// trafficrecord.cxx - Implementation of AIModels ATC code. // // Written by Durk Talsma, started September 2006. // // Copyright (C) 2006 Durk Talsma. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trafficcontrol.hxx" #include "atc_mgr.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::sort; /*************************************************************************** * ActiveRunway **************************************************************************/ time_t ActiveRunway::requestTimeSlot(time_t eta) { time_t newEta; time_t separation = 90; bool found = false; if (estimatedArrivalTimes.size() == 0) { estimatedArrivalTimes.push_back(eta); return eta; } else { TimeVectorIterator i = estimatedArrivalTimes.begin(); //cerr << "Checking eta slots " << eta << ": " << endl; for (i = estimatedArrivalTimes.begin(); i != estimatedArrivalTimes.end(); i++) { //cerr << "Stored time : " << (*i) << endl; } i = estimatedArrivalTimes.begin(); if ((eta + separation) < (*i)) { newEta = eta; found = true; //cerr << "Storing at beginning" << endl; } while ((i != estimatedArrivalTimes.end()) && (!found)) { TimeVectorIterator j = i + 1; if (j == estimatedArrivalTimes.end()) { if (((*i) + separation) < eta) { //cerr << "Storing at end" << endl; newEta = eta; } else { newEta = (*i) + separation; //cerr << "Storing at end + separation" << endl; } } else { if ((((*j) - (*i)) > (separation * 2))) { // found a potential slot // now check whether this slot is usable: // 1) eta should fall between the two points // i.e. eta > i AND eta < j // //cerr << "Found potential slot after " << (*i) << endl; if (eta > (*i) && (eta < (*j))) { found = true; if (eta < ((*i) + separation)) { newEta = (*i) + separation; //cerr << "Using original" << (*i) << " + separation " << endl; } else { newEta = eta; //cerr << "Using original after " << (*i) << endl; } } else if (eta < (*i)) { found = true; newEta = (*i) + separation; //cerr << "Using delayed slot after " << (*i) << endl; } /* if (((*j) - separation) < eta) { found = true; if (((*i) + separation) < eta) { newEta = eta; cerr << "Using original after " << (*i) << endl; } else { newEta = (*i) + separation; cerr << "Using " << (*i) << " + separation " << endl; } } */ } } i++; } } //cerr << ". done. New ETA : " << newEta << endl; estimatedArrivalTimes.push_back(newEta); sort(estimatedArrivalTimes.begin(), estimatedArrivalTimes.end()); // do some housekeeping : remove any timestamps that are past time_t now = time(NULL) + fgGetLong("/sim/time/warp"); TimeVectorIterator i = estimatedArrivalTimes.begin(); while (i != estimatedArrivalTimes.end()) { if ((*i) < now) { //cerr << "Deleting timestamp " << (*i) << " (now = " << now << "). " << endl; estimatedArrivalTimes.erase(i); i = estimatedArrivalTimes.begin(); } else { i++; } } return newEta; } /*************************************************************************** * FGTrafficRecord **************************************************************************/ FGTrafficRecord::FGTrafficRecord(): id(0), waitsForId(0), currentPos(0), leg(0), frequencyId(0), state(0), allowTransmission(true), latitude(0), longitude(0), heading(0), speed(0), altitude(0), radius(0) { } void FGTrafficRecord::setPositionAndIntentions(int pos, FGAIFlightPlan * route) { currentPos = pos; if (intentions.size()) { intVecIterator i = intentions.begin(); if ((*i) != pos) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Error in FGTrafficRecord::setPositionAndIntentions"); //cerr << "Pos : " << pos << " Curr " << *(intentions.begin()) << endl; for (intVecIterator i = intentions.begin(); i != intentions.end(); i++) { //cerr << (*i) << " "; } //cerr << endl; } intentions.erase(i); } else { //FGAIFlightPlan::waypoint* const wpt= route->getCurrentWaypoint(); int size = route->getNrOfWayPoints(); //cerr << "Setting pos" << pos << " "; //cerr << "setting intentions "; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int val = route->getRouteIndex(i); //cerr << val<< " "; if ((val) && (val != pos)) { intentions.push_back(val); //cerr << "[set] "; } } //cerr << endl; //while (route->next(&legNr, &routeNr)) { //intentions.push_back(routeNr); //} //route->rewind(currentPos); } //exit(1); } /** * Check if another aircraft is ahead of the current one, and on the same * return true / false is the is/isn't the case. * ****************************************************************************/ bool FGTrafficRecord::checkPositionAndIntentions(FGTrafficRecord & other) { bool result = false; //cerr << "Start check 1" << endl; if (currentPos == other.currentPos) { //cerr << callsign << ": Check Position and intentions: we are on the same taxiway" << other.callsign << "Index = " << currentPos << endl; result = true; } // else if (other.intentions.size()) // { // cerr << "Start check 2" << endl; // intVecIterator i = other.intentions.begin(); // while (!((i == other.intentions.end()) || ((*i) == currentPos))) // i++; // if (i != other.intentions.end()) { // cerr << "Check Position and intentions: current matches other.intentions" << endl; // result = true; // } else if (intentions.size()) { //cerr << "Start check 3" << endl; intVecIterator i = intentions.begin(); //while (!