll_deg (double target_roll_deg) { _dirty = true; _target_roll_deg = target_roll_deg; } void View::setTargetPitch_deg (double target_pitch_deg) { _dirty = true; _target_pitch_deg = target_pitch_deg; } void View::setTargetHeading_deg (double target_heading_deg) { _dirty = true; _target_heading_deg = target_heading_deg; } void View::setTargetOrientation (double target_roll_deg, double target_pitch_deg, double target_heading_deg) { _dirty = true; _target_roll_deg = target_roll_deg; _target_pitch_deg = target_pitch_deg; _target_heading_deg = target_heading_deg; } void View::setXOffset_m (double x_offset_m) { _dirty = true; _offset_m.x() = x_offset_m; } void View::setYOffset_m (double y_offset_m) { _dirty = true; _offset_m.y() = y_offset_m; } void View::setZOffset_m (double z_offset_m) { _dirty = true; _offset_m.z() = z_offset_m; } void View::setTargetXOffset_m (double target_x_offset_m) { _dirty = true; _target_offset_m.x() = target_x_offset_m; } void View::setTargetYOffset_m (double target_y_offset_m) { _dirty = true; _target_offset_m.y() = target_y_offset_m; } void View::setTargetZOffset_m (double target_z_offset_m) { _dirty = true; _target_offset_m.z() = target_z_offset_m; } void View::setPositionOffsets (double x_offset_m, double y_offset_m, double z_offset_m) { _dirty = true; _offset_m.x() = x_offset_m; _offset_m.y() = y_offset_m; _offset_m.z() = z_offset_m; } void View::setRollOffset_deg (double roll_offset_deg) { _dirty = true; _roll_offset_deg = roll_offset_deg; } void View::setPitchOffset_deg (double pitch_offset_deg) { _dirty = true; _pitch_offset_deg = pitch_offset_deg; } void View::setHeadingOffset_deg (double heading_offset_deg) { _dirty = true; if (_at_model && (_offset_m.x() == 0.0)&&(_offset_m.z() == 0.0)) { /* avoid optical effects (e.g. rotating sky) when "looking at" with * heading offsets x==z==0 (view heading cannot change). */ _heading_offset_deg = 0.0; } else _heading_offset_deg = heading_offset_deg; } void View::setGoalRollOffset_deg (double goal_roll_offset_deg) { _dirty = true; _goal_roll_offset_deg = goal_roll_offset_deg; } void View::setGoalPitchOffset_deg (double goal_pitch_offset_deg) { _dirty = true; _goal_pitch_offset_deg = goal_pitch_offset_deg; /* The angle is set to 1/1000th of a degree from the poles to avoid the * singularity where the azimuthal angle becomes undefined, inducing optical * artefacts. The arbitrary angle offset is visually unnoticeable while * avoiding any possible floating point truncation artefacts. */ if ( _goal_pitch_offset_deg < -89.999 ) { _goal_pitch_offset_deg = -89.999; } if ( _goal_pitch_offset_deg > 89.999 ) { _goal_pitch_offset_deg = 89.999; } } void View::setGoalHeadingOffset_deg (double goal_heading_offset_deg) { _dirty = true; if (_at_model && (_offset_m.x() == 0.0)&&(_offset_m.z() == 0.0)) { /* avoid optical effects (e.g. rotating sky) when "looking at" with * heading offsets x==z==0 (view heading cannot change). */ _goal_heading_offset_deg = 0.0; return; } _goal_heading_offset_deg = goal_heading_offset_deg; while ( _goal_heading_offset_deg < 0.0 ) { _goal_heading_offset_deg += 360; } while ( _goal_heading_offset_deg > 360 ) { _goal_heading_offset_deg -= 360; } } void View::setOrientationOffsets (double roll_offset_deg, double pitch_offset_deg, double heading_offset_deg) { _dirty = true; _roll_offset_deg = roll_offset_deg; _pitch_offset_deg = pitch_offset_deg; _heading_offset_deg = heading_offset_deg; } // recalc() is done every time one of the setters is called (making the // cached data "dirty") on the next "get". It calculates all the outputs // for viewer. void View::recalc () { if (_type == FG_LOOKFROM) { recalcLookFrom(); } else { recalcLookAt(); } set_clean(); } // recalculate for LookFrom view type... void View::recalcLookFrom () { // Update location data ... if ( _from_model ) { _position = globals->get_aircraft_position(); globals->get_aircraft_orientation(_heading_deg, _pitch_deg, _roll_deg); } double head = _heading_deg; double pitch = _pitch_deg; double roll = _roll_deg; if ( !