// opengc_data.hxx -- Define structure of OpenGC/FG interface parameters
//  Version by J. Wojnaroski for interface to Open Glass Displays
//  Modified 02/12/01 - Update engine structure for multi-engine models
//		          - Added data preamble to id msg types
//  Modified 01/23/02 - Converted portions of the Engine and Gear accesssors to properties
//			    - Removed data from navigation functions. OpenGC provides own
// This file defines the class/structure of the UDP packet that sends
// the simulation data created by FlightGear to the glass displays. It
// is required to "sync" the data types contained in the packet
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


#ifndef __cplusplus
# error This library requires C++

const int OGC_VERSION = 4;

class ogcFGData {


    // defines msg types and contents. The msg_content is used as a 'pointer' to
    // a predefined set of msg strings
    int	version_id;
    int	msg_type;
    int	msg_content;
    int  reserved;

    // position

    double	latitude;
    double	longitude;
    double	elevation;
    double	magvar;

    // flight parameters
    double	pitch;
    double	bank;
    double	heading;
    double	altitude;
    double	altitude_agl;  // this can also be the radar altimeter
    double  v_kcas;
    double	groundspeed;
    double	vvi;
    double  mach;
    double	v_keas;  // equivalent airspeed in knots

  // Data used by the FMC and autopilots

    double	phi_dot;
    double	theta_dot;
    double	psi_dot;

    double	alpha;
    double	alpha_dot;
    double	beta;
    double	beta_dot;

  // Control surface positions

    double	left_aileron;
    double  right_aileron;
    double	aileron_trim;
    double	elevator;
    double	elevator_trim;
    double	rudder;
    double	rudder_trim;
    double	flaps;
    double  flaps_cmd;

  // gear positions 0 = up and 1 = down  The 747 has 5 wheel bogey assemblies

    double	gear_nose;
    double	gear_left;
    double	gear_right;
    double  gear_left_rear;
    double  gear_right_rear;
    double	parking_brake;
    bool		wow_main;  // logical and of main gear
		bool		wow_nose;	
    // engine data

    double	rpm[4];  // this is for pistons, jets see below
    double	n1_turbine[4];
    double	epr[4];
    double	egt[4];
    double  n2_turbine[4];
    double	fuel_flow[4];
    double  man_pressure[4];
    double	oil_pressure[4];
    double	oil_temp[4];
    double	oil_quantity[4];
    double	hyd_pressure[4];
    double	throttle[4];
    double	mixture[4];
    double	prop_advance[4];
    // fuel system
    int num_tanks;
    double fuel_tank[9];
    // Pressures and temperatures

    double	static_temperature;
    double	total_temperature;
    double	static_pressure;
    double	total_pressure;
    double	dynamic_pressure;
    // more environmental data
		double wind;
		double wind_dir;
		double sea_level_pressure;

#endif // _OPENGC_HXX