((i == intentions.end()) || ((*i) == other.currentPos))) while (i != intentions.end()) { if ((*i) == other.currentPos) { break; } i++; } if (i != intentions.end()) { //cerr << callsign << ": Check Position and intentions: .other.current matches" << other.callsign << "Index = " << (*i) << endl; result = true; } } //cerr << "Done !!" << endl; return result; } void FGTrafficRecord::setPositionAndHeading(double lat, double lon, double hdg, double spd, double alt) { latitude = lat; longitude = lon; heading = hdg; speed = spd; altitude = alt; } int FGTrafficRecord::crosses(FGGroundNetwork * net, FGTrafficRecord & other) { if (checkPositionAndIntentions(other) || (other.checkPositionAndIntentions(*this))) return -1; intVecIterator i, j; int currentTargetNode = 0, otherTargetNode = 0; if (currentPos > 0) currentTargetNode = net->findSegment(currentPos)->getEnd()->getIndex(); // OKAY,... if (other.currentPos > 0) otherTargetNode = net->findSegment(other.currentPos)->getEnd()->getIndex(); // OKAY,... if ((currentTargetNode == otherTargetNode) && currentTargetNode > 0) return currentTargetNode; if (intentions.size()) { for (i = intentions.begin(); i != intentions.end(); i++) { if ((*i) > 0) { if ((currentTargetNode == net->findSegment(*i)->getEnd()->getIndex())) { //cerr << "Current crosses at " << currentTargetNode < 0) { if (otherTargetNode == net->findSegment(*i)->getEnd()->getIndex()) { //cerr << "Other crosses at " << currentTargetNode < 0) && ((*j) > 0)) { currentTargetNode = net->findSegment(*i)->getEnd()->getIndex(); otherTargetNode = net->findSegment(*j)->getEnd()->getIndex(); if (currentTargetNode == otherTargetNode) { //cerr << "Routes will cross at " << currentTargetNode << endl; return currentTargetNode; } } } } } return -1; } bool FGTrafficRecord::onRoute(FGGroundNetwork * net, FGTrafficRecord & other) { int node = -1, othernode = -1; if (currentPos > 0) node = net->findSegment(currentPos)->getEnd()->getIndex(); if (other.currentPos > 0) othernode = net->findSegment(other.currentPos)->getEnd()->getIndex(); if ((node == othernode) && (node != -1)) return true; if (other.intentions.size()) { for (intVecIterator i = other.intentions.begin(); i != other.intentions.end(); i++) { if (*i > 0) { othernode = net->findSegment(*i)->getEnd()->getIndex(); if ((node == othernode) && (node > -1)) return true; } } } //if (other.currentPos > 0) // othernode = net->findSegment(other.currentPos)->getEnd()->getIndex(); //if (intentions.size()) // { // for (intVecIterator i = intentions.begin(); i != intentions.end(); i++) // { // if (*i > 0) // { // node = net->findSegment(*i)->getEnd()->getIndex(); // if ((node == othernode) && (node > -1)) // return true; // } // } // } return false; } bool FGTrafficRecord::isOpposing(FGGroundNetwork * net, FGTrafficRecord & other, int node) { // Check if current segment is the reverse segment for the other aircraft FGTaxiSegment *opp; //cerr << "Current segment " << currentPos << endl; if ((currentPos > 0) && (other.currentPos > 0)) { opp = net->findSegment(currentPos)->opposite(); if (opp) { if (opp->getIndex() == other.currentPos) return true; } for (intVecIterator i = intentions.begin(); i != intentions.end(); i++) { if ((opp = net->findSegment(other.currentPos)->opposite())) { if ((*i) > 0) if (opp->getIndex() == net->findSegment(*i)->getIndex()) { if (net->findSegment(*i)->getStart()->getIndex() == node) { { //cerr << "Found the node " << node << endl; return true; } } } } if (other.intentions.size()) { for (intVecIterator j = other.intentions.begin(); j != other.intentions.end(); j++) { // cerr << "Current segment 1 " << (*i) << endl; if ((*i) > 0) { if ((opp = net->findSegment(*i)->opposite())) { if (opp->getIndex() == net->findSegment(*j)->getIndex()) { //cerr << "Nodes " << net->findSegment(*i)->getIndex() // << " and " << net->findSegment(*j)->getIndex() // << " are opposites " << endl; if (net->findSegment(*i)->getStart()-> getIndex() == node) { { //cerr << "Found the node " << node << endl; return true; } } } } } } } } } return false; } void FGTrafficRecord::setSpeedAdjustment(double spd) { instruction.setChangeSpeed(true); instruction.setSpeed(spd); } void FGTrafficRecord::setHeadingAdjustment(double heading) { instruction.setChangeHeading(true); instruction.setHeading(heading); } bool FGTrafficRecord::pushBackAllowed() { // With the user ATC / AI integration, checking whether the user's aircraft is near no longer works, because // this will effectively block the user's aircraft itself from receiving pushback clearance. // So, what can we do? /* double course, az2, dist; SGGeod curr(SGGeod::fromDegM(getLongitude(), getLatitude(), getAltitude())); double userLatitude = fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"); double userLongitude = fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"); SGGeod user(SGGeod::fromDeg(userLongitude, userLatitude)); SGGeodesy::inverse(curr, user, course, az2, dist); //cerr << "Distance to user : " << dist << endl; return (dist > 250); */ // In essence, we should check whether the pusbback route itself, as well as the associcated // taxiways near the pushback point are free of traffic. // To do so, we need to return true; } /*************************************************************************** * FGATCInstruction * **************************************************************************/ FGATCInstruction::FGATCInstruction() { holdPattern = false; holdPosition = false; changeSpeed = false; changeHeading = false; changeAltitude = false; resolveCircularWait = false; speed = 0; heading = 0; alt = 0; } bool FGATCInstruction::hasInstruction() { return (holdPattern || holdPosition || changeSpeed || changeHeading || changeAltitude || resolveCircularWait); } /*************************************************************************** * FGATCController * **************************************************************************/ FGATCController::FGATCController() { //cerr << "running FGATController constructor" << endl; dt_count = 0; available = true; lastTransmission = 0; initialized = false; } FGATCController::~FGATCController() { //cerr << "running FGATController destructor" << endl; } string FGATCController::getGateName(FGAIAircraft * ref) { return ref->atGate(); } bool FGATCController::isUserAircraft(FGAIAircraft* ac) { return (ac->getCallSign() == fgGetString("/sim/multiplay/callsign")) ? true : false; }; void FGATCController::transmit(FGTrafficRecord * rec, AtcMsgId msgId, AtcMsgDir msgDir, bool audible) { string sender, receiver; int stationFreq = 0; int taxiFreq = 0; int towerFreq = 0; int freqId = 0; string atisInformation; string text; string taxiFreqStr; string towerFreqStr; double heading = 0; string activeRunway; string fltType; string rwyClass; string SID; string transponderCode; FGAIFlightPlan *fp; string fltRules; string instructionText; //double commFreqD; sender = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getCallSign(); if (rec->getAircraft()->getTaxiClearanceRequest()) { instructionText = "push-back and taxi"; } else { instructionText = "taxi"; } //cerr << "transmitting for: " << sender << "Leg = " << rec->getLeg() << endl; switch (rec->getLeg()) { case 1: case 2: freqId = rec->getNextFrequency(); stationFreq = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()-> getDynamics()->getGroundFrequency(rec->getLeg() + freqId); taxiFreq = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()-> getDynamics()->getGroundFrequency(2); towerFreq = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()-> getDynamics()->getTowerFrequency(2); receiver = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()-> getName() + "-Ground"; atisInformation = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()-> getDynamics()->getAtisSequence(); break; case 3: receiver = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()-> getName() + "-Tower"; break; } // Swap sender and receiver value in case of a ground to air transmission if (msgDir == ATC_GROUND_TO_AIR) { string tmp = sender; sender = receiver; receiver = tmp; } switch (msgId) { case MSG_ANNOUNCE_ENGINE_START: text = sender + ". Ready to Start up"; break; case MSG_REQUEST_ENGINE_START: text = receiver + ", This is " + sender + ". Position " + getGateName(rec->getAircraft()) + ". Information " + atisInformation + ". " + rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getFlightRules() + " to " + rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getArrivalAirport()-> getName() + ". Request start-up"; break; // Acknowledge engine startup permission // Assign departure runway // Assign SID, if necessery (TODO) case MSG_PERMIT_ENGINE_START: taxiFreqStr = formatATCFrequency3_2(taxiFreq); heading = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getCourse(); fltType = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getFlightType(); rwyClass = rec->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()-> getRunwayClassFromTrafficType(fltType); rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()-> getDynamics()->getActiveRunway(rwyClass, 1, activeRunway, heading); rec->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->setRunway(activeRunway); fp = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureAirport()-> getDynamics()->getSID(activeRunway, heading); rec->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->setSID(fp); if (fp) { SID = fp->getName() + " departure"; } else { SID = "fly runway heading "; } //snprintf(buffer, 7, "%3.2f", heading); fltRules = rec->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getFlightRules(); transponderCode = genTransponderCode(fltRules); rec->getAircraft()->SetTransponderCode(transponderCode); text = receiver + ". Start-up approved. " + atisInformation + " correct, runway " + activeRunway + ", " + SID + ", squawk " + transponderCode + ". " + "For "+ instructionText + " clearance call " + taxiFreqStr + ". " + sender + " control."; break; case MSG_DENY_ENGINE_START: text = receiver + ". Standby"; break; case MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_ENGINE_START: fp = rec->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getSID(); if (fp) { SID = rec->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getSID()->getName() + " departure"; } else { SID = "fly runway heading "; } taxiFreqStr = formatATCFrequency3_2(taxiFreq); activeRunway = rec->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getRunway(); transponderCode = rec->getAircraft()->GetTransponderCode(); text = receiver + ". Start-up approved. " + atisInformation + " correct, runway " + activeRunway + ", " + SID + ", squawk " + transponderCode + ". " + "For " + instructionText + " clearance call " + taxiFreqStr + ". " + sender; break; case MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_SWITCH_GROUND_FREQUENCY: taxiFreqStr = formatATCFrequency3_2(taxiFreq); text = receiver + ". Switching to " + taxiFreqStr + ". " + sender; break; case MSG_INITIATE_CONTACT: text = receiver + ". With you. " + sender; break; case MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_INITIATE_CONTACT: text = receiver + ". Roger. " + sender; break; case MSG_REQUEST_PUSHBACK_CLEARANCE: if (rec->getAircraft()->getTaxiClearanceRequest()) { text = receiver + ". Request push-back. " + sender; } else { text = receiver + ". Request Taxi clearance. " + sender; } break; case MSG_PERMIT_PUSHBACK_CLEARANCE: if (rec->getAircraft()->getTaxiClearanceRequest()) { text = receiver + ". Push-back approved. " + sender; } else { text = receiver + ". Cleared to Taxi." + sender; } break; case MSG_HOLD_PUSHBACK_CLEARANCE: text = receiver + ". Standby. " + sender; break; case MSG_REQUEST_TAXI_CLEARANCE: text = receiver + ". Ready to Taxi. " + sender; break; case MSG_ISSUE_TAXI_CLEARANCE: text = receiver + ". Cleared to taxi. " + sender; break; case MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_TAXI_CLEARANCE: text = receiver + ". Cleared to taxi. " + sender; break; case MSG_HOLD_POSITION: text = receiver + ". Hold Position. " + sender; break; case MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_HOLD_POSITION: text = receiver + ". Holding Position. " + sender; break; case MSG_RESUME_TAXI: text = receiver + ". Resume Taxiing. " + sender; break; case MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_RESUME_TAXI: text = receiver + ". Continuing Taxi. " + sender; break; case MSG_REPORT_RUNWAY_HOLD_SHORT: activeRunway = rec->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getRunway(); //activeRunway = "test"; text = receiver + ". Holding short runway " + activeRunway + ". " + sender; //text = "test1"; //cerr << "1 Currently at leg " << rec->getLeg() << endl; break; case MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_REPORT_RUNWAY_HOLD_SHORT: activeRunway = rec->getAircraft()->GetFlightPlan()->getRunway(); text = receiver + "Roger. Holding short runway " // + activeRunway + ". " + sender; //text = "test2"; //cerr << "2 Currently at leg " << rec->getLeg() << endl; break; case MSG_SWITCH_TOWER_FREQUENCY: towerFreqStr = formatATCFrequency3_2(towerFreq); text = receiver + "Contact Tower at " + towerFreqStr + ". " + sender; //text = "test3"; //cerr << "3 Currently at leg " << rec->getLeg() << endl; break; case MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_SWITCH_TOWER_FREQUENCY: towerFreqStr = formatATCFrequency3_2(towerFreq); text = receiver + "Roger, switching to tower at " + towerFreqStr + ". " + sender; //text = "test4"; //cerr << "4 Currently at leg " << rec->getLeg() << endl; break; default: //text = "test3"; text = text + sender + ". Transmitting unknown Message"; break; } if (audible) { double onBoardRadioFreq0 = fgGetDouble("/instrumentation/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz"); double onBoardRadioFreq1 = fgGetDouble("/instrumentation/comm[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz"); int onBoardRadioFreqI0 = (int) floor(onBoardRadioFreq0 * 100 + 0.5); int onBoardRadioFreqI1 = (int) floor(onBoardRadioFreq1 * 100 + 0.5); //cerr << "Using " << onBoardRadioFreq0 << ", " << onBoardRadioFreq1 << " and " << stationFreq << " for " << text << endl; // Display ATC message only when one of the radios is tuned // the relevant frequency. // Note that distance attenuation is currently not yet implemented if ((onBoardRadioFreqI0 == stationFreq) || (onBoardRadioFreqI1 == stationFreq)) { if (rec->allowTransmissions()) { fgSetString("/sim/messages/atc", text.c_str()); } } } else { FGATCManager *atc = (FGATCManager*) globals->get_subsystem("atc"); atc->getATCDialog()->addEntry(1, text); } } string FGATCController::formatATCFrequency3_2(int freq) { char buffer[7]; snprintf(buffer, 7, "%3.2f", ((float) freq / 100.0)); return string(buffer); } // TODO: Set transponder codes according to real-world routes. // The current version just returns a random string of four octal numbers. string FGATCController::genTransponderCode(string fltRules) { if (fltRules == "VFR") { return string("1200"); } else { char buffer[5]; snprintf(buffer, 5, "%d%d%d%d", rand() % 8, rand() % 8, rand() % 8, rand() % 8); return string(buffer); } } void FGATCController::init() { if (!initialized) { FGATCManager *mgr = (FGATCManager*) globals->get_subsystem("ATC"); mgr->addController(this); initialized = true; } } /*************************************************************************** * class FGTowerController * **************************************************************************/ FGTowerController::FGTowerController(FGAirportDynamics *par) : FGATCController() { parent = par; } // void FGTowerController::announcePosition(int id, FGAIFlightPlan * intendedRoute, int currentPosition, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt, double radius, int leg, FGAIAircraft * ref) { init(); TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search whether the current id alread has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } // Add a new TrafficRecord if no one exsists for this aircraft. if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { FGTrafficRecord rec; rec.setId(id); rec.setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); rec.setRunway(intendedRoute->getRunway()); rec.setLeg(leg); //rec.setCallSign(callsign); rec.setRadius(radius); rec.setAircraft(ref); activeTraffic.push_back(rec); // Don't just schedule the aircraft for the tower controller, also assign if to the correct active runway. ActiveRunwayVecIterator rwy = activeRunways.begin(); if (activeRunways.size()) { while (rwy != activeRunways.end()) { if (rwy->getRunwayName() == intendedRoute->getRunway()) { break; } rwy++; } } if (rwy == activeRunways.end()) { ActiveRunway aRwy(intendedRoute->getRunway(), id); aRwy.addToDepartureCue(ref); activeRunways.push_back(aRwy); rwy = (activeRunways.end()-1); } else { rwy->addToDepartureCue(ref); } //cerr << ref->getTrafficRef()->getCallSign() << " You are number " << rwy->getDepartureCueSize() << " for takeoff " << endl; } else { i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); } } void FGTowerController::updateAircraftInformation(int id, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt, double dt) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search whether the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route TrafficVectorIterator current, closest; if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } // // update position of the current aircraft if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record"); } else { i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); current = i; } setDt(getDt() + dt); // see if we already have a clearance record for the currently active runway // NOTE: dd. 2011-08-07: Because the active runway has been constructed in the announcePosition function, we may safely assume that is // already exists here. So, we can simplify the current code. ActiveRunwayVecIterator rwy = activeRunways.begin(); while (rwy != activeRunways.end()) { if (rwy->getRunwayName() == current->getRunway()) { break; } rwy++; } // only bother running the following code if the current aircraft is the // first in line for depature /* if (current->getAircraft() == rwy->getFirstAircraftInDepartureCue()) { if (rwy->getCleared()) { if (id == rwy->getCleared()) { current->setHoldPosition(false); } else { current->setHoldPosition(true); } } else { // For now. At later stages, this will probably be the place to check for inbound traffc. rwy->setCleared(id); } } */ // only bother with aircraft that have a takeoff status of 2, since those are essentially under tower control if (current->getAircraft()->getTakeOffStatus() == 2) { current->setHoldPosition(true); int clearanceId = rwy->getCleared(); if (clearanceId) { if (id == clearanceId) { current->setHoldPosition(false); } } else { if (current->getAircraft() == rwy->getFirstAircraftInDepartureCue()) { rwy->setCleared(id); } } } } void FGTowerController::signOff(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id alread has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } // If this aircraft has left the runway, we can clear the departure record for this runway ActiveRunwayVecIterator rwy = activeRunways.begin(); if (activeRunways.size()) { //while ((rwy->getRunwayName() != i->getRunway()) && (rwy != activeRunways.end())) { while (rwy != activeRunways.end()) { if (rwy->getRunwayName() == i->getRunway()) { break; } rwy++; } if (rwy != activeRunways.end()) { rwy->setCleared(0); rwy->updateDepartureCue(); } else { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: Attempting to erase non-existing runway clearance record in FGTowerController::signoff"); } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from tower"); } else { i->getAircraft()->resetTakeOffStatus(); i = activeTraffic.erase(i); //cerr << "Signing off from tower controller" << endl; } } // NOTE: // IF WE MAKE TRAFFICRECORD A MEMBER OF THE BASE CLASS // THE FOLLOWING THREE FUNCTIONS: SIGNOFF, HAS INSTRUCTION AND GETINSTRUCTION CAN // BECOME DEVIRTUALIZED AND BE A MEMBER OF THE BASE ATCCONTROLLER CLASS // WHICH WOULD SIMPLIFY CODE MAINTENANCE. // Note that this function is probably obsolete