// environment_ctrl.cxx -- manager for natural environment information. // // Written by David Megginson, started February 2002. // Partly rewritten by Torsten Dreyer, August 2010. // // Copyright (C) 2002 David Megginson - david@megginson.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <algorithm> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include "environment_ctrl.hxx" #include "environment.hxx" namespace Environment { /** * @brief Describes an element of a LayerTable. A defined environment at a given altitude. */ struct LayerTableBucket { double altitude_ft; FGEnvironment environment; inline bool operator< (const LayerTableBucket &b) const { return (altitude_ft < b.altitude_ft); } /** * @brief LessThan predicate for bucket pointers. */ static bool lessThan(LayerTableBucket *a, LayerTableBucket *b) { return (a->altitude_ft) < (b->altitude_ft); } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @brief Models a column of our atmosphere by stacking a number of environments above * each other */ class LayerTable : public std::vector<LayerTableBucket *>, public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: LayerTable( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ) : _rootNode(rootNode) {} ~LayerTable(); /** * @brief Read the environment column from properties relative to the given root node * @param environment A template environment to copy values from, not given in the configuration */ void read( FGEnvironment * parent = NULL ); /** *@brief Interpolate and write environment values for a given altitude *@param altitude_ft The altitude for the desired environment *@environment the destination to write the resulting environment properties to */ void interpolate(double altitude_ft, FGEnvironment * environment); /** *@brief Bind all environments properties to property nodes and initialize the listeners */ void Bind(); /** *@brief Unbind all environments properties from property nodes and deregister listeners */ void Unbind(); private: /** * @brief Implementation of SGProertyChangeListener::valueChanged() * Takes care of consitent sea level pressure for the entire column */ void valueChanged( SGPropertyNode * node ); SGPropertyNode_ptr _rootNode; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** *@brief Implementation of the LayerIterpolateController */ class LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation : public LayerInterpolateController { public: LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ); virtual void init (); virtual void reinit (); virtual void postinit(); virtual void bind(); virtual void unbind(); virtual void update (double delta_time_sec); private: SGPropertyNode_ptr _rootNode; bool _enabled; double _boundary_transition; SGPropertyNode_ptr _altitude_n; SGPropertyNode_ptr _altitude_agl_n; LayerTable _boundary_table; LayerTable _aloft_table; FGEnvironment _environment; TiedPropertyList _tiedProperties; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LayerTable::~LayerTable() { for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); it++ ) delete (*it); } void LayerTable::read(FGEnvironment * parent ) { double last_altitude_ft = 0.0; double sort_required = false; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < (size_t)_rootNode->nChildren(); i++) { const SGPropertyNode * child = _rootNode->getChild(i); if ( child->getNameString() == "entry" && child->getStringValue("elevation-ft", "")[0] != '\0' && ( child->getDoubleValue("elevation-ft") > 0.1 || i == 0 ) ) { LayerTableBucket * b; if( i < size() ) { // recycle existing bucket b = at(i); } else { // more nodes than buckets in table, add a new one b = new LayerTableBucket; push_back(b); } if (i == 0 && parent != NULL ) b->environment = *parent; if (i > 0) b->environment = at(i-1)->environment; b->environment.read(child); b->altitude_ft = b->environment.get_elevation_ft(); // check, if altitudes are in ascending order if( b->altitude_ft < last_altitude_ft ) sort_required = true; last_altitude_ft = b->altitude_ft; } } // remove leftover buckets while( size() > i ) { LayerTableBucket * b = *(end() - 1); delete b; pop_back(); } if( sort_required ) sort(begin(), end(), LayerTableBucket::lessThan); // cleanup entries with (almost)same altitude for( size_type n = 1; n < size(); n++ ) { if( fabs(at(n)->altitude_ft - at(n-1)->altitude_ft ) < 1 ) { SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Removing duplicate altitude entry in environment config for altitude " << at(n)->altitude_ft ); erase( begin() + n ); } } } void LayerTable::Bind() { // tie all environments to ~/entry[n]/xxx // register this as a changelistener of ~/entry[n]/pressure-sea-level-inhg for( unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++ ) { SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode = _rootNode->getChild("entry", i, true ); at(i)->environment.Tie( baseNode ); baseNode->getNode( "pressure-sea-level-inhg", true )->addChangeListener( this ); } } void LayerTable::Unbind() { // untie all environments to ~/entry[n]/xxx // deregister this as a changelistener of ~/entry[n]/pressure-sea-level-inhg for( unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++ ) { SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode = _rootNode->getChild("entry", i, true ); at(i)->environment.Untie(); baseNode->getNode( "pressure-sea-level-inhg", true )->removeChangeListener( this ); } } void LayerTable::valueChanged( SGPropertyNode * node ) { // Make sure all environments in our column use the same sea level pressure double value = node->getDoubleValue(); for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); it++ ) (*it)->environment.set_pressure_sea_level_inhg( value ); } void LayerTable::interpolate( double altitude_ft, FGEnvironment * result ) { int length = size(); if (length == 0) return; // Boundary conditions if ((length == 1) || (at(0)->altitude_ft >= altitude_ft)) { *result = at(0)->environment; // below bottom of table return; } else if (at(length-1)->altitude_ft <= altitude_ft) { *result = at(length-1)->environment; // above top of table return; } // Search the interpolation table int layer; for ( layer = 1; // can't be below bottom layer, handled above layer < length && at(layer)->altitude_ft <= altitude_ft; layer++); FGEnvironment & env1 = (at(layer-1)->environment); FGEnvironment & env2 = (at(layer)->environment); // two layers of same altitude were sorted out in read_table double fraction = ((altitude_ft - at(layer-1)->altitude_ft) / (at(layer)->altitude_ft - at(layer-1)->altitude_ft)); env1.interpolate(env2, fraction, result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ) : _rootNode( rootNode ), _enabled(true), _boundary_transition(0.0), _altitude_n( fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true)), _altitude_agl_n( fgGetNode("/position/altitude-agl-ft", true)), _boundary_table( rootNode->getNode("boundary", true ) ), _aloft_table( rootNode->getNode("aloft", true ) ) { } void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::init () { _boundary_table.read(); // pass in a pointer to the environment of the last bondary layer as // a starting point _aloft_table.read(&(*(_boundary_table.end()-1))->environment); } void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::reinit () { _boundary_table.Unbind(); _aloft_table.Unbind(); init(); postinit(); } void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::postinit() { // we get here after 1. bind() and 2. init() was called by fg_init _boundary_table.Bind(); _aloft_table.Bind(); } void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::bind() { // don't bind the layer tables here, because they have not been read in yet. _environment.Tie( _rootNode->getNode( "interpolated", true ) ); _tiedProperties.Tie( _rootNode->getNode("enabled", true), &_enabled ); _tiedProperties.Tie( _rootNode->getNode("boundary-transition-ft", true ), &_boundary_transition ); } void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::unbind() { _boundary_table.Unbind(); _aloft_table.Unbind(); _tiedProperties.Untie(); _environment.Untie(); } void LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation::update (double delta_time_sec) { if( !_enabled || delta_time_sec <= SGLimitsd::min() ) return; double altitude_ft = _altitude_n->getDoubleValue(); double altitude_agl_ft = _altitude_agl_n->getDoubleValue(); // avoid div by zero later on and init with a default value if not given if( _boundary_transition <= SGLimitsd::min() ) _boundary_transition = 500; int length = _boundary_table.size(); if (length > 0) { // If a boundary table is defined, get the top of the boundary layer double boundary_limit = _boundary_table[length-1]->altitude_ft; if (boundary_limit >= altitude_agl_ft) { // If current altitude is below top of boundary layer, interpolate // only in boundary layer _boundary_table.interpolate(altitude_agl_ft, &_environment); return; } else if ((boundary_limit + _boundary_transition) >= altitude_agl_ft) { // If current altitude is above top of boundary layer and within the // transition altitude, interpolate boundary and aloft layers FGEnvironment env1, env2; _boundary_table.interpolate( altitude_agl_ft, &env1); _aloft_table.interpolate(altitude_ft, &env2); double fraction = (altitude_agl_ft - boundary_limit) / _boundary_transition; env1.interpolate(env2, fraction, &_environment); return; } } // If no boundary layer is defined or altitude is above top boundary-layer plus boundary-transition // altitude, use only the aloft table _aloft_table.interpolate( altitude_ft, &_environment); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LayerInterpolateController * LayerInterpolateController::createInstance( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ) { return new LayerInterpolateControllerImplementation( rootNode ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace