/********************************************************************** FILENAME: uiuc_menu_CL.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: reads input data for specified aircraft and creates approporiate data storage space ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS: alpha version ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCES: based on "menu reader" format of Michael Selig ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream to get rid of the annoying warning about using the strstream header ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR(S): Robert Deters <rdeters@uiuc.edu> Michael Selig <m-selig@uiuc.edu> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIABLES: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUTS: n/a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUTS: n/a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLED BY: uiuc_menu() ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLS TO: check_float() if needed d_2_to_3() if needed d_1_to_2() if needed i_1_to_2() if needed d_1_to_1() if needed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT: (C) 2003 by Michael Selig This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA or view http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. **********************************************************************/ #include <simgear/compiler.h> #if defined( __MWERKS__ ) // -dw- optimizer chokes (big-time) trying to optimize humongous // loop/switch statements #pragma optimization_level 0 #endif #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include STL_IOSTREAM #include "uiuc_menu_CL.h" SG_USING_STD(cerr); SG_USING_STD(cout); SG_USING_STD(endl); #ifndef _MSC_VER SG_USING_STD(exit); #endif void parse_CL( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3, const string& linetoken4, const string& linetoken5, const string& linetoken6, const string& linetoken7, const string& linetoken8, const string& linetoken9, const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory, LIST command_line ) { double token_value; int token_value_convert1, token_value_convert2, token_value_convert3; int token_value_convert4; double datafile_xArray[100][100], datafile_yArray[100]; double datafile_zArray[100][100]; double convert_f; int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny; istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str()); istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str()); istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str()); istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str()); istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str()); istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str()); istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str()); istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str()); static bool CZfabetaf_first = true; static bool CZfadef_first = true; static bool CZfaqf_first = true; switch(CL_map[linetoken2]) { case CLo_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CLo = token_value; CLo_clean = CLo; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CL_a_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CL_a = token_value; CL_a_clean = CL_a; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CL_adot_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CL_adot = token_value; CL_adot_clean = CL_adot; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CL_q_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CL_q = token_value; CL_q_clean = CL_q; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CL_ih_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CL_ih = token_value; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CL_de_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CL_de = token_value; CL_de_clean = CL_de; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CL_df_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CL_df = token_value; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CL_ds_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CL_ds = token_value; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CL_dg_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CL_dg = token_value; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CLfa_flag: { CLfa = aircraft_directory + linetoken3; token4 >> token_value_convert1; token5 >> token_value_convert2; convert_y = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert1); convert_x = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert2); /* call 1D File Reader with file name (CLfa) and conversion factors; function returns array of alphas (aArray) and corresponding CL values (CLArray) and max number of terms in arrays (nAlpha) */ uiuc_1DdataFileReader(CLfa, CLfa_aArray, CLfa_CLArray, CLfa_nAlpha); aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CLfade_flag: { CLfade = aircraft_directory + linetoken3; token4 >> token_value_convert1; token5 >> token_value_convert2; token6 >> token_value_convert3; convert_z = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert1); convert_x = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert2); convert_y = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert3); /* call 2D File Reader with file name (CLfade) and conversion factors; function returns array of elevator deflections (deArray) and corresponding alpha (aArray) and delta CL (CLArray) values and max number of terms in alpha arrays (nAlphaArray) and deflection array (nde) */ uiuc_2DdataFileReader(CLfade, CLfade_aArray, CLfade_deArray, CLfade_CLArray, CLfade_nAlphaArray, CLfade_nde); aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CLfdf_flag: { CLfdf = aircraft_directory + linetoken3; token4 >> token_value_convert1; token5 >> token_value_convert2; convert_y = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert1); convert_x = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert2); /* call 1D File Reader with file name (CLfdf) and conversion factors; function returns array of dfs (dfArray) and corresponding CL values (CLArray) and max number of terms in arrays (ndf) */ uiuc_1DdataFileReader(CLfdf, CLfdf_dfArray, CLfdf_CLArray, CLfdf_ndf); aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); // additional variables to streamline flap routine in aerodeflections ndf = CLfdf_ndf; int temp_counter = 1; while (temp_counter <= ndf) { dfArray[temp_counter] = CLfdf_dfArray[temp_counter]; TimeArray[temp_counter] = dfTimefdf_TimeArray[temp_counter]; temp_counter++; } break; } case CLfadf_flag: { CLfadf = aircraft_directory + linetoken3; token4 >> token_value_convert1; token5 >> token_value_convert2; token6 >> token_value_convert3; convert_z = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert1); convert_x = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert2); convert_y = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert3); /* call 2D File Reader with file name (CLfadf) and conversion factors; function returns array of flap deflections (dfArray) and corresponding alpha (aArray) and delta CL (CLArray) values and max number of terms in alpha arrays (nAlphaArray) and deflection array (ndf) */ uiuc_2DdataFileReader(CLfadf, CLfadf_aArray, CLfadf_dfArray, CLfadf_CLArray, CLfadf_nAlphaArray, CLfadf_ndf); aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZo_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZo = token_value; CZo_clean = CZo; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_a_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_a = token_value; CZ_a_clean = CZ_a; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_a2_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_a2 = token_value; CZ_a2_clean = CZ_a2; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_a3_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_a3 = token_value; CZ_a3_clean = CZ_a3; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_adot_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_adot = token_value; CZ_adot_clean = CZ_adot; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_q_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_q = token_value; CZ_q_clean = CZ_q; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_de_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_de = token_value; CZ_de_clean = CZ_de; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_deb2_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_deb2 = token_value; CZ_deb2_clean = CZ_deb2; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_df_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_df = token_value; CZ_df_clean = CZ_df; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZ_adf_flag: { if (check_float(linetoken3)) token3 >> token_value; else uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); CZ_adf = token_value; CZ_adf_clean = CZ_adf; aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZfa_flag: { CZfa = aircraft_directory + linetoken3; token4 >> token_value_convert1; token5 >> token_value_convert2; convert_y = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert1); convert_x = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert2); /* call 1D File Reader with file name (CZfa) and conversion factors; function returns array of alphas (aArray) and corresponding CZ values (CZArray) and max number of terms in arrays (nAlpha) */ uiuc_1DdataFileReader(CZfa, CZfa_aArray, CZfa_CZArray, CZfa_nAlpha); aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); break; } case CZfabetaf_flag: { int CZfabetaf_index, i; string CZfabetaf_file; double flap_value; CZfabetaf_file = aircraft_directory + linetoken3; token4 >> CZfabetaf_index; if (CZfabetaf_index < 0 || CZfabetaf_index >= 30) uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); if (CZfabetaf_index > CZfabetaf_nf) CZfabetaf_nf = CZfabetaf_index; token5 >> flap_value; token6 >> token_value_convert1; token7 >> token_value_convert2; token8 >> token_value_convert3; token9 >> token_value_convert4; token10 >> CZfabetaf_nice; convert_z = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert1); convert_x = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert2); convert_y = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert3); convert_f = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert4); CZfabetaf_fArray[CZfabetaf_index] = flap_value * convert_f; /* call 2D File Reader with file name (CZfabetaf_file) and conversion factors; function returns array of beta (betaArray) and corresponding alpha (aArray) and CZ (CZArray) values and max number of terms in alpha arrays (nAlphaArray) and beta array (nbeta) */ uiuc_2DdataFileReader(CZfabetaf_file, datafile_xArray, datafile_yArray, datafile_zArray, datafile_nxArray, datafile_ny); d_2_to_3(datafile_xArray, CZfabetaf_aArray, CZfabetaf_index); d_1_to_2(datafile_yArray, CZfabetaf_betaArray, CZfabetaf_index); d_2_to_3(datafile_zArray, CZfabetaf_CZArray, CZfabetaf_index); i_1_to_2(datafile_nxArray, CZfabetaf_nAlphaArray, CZfabetaf_index); CZfabetaf_nbeta[CZfabetaf_index] = datafile_ny; if (CZfabetaf_first==true) { if (CZfabetaf_nice == 1) { CZfabetaf_na_nice = datafile_nxArray[1]; CZfabetaf_nb_nice = datafile_ny; d_1_to_1(datafile_yArray, CZfabetaf_bArray_nice); for (i=1; i<=CZfabetaf_na_nice; i++) CZfabetaf_aArray_nice[i] = datafile_xArray[1][i]; } aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); CZfabetaf_first=false; } break; } case CZfadef_flag: { int CZfadef_index, i; string CZfadef_file; double flap_value; CZfadef_file = aircraft_directory + linetoken3; token4 >> CZfadef_index; if (CZfadef_index < 0 || CZfadef_index >= 30) uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); if (CZfadef_index > CZfadef_nf) CZfadef_nf = CZfadef_index; token5 >> flap_value; token6 >> token_value_convert1; token7 >> token_value_convert2; token8 >> token_value_convert3; token9 >> token_value_convert4; token10 >> CZfadef_nice; convert_z = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert1); convert_x = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert2); convert_y = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert3); convert_f = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert4); CZfadef_fArray[CZfadef_index] = flap_value * convert_f; /* call 2D File Reader with file name (CZfadef_file) and conversion factors; function returns array of elevator deflections (deArray) and corresponding alpha (aArray) and delta CZ (CZArray) values and max number of terms in alpha arrays (nAlphaArray) and delfection array (nde) */ uiuc_2DdataFileReader(CZfadef_file, datafile_xArray, datafile_yArray, datafile_zArray, datafile_nxArray, datafile_ny); d_2_to_3(datafile_xArray, CZfadef_aArray, CZfadef_index); d_1_to_2(datafile_yArray, CZfadef_deArray, CZfadef_index); d_2_to_3(datafile_zArray, CZfadef_CZArray, CZfadef_index); i_1_to_2(datafile_nxArray, CZfadef_nAlphaArray, CZfadef_index); CZfadef_nde[CZfadef_index] = datafile_ny; if (CZfadef_first==true) { if (CZfadef_nice == 1) { CZfadef_na_nice = datafile_nxArray[1]; CZfadef_nde_nice = datafile_ny; d_1_to_1(datafile_yArray, CZfadef_deArray_nice); for (i=1; i<=CZfadef_na_nice; i++) CZfadef_aArray_nice[i] = datafile_xArray[1][i]; } aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); CZfadef_first=false; } break; } case CZfaqf_flag: { int CZfaqf_index, i; string CZfaqf_file; double flap_value; CZfaqf_file = aircraft_directory + linetoken3; token4 >> CZfaqf_index; if (CZfaqf_index < 0 || CZfaqf_index >= 30) uiuc_warnings_errors(1, *command_line); if (CZfaqf_index > CZfaqf_nf) CZfaqf_nf = CZfaqf_index; token5 >> flap_value; token6 >> token_value_convert1; token7 >> token_value_convert2; token8 >> token_value_convert3; token9 >> token_value_convert4; token10 >> CZfaqf_nice; convert_z = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert1); convert_x = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert2); convert_y = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert3); convert_f = uiuc_convert(token_value_convert4); CZfaqf_fArray[CZfaqf_index] = flap_value * convert_f; /* call 2D File Reader with file name (CZfaqf_file) and conversion factors; function returns array of pitch rate (qArray) and corresponding alpha (aArray) and delta CZ (CZArray) values and max number of terms in alpha arrays (nAlphaArray) and pitch rate array (nq) */ uiuc_2DdataFileReader(CZfaqf_file, datafile_xArray, datafile_yArray, datafile_zArray, datafile_nxArray, datafile_ny); d_2_to_3(datafile_xArray, CZfaqf_aArray, CZfaqf_index); d_1_to_2(datafile_yArray, CZfaqf_qArray, CZfaqf_index); d_2_to_3(datafile_zArray, CZfaqf_CZArray, CZfaqf_index); i_1_to_2(datafile_nxArray, CZfaqf_nAlphaArray, CZfaqf_index); CZfaqf_nq[CZfaqf_index] = datafile_ny; if (CZfaqf_first==true) { if (CZfaqf_nice == 1) { CZfaqf_na_nice = datafile_nxArray[1]; CZfaqf_nq_nice = datafile_ny; d_1_to_1(datafile_yArray, CZfaqf_qArray_nice); for (i=1; i<=CZfaqf_na_nice; i++) CZfaqf_aArray_nice[i] = datafile_xArray[1][i]; } aeroLiftParts -> storeCommands (*command_line); CZfaqf_first=false; } break; } default: { if (ignore_unknown_keywords) { // do nothing } else { // print error message uiuc_warnings_errors(2, *command_line); } break; } }; }