bool FGTowerController::hasInstruction(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record"); } else { return i->hasInstruction(); } return false; } FGATCInstruction FGTowerController::getInstruction(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record"); } else { return i->getInstruction(); } return FGATCInstruction(); } void FGTowerController::render(bool visible) { //cerr << "FGTowerController::render function not yet implemented" << endl; } string FGTowerController::getName() { return string(parent->getId() + "-tower"); } /*************************************************************************** * class FGStartupController * **************************************************************************/ FGStartupController::FGStartupController(FGAirportDynamics *par): FGATCController() { parent = par; } void FGStartupController::announcePosition(int id, FGAIFlightPlan * intendedRoute, int currentPosition, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt, double radius, int leg, FGAIAircraft * ref) { init(); TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search whether the current id alread has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } // Add a new TrafficRecord if no one exsists for this aircraft. if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { FGTrafficRecord rec; rec.setId(id); rec.setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); rec.setRunway(intendedRoute->getRunway()); rec.setLeg(leg); rec.setPositionAndIntentions(currentPosition, intendedRoute); //rec.setCallSign(callsign); rec.setAircraft(ref); rec.setHoldPosition(true); activeTraffic.push_back(rec); } else { i->setPositionAndIntentions(currentPosition, intendedRoute); i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); } } // NOTE: // IF WE MAKE TRAFFICRECORD A MEMBER OF THE BASE CLASS // THE FOLLOWING THREE FUNCTIONS: SIGNOFF, HAS INSTRUCTION AND GETINSTRUCTION CAN // BECOME DEVIRTUALIZED AND BE A MEMBER OF THE BASE ATCCONTROLLER CLASS // WHICH WOULD SIMPLIFY CODE MAINTENANCE. // Note that this function is probably obsolete bool FGStartupController::hasInstruction(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record"); } else { return i->hasInstruction(); } return false; } FGATCInstruction FGStartupController::getInstruction(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record"); } else { return i->getInstruction(); } return FGATCInstruction(); } void FGStartupController::signOff(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id alread has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from tower"); } else { //cerr << i->getAircraft()->getCallSign() << " signing off from startupcontroller" << endl; i = activeTraffic.erase(i); } } bool FGStartupController::checkTransmissionState(int st, time_t now, time_t startTime, TrafficVectorIterator i, AtcMsgId msgId, AtcMsgDir msgDir) { int state = i->getState(); if ((state == st) && available) { if ((msgDir == ATC_AIR_TO_GROUND) && isUserAircraft(i->getAircraft())) { //cerr << "Checking state " << st << " for " << i->getAircraft()->getCallSign() << endl; static SGPropertyNode_ptr trans_num = globals->get_props()->getNode("/sim/atc/transmission-num", true); int n = trans_num->getIntValue(); if (n == 0) { trans_num->setIntValue(-1); // PopupCallback(n); //cerr << "Selected transmission message " << n << endl; FGATCManager *atc = (FGATCManager*) globals->get_subsystem("atc"); atc->getATCDialog()->removeEntry(1); } else { //cerr << "creading message for " << i->getAircraft()->getCallSign() << endl; transmit(&(*i), msgId, msgDir, false); return false; } } if (now > startTime) { //cerr << "Transmitting startup msg" << endl; transmit(&(*i), msgId, msgDir, true); i->updateState(); lastTransmission = now; available = false; return true; } } return false; } void FGStartupController::updateAircraftInformation(int id, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt, double dt) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route TrafficVectorIterator current, closest; if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } // // update position of the current aircraft if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record"); } else { i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); current = i; } setDt(getDt() + dt); int state = i->getState(); // The user controlled aircraft should have crased here, because it doesn't have a traffic reference. // NOTE: if we create a traffic schedule for the user aircraft, we can use this to plan a flight. time_t startTime = i->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getDepartureTime(); time_t now = time(NULL) + fgGetLong("/sim/time/warp"); //cerr << i->getAircraft()->getTrafficRef()->getCallSign() // << " is scheduled to depart in " << startTime-now << " seconds. Available = " << available // << " at parking " << getGateName(i->getAircraft()) << endl; if ((now - lastTransmission) > 3 + (rand() % 15)) { available = true; } checkTransmissionState(0, now, (startTime + 0 ), i, MSG_ANNOUNCE_ENGINE_START, ATC_AIR_TO_GROUND); checkTransmissionState(1, now, (startTime + 60 ), i, MSG_REQUEST_ENGINE_START, ATC_AIR_TO_GROUND); checkTransmissionState(2, now, (startTime + 80 ), i, MSG_PERMIT_ENGINE_START, ATC_GROUND_TO_AIR); checkTransmissionState(3, now, (startTime + 100), i, MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_ENGINE_START, ATC_AIR_TO_GROUND); if (checkTransmissionState(4, now, (startTime + 130), i, MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_SWITCH_GROUND_FREQUENCY, ATC_AIR_TO_GROUND)) { i->nextFrequency(); } checkTransmissionState(5, now, (startTime + 140), i, MSG_INITIATE_CONTACT, ATC_AIR_TO_GROUND); checkTransmissionState(6, now, (startTime + 150), i, MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_INITIATE_CONTACT, ATC_GROUND_TO_AIR); checkTransmissionState(7, now, (startTime + 180), i, MSG_REQUEST_PUSHBACK_CLEARANCE, ATC_AIR_TO_GROUND); if ((state == 8) && available) { if (now > startTime + 200) { if (i->pushBackAllowed()) { i->allowRepeatedTransmissions(); transmit(&(*i), MSG_PERMIT_PUSHBACK_CLEARANCE, ATC_GROUND_TO_AIR, true); i->updateState(); } else { transmit(&(*i), MSG_HOLD_PUSHBACK_CLEARANCE, ATC_GROUND_TO_AIR, true); i->suppressRepeatedTransmissions(); } lastTransmission = now; available = false; } } if ((state == 9) && available) { i->setHoldPosition(false); } } // Note that this function is copied from simgear. for maintanance purposes, it's probabtl better to make a general function out of that. static void WorldCoordinate(osg::Matrix& obj_pos, double lat, double lon, double elev, double hdg) { SGGeod geod = SGGeod::fromDegM(lon, lat, elev); obj_pos = geod.makeZUpFrame(); // hdg is not a compass heading, but a counter-clockwise rotation // around the Z axis obj_pos.preMult(osg::Matrix::rotate(hdg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); } void FGStartupController::render(bool visible) { SGMaterialLib *matlib = globals->get_matlib(); if (group) { //int nr = ; globals->get_scenery()->get_scene_graph()->removeChild(group); //while (group->getNumChildren()) { // cerr << "Number of children: " << group->getNumChildren() << endl; simgear::EffectGeode* geode = (simgear::EffectGeode*) group->getChild(0); //osg::MatrixTransform *obj_trans = (osg::MatrixTransform*) group->getChild(0); //geode->releaseGLObjects(); //group->removeChild(geode); //delete geode; group = 0; } if (visible) { group = new osg::Group; //for ( FGTaxiSegmentVectorIterator i = segments.begin(); i != segments.end(); i++) { double dx = 0; for (TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); i != activeTraffic.end(); i++) { // Handle start point int pos = i->getCurrentPosition(); //cerr << "rendering for " << i->getAircraft()->getCallSign() << "pos = " << pos << endl; if (pos > 0) { FGTaxiSegment *segment = parent->getGroundNetwork()->findSegment(pos); SGGeod start(SGGeod::fromDeg((i->getLongitude()), (i->getLatitude()))); SGGeod end (SGGeod::fromDeg(segment->getEnd()->getLongitude(), segment->getEnd()->getLatitude())); double length = SGGeodesy::distanceM(start, end); //heading = SGGeodesy::headingDeg(start->getGeod(), end->getGeod()); double az2, heading; //, distanceM; SGGeodesy::inverse(start, end, heading, az2, length); double coveredDistance = length * 0.5; SGGeod center; SGGeodesy::direct(start, heading, coveredDistance, center, az2); //cerr << "Active Aircraft : Centerpoint = (" << center.getLatitudeDeg() << ", " << center.getLongitudeDeg() << "). Heading = " << heading << endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Make a helper function out of this osg::Matrix obj_pos; osg::MatrixTransform *obj_trans = new osg::MatrixTransform; obj_trans->setDataVariance(osg::Object::STATIC); WorldCoordinate( obj_pos, center.getLatitudeDeg(), center.getLongitudeDeg(), parent->getElevation()+8+dx, -(heading) ); obj_trans->setMatrix( obj_pos ); //osg::Vec3 center(0, 0, 0) float width = length /2.0; osg::Vec3 corner(-width, 0, 0.25f); osg::Vec3 widthVec(2*width + 1, 0, 0); osg::Vec3 heightVec(0, 1, 0); osg::Geometry* geometry; geometry = osg::createTexturedQuadGeometry(corner, widthVec, heightVec); simgear::EffectGeode* geode = new simgear::EffectGeode; geode->setName("test"); geode->addDrawable(geometry); //osg::Node *custom_obj; SGMaterial *mat = matlib->find("UnidirectionalTaper"); if (mat) geode->setEffect(mat->get_effect()); obj_trans->addChild(geode); // wire as much of the scene graph together as we can //->addChild( obj_trans ); group->addChild( obj_trans ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else { //cerr << "BIG FAT WARNING: current position is here : " << pos << endl; } for(intVecIterator j = (i)->getIntentions().begin(); j != (i)->getIntentions().end(); j++) { osg::Matrix obj_pos; int k = (*j); if (k > 0) { //cerr << "rendering for " << i->getAircraft()->getCallSign() << "intention = " << k << endl; osg::MatrixTransform *obj_trans = new osg::MatrixTransform; obj_trans->setDataVariance(osg::Object::STATIC); FGTaxiSegment *segment = parent->getGroundNetwork()->findSegment(k); WorldCoordinate( obj_pos, segment->getLatitude(), segment->getLongitude(), parent->getElevation()+8+dx, -(segment->getHeading()) ); obj_trans->setMatrix( obj_pos ); //osg::Vec3 center(0, 0, 0) float width = segment->getLength() /2.0; osg::Vec3 corner(-width, 0, 0.25f); osg::Vec3 widthVec(2*width + 1, 0, 0); osg::Vec3 heightVec(0, 1, 0); osg::Geometry* geometry; geometry = osg::createTexturedQuadGeometry(corner, widthVec, heightVec); simgear::EffectGeode* geode = new simgear::EffectGeode; geode->setName("test"); geode->addDrawable(geometry); //osg::Node *custom_obj; SGMaterial *mat = matlib->find("UnidirectionalTaper"); if (mat) geode->setEffect(mat->get_effect()); obj_trans->addChild(geode); // wire as much of the scene graph together as we can //->addChild( obj_trans ); group->addChild( obj_trans ); } else { //cerr << "BIG FAT WARNING: k is here : " << pos << endl; } } //dx += 0.1; } globals->get_scenery()->get_scene_graph()->addChild(group); } } string FGStartupController::getName() { return string(parent->getId() + "-startup"); } /*************************************************************************** * class FGApproachController * **************************************************************************/ FGApproachController::FGApproachController(FGAirportDynamics *par): FGATCController() { parent = par; } // void FGApproachController::announcePosition(int id, FGAIFlightPlan * intendedRoute, int currentPosition, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt, double radius, int leg, FGAIAircraft * ref) { init(); TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search whether the current id alread has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } // Add a new TrafficRecord if no one exsists for this aircraft. if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { FGTrafficRecord rec; rec.setId(id); rec.setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); rec.setRunway(intendedRoute->getRunway()); rec.setLeg(leg); //rec.setCallSign(callsign); rec.setAircraft(ref); activeTraffic.push_back(rec); } else { i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); } } void FGApproachController::updateAircraftInformation(int id, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt, double dt) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route TrafficVectorIterator current, closest; if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } // // update position of the current aircraft if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: updating aircraft without traffic record"); } else { i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt); current = i; //cerr << "ApproachController: checking for speed" << endl; time_t time_diff = current->getAircraft()-> checkForArrivalTime(string("final001")); if (time_diff > 15) { current->setSpeedAdjustment(current->getAircraft()-> getPerformance()->vDescent() * 1.35); } else if (time_diff > 5) { current->setSpeedAdjustment(current->getAircraft()-> getPerformance()->vDescent() * 1.2); } else if (time_diff < -15) { current->setSpeedAdjustment(current->getAircraft()-> getPerformance()->vDescent() * 0.65); } else if (time_diff < -5) { current->setSpeedAdjustment(current->getAircraft()-> getPerformance()->vDescent() * 0.8); } else { current->clearSpeedAdjustment(); } //current->setSpeedAdjustment(current->getAircraft()->getPerformance()->vDescent() + time_diff); } setDt(getDt() + dt); } void FGApproachController::signOff(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id alread has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from approach"); } else { i = activeTraffic.erase(i); } } bool FGApproachController::hasInstruction(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: checking ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record"); } else { return i->hasInstruction(); } return false; } FGATCInstruction FGApproachController::getInstruction(int id) { TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin(); // Search search if the current id has an entry // This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route if (activeTraffic.size()) { //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) { while (i != activeTraffic.end()) { if (i->getId() == id) { break; } i++; } } if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (activeTraffic.size() == 0)) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: requesting ATC instruction for aircraft without traffic record"); } else { return i->getInstruction(); } return FGATCInstruction(); } ActiveRunway *FGApproachController::getRunway(string name) { ActiveRunwayVecIterator rwy = activeRunways.begin(); if (activeRunways.size()) { while (rwy != activeRunways.end()) { if (rwy->getRunwayName() == name) { break; } rwy++; } } if (rwy == activeRunways.end()) { ActiveRunway aRwy(name, 0); activeRunways.push_back(aRwy); rwy = activeRunways.end() - 1; } return &(*rwy); } void FGApproachController::render(bool visible) { //cerr << "FGApproachController::render function not yet implemented" << endl; } string FGApproachController::getName() { return string(parent->getId() + "-approach"); }