HowTo compile FlightGear with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 ====================================================== This HowTo is written for FlightGear 0.7.4. You might be able to figure out how to get any other version running by reading it as the steps are quite simmilar. First you need FlightGear 0.7.4 or on of the current snapshots from or The you need the libraries that it depends on. This is SimGear 0.0.9 and plib 1.1.11. Those libraries can be found at and Then you've got two posibilities. Either use the MSVC workspace that you can find at or create your own workspace. The premade workspace will give you a quicker start (it takes some time to create your own), but it will most probably be outdatet so that you'd have to fix it. Any wich way you choose you'll have to create the plib library now (i.e. before you touch anything from FGFS). You can either use the workspace that comes with it (most probably outdated) or create your own ones. The way to do that is very similar to those of the creation of the SimGear workspaces which is described below. If you use the premade workspace (one for SimGear and one for FlightGear) you'll have to open the SimGear one first and compile it, then the FlightGear one. After that you should be read to run FGFS. The universal approach is by creating your own workspace. Make sure that you've compiled PLIB sucessfully and that you've got in ...\plib (I'm using ...\ for the directory where all your projects are. The name of the directory doesn't matter as all paths will be relative): ...\plib\plib.lib ...\plib\fnt.h ...\plib\plib\js.h ...\plib\pu.h ...\plib\sg.h ...\plib\sl.h ...\plib\sm.h ...\plib\ssg.h ...\plib\ssgKeyFlier.h (This also important when you are using the premade workspaces) Now unzip SimGear-0.0.9 into ...\SimGear (NOTE: There's no -0.0.9 at the end of the directory) and run MSVC. Create a new and empty workspace, call it 'SimGear Workspace' and make sure it'S path is '...\SimGear\SimGear Workspace' Then you'll have to add lots of new projects. The best way is by right clicking on the workspace and select 'Add new project'. Select Win32-Library (static) in the dialog and set the name to the first subdir in ...\SimGear\simgear. That'll be most probably 'bucket'. The path will automatically be set to ...\SimGear\bucket. Then press OK as often as necessary (we don't need any of the checkboxes that'll apear). Repeat that with all subdirectories. (If you'll open both, MSVC and the Explorer it'll be quite fast). With SimGear 0.0.9 you should have 11 projects. Now do it the last time and create a project with the name 'simgear' and make it dependant on all other projects (through the projects menu). Now it's time to fill the projects. Right click on the first one and select the item to add new files. In the file selector select the files of the corresponding directory. That'll be e.g. for the 'bucket' project: ...\SimGear\simgear\bucket\newbucket.cxx ...\SimGear\simgear\bucket\newbucket.hxx The files for the MetaKit live in ...\SimGear\simgear\metakit\src\ and ...\SimGear\simgear\metakit\include\ NOTE: borc.h, gnuc.h, mk4dll.h and mwcw.h aren't needed and shouldn't be included Then add to all projects the additional search path '..\..\,..\..\..\,..\..\simgear\'. Do that by pressing Alt-F7, selecting all projects, selecting 'all configurations', selecting the 'C/C++' tab, selecting 'preprocessor' and then add that path to the additional include path. The 'metakit' project needs a special addition to its include path: '..\..\\simgear\metakit\win,..\..\simgear\metakit\include' All projects need the additon of a few preprocessor defines. You can set those in the Alt-F7 dialog on the same tab where you set the include paths. The necessary defines are: HAVE_WINDOWS_H and HAVE_RAND Now we are nearly ready for compiling SimGear. The only thing missing is the exclusion of all those test programms. These programms are debug: logtest.cxx magvar: testmagvar.cxx metar: Drvmetar.c serial: testserial.cxx zlib: example.c zlib: maketree.obj zlib: minigzip.c To exclude them, press Alt-F7, select 'all configurations' and then select all those files, and then exlclude those files. Last thing to do before you can compile SimGear is to press Alt-F7 once again, select simgear and all configurations and the general tab. Add '..\..\' to the directory for the output files. Finally you can hit compile. When you've done everything correctly you'll have a 'simgear.lib' at ...\SimGear\. Congratulations for completing step 1. To compile FlightGear you'll have to do quite similar steps. Make sure that FlighGear lives in ...\FlightGear, create a new and empty workspace named 'FlightGear Workspace' at '...\FlightGear\FlightGear Workspace'. Now add the projects that are named after the directories in ...\FlightGear\src. NOTE: Create a project named 'FDM' as well as projects named 'FDM Balloon', 'FDM JSBsim', ... NOTE: There'll even be a project named 'FDM JSBsim Filtersjb' NOTE: The directory 'Include' doesn't get its own project NOTE: The directory 'Main' is special. It's project name is 'FlightGear' and it's not a win32 libraray. It's a win32-console application. Then it's time to add the files in those directories to the projects. (See description of SimGear for the details). Next step is to set the dependancies. 'FDM JSBsim' depends on 'FDM JSBsim Filtersjb', 'FDM' depends on the other 'FDM ...' projects and 'FlightGear' depends on all other projects (but not 'FDM Ballon' etc. as other projects do already depend on them). NOTE: No project is allowed to depend on 'NetworkOLK' as it isn'T compatible with MSVC yet. Now make sure that the 'FlightGear' project is the active one (that's the bold one). Then add those include paths: ..\..\..\SimGear\,..\..\src,..\..\src\Include,..\..\..\,..\..\..\SimGear\simgear\metakit\include\ Exclude the following files: airports: buildsimple.cxx Navaids: testnavs.cxx Joystick: js_demo.cxx FDM JSBsim: JSBSim.cpp Wolfram Kuss ( figured out that the following files also have to be excluded: LaRCsim/c172_main.c airports/testair airports/genrunwas airports/gensimple the rest of airports ?? scenery/test time/win32test time/test_event Add those preprocessor defines HAVE_WINDOWS_H, FGFS, ENABLE_PLIB_JOYSTICK Add those libraries to the linker plib.lib simgear.lib ws2_32.lib and those paths to the library paths ..\..\..\plib,..\..\..\simgear Now press Alt-F7 again, select 'FlightGear' and 'all configurations'. Now specify your FG_ROOT/bin directory as the directory for the output data and FG_ROOT as the working directory. Now you are ready to compile FGFS! Have fun. NOTE: Wolfram Kuss ( Figured out that a lot of files are useing header files from SimGear. This leads to problems with using precompiled headers as long as you didn't declare all dependencies. He simply turned off precompiled headers. NOTE: As most developers aren't using MSVC the source code is probably broken. If that's the case and you know how to fix it it'll be nice if you could mail a bug report with it's fix to the FlightGear development list.