_from_model ) { // update from our own data... setDampTarget(roll, pitch, head); getDampOutput(roll, pitch, head); } // The rotation rotating from the earth centerd frame to // the horizontal local frame SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(_position); // The rotation from the horizontal local frame to the basic view orientation SGQuatd hlToBody = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(head, pitch, roll); // The rotation offset, don't know why heading is negative here ... mViewOffsetOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(-_heading_offset_deg, _pitch_offset_deg, _roll_offset_deg); // Compute the eyepoints orientation and position // wrt the earth centered frame - that is global coorinates SGQuatd ec2body = hlOr*hlToBody; // The cartesian position of the basic view coordinate SGVec3d position = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_position); // This is rotates the x-forward, y-right, z-down coordinate system the where // simulation runs into the OpenGL camera system with x-right, y-up, z-back. SGQuatd q(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5); _absolute_view_pos = position + (ec2body*q).backTransform(_offset_m); mViewOrientation = ec2body*mViewOffsetOr*q; } void View::recalcLookAt () { // The geodetic position of our target to look at if ( _at_model ) { _target = globals->get_aircraft_position(); globals->get_aircraft_orientation(_target_heading_deg, _target_pitch_deg, _target_roll_deg); } else { // if not model then calculate our own target position... setDampTarget(_target_roll_deg, _target_pitch_deg, _target_heading_deg); getDampOutput(_target_roll_deg, _target_pitch_deg, _target_heading_deg); } SGQuatd geodTargetOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(_target_heading_deg, _target_pitch_deg, _target_roll_deg); SGQuatd geodTargetHlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(_target); if ( _from_model ) { _position = globals->get_aircraft_position(); globals->get_aircraft_orientation(_heading_deg, _pitch_deg, _roll_deg); } else { // update from our own data, just the rotation here... setDampTarget(_roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg); getDampOutput(_roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg); } SGQuatd geodEyeOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(_heading_deg, _pitch_deg, _roll_deg); SGQuatd geodEyeHlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(_position); // the rotation offset, don't know why heading is negative here ... mViewOffsetOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(-_heading_offset_deg + 180, _pitch_offset_deg, _roll_offset_deg); // Offsets to the eye position SGVec3d eyeOff(-_offset_m.z(), _offset_m.x(), -_offset_m.y()); SGQuatd ec2eye = geodEyeHlOr*geodEyeOr; SGVec3d eyeCart = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_position); eyeCart += (ec2eye*mViewOffsetOr).backTransform(eyeOff); SGVec3d atCart = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_target); // add target offsets to at_position... SGVec3d target_pos_off(-_target_offset_m.z(), _target_offset_m.x(), -_target_offset_m.y()); target_pos_off = (geodTargetHlOr*geodTargetOr).backTransform(target_pos_off); atCart += target_pos_off; eyeCart += target_pos_off; // Compute the eyepoints orientation and position // wrt the earth centered frame - that is global coorinates _absolute_view_pos = eyeCart; // the view direction SGVec3d dir = normalize(atCart - eyeCart); // the up directon SGVec3d up = ec2eye.backTransform(SGVec3d(0, 0, -1)); // rotate -dir to the 2-th unit vector // rotate up to 1-th unit vector // Note that this matches the OpenGL camera coordinate system // with x-right, y-up, z-back. mViewOrientation = SGQuatd::fromRotateTo(-dir, 2, up, 1); } void View::setDampTarget(double roll, double