// Wx Radar background texture // // Written by Harald JOHNSEN, started May 2005. // With major amendments by Vivian MEAZZA May 2007 // Ported to OSG by Tim MOORE Jun 2007 // // Copyright (C) 2005 Harald JOHNSEN - hjohnsen@evc.net // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #ifndef _INST_ND_HXX #define _INST_ND_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class FGODGauge; class FGRouteMgr; class FGNavRecord; class SymbolInstance; class SymbolDef; class SymbolRule; namespace flightgear { class Waypt; } typedef std::set string_set; typedef std::vector SymbolRuleVector; typedef std::vector SymbolDefVector; class NavDisplay : public SGSubsystem { public: NavDisplay(SGPropertyNode *node); virtual ~NavDisplay(); virtual void init(); virtual void update(double dt); void invalidatePositionedCache() { _cachedItemsValid = false; } double textureSize() const { return _textureSize; } void forceUpdate() { _forceUpdate = true; } bool anyRuleForType(const std::string& type) const; bool isPositionedShown(FGPositioned* pos); protected: std::string _name; int _num; double _time; double _updateInterval; bool _forceUpdate; SGPropertyNode_ptr _serviceable_node; SGPropertyNode_ptr _Instrument; SGPropertyNode_ptr _radar_mode_control_node; SGPropertyNode_ptr _user_heading_node; SGPropertyNode_ptr _testModeNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr _userLatNode, _userLonNode, _userPositionEnable; FGODGauge *_odg; // Convenience function for creating a property node with a // default value template SGPropertyNode *getInstrumentNode(const char *name, DefaultType value); private: friend class SymbolRule; friend class SymbolDef; void addRule(SymbolRule*); void addSymbolsToScene(); void addSymbolToScene(SymbolInstance* sym); void limitDisplayedSymbols(); void findItems(); void isPositionedShownInner(FGPositioned* pos, SymbolRuleVector& rules); void foundPositionedItem(FGPositioned* pos); void computePositionedPropsAndHeading(FGPositioned* pos, SGPropertyNode* nd, double& heading); void computePositionedState(FGPositioned* pos, string_set& states); void processRoute(); void computeWayptPropsAndHeading(flightgear::Waypt* wpt, const SGGeod& pos, SGPropertyNode* nd, double& heading); void processNavRadios(); FGNavRecord* processNavRadio(const SGPropertyNode_ptr& radio); void processAI(); void computeAIStates(const SGPropertyNode* ai, string_set& states); void computeCustomSymbolStates(const SGPropertyNode* sym, string_set& states); void processCustomSymbols(); void findRules(const std::string& type, const string_set& states, SymbolRuleVector& rules); SymbolInstance* addSymbolInstance(const osg::Vec2& proj, double heading, SymbolDef* def, SGPropertyNode* vars); void addLine(osg::Vec2 a, osg::Vec2 b, const osg::Vec4& color); osg::Vec2 projectBearingRange(double bearingDeg, double rangeNm) const; osg::Vec2 projectGeod(const SGGeod& geod) const; bool isProjectedClipped(const osg::Vec2& projected) const; void updateFont(); void addTestSymbol(const std::string& type, const std::string& states, const SGGeod& pos, double heading, SGPropertyNode* vars); void addTestSymbols(); std::string _texture_path; unsigned int _textureSize; float _scale; // factor to convert nm to display units float _view_heading; SGPropertyNode_ptr _Radar_controls; SGPropertyNode_ptr _font_node; SGPropertyNode_ptr _ai_enabled_node; SGPropertyNode_ptr _navRadio1Node; SGPropertyNode_ptr _navRadio2Node; SGPropertyNode_ptr _xCenterNode, _yCenterNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr _viewHeadingNode; osg::ref_ptr _symbolTexture; osg::ref_ptr _radarGeode; osg::ref_ptr _textGeode; osg::Geometry *_geom; osg::DrawArrays* _symbolPrimSet; osg::Vec2Array *_vertices; osg::Vec2Array *_texCoords; osg::Vec4Array* _quadColors; osg::Geometry* _lineGeometry; osg::DrawArrays* _linePrimSet; osg::Vec2Array* _lineVertices; osg::Vec4Array* _lineColors; osg::Matrixf _centerTrans; osg::Matrixf _projectMat; osg::ref_ptr _font; osg::Vec4 _font_color; float _font_size; float _font_spacing; FGRouteMgr* _route; SGGeod _pos; double _rangeNm; SGPropertyNode_ptr _rangeNode; SymbolDefVector _definitions; SymbolRuleVector _rules; FGNavRecord* _nav1Station; FGNavRecord* _nav2Station; std::vector _symbols; std::set _routeSources; bool _cachedItemsValid; SGVec3d _cachedPos; FGPositionedList _itemsInRange; SGPropertyNode_ptr _excessDataNode; int _maxSymbols; SGPropertyNode_ptr _customSymbols; class CacheListener; std::auto_ptr _cacheListener; class ForceUpdateListener; std::auto_ptr _forceUpdateListener; }; #endif // _INST_ND_HXX