Welcome to the Flight Gear project.

The primary web page for this project is:


We are overhauling the make system and a lot of things are in a state of
change, so let me know if you see incorrect information in the README's,
extraneous files laying around, or any other anomylous things.   The
coordinator of this project is Curt Olson <curt@me.umn.edu>.


Please see .... for more information on .... 

- Authors & Thanks:  List of the authors and contributors.

- COPYING:  Copyright and usage terms and limits.

- INSTALL:  Generic install instructions

- NEWS:  The latest news

- README:  This file

- README.Unix:  Hints and tips for compiling on Unix

- README.Win32:  Specific Win32 compiling information and instructions

- README.autoconf:  Info on updating the make system (adding new source
                    files, etc.)

- README.running:  Minimalist info for running the simulator