pitch, double heading) { _dampTarget = SGVec3d(roll, pitch, heading); } void View::getDampOutput(double& roll, double& pitch, double& heading) { roll = _dampOutput[0]; pitch = _dampOutput[1]; heading = _dampOutput[2]; } void View::updateDampOutput(double dt) { static View *last_view = 0; if ((last_view != this) || (dt > 1.0)) { _dampOutput = _dampTarget; last_view = this; return; } const double interval = 0.01; while (dt > interval) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (_dampFactor[i] <= 0.0) { // axis is un-damped, set output to target directly _dampOutput[i] = _dampTarget[i]; continue; } double d = _dampOutput[i] - _dampTarget[i]; if (d > 180.0) { _dampOutput[i] -= 360.0; } else if (d < -180.0) { _dampOutput[i] += 360.0; } _dampOutput[i] = (_dampTarget[i] * _dampFactor[i]) + (_dampOutput[i] * (1.0 - _dampFactor[i])); } // of axis iteration dt -= interval; } // of dt subdivision by interval } double View::get_h_fov() { double aspectRatio = get_aspect_ratio(); switch (_scaling_type) { case FG_SCALING_WIDTH: // h_fov == fov return _fov_deg; case FG_SCALING_MAX: if (aspectRatio < 1.0) { // h_fov == fov return _fov_deg; } else { // v_fov == fov return atan(tan(_fov_deg/2 * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) / (aspectRatio*_aspect_ratio_multiplier)) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES * 2; } default: assert(false); } return 0.0; } double View::get_v_fov() { double aspectRatio = get_aspect_ratio(); switch (_scaling_type) { case FG_SCALING_WIDTH: // h_fov == fov return atan(tan(_fov_deg/2 * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * (aspectRatio*_aspect_ratio_multiplier)) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES * 2; case FG_SCALING_MAX: if (aspectRatio < 1.0) { // h_fov == fov return atan(tan(_fov_deg/2 * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * (aspectRatio*_aspect_ratio_multiplier)) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES * 2; } else { // v_fov == fov return _fov_deg; } default: assert(false); } return 0.0; } void View::update (double dt) { updateDampOutput(dt); int i; int dt_ms = int(dt * 1000); for ( i = 0; i < dt_ms; i++ ) { if ( fabs( _goal_heading_offset_deg - _heading_offset_deg) < 1 ) { setHeadingOffset_deg( _goal_heading_offset_deg ); break; } else { // move current_view.headingoffset towards // current_view.goal_view_offset if ( _goal_heading_offset_deg > _heading_offset_deg ) { if ( _goal_heading_offset_deg - _heading_offset_deg < 180 ){ incHeadingOffset_deg( 0.5 ); } else { incHeadingOffset_deg( -0.5 ); } } else { if ( _heading_offset_deg - _goal_heading_offset_deg < 180 ){ incHeadingOffset_deg( -0.5 ); } else { incHeadingOffset_deg( 0.5 ); } } if ( _heading_offset_deg > 360 ) { incHeadingOffset_deg( -360 ); } else if ( _heading_offset_deg < 0 ) { incHeadingOffset_deg( 360 ); } } } for ( i = 0; i < dt_ms; i++ ) { if ( fabs( _goal_pitch_offset_deg - _pitch_offset_deg ) < 1 ) { setPitchOffset_deg( _goal_pitch_offset_deg ); break; } else { // move current_view.pitch_offset_deg towards // current_view.goal_pitch_offset if ( _goal_pitch_offset_deg > _pitch_offset_deg ) { incPitchOffset_deg( 1.0 ); } else { incPitchOffset_deg( -1.0 ); } if ( _pitch_offset_deg > 90 ) { setPitchOffset_deg(90); } else if ( _pitch_offset_deg < -90 ) { setPitchOffset_deg( -90 ); } } } for ( i = 0; i < dt_ms; i++ ) { if ( fabs( _goal_roll_offset_deg - _roll_offset_deg ) < 1 ) { setRollOffset_deg( _goal_roll_offset_deg ); break; } else { // move current_view.roll_offset_deg towards // current_view.goal_roll_offset if ( _goal_roll_offset_deg > _roll_offset_deg ) { incRollOffset_deg( 1.0 ); } else { incRollOffset_deg( -1.0 ); } if ( _roll_offset_deg > 90 ) { setRollOffset_deg(90); } else if ( _roll_offset_deg < -90 ) { setRollOffset_deg( -90 ); } } } recalc(); } double View::get_aspect_ratio() const { return flightgear::CameraGroup::getDefault()->getMasterAspectRatio(); }