#ifndef _JET_HPP #define _JET_HPP #include "Thruster.hpp" namespace yasim { class Jet : public Thruster { public: Jet(); virtual Jet* getJet() { return this; } void setMaxThrust(float thrust, float afterburner=0); void setVMax(float spd); void setTSFC(float tsfc); void setRPMs(float idleN1, float maxN1, float idleN2, float maxN2); void setEGT(float takeoffEGT); void setEPR(float takeoffEPR); void setVectorAngle(float angle); // The time it takes the engine to reach 90% thrust from idle void setSpooling(float time); // Sets the reheat control void setReheat(float reheat); // Sets the thrust vector control (0-1) void setRotation(float rot); // Thrust reverser control. void setReverse(bool reverse) { _reverseThrust = reverse; } // Thrust reverser effectiveness. void setReverseThrust(float eff) { _reverseEff = eff; } float getN1(); float getN2(); float getEPR(); float getEGT(); // From Thruster: virtual bool isRunning(); virtual bool isCranking(); virtual void getThrust(float* out); virtual void getTorque(float* out); virtual void getGyro(float* out); virtual float getFuelFlow(); virtual void integrate(float dt); virtual void stabilize(); private: float _reheat; bool _reverseThrust; float _maxThrust; // Max dry thrust at sea level float _abFactor; // Afterburner thrust multiplier float _maxRot; float _rotControl; float _decay; // time constant for the exponential integration float _vMax; // speed at which thrust is zero float _epr0; // EPR at takeoff thrust float _tsfc; // TSFC ((lb/hr)/lb) at takeoff thrust and zero airspeed float _egt0; // EGT at takeoff thrust float _n1Min; // N1 at ground idle float _n1Max; // N1 at takeoff thrust float _n2Min; // N2 at ground idle float _n2Max; // N2 at takeoff thrust float _reverseEff; // Thrust reverser effectiveness (fraction) bool _running; // Is the engine running? bool _cranking; // Is the engine cranking? float _thrust; // Current thrust float _epr; // Current EPR float _n1; // Current UNCORRECTED N1 (percent) float _n2; // Current UNCORRECTED N2 (percent) float _fuelFlow; // Current UNCORRECTED fuel flow (kg/s) float _egt; // Current UNCORRECTED EGT (kelvin) float _tempCorrect; // Intake temp / std temp (273 K) float _pressureCorrect; // Intake pressure / std pressure }; }; // namespace yasim #endif // _JET_HPP